Saturday, February 10, 2024

"Dragon" appears! The golden dragon in Kuanjiao Village, Huilong Town, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City will accompany you to celebrate the Year of the Dragon

"Dragon" appears! The golden dragon in Kuanjiao Village, Huilong Town, Gaoyao District will accompany you to celebrate the Year of the Dragon

Gaoyao released 2024-02-10 08:15 Guangdong

"Dragon" is a totem worshiped by the Chinese nation from generation to generation, symbolizing the elimination of disasters and bringing blessings.

This year 2024 is the Year of the Dragon in the traditional Chinese lunar calendar, and dragon dance can add a lively atmosphere to the Year of the Dragon. In Kuanjiao Village, Huilong Town, Gaoyao, there is a custom that has been passed down for hundreds of years - a dragon dance ceremony is held every year before and after the Spring Festival to pray for good weather and abundant harvests. And this "Kuanjiao Golden Dragon" is currently the largest and longest "Golden Dragon" in Guangdong Province.

this "Kuanjiao Golden Dragon" is currently the largest and longest "Golden Dragon" in Guangdong Province

▲Picture provided by the Cultural Center of Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City - "Golden Dragon" in Kuanjiao Village, Huilong Town


Hearing the drum beat of "Mr. Dragon", the dragon dance team members in the village gathered in the village ancestral hall.

With the joint efforts of everyone, the rituals of "raising the keel" and "installing the dragon body" were completed successively, and the huge appearance of the Kuanjiao Golden Dragon gradually emerged.

Preparations before the dragon dance, the dragon is invited out of the ancestral hall.
Preparations before the dragon dance, the dragon is invited out of the ancestral hall.

"Don't tie the rope too tight!"

"We need to put the dragon's spine in the middle,

If you turn this place over, you won't see the dragon's spine..."

On this day, "Mr. Long" Su Yanyao was very busy.

During the whole process of "pretending to be a dragon", he ran forward and backward,

Guide and teach the younger generation about the "steps" of dragon dance,

"Golden Dragon" in Kuanjiao Village, Huilong Town-Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

"Golden Dragon" in Kuanjiao Village, Huilong Town-Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City
"Golden Dragon" in Kuanjiao Village, Huilong Town-Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Su Yanyao's nephew proudly said: "The Kuanjiao Golden Dragon is a traditional folk culture that has been passed down in our village for hundreds of years. The spirit of the Kuanjiao Golden Dragon has always inspired every generation of us. It is very meaningful for our younger generation to shoulder the responsibility of inheriting it. One thing." Su Yanyao's son told reporters that he has participated in dragon dance since he was eight or nine years old. He played drums when he was a child. When he grew up, he participated in flag dances, dragon circles, etc., and now he is a dragon dancer. One member.

"Mr. Long" is the commander-in-chief of the dragon dance team.

As Mr. Dragon, Su Yanyao has more than 40 years of experience in dragon dancing and is familiar with all aspects of dragon dancing. He is very gratified to see his next generation not afraid of hard work and practicing the skills of dragon dancing assiduously.

The dragon dance team includes old people, middle-aged people, and young people. Only by working together can we pass on traditional folk customs.
The dragon dance team includes old people, middle-aged people, and young people. Only by working together can we pass on traditional folk customs.

Su Yanyao said that every festive festival or large-scale event is held, young and old will participate in dragon dance. The older generation of dragon dancers pass on their skills and experience to the young people, hoping to pass on the Kuanjiao Golden Dragon spirit from generation to generation.

Pictures provided by Zhaoqing Gaoyao District Cultural Center-young people also learn dragon dance

▲Pictures provided by Zhaoqing Gaoyao District Cultural Center-young people also learn dragon dance

After the golden dragon was installed, everyone beat gongs and drums to carry the golden dragon through the village. The golden dragon's head and tail echoed, its four claws waved, its body was covered with glittering golden scales, and its colorful dragon skirt was hung with tassels. It was resplendent and dazzling.

Gaoyao Kuanjiao Jinlong (Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, China). Photo by Wu Yongqiang

▲ Gaoyao Kuanjiao Jinlong (Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, China). Photo by Wu Yongqiang

Gaoyao Kuanjiao Jinlong (Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, China). Photo by Wu Yongqiang

▲ Gaoyao Kuanjiao Jinlong (Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, China). Photo by Wu Yongqiang

When the dragon team set off, colorful flags, dragon tablets, gongs and drums, and dragon beads opened the way. After the golden dragon, there was a big flag to cheer up, which was very impressive.

Gaoyao Kuanjiao Jinlong (Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, China)
 Gaoyao Kuanjiao Jinlong (Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, China)

Gaoyao Kuanjiao Jinlong (Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, China)
 Gaoyao Kuanjiao Jinlong (Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, China)

The "Kuanjiao Golden Dragon" golden dragon has a total length of 75 meters and a total weight of about 1,000 kilograms. It requires 32 young and strong young people to dance at the same time. Therefore, the physical strength, technology and tacit understanding of the dragon dance are all indispensable. Not to mention anything else, a dragon head alone weighs more than 40 kilograms. When dancing, it has to make dragon tricks, dragon circles, single column rolling, double column rolling, dragon gate jumping, dragon gate wearing, dragon quilt wearing, dragon playing with beads, etc. Various moves such as dragon curls and tails usually need to be replaced within a minute or two, so many dragon dance teams have multiple generations performing together. This is how Kuanjiao people pass on this traditional skill from generation to generation. 

