Friday, July 19, 2024

Promises will be delivered, services are excellent, and you can move in with your luggage! Jiangsu businessmen are very interested in developing in Zhaoqing

Promises will be delivered, services are excellent, and you can move in with your luggage! Jiangsu businessmen are very interested in developing in Zhaoqing

Invest in Zhaoqing July 19, 2024 23:14 Guangdong, China

"Can the service promise be fulfilled after the project is implemented?"

"What are the advantages of developing in Zhaoqing?"

"What supporting facilities do we have when we come to Zhaoqing?"


Recently, the Zhaoqing Municipal People's Government organized a delegation to the Yangtze River Delta to carry out investment promotion and investigation work, and promoted the industrial environment of Zhaoqing in various places. At the 2024 Jiangsu Businessmen Investment Guangdong Zhaoqing Industry Matchmaking Conference held in Nanjing, Jiangsu, a "sparkling" discussion on industrial development took place.

The Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Delegation promoted the industrial environment at the 2024 Jiangsu Businessmen Investment Guangdong Zhaoqing Industry Matchmaking Conference.

The Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Delegation promoted the industrial environment at the 2024 Jiangsu Businessmen Investment Guangdong Zhaoqing Industry Matchmaking Conference.

Zhang Xiaofeng, a representative of Jiangsu businessmen, spoke first.

He said: "Now local governments have issued many policies, and we are also very moved.

But entrepreneurs are particularly concerned about whether the local government can fulfill its promises after the project is implemented?

How to ensure that what is said is done?"

The relevant person in charge of the Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Delegation did not hesitate to respond.

"We have heard your concerns. Our service is very practical, step by step, time point, reward what should be rewarded, redeem what should be redeemed, we are confident in this regard."

Many Jiangsu business representatives participated in the exchange activities.

Many Jiangsu business representatives participated in the exchange activities.

At present, Zhaoqing is promoting the "mature land" investment promotion, preparing and improving a batch of "industrial mature land" that can be used in a continuous area, and promoting industrial projects to "get land as soon as the contract is signed, and start construction as soon as the land is obtained." Taking the Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster Area as an example, one project is provided with land every 6 days, and some projects have signed contracts in March, auctioned land in April, and provided land in May. At present, the cluster has completed the land acquisition and storage of 17,000 mu, and has been approved for 6,000 mu of industrial land. It is expected to provide 25,000 mu of industrial land by the end of 2024.

Zhaoqing High-tech Zone--Located in Dawang Street, Sihui City
Zhaoqing High-tech Zone--Located in Dawang Street, Sihui City

Wang Jun, a Jiangsu business representative, introduced that his company carries out material research and development work, mainly supporting the production of auto parts.

After listening to the introduction of Xiaopeng Motors and Guangdong Hongtu representatives, he has a strong interest in developing the automotive industry in Zhaoqing.

"If companies from Jiangsu want to land their projects in Zhaoqing, what kind of support will you provide?"

He asked.

The relevant person in charge of the Zhaoqing investment promotion delegation responded that a number of state-owned factories have been built in the Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) large-scale industrial cluster area, and the construction of infrastructure such as water, electricity, pipelines, roads, and residential facilities has been advanced at a high level, and a high-quality development platform integrating production, residence, life, entertainment, and leisure will be created. Not only will the companies that land will be rent-free for a certain period of time, but they will also provide a series of full-agent "nanny-style" services. "Our biggest hope is to get you landed as soon as possible, generate benefits, and grow and develop in Zhaoqing. If you bring funds, technology, and products, we will let you 'move in with your bags'."

Guangdong (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster Area--Municipal Start-up Area--Located in Dasha Town, Sihui City

Guangdong (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster Area--Municipal Start-up Area--Located in Dasha Town, Sihui City

Zhaoqing practices the concept of "everyone is an investor, and everyone strives to be a waiter", implements the "double tolerance and double commitment" reform, adheres to the concept of "service when there is something to do, no disturbance when there is nothing to do", gives companies enough space for independent growth, and creates a high-quality and efficient government service environment. It is reported that after each project is signed, Zhaoqing will set up a project team, which will be supervised by the leaders, followed up by specialists, and handled by licenses. Problems will be solved as much as possible on the same day to ensure early intervention and front-line services, and to promote the implementation of the project.

