Friday, August 30, 2024

Foreign basket 🧺 + mooncakes 🥮! The strongest CP of Xinqiao Town, Gaoyao, China is coming

Western Bamboo Basket 🧺 + mooncakes 🥮! The strongest CP of Xinqiao Town, Gaoyao, China is coming

Gaoyao released on August 29, 2024 at 23:08, Guangdong, China

The moon is full in Xinqiao, and the mooncakes are fragrant in every home

[Western Bamboo Basket, mooncakes, and food in Xinqiao Town, Gaoyao, China]

What kind of sparks will be created when "foreign basket", "mooncakes", and "food" collide?

Come to Xinqiao Town, Gaoyao District to find the answer!

The 2024 China Gaoyao Xinqiao Town Western Bamboo Basket Mooncake Food Festival will be held from August 30 to September 1!

What wonderful things will be presented in this 3-day special cultural event?

Xiaobu "spoilers" for you~

01  Activity theme and location

The moon is full in Xinqiao, and the mooncakes are fragrant in every home

01  Activity theme

Full moon over Xinqiao, mooncakes are fragrant in every home

02  Activity location

Cultural Square Road, Xinqiao Town (commonly known as "24-meter Street")

02  Activity content

Full moon over Xinqiao,Xinqiao town,China Gaoyao,Zhaoqing,Guangdong,china,Foreign basket,Western Bamboo Basket,Traditional Handicraft,新桥,洋篮,

Full moon over Xinqiao,Xinqiao town,China Gaoyao,Zhaoqing,Guangdong,china,Foreign basket,Western Bamboo Basket,Traditional Handicraft,新桥,洋篮,

Full moon over Xinqiao, mooncakes are fragrant in every home

This is a folk feast that combines "shopping, appreciating, having fun, and eating". The event site has a main stage, a lantern riddle guessing area, a game area, a food area, a mooncake sales area, a roadshow area, and a gift exchange area. Through holding art performances, carnival markets, Xinqiao flavors, lantern riddle guessing garden tours, and Pearl River Beer roadshows, citizens can experience a different Mid-Autumn Festival atmosphere in advance.

At that time, the moon will be high above Xinqiao, the fragrance of mooncakes will permeate thousands of homes, the flowers of literature and art will bloom brilliantly on the stage, the carnival market will be bustling, the taste journey will take you to appreciate the unique flavor of Xinqiao, guessing lantern riddles and visiting the garden will add infinite fun, and the sweetness of Pearl River Beer will accompany the laughter and joy of the entire food festival, weaving together beautiful pictures.

The scene of the first Yanglan(Foreign basket,Western Bamboo Basket) Mooncake Food Festival in Xinqiao in 2023.

The scene of the first Yanglan(Foreign basket,Western Bamboo Basket) Mooncake Food Festival in Xinqiao in 2023.
The scene of the first Yanglan(Foreign basket,Western Bamboo Basket) Mooncake Food Festival in Xinqiao in 2023.

▲ The scene of the first Yanglan(Foreign basket,Western Bamboo Basket) Mooncake Food Festival in Xinqiao in 2023.

▲ Pearl River Beer Roadshow. (Data Picture)

Speaking of Xinqiao Town, we have to mention Xinqiao traditional mooncakes, which have a long history and good reputation. It has many traditional mooncake shops such as Chaoqun and Youbang. In this event, many mooncake production companies and specialty food companies in Xinqiao Town jointly participated in the exhibition to show everyone the traditional culture and special food culture of Xinqiao mooncakes on site.

Xinqiao traditional mooncakes

Xinqiao traditional mooncakes

Xinqiao traditional mooncakes

And the Xinqiao foreign basket is also a local feature. The weaving technique of Xinqiao foreign baskets has a history of a hundred years. Citizens and tourists who come to play can buy various local specialties of Xinqiao on the spot, watch and experience the weaving technique of Xinqiao foreign baskets, stroll around the retro arcade street of the Republic of China, and explore more beautiful rural scenery of Xinqiao.