Gaoyao Kuanjiao Jinlong (Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, China)

▲ Gaoyao Kuanjiao Jinlong (Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, China)

Deng Wanhua, deputy director of the Cultural Center of Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City, said: "Kuanjiao Golden Dragon is a municipal intangible cultural heritage project in Zhaoqing City. A group of people in a village dances a golden dragon, which is unique in Guangdong Province. During the Spring Festival and other major festive festivals, Kuanjiao Golden Dragon is danced by a group of people in a village. The golden dragon will "go on patrol", and its body is flexible and smooth, showing the dragon's momentum and charm, and has become a very representative cultural symbol in the Lingnan region."

We hope that business leaders from all over the world will come to Zhaoqing(Gaoyao) and take a look.

We sincerely hope to be friends with the whole world, and we sincerely do business with the whole world.

If there is anything we can't do well, I hope you can give us some suggestions.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Gaoyao District

Address: No.201, Nanxing 1st Road, Nan'an Street, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Tel:   0086-758-8392673

Fax:  0086-758-8200738


Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs Bureau

Address: No. 122, Chengzhong Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:  0086-758-2237010,  0086-758-2231845

Friday, February 9, 2024

China's famous Guangdong dish--Sihui tea oil chicken 中国広東料理の名物「四会茶油鶏」

China's famous Guangdong dish--Sihui tea oil chicken

Better than General Tso's chicken.



China's famous Guangdong dish--Sihui tea oil chicken 中国広東料理の名物「四会茶油鶏」

月に着陸したいですか? 宇宙人に会いたいですか? 早く来て。 ここは広東省のエリア51です













Do you want to land on the moon? Do you want to meet aliens? Come quickly. This is Area 51 in Guangdong

Usually you need a pass to enter, but it is now open.

That's all I can tell you.

Address: Luoyuan Town, Sihui City, Guangdong,China

This camp is called Moon Camp.


aliens,Area 51,land on the moon,Ancient Tree Mine Moon Camp, Area 51, asia, Guangdong Sihui, Half-Day Leaving the City, Luoyuan Town, Moon Camp, Sihui City China, Travel Resources, Zhaoqing,

aliens,Area 51,land on the moon,Ancient Tree Mine Moon Camp, Area 51, asia, Guangdong Sihui, Half-Day Leaving the City, Luoyuan Town, Moon Camp, Sihui City China, Travel Resources, Zhaoqing,

aliens,Area 51,land on the moon,Ancient Tree Mine Moon Camp, Area 51, asia, Guangdong Sihui, Half-Day Leaving the City, Luoyuan Town, Moon Camp, Sihui City China, Travel Resources, Zhaoqing,

aliens,Area 51,land on the moon,Ancient Tree Mine Moon Camp, Area 51, asia, Guangdong Sihui, Half-Day Leaving the City, Luoyuan Town, Moon Camp, Sihui City China, Travel Resources, Zhaoqing,

aliens,Area 51,land on the moon,Ancient Tree Mine Moon Camp, Area 51, asia, Guangdong Sihui, Half-Day Leaving the City, Luoyuan Town, Moon Camp, Sihui City China, Travel Resources, Zhaoqing,

aliens,Area 51,land on the moon,Ancient Tree Mine Moon Camp, Area 51, asia, Guangdong Sihui, Half-Day Leaving the City, Luoyuan Town, Moon Camp, Sihui City China, Travel Resources, Zhaoqing,

aliens,Area 51,land on the moon,Ancient Tree Mine Moon Camp, Area 51, asia, Guangdong Sihui, Half-Day Leaving the City, Luoyuan Town, Moon Camp, Sihui City China, Travel Resources, Zhaoqing,

land on the moon

aliens,Area 51,land on the moon,Ancient Tree Mine Moon Camp, Area 51, asia, Guangdong Sihui, Half-Day Leaving the City, Luoyuan Town, Moon Camp, Sihui City China, Travel Resources, Zhaoqing,

aliens,Area 51,land on the moon,Ancient Tree Mine Moon Camp, Area 51, asia, Guangdong Sihui, Half-Day Leaving the City, Luoyuan Town, Moon Camp, Sihui City China, Travel Resources, Zhaoqing,

aliens,Area 51,land on the moon,Ancient Tree Mine Moon Camp, Area 51, asia, Guangdong Sihui, Half-Day Leaving the City, Luoyuan Town, Moon Camp, Sihui City China, Travel Resources, Zhaoqing,

aliens,Area 51,land on the moon,Ancient Tree Mine Moon Camp, Area 51, asia, Guangdong Sihui, Half-Day Leaving the City, Luoyuan Town, Moon Camp, Sihui City China, Travel Resources, Zhaoqing,


2023 年の四会市:

60の省レベルの行政事項が県に調整され、財政部による県の直接管理、省レベルの垂直支援、広州増城区と鎮のカウンターパート産業協力など、一連の主要な改革と支援政策が実施された。 -仏山市長城区の支援村は、4つの省で直接実施されており、会議を通じて、私たちは一連の発展の機会と成長の余地をもたらしました。 四会地区は2023年に地域GDPが759億1,500万元に達し、肇慶市の27.2%を占め、総合力の点で全国上位100の県・市に選ばれ、第1陣の都市となる。州の「数十万のプロジェクト」の典型的な郡の先駆者であり、ナショナル・グリーン・グリーンの称号を獲得 開発の上位100の郡と都市、投資可能性の全国の上位100の郡と都市、上位100の郡と都市の中で全国の科学技術革新、全国上位100の県市、新都市化の質上位100都市に、大沙鎮と龍福鎮が全国上位1000都市に選ばれた。

戦略的新興産業が新たな勢いをもたらし、伝​​統産業の変革と高度化が新たな成果を上げ、人々を豊かにする産業や農業が新たな活力を発揮しています。 ファインケミカル工業団地などのプラットフォームは生産能力を拡大し、品質を向上させた フェイナン・リソース社は上場に成功 新規導入製造プロジェクトへの計画投資総額は92.7%増加 GCLとの包括的協力に達した世界トップ500の新エネルギー企業であるグループは、成長を安定させ、構造を調整することが鍵となります。 2023年中国・四会翡翠文化祭と中国・ミャンマー翡翠産業発展会議が成功裡に開催され、当市は初の定期的な翡翠の一般販売を確立し、翡翠産業は「オンラインでの成果と一般の開花」を達成した。 人々の消費意欲は急速に回復しており、年間を通じて 330 万人を超える観光客が竹子里夜市、龍江キャンプ、七石江風景区などの場所にチェックインして「いいね!」を集めました。 54.3%増加し、観光収入は95.1%増加した。 四会農業は近代化とブランド化に向けて大きく前進しています。シュガーオレンジの飲み物はますます有名になり、その販売網は全国に拡大しています。四会の蘭は香りが遠くまで広がり、白雲国際空港に「根付いています」 ; タイアールの漬け魚が国外に「泳いで」大沙千ムー漁場と水産物加工基地が間もなく完成し操業を開始し、市内のすべての村の合計営業収入が10万元を超えた。

市の財政予算の80%以上が民生に投資され、民生に関わる10件の実務事項が成功裡に完了した。 市人民病院の新キャンパスが本格的に稼働し、石門中学校と四会中学校が教育・教育委託提携を締結し、当市の高等学校教育・教育の質の向上が加速し、飛躍的な発展を遂げることになる。 「数十万のプロジェクト」と「緑と美しい広東」のエコロジー建設が同じ周波数で共鳴し、都市と農村の調和した発展と農村活性化の包括的な実現が同時に進んでいます。より美しく、旅行条件はよりスムーズになり、彼らは闘争にもっと自信を持ちます。 今年、華僑は故郷への愛を示し、道徳モデルは世界の偉大な愛を解釈し、慈善活動はあらゆる方向から力を結集し、暖流は人々の心に溶け込み、善意はすべての人に受け継がれた。手。



電話番号:   0086-758-3611228





2023 年の高要区:

実体経済を基盤とし、製造業を我が物としてとらえ、中国新エネルギー車ダイカスト産業高品質発展サミットなど20以上の投資促進活動を企画・開催し、「会議戦争」を開始した。 「製造プロジェクト建設の熱狂。 年間を通じて新たに導入されたプロジェクトは40件、総投資額は105億元で、その中には20件のハイテク企業と専門的な新しい「小さな巨人」企業プロジェクトが含まれており、同偉グループや益科グループなどの業界をリードする企業の導入も成功した。 。 25件の新規製造プロジェクトが開始され、25件が完了、22件が生産開始され、実際の投資額は94億3,000万元に達した。 産業企業の投資増加と生産拡大に向けた50のプロジェクトの実行を促進し、計画総投資額は62億6,000万元で、そのうち18プロジェクトは3,000万元以上の投資となる。 地区の地域総生産、一定規模以上の産業の付加価値、農林水産業及び畜産業の総産出額、固定資産投資、一般財政収入、税の年間を通じた6つの主要経済指標の合計同レベルの収益を上げ、市内で第1位にランクされ、2023年に中国の投資可能性のあるトップ100地域の一つに選ばれ、中国のダイカスト産業クラスター実証基地の称号を獲得した。 2023年全国中小企業特色産業クラスターに選定されました。

国家労働衛生分類監督と法執行試験、省基礎教育高品質開発実験区試験、錦里「二統合」高品質開発試験など、国、省、市の多くの改革課題を着実に推進する。 「委任、規制、サービス」とデジタル政府改革をさらに推進し、同省初の県レベルの「デジタル政府」建設・運営センターが高要市に正式に開設され、「高要、喜んで行う」という特徴的な政府ブランドを確立した。事業立ち上げ時間は半日まで短縮されました。 多様化した投融資制度の改革を実施し、地元国有企業の同地域の新エネルギーなど重点分野のプロジェクトへの参加を促進し、経済発展を制約する困難な問題を効果的に解決する。 政府の投資プロジェクトの承認や企業投資プロジェクトの変更など、85 の地区レベルの権限が町レベルに委任されて実施され、町の経済活力がさらに高まりました。 あらゆる分野、要素、レベルでのイノベーションを促進し、科学技術のイノベーションと創造を支援するシステムとメカニズムを最適化し、省科学技術専門家ワークステーションや省工程技術研究センターなどのイノベーションプラットフォームの構築を促進し、指導します。企業のデジタル、インテリジェント、グリーン変革を推進し、科学技術イノベーション能力を向上させます。 継続的に改善します。