After a discussion, the Jiangsu businessmen present were satisfied with Zhaoqing's attitude and service.

JiangSu business representative Xu Jiajun said

"I feel that Zhaoqing has an open mind and efficient service, and is fully prepared for attracting investment."

Guo Taotao, a representative of Jiangsu Su Business Development Promotion Association, said

Next, the association will organize a group to visit Zhaoqing around emerging industries such as new energy vehicles and new energy storage, and conduct exchanges with representatives of advanced companies such as Xiaopeng Motors and CATL to form linkage and cooperation in the industrial chain and supply chain, and jointly create the future of industrial development.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Dinghu District

Address: in the People's Government compound of Dinghu District, Luoyin Road, Dinghu District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-2626878

Fax:  0086-758-2626908


Investment Promotion Bureau of Gaoyao District

Address: No.201, Nanxing 1st Road, Nan'an Street, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Tel:   0086-758-8392673

Fax:  0086-758-8200738


Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188



肇慶市への投資 2024年7月19日 23時14分 中国、広東省









言ったことを確実に実行するにはどうすればよいでしょうか? 」




Sushang の代表である Wang Jun 氏は、彼の会社は材料の研究開発業務を行っており、主に自動車部品を生産していると語った。




肇慶市投資促進代表団の関係者は、広東省(肇慶市)の大規模工業集積地には多数の国営工場が建設されており、水道、電気などのインフラ整備も進んでいると回答した。 、管網、道路、住宅施設を高いレベルで高度に進化させ、住居、生活、娯楽、レジャーを統合した高品質な開発プラットフォームを構築します。既存企業に一定期間家賃を無料で提供するだけでなく、一連の完全な代理店「ナニースタイル」サービスも提供する。 「私たちの最大の願いは、あなたができるだけ早く肇慶市に上陸し、利益を生み出し、発展し成長することです。資金、技術、製品を持ち込んでいただければ、荷物を持って『入居』させていただきます。」







Completed investment of 38.994 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 29.3%! Zhaoqing's "report card" for the first half of 2024 is released

Completed investment of 38.994 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 29.3%! Zhaoqing's "report card" for the first half of 2024 is released

Zhaoqing New District released July 19, 2024 22:47 Guangdong

Completed investment of 38.994 billion yuan!

Zhaoqing City's key projects in the first half of the year "report card" is released

From January to June 2024, the investment in key projects in Zhaoqing City was 38.994 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 29.3%, and 70.3% of the annual planned investment was completed, 20.3 percentage points faster than the time schedule, and 10.6 percentage points faster than the same period last year.

Key projects are accelerating, 

injecting new momentum into industrial development

Projects are an important support for industrial development. From January to June this year, 98 new key projects were started in the city, and 8 key projects were completed and put into production.

Zhaoqing New District·Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Ecological Technology Industrial Park

Zhaoqing New District·Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Ecological Technology Industrial Park

Among the above projects, many are large projects with an investment of more than 1 billion yuan. For example, the Xingji Intelligent Door and Window Comprehensive Base Project was signed on April 12, 2023. As the first project with a total investment plan of 1 billion yuan in the city's large-scale industrial cluster area, the land supply was completed in less than 4 months.

▲Photo provided by the Municipal Development and Reform Bureau

The Guangdong-Guangxi Experimental Zone has been involved in the service of enterprises since the project was awarded land. According to the willingness and urgency of the project investors to start construction, a practical service plan was formulated in advance. A special person was arranged to connect with the design company of the project to improve the design plan and optimize the construction process. At the same time, communication and cooperation with various departments were strengthened to speed up the approval progress of various processes.

At the same time, the Guangdong-Guangxi Experimental Zone signed a "double tolerance and double commitment" agreement with the Xingji project, which greatly shortened the construction time limit. The Xingji project started construction 4 months after the land supply. At present, the pile foundation has been completed and the main construction is underway.

Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster

▲Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster

In addition to the Star Intelligent Door and Window Comprehensive Base Project, many projects in Zhaoqing City have also started construction and have been put into production.

☑Falada Battery Management System and Thermal Management System Production and Research Base Construction Project, Gaoyao District Xiaoxiang Town Songshuwo Mining Area Construction Granite Mining and Processing Project, and the Phase II Project of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University Zhaoqing Hospital have started construction;

Rendering of the Phase II Project of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University Zhaoqing Hospital

▲Rendering of the Phase II Project of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University Zhaoqing Hospital

☑Dinghu Natural Gas Cogeneration Project, Virginis International High-tech Industrial Park Project (Phase I), Asia-Pacific High-performance Composite Material Automotive Parts Production Base and other projects have been completed and put into production.

Zhaoqing New District·Virginis International High-tech Industrial Park

▲Zhaoqing New District·Virginis International High-tech Industrial Park

Zhaoqing City has always insisted on putting "industry-driven city, manufacturing industry first" into specific projects.

From January to June this year, the investment in key industrial projects in Zhaoqing City reached 23.18 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 68.8%, and 82% of the annual planned investment was completed, 32 percentage points faster than the time schedule, and 13.7 percentage points faster than the same period last year.

Factory buildings are growing taller and construction sites are bustling with people...

In recent years, with the steady progress of project construction, the industrial agglomeration effect of Zhaoqing City has initially emerged.

Zhaoqing New District·Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Ecological Technology Industrial Park

▲Zhaoqing New District·Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Ecological Technology Industrial Park

As of June 2024, the investment in key projects of the Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Pilot Zone (Zhaoqing) reached 2.11 billion yuan, 85.2% of the annual planned investment was completed, 35.2 percentage points faster than the time schedule, 23 new projects were started, and the completion progress ranked first in the city.

Zhaoqing Large Industrial Cluster Area Guangdong-Guangxi Experimental Zone

▲Source: Zhaoqing Large Industrial Cluster Area Guangdong-Guangxi Experimental Zone

In addition, a large number of industrial projects such as the Guorui Xiechuang Southern Base Production General Plant Project, the Zhengxin Retail Smart Manufacturing Comprehensive Industrial Park Project, and the Zhaoling Automobile Supply Chain Smart Industrial Park Construction Project are also accelerating construction.

Develop new quality productivity 

and cultivate and expand strategic emerging industries

Strategic emerging industries are an important focus for developing new quality productivity. New materials are an important support for new industrialization, one of the strategic emerging industries that the country vigorously develops, and an important industrial direction for accelerating the development of new quality productivity and solidly promoting high-quality development.

Since the beginning of this year, Zhaoqing City has arranged 170 key projects in strategic emerging industries such as high-end equipment manufacturing, new materials, new generation information technology, and green and low-carbon industries, with an annual investment plan of 12.26 billion yuan.

From January to June, 9.78 billion yuan of investment has been completed, accounting for 79.8% of the annual planned investment, accounting for 42.2% of the completed investment in industrial projects.

Zhaoqing New District·Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Ecological Technology Industrial Park

▲Zhaoqing New District·Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Ecological Technology Industrial Park

Among them, the Lufa Technology Electronic Screen Cover Production Base Project, the Haobang New Material Production Base Project, and the Jiyang Intelligent Equipment Manufacturing Base Phase I have been successfully implemented, and the strategic emerging industries have a strong development momentum.

Zhaoqing New District·Jiyang Intelligent Equipment Manufacturing Base

▲Zhaoqing New District·Jiyang Intelligent Equipment Manufacturing Base 

Take the Haobang New Material Production Base Project as an example, (hereinafter referred to as the Haobang Project) the project invested 660 million yuan in construction, innovatively adopted the "transitional development" model of village collective land, and realized the revitalization of 218.87 acres of idle land reserved by Dalong Community in Duanzhou District.