Xinqiao foreign basket is also a local feature. The weaving technique of Xinqiao foreign baskets has a history of a hundred years. Citizens and tourists who come to play can buy various local specialties of Xinqiao on the spot, watch and experience the weaving technique of Xinqiao foreign baskets

Xinqiao foreign basket is also a local feature. The weaving technique of Xinqiao foreign baskets has a history of a hundred years. Citizens and tourists who come to play can buy various local specialties of Xinqiao on the spot, watch and experience the weaving technique of Xinqiao foreign baskets

03  Parking Guide

A total of 10 parking lots are set up at the event site to ensure everyone's parking needs. Citizens and friends who participate in the event are requested to strictly abide by traffic laws and regulations, consciously obey the instructions of traffic police and staff, and pass and park safely, civilizedly and orderly.

Xinqiao Town,Gaoyao,china,

The moon is full in Xinqiao, and the mooncakes are fragrant in every home. The tradition is like weaving, and the new ideas are like tides.

Appreciating foreign baskets, tasting moon cakes, and tasting delicacies... delicious and fun,

You must come to participate!

From August 30 to September 1, 2024 China Gaoyao Xinqiao Town Foreign Basket Mooncake Food Festival

See you there!


新桥洋篮----Western Bamboo Basket,Foreign basket,Xinqiao foreign basket,

Guangdong,China Gaoyao,Foreign basket,Xinqiao town,Zhaoqing,china,Traditional Handicraft,Xinqiao traditional mooncakes,local feature,新桥,洋篮,Western Bamboo Basket,

Guangdong,China Gaoyao,Foreign basket,Xinqiao town,Zhaoqing,china,Traditional Handicraft,Xinqiao traditional mooncakes,local feature,新桥,洋篮,Western Bamboo Basket,



Jinli High-techによって  2024年8月30日21:31  に広東省からリリースされました


 錦里鎮は肇慶市の大きな工業都市で、37の村(コミュニティ)のほとんどが産業開発に取り組んでいますが、西巴村には大きな魚のいる池やエビの池があり、西巴には雁が生息しています。村には繁殖農場が点在しており、2 つの「ゼロ産業村」はガチョウと魚の飼育によって豊かになる新しい方法を生み出しました。

Lutong Caitong - 西巴ガンの苗木が全省に供給される

 肇慶市錦里鎮と仏山の高明市の間には橋しかなく、改革開放後、多くの錦里村民が仏山などへ出稼ぎに行き、時間が経つにつれて金物産業が錦里に戻ってきた。西巴と東巴は錦里の南西の角に位置し、町の中心部から遠く離れています。この町の中で仏山から最も遠い 2 つの村です。村内には行政村が 1 つ、自然村が 1 つしかありませんが、西巴村と東巴村では改革開放以前からすでにクロガチョウを飼育しており、各家庭はガチョウを飼って豊かな生活を送っていました。





 オドンホングース農場の孵化室には、8台の全自動孵卵器に4万個のガチョウの卵が入っている。 「30日ごとに1バッチが孵化し、卵の孵化率は90%に達します。」とオウ・ドンホン氏は機械のディスプレイに表示される温度と湿度を指差し、「ガチョウの卵の孵化環境は非常に重要です。自動化装置は自動的に孵化させることができます」と述べた。設定されたデータに従ってガチョウの卵に水をまき、換気と冷却を行います。」


全自動培養器。撮影:Nanfang+Wang Xinxin

 孵化しなかったガチョウの卵の一部は、販売のために周辺地域や地方の市場に輸送されました。 「百千プロジェクト」のさらなる推進により、今年初めに開通した錦里大道は、Ou Donghongのようなガチョウ農家に利便性をもたらした。西巴村の村民は、下流の販売ポイントに急ぐために村を歩き回る必要がなくなり、滑らかで幅の広い錦里大道により、移動時間が 20 分短縮され、ガチョウの卵を運ぶときにより安心できるようになりました。


 西巴村の特色ある繁殖産業の発展が著しいため、Ou Donghongさんのように、起業して仕事を見つけるために故郷に残ることを選択し、収入を増やして家庭で裕福になることを選ぶ村民が増えている。現在、西巴村には約 60 のガチョウ農場があり、飼育面積は 1,600 エーカーで、屠殺されたガチョウの数は​​約 500 万羽で、広州、東莞、江門、中山などに輸出されています。河源市、韶関市など 毎年、ガチョウ農場からの家賃徴収に頼って、1つの村と1つのチームの合計収入は330万元でした。