「真珠を湾に統合する」行動、広州湛江高速鉄道、深圳南高速鉄道、珠海趙華高速鉄道、広州港の再建と拡張などの主要プロジェクトを精力的に実施する。昆明高速道路の建設が始まり、東柯大道が完成して開通したほか、珠江デルタハブ(広州新)空港、錦里京港、小祥京口の港とターミナルのプロジェクトが秩序正しく進められ、「一大都市」への統合が加速した。大湾区の「時間交通サークル」。 「数十万のプロジェクト」はナンバーワンプロジェクトの強度で徹底的に実施され、地区の強化、町や村の促進が促進され、典型的なデモのハイライトが数多くありました。 3 つの町と 11 の村 (コミュニティ) が全国の「トップ 1000 の町」のランクに選ばれ、地方自治体の典型的な町と村の第 1 陣に選ばれ、国内の 327 の村すべての総経済収入が増加しました。地域では10万元を超えました。 工業化と産業連鎖の考え方を堅持し、近代農業を発展させ、特色ある農業産業を開発・拡大し、農業の第二次産業、第三次産業への普及を促進し、国家農村活性化モデル郡、国家近代化郡に選定されている。 、2023年の国家グリーン農業開発パイオニアゾーンおよびその他の創設リスト、ならびに2023年の国家水産養殖および生態繁殖デモンストレーションゾーンを含む6つの「国家ブランド」リスト2023年加工野菜産業基地トップ100 上記の県のリストに選ばれたのは肇慶市だけです。 緑の美しさと高レベルの生態建設の「6大行動」の徹底的な実施、金祥山森林公園の省模範地の高水準建設、青空、清流、清浄地の継続的防衛、力強い発展グリーン経済、そして高品質の開発のためのグリーン基盤の継続的な強化。

同区の民生支出への財政投資は43億元で、一般公共予算支出の77.8%を占め、10の民生実務課題はすべて完了し、民生リストは「紙」から「地」に落ち続けた。 。 「雇用確保のための10の対策」および雇用安定のための「16の対策」およびその他の政策を実施し、年間を通じて6,532人の新規雇用を創出し、新しい地区人民病院や市立病院などの重要な保健プロジェクトの建設を着実に推進した。第四人民病院 新病院などのプロジェクトが加速 地区母子保健病院家族計画サービスセンターの改修・改築プロジェクトが完全完了 地区中医薬病院の総合建物が竣工国立消化器系疾患臨床医学研究センター、魯部中央保健センター、楽城中央保健センターが完成し、国家基準に達し、国家衛生健康委員会から表彰され、7つの都市部と農村部の教育共同体を設立した、8つの学校を拡張し、4,095の新しい学位を追加し、教育の発展をより質の高い、バランスのとれたものにし、都市の公衆トイレをアップグレードし、ポケットパークは顕著な成果を上げました。南安市の浸水対策プロジェクトは完全に完了しました。高齢者食堂は街(通り)を完全にカバーしており、「Zhaofubao」製品は引き続きより多くの人々に恩恵をもたらしています。

2023 年の懐済県:



グリーン建材工業団地が徐々に形成されつつある 公共総合埠頭(第1期事業)の仮埠頭2基が完成し使用開始 大宝鉱山建材プロジェクトが稼働開始 コンクグリの建設山間グリーン建材プロジェクトがスタート、全国グリーン建材農村地域送出(広東・豊)サイト開設)とプレハブ建築・グリーン建材産業発展会議、「グリーン建材生産基地」の看板が明るくなり、より明るく。 引き続き産業投資促進の盛り上がりを引き起こし、計画総投資額は85億4,000万元となる32のプロジェクトを導入し、定住・建設する景天白水山のようなプロジェクトの競争を呼び起こし、純成長率は26%に達した。製造業の実質的な運営主体や基盤が強固になり、家を担う能力がより豊かになり、家を担う傾向が強くなる。 「2023年広東県経済総合発展研究報告」では、豊開県の経済発展活力指数は省内で6位にランクされた。