The project was selected by the Provincial Party Committee Deep Reform Commission as one of the 20 typical cases of developing new rural collective economy in the province. Photo courtesy of Zhaoqing Municipal Development and Reform Bureau

▲The project was selected by the Provincial Party Committee Deep Reform Commission as one of the 20 typical cases of developing new rural collective economy in the province. Photo courtesy of Zhaoqing Municipal Development and Reform Bureau

It is understood that the Haobang project will build a modern production base for high-end new materials, energy-saving and environmental protection industries, and become a polymer film production base and environmental protection new material production base in South China. The first phase of the construction will cover an area of ​​about 70,000 square meters.

▲ Rendering. Photo courtesy of Zhaoqing Municipal Development and Reform Bureau

The project will build 70,000 square meters of photovoltaic power on the top floor of the new plant, with an annual power generation of 7.7 million tons and an annual return of 4 million. After the project reaches full production, it will provide more than 300 jobs and an annual output value of 1 billion yuan.

The results of stabilizing investment and stabilizing growth are obvious, and the main indicators have stabilized and improved

Investment is an important tool for stabilizing growth and promoting development. From January to June, the city's industrial investment reached 39.6 billion yuan. Among them, the investment in key project industries accounted for 58.5%, an increase of 21 percentage points over the same period last year. The role of key project construction in stabilizing industrial investment growth has been further enhanced.

Among them, projects with large annual investment plans, such as the SHEIN Bay  Western Smart Industrial Park Project, the Lingnan Cultural and Creative Industrial Park (new construction) Project, and the Mugepingtian Mining Area (District 1) Construction Granite Mine in Guangning County, Guangdong Province, have made positive contributions to the steady growth of the city's industrial investment.

SHEIN Bay Western Smart Industrial Park Project (Rendering) in Zhaoqing New District

△ SHEIN Bay Western Smart Industrial Park Project (Rendering) in Zhaoqing New District

In addition, in order to stimulate corporate investment with greater efforts, Zhaoqing City has established a working mechanism that requires investment management for all industries, and has precisely expanded effective investment in the fields of education, industry and information technology, housing and construction, transportation, water conservancy, agriculture and rural areas, culture and tourism, and health care. The city's annual and quarterly investment targets are broken down into various fields, and the competent departments of various industries are required to break down investment tasks and implement them into specific projects, and urge project units to speed up construction.

Guangdong (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster Area--Located in Dasha Town, Sihui City

▲Guangdong (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster Area--Located in Dasha Town, Sihui City

At the same time, Zhaoqing City also issued the "Implementation Plan (Trial) for Zhaoqing City to Strive for National and Provincial Policies and Funds", established a special working group for striving for policies and funds in different groups and fields, and further stimulated the initiative and creativity of various localities and units in starting businesses through the implementation of reward and punishment mechanisms such as performance bonus points, funding rewards, and backwardness review.

In the first half of the year, the city's major project construction delivered a brilliant "report card", effectively playing a role in expanding investment and stabilizing growth. In the second half of the year, Zhaoqing City will continue to move forward steadily and strive to write a new chapter and a good answer sheet for Zhaoqing's development.

Zhaoqing, run!

Investment Promotion Bureau of Dinghu District

Address: in the People's Government compound of Dinghu District, Luoyin Road, Dinghu District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-2626878

Fax:  0086-758-2626908


Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188


Leaders of Zhaoqing City, China, went to the Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Pilot Zone (Zhaoqing) to carry out the "Project Landing Centralized Supervision Day" activity

Leaders of Zhaoqing City, China, went to the Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Pilot Zone (Zhaoqing) to carry out the "Project Landing Centralized Supervision Day" activity

Invest in Zhaoqing July 18, 2024 22:43 Guangdong

On July 17, 2024, Li Qin, Vice Chairman of the Zhaoqing CPPCC, led the city supervision team to the Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Pilot Zone (Zhaoqing) to carry out the "Project Landing Centralized Supervision Day" activity to supervise the implementation of the "general battle" for the construction of manufacturing projects and promote the early completion and production of projects to achieve benefits. Liang Guangting, Deputy Secretary-General of the Zhaoqing Municipal Government, Executive Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Planning and Construction Command of Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Agglomeration Zone, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of the Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Pilot Zone (Zhaoqing), and He Xuhui, Member of the Party Working Committee and Deputy Director of the Management Committee of the Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Pilot Zone (Zhaoqing), accompanied the supervision.