水は美しく、魚も美しい - 東巴の魚とエビが最も豊富です




トンバ村を見渡すと、ウナギの池、マクロブラキウム ローゼンベルギの池、クロタテガチョウの飼育場があります。

トンバ村を見渡すと、ウナギの池、マクロブラキウム ローゼンベルギの池、クロタテガチョウの飼育場があります。








肇慶市への投資 2024年8月30日 20時29分 中国広東省


2024 年 8 月 28 日、高水準低地経済促進会議が肇慶市に業界の注目を集めました。この新興産業の都市は、低レベルの経済的野望を解き放つために、前例のない一連の産業の組み合わせも利用しています。







これは最も基本的な市場法則であり、低空域経済が本当に「離陸」できるかどうかの鍵となります。したがって、広州、深セン、珠海などの低高度の経済先駆者と比較すると、肇慶市は「遅れて出発した」とはいえ、テストサービスで道を切り開き、物流サービスとの橋を架け、そして最終的にはシーン アプリケーションを王様にします。この水路では、肇慶市の「コストの優位性」は明らかです。





データはより直感的です。肇慶市には現在、577 万エーカー以上の作物播種面積があり、農作物保護ドローンの運用エリアは約 56 万エーカーです。

今後 2 年間で、この事業エリアは 376 万エーカーに増加すると予想されます。この分野だけが爆発的な成長を遂げています。





現時点で、2 か月前のニュースを振り返ると、肇慶市の産業配置と将来展望を理解するのは難しくありません。当時、西陰物流倉庫センターは京東インテリジェント工業団地内に設置されていました。双方は肇慶市でインフラネットワーク、国境を越えた輸送能力などの面で協力を深めた。

西陰物流倉庫センター。写真提供:JD インテリジェント工業団地

西陰物流倉庫センター。写真提供:JD インテリジェント工業団地

これら 2 つの主要プロジェクトが提携する重要な理由の 1 つは、大湾区における肇慶市の物流とサプライ チェーンの利点です。この利点により、低高度経済に新たなシナリオ適用市場がもたらされることが期待されます。これは肇慶市が低水準経済の発展に自信を持っていることでもあります。ここでは経済は市場に奉仕するだけでなく、市場も創造します。





Develop low-altitude economy, Zhaoqing will "fly high" in the blue ocean in the future

Seize the 100 billion blue ocean (low-altitude economy, unmanned aerial vehicles)! Zhaoqing takes off

Take advantage of the momentum to take off! China Zhaoqing releases a three-year development plan for low-

altitude economy

Build "One Center and Two Bases"! Zhaoqing, China is committed to solving the problem of commercialization of low-altitude scenes

Explore the new scenario of "low-altitude economy +"! In Zhaoqing, you can really take a "flying taxi" in the future

Fight for the "first taste"! Zhaoqing held a low-altitude economic industry docking exchange meeting

China's professional production base for unmanned aerial vehicles - this "123" is the password for Zhaoqing to "soar into the sky"

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-3611228 (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-3611188

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-2899202  (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-2282600

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Investment Promotion Bureau of Gaoyao District

Address: No.201, Nanxing 1st Road, Nan'an Street, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Tel:   0086-758-8392673 (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:  0086-758-8200738

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Experience the "Zhaoqing Speed"! 866 projects were quickly implemented through "double tolerance and double commitment"

Experience the "Zhaoqing Speed"! 866 projects were quickly implemented through "double tolerance and double commitment"

Invest in Zhaoqing August 30, 2024 20:29 Guangdong, China

"Double tolerance and double commitment" promotes rapid implementation of projects

The "double tolerance and double commitment" reform is an important measure for Zhaoqing City to improve the business environment and stabilize investment and economy.

The reporter learned from the Municipal Development and Reform Bureau that from January to July 2024 this year, 866 projects have been signed for "double tolerance and double commitment" for industrial investment projects in Zhaoqing City, with a total investment of more than 280 billion yuan.

Photo by Liang Xiaoming, a reporter from Zhaoqing Media Center

"Double tolerance and double commitment" means that "enterprises are allowed to have missing documents, and the government is allowed to have wrong enterprises and omissions". For minor errors made by approval departments and individuals due to the implementation of approval system reform and innovation, relevant administrative and legal responsibilities will be exempted. The government promises to actively serve enterprises. There are no new approval links and supervision matters outside the commitment list.