「ナンバーワンのプロジェクト」を堅持し、「数百万のプロジェクト」に焦点を当て、郡、町、村の質の高い発展に対する内発的動機は高まり続けている。 県を重要な担い手として新たな都市化建設が加速、国道321号線の路線変更プロジェクトが国家主要プロジェクトに組み込まれ、タイムズスクエアの大規模商業施設が稼働開始、龍華五区スターホテルプロジェクトが加速され、郡の総合的な収容能力と放射線推進力が加速され、常に改善されています。 郡を強化し、町を促進する「1244」プロジェクトを徹底的に実施し、地域の状況に応じて工業、農業、商業、文化観光の「4つの強力な町」を構築する「1000万プロジェクト」の第1陣の典型的な町。 「地元の特産品」による町の経済の育成と強化に重点を置き、越秀農業・畜産業の第一期プロジェクト、岳紅康杏鶏の飼育などのプロジェクトが完了・稼働し、連都ヤギの飼育プロジェクトも順調に進んでいる。全村集団の収入は10万元以上に達し、最高額は50万元を突破した。 和江碧島ギャラリーは国家農村観光ブティックルートおよび「広東省トップ10農村活性化モデルゾーン」の1つに選ばれ、1億元の報奨金を獲得した。

科学と教育による国の活性化戦略を包括的に実行し、1,110の公立の質の高い学位を追加し、基礎教育グループを設立し、49の地方の教育現場を解消し、先進地域の20の学校がペアになって初等中等学校を支援するよう努める。都市部と農村部の義務教育の質の高いバランスのとれた発展を促進する。 科学技術イノベーションプロジェクトが精力的に実施され、新たにハイテク企業16社、小規模科学技術企業50社がデータベースに追加され、科学技術イノベーション能力がさらに向上した。 私たちは「数千人の人材が数千人の人材を訪問し、知性を使って問題を解決する」活動を実施し、139人の人材を訪問して連絡を取り、102の実際的な問題を解決し、26人のハイレベル人材を紹介しました。フェンカイ、別々にサーブします。

二酸化炭素削減、汚染削減、緑の拡大と成長を協力して推進し、合江碧道ギャラリー内に常緑美園の総合的なデモンストレーションサイトを慎重に建設し、合計914,800エーカーの林分と森林手入れの最適化とアップグレードを完了し、 63,000エーカーの国家保護林が追加され、「一村千本の木」プロジェクトは省内の町や村の緑化のモデルとなり、広東省の町の典型的な事例として農業農村省に報告された。 -ベースの町や村への支援。 県の大気質が良好な日数は市内で第1位であり、集中飲料水源および省の検査以上の区域の水質は100%基準を満たしており、緑はますます風開の高さの独特の背景と特徴となっている-品質の開発。

炭素削減、汚染削減、緑の拡大と成長を促進し、合江碧島ギャラリー内に常緑美園の総合実証サイトを慎重に建設し、合計914,800エーカーの林分と森林手入れの最適化とアップグレードを完了し、追加した63,000エーカーの国家保護林、「一村に数千本の木」プロジェクトは、省内の町や村の緑化のモデルとなり、広東省の典型的な事例として農業農村部に報告された州の町や村に対する町単位の支援。 県の大気質が良好な日数は市内で第1位であり、集中飲料水源と省の検査以上の区域の水質は100%基準を満たしており、緑はますます風開の高さの独特の背景と特徴となっている-品質の開発。


財政支出の80%以上は民生を守るために使われ、民生に関わる10の実務事項は完全に完了する。 江口街路治水プロジェクトの主要工事が完了し、南峰鎮治水プロジェクトの65%が完了し、平峰鎮盤龍口水溜り地域修復プロジェクトが着工した。 年間を通じて、都市や町で 4,215 件の新規雇用が創出され、雇用困難者 190 名が雇用されました。 県第二人民医院(南豊鎮中央保健センター)は、省内47の中央保健センターの中で、率先して第二級病院を設立し、「趙福宝」の恩恵は拡大し続け、郷鎮老人ホームの統合も進んだ80歳以上の高齢者は補助金を受け取り、入札は総合的に引き上げられ、高齢者食堂は街路全域に設置され、「建物の引き渡しを保証する」仕事は完全に完了した。

法に基づいた安全な閉鎖施設の建設が着実に進み、各種生産安全事故と死亡者数は「倍減」を達成、当県の公安業務の満足度、住民の安心感は市内で1、2位となったそれぞれ。 大州鎮大州コミュニティは「民主主義と法治の国家模範村(コミュニティ)」の称号を授与され、県法律扶助事務所は「全国法律扶助事業先進グループ」に推薦・選定された。 「1+6+N」の草の根社会統治システムの構築が本格的に展開され、長港鎮での試験実施が省党委員会指導者の承認を受け、金庄鎮望高村が「国家農村統治」に評価されたデモンストレーション村」。

Brief excerpts from the 2023 report cards of Sihui City, Gaoyao District, Huaiji County, and Fengkai County

Sihui City in 2023:

60 provincial-level administrative matters have been adjusted to counties. A series of major reforms and assistance policies such as the direct management of counties by the Ministry of Finance, provincial-level vertical assistance, counterpart industry cooperation in Zengcheng District, Guangzhou, and town-supported villages in Chancheng District, Foshan, have been directly implemented in the four provinces. Meeting, we have ushered in a series of development opportunities and room for growth. In 2023, the Sihui area will complete a regional GDP of 75.915 billion yuan, accounting for 27.2% of Zhaoqing city; it has been successfully selected into the top 100 counties and cities in the country in terms of comprehensive strength, and the first batch of pioneering typical counties in the province's "Hundreds and Thousands of Projects", and has won the title of National Green Green Among the top 100 counties and cities for development, the top 100 counties and cities nationwide for investment potential, the top 100 counties and cities nationwide for scientific and technological innovation, and the top 100 counties and cities nationwide for new urbanization quality, Dasha Town and Longfu Town were selected as the top 1000 towns nationwide.