Leaders of Zhaoqing City, China, went to the Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Pilot Zone (Zhaoqing) to carry out the "Project Landing Centralized Supervision Day" activity

The supervision team visited the construction sites of the Ouyada New Materials and Precision Manufacturing Project, Miaosheng New Materials Headquarters and Production Base Project, and Huanchi Environmental Protection Building Materials Machinery and Equipment Project in the Municipal Start-up Zone of the Dachang District, and conducted in-depth exchanges with the heads of the enterprises to understand the project planning and construction progress on the spot, and coordinated on-site to solve the "blocking points" and "difficulties" in the project promotion.

At the subsequent symposium, the Guangdong-Guangxi Experimental Zone reported on the implementation of the projects in the Municipal Start-up Zone of the Dachang District. The supervision team put forward relevant suggestions and opinions based on the situation learned from the on-site supervision.

The supervision team stated that it is necessary to insist on taking project construction as a "strong engine" to promote high-quality development, seize the "golden period" of summer project construction, and keep a close eye on the task time nodes on the premise of ensuring construction safety and engineering quality, speed up the project construction, and promote the early implementation, early production, and early results of the project.

It is necessary to strengthen communication and cooperation with local governments and other relevant departments, overcome the influence of adverse factors such as weather, efficiently promote land acquisition and storage, consolidate element guarantees, and provide strong support for the implementation of the project.

We must take the initiative to provide attentive service to enterprises, adhere to front-line work, coordinate and solve difficulties and problems encountered in the implementation of projects in a timely manner, shorten the project implementation cycle, go all out to promote project implementation, and help speed up and increase the efficiency of project construction.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Dinghu District

Address: in the People's Government compound of Dinghu District, Luoyin Road, Dinghu District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-2626878

Fax:  0086-758-2626908


Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188


Planned investment of 3.2 billion yuan! The city's first all-vanadium liquid flow battery production project settled in Guangdong (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster

Planned investment of 3.2 billion yuan! The city's first all-vanadium liquid flow battery production project settled in Guangdong (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster

Zhaoqing Large Industrial Cluster Guangdong-Guangxi Experimental Zone July 19, 2024 19:06 Guangdong, China

Good news, good news!

The first all-vanadium liquid flow battery production project in Zhaoqing City settled in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster!

The first all-vanadium liquid flow battery production project in Zhaoqing City settled in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster!

On the morning of July 19, 2024, Sichuan Weilide Energy Co., Ltd. and the Management Committee of the Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing) officially signed a contract, planning to invest 3.2 billion yuan to invest in the construction of all-vanadium liquid flow battery production and energy storage power station projects in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster.

According to the cooperation agreement, of the total investment of 3.2 billion yuan, fixed asset investment is 3 billion yuan, including the construction of new all-vanadium liquid flow battery energy storage system integrated production line and liquid flow battery energy storage power station and other projects.

After the project is fully put into production, the annual output value will reach 5 billion yuan and the annual tax revenue will reach 200 million yuan.

Sichuan Weilide Energy Co., Ltd.

The company was established in 2004 and is a national high-tech enterprise. Since 2016, it has transformed and developed into the field of all-vanadium liquid flow battery energy storage. It has successively deployed digital factories in Sichuan, Xinjiang, Ningxia, Gansu and other places. It has now developed into a leading energy storage equipment manufacturing company integrating R&D, production, sales, and operation and maintenance. It has more than 100 independent core intellectual property rights, mastered the world's first laser welding packaging process for battery stacks, 1500kW power unit integration technology, and weldable integrated bipolar plate standard process, and achieved independent control of key materials in the entire industry chain. As a member of the liquid flow battery standardization committee, it has played a leading role in the industry.

I believe that with the settlement, construction and production of future projects, the strength of the new energy storage industry in Zhaoqing and the large production area will be greatly enhanced, injecting new development momentum into the high-quality development of the large production area!

The first all-vanadium liquid flow battery production project in Zhaoqing City settled in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster!