Since 2024, Zhaoqing City, China has taken many measures to promote investment. Enterprises and local governments have promoted industrial investment projects to achieve "build first, test later, and directly land" through a two-way commitment mechanism. For example, the Zhaoqing agglomeration area can implement the "foundation pit part" and "main part" construction permits for related projects in stages, and many projects have achieved "starting construction as soon as the land is obtained".

The "Double Tolerance and Double Commitment" working group of the Administrative Service Center of Zhaoqing High-tech Zone visited the Bojun project site and verified and confirmed the business handling materials with the company.

The "Double Tolerance and Double Commitment" working group of the Administrative Service Center of Zhaoqing High-tech Zone visited the Bojun project site and verified and confirmed the business handling materials with the company. Source Zhaoqing High-tech Release

It is reported that in 2018, our city took the lead in implementing the "double tolerance and double commitment" reform of industrial investment projects in the province. Since its implementation, the "double tolerance and double commitment" reform has significantly improved the efficiency of the construction of Zhaoqing industrial projects, and Zhaoqing's industrial investment has maintained a stable growth trend. In 2023, Zhaoqing's "double tolerance and double commitment" reform was selected as a typical case of national credit commitment.

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-2899202  (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-2282600

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

「肇慶スピード」を体験してください! 「デュアルキャパシティとダブルコミットメント」により、866 のプロジェクトが迅速に実行されました。

肇慶市への投資 2024年8月30日 20時29分 中国広東省






報告によると、当市は2018年に省内の産業投資プロジェクトの「ダブルコンテンツとダブルコミットメント」改革を率先して実施し、その実施以来、「ダブルコンテンツとダブルコミットメント」改革によりプロジェクトの効率が大幅に向上したと報告されている。肇慶市の産業プロジェクトの実施、肇慶市の産業投資は安定した成長傾向を維持している。 2023年、肇慶市の「二重能力と二重コミットメント」改革が国家信用コミットメントの典型例に選ばれた。

Why did Baidu choose Zhaoqing for its AI Basic Data Industry Base?

 Why did Baidu choose Zhaoqing for its AI Basic Data Industry Base?

Invest in Zhaoqing August 30, 2024 20:29 Guangdong, China

On August 28, 2024, the opening ceremony of Baidu Smart Cloud (Zhaoqing) AI Basic Data Industry Base and AI Application Empowerment Center was held in South China Smart City, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City.

The unveiling ceremony.

The unveiling ceremony. 

This is another new move after the signing ceremony between the People's Government of Duanzhou District and Beijing Baidu Netcom Technology Co., Ltd. at the end of June 2024, marking that the cooperation between the two parties has entered a substantive stage.

01  Duanzhou has a good industrial foundation and rich application scenarios

In simple terms, the AI ​​basic data industry is data labeling.

Data labeling is the process of converting unprocessed raw data into data that can be recognized by machine learning algorithms.

At present, artificial intelligence is widely used in all walks of life, and the gap in data labelers has also increased. In 2020, the state included "artificial intelligence trainer" in the national occupational classification catalog, marking that it has officially become a recognized emerging profession. In 2021, the "14th Five-Year Plan for Digital Economy Development" pointed out that it is necessary to support business entities to carry out data collection in accordance with the law, focus on data labeling, cleaning, desensitization, declassification, aggregation, analysis and other links, improve data resource processing capabilities, and cultivate and expand the artificial intelligence (AI) service industry.

Riding the policy, the data labeling industry is developing in full swing.

As of now, there are more than 10 million data labeling practitioners in my country.

Previously, Baidu has completed the layout of artificial intelligence basic data industry bases in many provinces and cities such as Taiyuan, Shanxi, Tai'an, Shandong, Lishui, Zhejiang, and Hohhot, Inner Mongolia.

At the end of June 2024 this year, the People's Government of Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, and Beijing Baidu Netcom Technology Co., Ltd. held a signing ceremony. Since then, the two parties have begun to establish long-term and stable cooperation.

Wang Feng, general manager of Baidu Smart Cloud AI Data Service Department, introduced:

"The location of Zhaoqing this time is because Zhaoqing has a good industrial foundation, rich application scenarios, and a concentration of innovative resources such as talents and education, and has the resource endowment advantages for the development of the artificial intelligence industry."