Strategic emerging industries have introduced new momentum, the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries has achieved new results, and industries that enrich the people and agricultural industries have burst out with new vitality. Platforms such as the Fine Chemical Industrial Park have expanded their capacity and improved their quality. Feinan Resources has successfully been listed on the market. The total planned investment in newly introduced manufacturing projects has increased by 92.7%. It has reached a comprehensive cooperation with GCL Group, a global top 500 new energy company, to stabilize growth and adjust structure. The key one. The 2023 China·Sihui Jade Culture Festival and the China-Myanmar Jade Industry Development Conference were successfully held. Our city established the first regular jade public sale, and the jade industry achieved "online results and public flowering." Everyone’s enthusiasm for consumption has experienced a surge in recovery. Throughout the year, more than 3.3 million tourists checked in at Juzili Night Market, Longjiang River Camp, Qishi River Scenic Area and other places to collect likes. The number of tourists the city received increased by 54.3%, and tourism revenue increased by 95.1%. Sihui Agriculture is making great strides on the road to modernization and branding. The sugar-orange drink is becoming increasingly famous and its sales network is expanding across the country; Sihui orchids are fragrant far and wide and have "taken root" in Baiyun International Airport; Taier pickled fish "swim" out of the country. Dasha Thousand Mu Fishing Ground and aquatic products processing base are about to be completed and put into operation; the collective operating income of all villages in the city exceeds 100,000 yuan.

More than 80% of the city's fiscal budget was invested in people's livelihood, and ten practical matters related to people's livelihood were successfully completed. The new campus of the Municipal People's Hospital is fully operational, and Shimen Middle School and Sihui Middle School have formed an educational and teaching trusteeship partnership. The quality of high school education and teaching in our city will accelerate to achieve leap-forward development. The "Hundreds and Thousands of Projects" and the ecological construction of "Green and Beautiful Guangdong" resonate at the same frequency. The coordinated development of urban and rural areas and the comprehensive realization of rural revitalization are advancing at the same time. Everyone's living environment is more beautiful, travel conditions are smoother, and they have more confidence in struggle. . This year, overseas Chinese have shown their love for their hometown, moral models have interpreted the great love in the world, charity activities have brought together forces from all directions, warm currents have blended in people's hearts, and goodwill has been passed on in everyone's hands.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188


Gaoyao District in 2023:

Adhering to the real economy as the foundation and taking the manufacturing industry as our own, we planned and held more than 20 investment promotion activities such as the China New Energy Vehicle Die-casting Industry High-Quality Development Summit, setting off a "conference war" craze for manufacturing project construction. There were 40 newly introduced projects throughout the year with a total planned investment of 10.5 billion yuan, including 20 high-tech enterprise and specialized new "little giant" enterprise projects, and the successful introduction of industry leading enterprises such as Tongwei Group and Yike Group. There were 25 new manufacturing projects started, 25 completed, and 22 put into production, with an actual investment of 9.43 billion yuan completed. Promote industrial enterprises to carry out 50 projects to increase investment and expand production, with a total planned investment of 6.26 billion yuan, including 18 projects with an investment of more than 30 million yuan. The total of six major economic indicators throughout the year, including the district's gross regional product, added value of industries above designated size, total output value of agriculture, forestry, fishery and animal husbandry, fixed asset investment, general public budget revenue, and tax revenue at the same level, ranked first in the city. It was successfully selected as one of the top 100 areas with investment potential in the country in 2023, and won the title of China's die-casting industry cluster demonstration base. The hardware industry cluster was selected as the national small and medium-sized enterprise characteristic industry cluster in 2023.

Solidly advance a number of national, provincial and municipal reform tasks such as the national occupational health classified supervision and law enforcement pilot, the provincial basic education high-quality development experimental zone pilot, and the Jinli "two integration" high-quality development pilot, and further promote "delegation, regulation and service" and digital Government reform, the province's first county-level "digital government" construction and operation center was officially opened in Gaoyao, creating a characteristic government brand of "Gaoyao, happy to do", and the business start-up time was shortened to half a day. Implement the reform of the diversified investment and financing system, promote local state-owned enterprises to participate in projects in key fields such as new energy in the area, and effectively solve the difficult problems that restrict economic development. 85 district-level authorities, including the approval of government investment projects and changes in corporate investment projects, were delegated to the town level for implementation, further enhancing the economic vitality of the town. Promote innovation in all fields, elements, and levels, optimize the systems and mechanisms that support scientific and technological innovation and creation, promote the construction of innovation platforms such as the Provincial Science and Technology Expert Workstation and the Provincial Engineering Technology Research Center, and guide the digital, intelligent, and green transformation of enterprises to improve their scientific and technological innovation capabilities Continuous improving.