Zhaoqing City leader Liu Jingbo, Zhaoqing City Production Area Command, City Investment Promotion Center, Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing) Management Committee, Xijiang Industrial Company and Sichuan Weilide Energy Co., Ltd. Chairman Jiang Shuping and other corporate representatives attended the signing ceremony.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Dinghu District

Address: in the People's Government compound of Dinghu District, Luoyin Road, Dinghu District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-2626878

Fax:  0086-758-2626908


Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188


The first in Sihui City, China! Asia Pacific Company successfully entered the database of national standard innovative enterprises

The first in Sihui City, China! Asia Pacific Company successfully entered the database of national standard innovative enterprises

Sihui Market Supervision 2024-07-15 17:04:51

On June 25, 2024, Guangdong Asia Pacific New Materials Technology Co., Ltd. successfully entered the database of national standard innovative enterprises (primary), becoming the first "national standard innovative enterprise" in Sihui City, and it is also another achievement of the company's comprehensive implementation of standardization innovation and development.

Standard innovative enterprises refer to enterprises that use standardization principles and methods, take the interactive integration of scientific and technological innovation and standardization as their core competitiveness, have the development and implementation of advanced standards to promote technological innovation, management innovation, service innovation, support their own high-quality development and even lead the industry's high-quality development.

A strong enterprise, well deserved. Guangdong Asia Pacific New Materials Technology Co., Ltd. is a national high-tech enterprise and a national intellectual property advantage enterprise specializing in one-stop solutions for lightweight automobiles and research and development, production, sales and technical services. In recent years, Asia Pacific has always adhered to the strategy of promoting "R&D, patents, and standards" simultaneously, leading the formulation of 1 national standard, participating in the formulation of 1 national standard, leading 1 group standard, 2 Guangdong provincial local standards, and formulating 8 enterprise standards, of which 6 scientific and technological achievements and technical inventions have been transformed into standards, 15 national authorized invention patents have been obtained, and 2 scientific and technological achievements that have reached the domestic leading level through provincial achievement appraisal and registration.

Enterprises are "powerful" and departments are helpful. Taking Asia Pacific as a benchmark for standardization development, in order to tap more innovative development potentials of Sihui enterprises in standardization, Sihui Municipal Market Supervision Administration continues to promote the implementation of the standardization strategy in sihui city:

First, strengthen the efficiency of standardization services, actively visit enterprises, link up with competent departments, and widely publicize and implement standardization work policies. 1. Guide and assist enterprises to formulate and revise various relevant standards, and vigorously promote the self-declaration and disclosure system of enterprise product standards. In the first half of 2024 alone, 40 enterprises in our city have reported a total of 221 standards. 2. Do a good job in cultivating innovative enterprises, strengthen policy guidance, and seize the opportunity. After Asia Pacific successfully entered the national standard innovative enterprise (primary), Zhaoqing Nandu Recycled Aluminum Co., Ltd. has completed the application and is in the public announcement period.

Second, implement the standardization reward mechanism. Under the correct leadership and high attention of the Sihui Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, formulate (revise) and implement the "Sihui City Implementation Standardization Strategy Special Fund Management Measures", and stimulate the enthusiasm of enterprises for standardization work by implementing the city's reward mechanism and pushing the application for superior standardization special funds and other incentives. In 2022, the national standard "General Technical Requirements for Carbon Fiber Composite Material Covering Parts for Automobiles" led by Asia Pacific Company received a reward of 200,000 yuan from the Guangdong Provincial Market Supervision Administration for the standardization strategy special fund, and also received corresponding reward funds at all levels in Sihui and Zhaoqing. In 2023, the Sihui Municipal Market Supervision Administration will subsidize 170,000 yuan of standardization strategy special funds for 10 projects applied by 3 units in Sihui City.

Led by Asia Pacific Company, Sihui Market Supervision and Administration Bureau will continue to encourage enterprises to explore new methods and models for implementing standardization, strive to create a fertile ground and operating environment for cultivating standard innovative enterprises based on the combination of "government guidance and market-oriented", and work hard to promote Sihui City's standardization strategy work to achieve frequent success.