Duanzhou Junfu Industrial Park. Image source: Duanzhou Release

Duanzhou Junfu Industrial Park. Image source: Duanzhou Release


Looking at Guangdong Province, Zhaoqing is an important node city in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the Pearl River-Xijiang Economic Belt, and is also an important part of the Guangdong-Zhaoqing Economic Circle and the Guangzhou Metropolitan Circle. Looking at the whole country, Zhaoqing is located in the central and western part of Guangdong Province, and is an important transportation hub from the southeast coast to the southwestern provinces. Duanzhou District, as the central urban area of ​​Zhaoqing City, has obvious location advantages. In recent years, Duanzhou District has seized new development opportunities, deepened the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and made every effort to break through future industries such as new energy iteration and low-altitude economy, and is committed to building a high-quality first-class district with charm and leadership.


Zhaoqing has a forward-looking layout, and through the model of "government guidance, state-owned enterprises implementation, and enterprise benefits", it attracts high-quality enterprises to gather and promote the development of the artificial intelligence industry. The "Key Points of Zhaoqing Digital Economy Work in 2024" clearly pointed out that it is necessary to actively develop the artificial intelligence industry and continue to expand and enrich artificial intelligence application scenarios; it is necessary to promote the efficient allocation of data elements, build an artificial intelligence basic data annotation platform, and carry out data sharing breakthroughs.


Zhaoqing City has abundant college resources, and there are 16 colleges and universities around Duanzhou District. The large number of talents and rich educational resources provide important talent service support and talent resource guarantee for the development of the local artificial intelligence industry.

02 Accelerate the formation of a regional digital economy industry highland

It is understood that the construction of the artificial intelligence basic data industry base can bring significant results in expanding local employment positions, supporting local high-quality enterprises, and building a regional digital economy.

The biggest benefit that Baidu Smart Cloud Artificial Intelligence Basic Data Industry Base and AI Application Empowerment Center can bring is to expand local employment positions in Zhaoqing and accelerate the formation of a regional digital economy industry highland.

Baidu Smart Cloud (Zhaoqing) Artificial Intelligence Basic Data Industry Base.

Baidu Smart Cloud (Zhaoqing) Artificial Intelligence Basic Data Industry Base. 

On the one hand, data annotation has added a new employment window for the local area, which means that more and more local people can achieve "employment at home". The project will build an artificial intelligence basic data annotation production center and training center, and adopt a professional and unified training model to provide systematic training for practitioners.

On the other hand, a group of high-quality local digital enterprises will stand out, and the regional digital economy industry will be formed at an accelerated pace. Taking Shanxi as an example, as of August 2024, Baidu Shanxi Artificial Intelligence Basic Data Industry Base has attracted and cultivated more than 50 high-quality data annotation companies, of which 19 were rated as technology-based SMEs, 11 were rated as high-tech enterprises, and 2 were rated as "specialized and new" enterprises.

Next, Baidu will also give full play to its own technical and ecological advantages in the field of AI, and strive to gather a group of excellent annotation companies in Zhaoqing, actively cultivate the industrial ecology, and accelerate the formation of an AI data industry ecosystem in Duanzhou District that integrates data collection, annotation, circulation, and application. At the same time, Baidu will also promote the capacity improvement, scenario application, technological innovation and ecological construction of Zhaoqing's data annotation industry, and become a powerful engine to empower Duanzhou's economic development.

The relevant person in charge of Duanzhou District said

"Duanzhou District will give full play to the advantages of local talents, education, data and other resources, work with Baidu to cultivate high-quality AI data service talents, explore and provide more abundant data resources, and help Baidu's artificial intelligence business to accelerate development with first-class services. Duanzhou District attaches great importance to the development of the artificial intelligence industry. The successful opening of this project marks a new step in the development of Duanzhou's digital economy."

The establishment of Baidu Smart Cloud Artificial Intelligence Basic Data Industry Base and AI Application Empowerment Center will incubate more excellent data annotation companies and talents for Zhaoqing, and more results are expected.

Duanzhou District Bureau of Commerce

Address: No.15, Guta Middle Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-2734786

Fax:  0086-758-2762300


Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-2899202

Fax:  0086-758-2282600


Good news for investment promotion | 2 projects in Zhaoqing, China (Jinli Town, Gaoyao District) successfully won land

Good news for investment promotion | 2 projects in Zhaoqing, China (Jinli Town, Gaoyao District) successfully won land

Invest in Zhaoqing August 30, 2024 20:29 Guangdong, China

Good news! Recently, two projects in Gaoyao District successfully won land!