Vigorously implement the "Integrating Pearl into the Bay" action, major projects such as the Guangzhou-Zhanjiang High-speed Railway, Shenzhen-Southern High-speed Railway, Zhuhai-Zhaohua High-speed Railway, and the reconstruction and expansion of the Guangzhou-Kunming Expressway have started construction. Dongke Avenue was completed and opened to traffic, and the Pearl River Delta Hub (Guangzhou New) Airport, Jinli Jingang and Xiaoxiangjingkou Port and Terminal projects were advanced in an orderly manner, accelerating the integration into the "one-hour traffic circle" of the Greater Bay Area. The "Hundreds and Thousands of Projects" were implemented in depth with the intensity of the number one project, and the area was promoted to strengthen districts, promote towns and villages, and there were many typical demonstration highlights. Jinli Town and Lubu Town were successfully selected into the ranks of the "Top Thousand Towns" in the country, with 3 towns and 11 villages (community) was selected into the first batch of provincial and municipal typical towns and villages, and the collective economic income of all 327 villages in the region exceeded 100,000 yuan. Adhere to the concept of industrialization and industrial chain thinking to develop modern agriculture, develop and expand characteristic agricultural industries, and promote the extension of agriculture to secondary and tertiary industries. It has been successfully selected as a national rural revitalization demonstration county, a national modern agricultural industrial park, and the fourth batch of agricultural industry integration demonstration parks in 2023. , National Green Agriculture Development Pioneer Zone and other creation lists, as well as 6 "National Brand" lists including the 2023 National Aquaculture and Ecological Breeding Demonstration Zone and the 2023 Top 100 Prepared Vegetable Industry Bases. Zhaoqing is the only one selected for the above list. of counties. In-depth implementation of the "six major actions" of green beauty and high-level ecological construction, high-standard construction of the provincial demonstration site of Jinxiangshan Forest Park, continuous defense of blue skies, clear water and pure land, vigorous development of green economy, and continuous thickening of the green foundation for high-quality development.

The district's fiscal investment was 4.3 billion yuan in people's livelihood expenditures, accounting for 77.8% of the general public budget expenditures. All ten people's livelihood practical tasks were completed, and the people's livelihood list continued to fall from "paper" to "the ground". We implemented the "Ten Measures to Ensure Employment" and the "Sixteen Measures" to Stabilize Employment and other policies, creating 6,532 new jobs throughout the year; we solidly promoted the construction of key health projects, including the new District People's Hospital and the Municipal Fourth People's Hospital. Projects such as the new hospital were accelerated. The upgrading and renovation project of the Family Planning Service Center of the District Maternal and Child Health Hospital was fully completed. The comprehensive building of the District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine was put into use. The National Clinical Medical Research Center for Digestive System Diseases, Lubu Central Health Center, and Lecheng Central Health Center were completed. It has successfully reached national standards and been commended by the National Health Commission; it has established 7 urban and rural education communities, expanded 8 schools, and added 4,095 new degrees, making educational development more high-quality and balanced; urban public toilets have been upgraded and pocket parks have achieved remarkable results. The waterlogging control project in Nan'an City has been fully completed, the elderly canteen has achieved full coverage of the town (street), and the "Zhaofubao" products continue to benefit more people.

Huaiji County in 2023:

The county's regional GDP has exceeded 30 billion yuan, and the Zhaoqing (Huaiji) green agricultural and sideline products distribution base in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has been built at a high level and the Zhaoqing Municipal Sub-center has been built into a strong city.

Fengkai County in 2023:

The green building materials industrial park is gradually taking shape. Two temporary berths of the public comprehensive wharf (first phase project) have been completed and put into use. The Dabao Mine building materials project has been put into operation. The construction of the Conch Guli Mountain green building materials project has started. The National Green Building Materials Sending to the Rural Areas (Guangdong·Feng) Site opening) and prefabricated construction and green building materials industry development conference, the "green building materials production base" sign is getting brighter and brighter. It continues to set off an upsurge in industrial investment promotion, introducing 32 projects with a total planned investment of 8.54 billion yuan, attracting competition for projects such as Jingtian Baisui Mountain mineral water to settle in and build, with a net growth of 26% in actual operating entities, and a solid foundation for the manufacturing industry. , The ability to take charge of the house will be more abundant, and the tendency to take charge of the house will be stronger. In the "2023 Guangdong County Economic Comprehensive Development Research Report", Fengkai County's economic development vitality index ranked sixth in the province.

Adhering to the "number one project" and focusing on the "millions of projects", the endogenous motivation for high-quality development of counties, towns and villages continues to increase. The new urbanization construction with the county as an important carrier has been accelerated. The National Highway 321 rerouting project has been included in the list of major national projects. The Times Square large-scale commercial complex has been put into operation. The Longhua five-star hotel project has been accelerated. The comprehensive carrying capacity and radiation driving force of the county have been accelerated. constantly improving. In-depth implementation of the "1244" project to strengthen counties and promote towns, and build "four strong towns" in industry, agriculture, commerce, and cultural tourism according to local conditions. "Ten Million Project" first batch of typical towns. Focusing on cultivating and strengthening the town's economy with "local specialties", the first phase of Yuexiu agriculture and animal husbandry, Yuehongkang apricot chicken breeding and other projects were completed and put into operation. The Liandu goat breeding project is progressing smoothly. The annual operating income of all village collectives has reached more than 100,000 yuan, with the highest Breaking through 500,000 yuan. Hejiang Bidao Gallery was selected as a national rural tourism boutique route and one of the "Top Ten Rural Revitalization Demonstration Zones in Guangdong Province" and received a 100 million yuan reward fund.