Sihui City--China's key cities for attracting foreign investment

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188


Sihui City, China officially launches a new service model of "handing over land and handing over certificates"

Sihui City, China officially launches a new service model of "handing over land and handing over certificates"

Sihui City Natural Resources Bureau 2024-07-17 16:59:06

"The certificate application process is really too fast. We can successfully obtain the real estate certificate on the day of handing over the land, which allows us to truly enjoy the acceleration of the quality and efficiency improvement of Sihui City's real estate registration services."

Sihui City, China officially launches a new service model of "handing over land and handing over certificates"

A few days ago, at the real estate registration window of the Sihui City Government Service Hall, Mr. Mo, a staff member of Guangdong Jinfuwei Machinery Technology Co., Ltd., smiled and sighed after receiving the real estate certificate. The company became the first beneficiary of "handing over land and handing over certificates" in Sihui City, and it also marked that Sihui City officially launched a new service model of "handing over land and handing over certificates".

According to the previous handling process, the land user needs to go to different departments to handle the payment of land transfer fees, application for land title investigation and other procedures after signing the "Construction Land Use Right Transfer Contract". The handling cycle is long and the number of trips is large, which affects the progress of project construction. The new service model of "handing over land and handing over certificates" is another innovative measure taken by the Sihui City Natural Resources Bureau to extend services to all aspects and fields of approval. Relevant departments intervene in advance to put the real estate registration title investigation work in advance to the land supply link, and strengthen departmental cooperation at the same time, change the serial process of real estate registration after land supply into a synchronous parallel process, realize the "one-stop" service of land supply, transfer price payment, title investigation and title confirmation registration, and achieve "seamless connection" between land handover and certificate handover. Through the pre-positioning of window services, optimizing the approval process, continuously improving service quality and efficiency, minimizing the time for enterprises to apply for certificates, reducing the time cost of enterprises, reducing the number of times enterprises run around, promoting the early start and production of enterprise projects, and creating a good business environment for enterprise development.

In the next stage, the Sihui City Natural Resources Bureau will continue to uphold the people-oriented and service-oriented concept, with the goal of improving "enterprise perception, convenience of measures, and warmth of security", constantly improve relevant work systems, and continue to promote the normalization, standardization and standardization of the "land handover and certificate handover" model, to achieve "double synchronization and zero time difference" in land handover and certificate handover, and truly let enterprises feel the happiness and sense of gain brought about by the optimization of the business environment.

Sihui City--China's key cities for attracting foreign investment

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188


Future housing price trend chart----未来房价走势图

Future housing price trend chart

The skin is beautiful. But the eyes are dull.

This is the only way to attract others.

Although she covered her private parts, she has no bottom line at all.

Her legs look very vulgar.

In fact, her legs predict the trend of future housing prices.

If you understand her legs, you can understand the trend of future housing prices.

This should also be performance art.








Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Accelerate the progress! Successfully completed! Several billion-yuan projects in Gaoyao District, China have refreshed their progress

Accelerate the progress! Successfully completed! Several billion-yuan projects in Gaoyao District, China have refreshed their progress

Invest in Zhaoqing July 16, 2024 21:24 Guangdong, China

Since 2024, Gaoyao District, China has always adhered to the principle of "everything revolves around projects, everything revolves around projects", playing the strongest voice of "projects are king" and setting off a new wave of "grasping projects".

Recently, several projects have been successfully completed.


The Honghao Hardware Products Production Project is invested and constructed by Guangdong Honghao Smart Home Technology Co., Ltd., located in the Jindu Industrial Agglomeration Base, with a planned investment of 200 million yuan and an area of ​​20 acres. It mainly produces, sells, processes and wholesales furniture hardware, hardware accessories, hardware appliances, power tools, pneumatic tools, plastic products, electronic accessories, cabinet hardware, aluminum products, stainless steel products, furniture, household goods, and copper products. After reaching full production, the annual output value is expected to be 220 million yuan.