Jinsheng Hardware Manufacturing Surface Treatment and Supporting Project

Project Introduction

The project is invested and constructed by Zhaoqing Gaoyao District Lixing Industrial Park Development Co., Ltd. and is located in Jinli Hardware Intelligent Manufacturing Town. The total investment of the project is 450 million yuan, and the land area is about 60 acres. It mainly produces and processes aluminum profiles for oxidation coloring, metal surface treatment and heat processing, with an annual output of 12 million sets. After reaching full production, the annual output value is expected to be 350 million yuan.

Shichang Metal Products Production Project

Project Introduction

The project is invested and constructed by Zhaoqing Shichang Metal Technology Co., Ltd. and is located in Jinli Auto Parts Industrial Park. The total investment of the project is 200 million yuan and the land area is about 20 acres. The main businesses are hardware product research and development; auto parts retail; auto parts wholesale; production and sales of various types of elevator car hardware supporting products, as well as consulting, design, installation, etc. The annual output value is expected to reach 110 million yuan after reaching full production capacity.

 Investment Promotion Bureau of Gaoyao District

Address: No.201, Nanxing 1st Road, Nan'an Street, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Tel:   0086-758-8392673

Fax:  0086-758-8200738


Thursday, August 29, 2024

China's professional production base for unmanned aerial vehicles - this "123" is the password for Zhaoqing to "soar into the sky"

China's professional production base for unmanned aerial vehicles - this "123" is the password for Zhaoqing to "soar into the sky"

Invest in Zhaoqing August 29, 2024 19:44 Guangdong, China

The future is here! Zhaoqing is heading for the blue sky.

On the afternoon of August 28, 2024, the Zhaoqing Low-altitude Economic Development Promotion Conference was held at the Western Business Center of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. A number of important policies and measures were released at the conference: a three-year action plan to promote the development of the low-altitude economy, the planning of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing) Low-altitude Economic Science and Technology Industrial Park that carries the low-altitude industry, the "one center and two bases" of the low-altitude economic testing service platform, and the application scenarios of Zhaoqing's low-altitude economy...

One clear and definite plan after another, and one shocking scene after another, all send out a strong signal

——Set off to the sky, Zhaoqing is here!

The scene of the promotion conference.

The scene of the promotion conference. 

A general outline leads three years of development

Seize the future, low altitude first

The country attaches great importance to the development of low-altitude economy and regards it as an important part of strategic emerging industries. At present, Guangdong Province has taken the lead in "taking off" and proposed the goal of accelerating the creation of a world-leading low-altitude economic industry highland. Riding on the "wind", Zhaoqing seizes the opportunity and opportunity of low-altitude economic development and actively prepares for this promotion conference to promote the all-round development of low-altitude economy in Zhaoqing and strive to build Zhaoqing into an important fulcrum of the low-altitude economic industry highland in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Zhaoqing City Low-altitude Economic Development Promotion Conference was held.

Zhaoqing City Low-altitude Economic Development Promotion Conference was held. Photo by Nanfang + Lu Shuman

Li Xingwen, member of the Standing Committee of the Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee and Executive Vice Mayor of the Municipal Government, said in his speech at the conference

"As an important node city in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and an important part of the Guangzhou Metropolitan Area, Zhaoqing has obvious advantages in developing low-altitude economy. Zhaoqing has four major advantages: location advantage, airspace advantage, application scenario advantage and standardized industry development advantage."

Seize the new outlet and seize the new track,

Zhaoqing has formulated the "Zhaoqing City Action Plan for Promoting Low-altitude Economic Development (2024-2026)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Action Plan") to lead the development of Zhaoqing's low-altitude economy in the next three years.

It focuses on the layout of the entire industrial chain and application traction, takes drones as the development focus, accelerates the construction of a development pattern of low-altitude manufacturing and service integration, application and industry mutual promotion, and deeply explores the huge potential of low-altitude economy as a new engine of economic growth.

The Action Plan focuses on implementing eight measures to promote Zhaoqing's low-altitude economy, including building a new pattern of coordinated development of low-altitude flight, strengthening the informatization of low-altitude economy, promoting the construction of low-altitude test service platforms, increasing the efforts to attract and cultivate low-altitude economic industrial chains, improving the technical research and development capabilities of low-altitude industries, building low-altitude economic industrial parks, cultivating low-altitude application scenarios, and striving to create a low-altitude economic pilot demonstration.

The low-altitude test service base built by Zhaoqing is adjacent to the Xijiang River and can provide a test environment for logistics and transportation of drones.

The low-altitude test service base built by Zhaoqing is adjacent to the Xijiang River and can provide a test environment for logistics and transportation of drones. 

The author noticed that Zhaoqing has begun to build a low-altitude test service platform and a low-altitude economic industrial park to provide software and hardware guarantees for the development of the low-altitude economy. All departments in Zhaoqing are actively expanding the application scenarios and fields of low-altitude aircraft to promote integration into the drone logistics node network in the Greater Bay Area. The investment promotion department of Zhaoqing City has carried out investment promotion activities for the entire industrial chain of low-altitude economy to strengthen, supplement and extend the chain.

At the meeting,

Zhaoqing Municipal People's Government and China Yuanwang Communication Co., Ltd. signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement, and a number of industrial chain projects involving drone whole machine manufacturing, parts production, low-altitude testing, training and other services were signed and landed in Zhaoqing.

A number of low-altitude industrial projects settled in Zhaoqing.

A number of low-altitude industrial projects settled in Zhaoqing. Photo by Nanfang + Lu Shuman

Two major parks carry the future of the industry

In order to welcome the vast number of low-altitude enterprises and work together to enter the trillion-dollar market,

Zhaoqing has built an industrial carrying space with "two parks as the core and multi-point layout development".

In the municipal management area of ​​Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster Area (hereinafter referred to as: Zhaoqing Large Production Area), a low-altitude economic and technological industrial park of more than 1,000 acres will be built; more than 200 acres of mature land will be reserved in Huodao Town, Gaoyao District, to create a new type of air-side low-altitude logistics demonstration park. The "two parks" will provide a carrier for drone whole machine manufacturing and core parts, key materials production, and logistics and transportation operations.

The conference released the "Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing) Low-altitude Economic and Technological Industrial Park".

Liang Guangting, Deputy Secretary-General of the Zhaoqing Municipal People's Government, Executive Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Planning and Construction Command of Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Clusters, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of the Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing), interpreted it.

Liang Guangting introduced

Zhaoqing Large Production Zone is guided by high-tech, high-end, high efficiency, and concentrated clusters. Focusing on the overall goal of building a 10,000-acre 100 billion platform, an innovation development demonstration zone, and a high-quality development pilot zone, it accelerates the construction of a "1+1+2" industrial system with "intelligent networked new energy vehicle industry" as the leading factor, "new generation of electronic information industry" as the focus, and "high-end equipment manufacturing industry" and "advanced materials" as the characteristics.

Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Clusters Municipal Management Start-up Zone.

Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Clusters Municipal Management Start-up Zone. 

Zhaoqing Low-altitude Economic Science and Technology Industrial Park will rely on the good resource endowment and development foundation of Zhaoqing Large Production Zone to accurately lay out the two core sections of the pilot start-up construction zone and the future innovation cluster zone. Leading the development with the pilot construction area, taking the lead in laying out functional areas such as front-end R&D and pilot bases, accelerating the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into real productivity; cultivating industrial advantages with future innovation clusters, focusing on drones, improving the manufacturing capabilities of low-altitude industries, and cultivating local leading industries.

Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing) Low-altitude Economic Science and Technology Industrial Park (Rendering)

Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing) Low-altitude Economic Science and Technology Industrial Park (Rendering)

In terms of planning, the industrial park coordinates the concentrated development of industrial space and creates a "one center and three areas" spatial structure, namely "one public service center" + "R&D innovation, cultural display, and production and manufacturing" three major areas. By improving the full-link R&D and manufacturing service platform and building a one-stop innovation service system, it promotes the full-chain industrial agglomeration of low-altitude economy, cultivates low-altitude application scenarios, enhances industrial technology R&D capabilities, and builds a high-quality industrial ecology.