The Honghao Hardware Products Production Project is invested and constructed by Guangdong Honghao Smart Home Technology Co., Ltd., located in the Jindu Industrial Agglomeration Base, with a planned investment of 200 million yuan and an area of ​​20 acres. It mainly produces, sells, processes and wholesales furniture hardware, hardware accessories, hardware appliances, power tools, pneumatic tools, plastic products, electronic accessories, cabinet hardware, aluminum products, stainless steel products, furniture, household goods, and copper products. After reaching full production, the annual output value is expected to be 220 million yuan.

The Honghao Hardware Products Production Project is invested and constructed by Guangdong Honghao Smart Home Technology Co., Ltd., located in the Jindu Industrial Agglomeration Base, with a planned investment of 200 million yuan and an area of ​​20 acres. It mainly produces, sells, processes and wholesales furniture hardware, hardware accessories, hardware appliances, power tools, pneumatic tools, plastic products, electronic accessories, cabinet hardware, aluminum products, stainless steel products, furniture, household goods, and copper products. After reaching full production, the annual output value is expected to be 220 million yuan.


The Lirui Carbon Neutral Equipment Research and Development Headquarters Base Project is invested and constructed by Guangdong Lirui Xihe Carbon Neutral Technology Co., Ltd., located in Jiangbin New Town, Liantang Town, with a planned investment of 300 million yuan and an area of ​​46 acres. It mainly develops DC transmission converter valve cooling system, wind power converter cooling system, photovoltaic power generation cooling system, wind power cooling system supporting cooling pipeline, 5G data center liquid cooling pipeline, power storage equipment, car charging station, pile, and the annual output value is expected to be 450 million yuan after reaching full production.

The Lirui Carbon Neutral Equipment Research and Development Headquarters Base Project is invested and constructed by Guangdong Lirui Xihe Carbon Neutral Technology Co., Ltd., located in Jiangbin New Town, Liantang Town, with a planned investment of 300 million yuan and an area of ​​46 acres. It mainly develops DC transmission converter valve cooling system, wind power converter cooling system, photovoltaic power generation cooling system, wind power cooling system supporting cooling pipeline, 5G data center liquid cooling pipeline, power storage equipment, car charging station, pile, and the annual output value is expected to be 450 million yuan after reaching full production.

The Lirui Carbon Neutral Equipment Research and Development Headquarters Base Project is invested and constructed by Guangdong Lirui Xihe Carbon Neutral Technology Co., Ltd., located in Jiangbin New Town, Liantang Town, with a planned investment of 300 million yuan and an area of ​​46 acres. It mainly develops DC transmission converter valve cooling system, wind power converter cooling system, photovoltaic power generation cooling system, wind power cooling system supporting cooling pipeline, 5G data center liquid cooling pipeline, power storage equipment, car charging station, pile, and the annual output value is expected to be 450 million yuan after reaching full production.


The Mifeil PVC tablecloth and EVA anti-slip mat production project is invested and constructed by Mifeil (Zhaoqing) New Materials Co., Ltd., located in Songtang Village, Huilong Town, with a planned investment of 130 million yuan and an area of ​​20 acres. It mainly produces PVC tablecloths and EVA anti-slip mats. The annual output value is expected to be 130 million yuan after reaching full production.

The Mifeil PVC tablecloth and EVA anti-slip mat production project is invested and constructed by Mifeil (Zhaoqing) New Materials Co., Ltd., located in Songtang Village, Huilong Town, with a planned investment of 130 million yuan and an area of ​​20 acres. It mainly produces PVC tablecloths and EVA anti-slip mats. The annual output value is expected to be 130 million yuan after reaching full production.

The Mifeil PVC tablecloth and EVA anti-slip mat production project is invested and constructed by Mifeil (Zhaoqing) New Materials Co., Ltd., located in Songtang Village, Huilong Town, with a planned investment of 130 million yuan and an area of ​​20 acres. It mainly produces PVC tablecloths and EVA anti-slip mats. The annual output value is expected to be 130 million yuan after reaching full production.

Next, Gaoyao will fully provide industrial investment promotion services with higher standards, better quality and greater efforts, strive to accelerate project construction, enhance industrial support, and better serve the city's high-quality development.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Gaoyao District

Address: No.201, Nanxing 1st Road, Nan'an Street, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Tel:   0086-758-8392673

Fax:  0086-758-8200738



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