"This park will outline a beautiful blueprint for the low-altitude economy in the large production area and build a new competitive advantage for Zhaoqing's future industries."

Liang Guangting said.

More than that, Zhaoqing also supports various regions to build characteristic low-altitude industrial parks in a modular way in areas with good airspace conditions and strong industrial foundations, and jointly provide all-round and professional low-altitude economic industry supporting services, revitalize and utilize existing industrial space, and accelerate the formation of an industrial ecological cluster integrating R&D, manufacturing, testing, testing, and application.

Three platforms provide good low-altitude services

For this conference, Zhaoqing invited many entrepreneurs, experts and scholars from industries such as industry and information technology, communications, aviation, artificial intelligence, and drones.

Everyone praised Zhaoqing's determination and foresight in the field of low-altitude economy.

The guests visited the drone exhibition outside the venue.

The guests visited the drone exhibition outside the venue. Photo by Lu Shuman

Li Jinji, former deputy director of the Air Force Command Air Traffic Control Department and senior engineer, said

"The low-altitude economic industry is mainly divided into four aspects: industrial manufacturing, technical support, service guarantee and scenario application. I am very happy to see that Zhaoqing attaches importance to the construction of the low-altitude economic service end in its planning."

Li Jinji explained

"Without service guarantee, there is no application, and you can't see the drones made by various companies. After the drone is produced, it needs to be fully tested and obtain various certificates before it can be truly applied in various scenarios."

Zhaoqing has terrain features such as continuous mountains, forests,

large river basins, lake scenic spots,

densely populated areas,

not only has a wealth of application scenarios,

but also an ideal environment for drone flights

-there are few low-altitude users,

and the non-densely populated area below the airspace is large,

suitable for the construction of low-altitude test service bases and logistics test bases.

Zhaoqing has vast land, clean airspace, and diverse terrain, making it a golden choice for the development of low-altitude economy.

Zhaoqing has vast land, clean airspace, and diverse terrain, making it a golden choice for the development of low-altitude economy. 

China Yuanwang Communication Co., Ltd. saw this advantage and chose Zhaoqing as the starting point of its layout in South China. Through visits, they chose a piece of land with "time, place and people" - clean airspace, sparsely populated on the ground, far from the airport, good air visibility, various terrain environments, and good radio communication environment. The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing) Low-altitude Test Service Base was built to provide low-altitude manufacturing, service, and communication companies with a series of test activities such as related flight tests and scenario tests.

In addition to hardware support,

Yuanwang Company also co-built a low-altitude information service center with the Zhaoqing Municipal People's Government

to provide air traffic public services such as flight plan processing, surveillance, aviation intelligence,

aviation meteorology, flight support, emergency rescue, etc. for general aviation flight activities.

Zhaoqing has vast waters and clean airspace, which is suitable for building a drone test service base.

Zhaoqing has vast waters and clean airspace, which is suitable for building a drone test service base. 

Relevant person in charge of Zhaoqing City said

"This is the 'one center and two bases' that we focus on building, creating a low-altitude flight platform with 'three-in-one' R&D testing + scenario application + government supervision, to help achieve the safe, orderly and healthy development of the low-altitude economy."

These policies and measures have impressed the participating merchants.

Wu Yachen, vice president of Ehang Intelligent Group, a world-leading intelligent autonomous aircraft technology company, said:

"Zhaoqing's rich application scenarios and efforts to develop the low-altitude economy have given us more possibilities for cooperation."



Develop low-altitude economy, Zhaoqing will "fly high" in the blue ocean in the future

Seize the 100 billion blue ocean (low-altitude economy, unmanned aerial vehicles)! Zhaoqing takes off

Take advantage of the momentum to take off! China Zhaoqing releases a three-year development plan for low-altitude economy

Build "One Center and Two Bases"! Zhaoqing, China is committed to solving the problem of commercialization of low-altitude scenes

Explore the new scenario of "low-altitude economy +"! In Zhaoqing, you can really take a "flying taxi" in the future

Fight for the "first taste"! Zhaoqing held a low-altitude economic industry docking exchange meeting

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-3611228 (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-3611188

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-2899202  (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-2282600

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Investment Promotion Bureau of Gaoyao District

Address: No.201, Nanxing 1st Road, Nan'an Street, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Tel:   0086-758-8392673

Fax:  0086-758-8200738




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