Comprehensively implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, add 1,110 public high-quality degrees, establish a basic education group, dissolve 49 rural teaching sites, strive for 20 schools in advanced areas to pair up to support primary and secondary schools in our county, and promote the high-quality and balanced development of urban and rural compulsory education . The scientific and technological innovation project was vigorously implemented, 16 new high-tech enterprises were added, and 50 small scientific and technological enterprises were added to the database, further improving the scientific and technological innovation capabilities. We carried out the "Thousands of Personnel Visit Thousands of Talents, Use Intelligence to Solve Problems" activity, visited and contacted 139 talents, solved 102 practical problems, and introduced 26 high-level talents. More and more talents choose Fengkai, take root in Fengkai, and serve separate.

Collaboratively promote carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion and growth, and carefully build a comprehensive demonstration site of Evergreen Beauty Garden in Hejiang Bidao Gallery. We have completed the optimization and upgrading of forest stands and forest tending for a total of 914,800 acres, and added 63,000 acres of national reserve forests. The “Thousands of Trees in One Village” project has become a model for greening towns and villages across the province, and was reported to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs as a typical case of Guangdong Province’s town-based support for towns and villages. The number of days with excellent air quality in the county ranks first in the city. The water quality of centralized drinking water sources and sections above the provincial examination are 100% up to standard. Green has increasingly become the distinctive background and feature of Fengkai's high-quality development.

Promote carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion and growth, and carefully build a comprehensive demonstration site of Evergreen Beauty Garden in Hejiang Bidao Gallery. We have completed the optimization and upgrading of forest stands and forest tending for a total of 914,800 acres, and added 63,000 acres of national reserve forest, " The "Thousands of Trees in One Village" project has become a model for the greening of towns and villages across the province, and was reported to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs as a typical case of Guangdong Province’s town-based support for towns and villages. The number of days with excellent air quality in the county ranks first in the city. The water quality of centralized drinking water sources and sections above the provincial examination are 100% up to standard. Green has increasingly become the distinctive background and feature of Fengkai's high-quality development.

Inspiring new villages and new farmers appeared on the CCTV program "Home Between Mountains and Rivers" and became a hit. Xinhua News Agency's "Poverty Alleviation Industrial Transformation", CCTV's "Rural Revitalization China Tour" and other column teams went to Fengkai for interviews, filming and special reports, and held environmental With a series of activities such as the Dawan West (Zhaoqing·Fengkai Station) 100-kilometer bicycle ride, the popularity, reputation and product competitiveness of Fengkai cultural tourism have continued to increase. The annual tourist reception and tourism revenue increased by 100% and 98% respectively year-on-year.

More than 80% of fiscal expenditures will be used to protect people's livelihood, and ten practical matters related to people's livelihood will be fully completed. The main construction of the Jiangkou Street Flood Control Project has been completed, 65% of the Nanfeng Town Flood Control Project has been completed, and the Pingfeng Town Panlongkou Waterlogging Area Remediation Project has started construction. Throughout the year, 4,215 new jobs were created in cities and towns, and 190 people with employment difficulties were employed. The County's Second People's Hospital (Nanfeng Town Central Health Center) took the lead in establishing a second-class hospital among the 47 central health centers in the province. The benefits of "Zhao Fubao" continued to expand, and the integration of township nursing homes was successfully completed. Senior citizens over 80 years old received subsidies. The bidding was comprehensively raised, the elderly canteen achieved full coverage of the town and streets, and the work of "guaranteing the delivery of the building" was fully completed.

The construction of safe and law-based closures has been solidly advanced, and the number of various production safety accidents and deaths have achieved a "double decrease". Our county's public security work satisfaction and people's sense of security ranked first and second in the city respectively. Dazhou Community in Dazhou Town was awarded the title of “National Model Village (Community) for Democracy and Rule of Law”, and the County Legal Aid Office was recommended and selected as the “National Advanced Group for Legal Aid Work”. The construction of the "1+6+N" grassroots social governance system has been fully rolled out. The pilot practice in Changgang Town was approved by the provincial party committee leaders, and Wanggao Village in Jinzhuang Town was rated as a "National Rural Governance Demonstration Village".

Hot News|The total number of business entities exceeded 18 million! Guangdong accelerates the construction of a first-class business environment

Hot News|The total number of business entities exceeded 18 million! Guangdong accelerates the construction of a first-class business environment

Invest in Guangdong 2024-01-12 17:07 Guangdong

The latest statistics show that as of the end of 2023, the number of registered business entities in Guangdong has exceeded 18 million, accounting for one-tenth of the national total. It continues to rank first in the country, with a net increase of 1.728 million from the end of 2022, an increase of 10.6%. The growth rate is the highest in the past five years.

Why can Guangdong achieve such results?

Guangdong vigorously implements the business entity cultivation plan and strives to create a good business environment. In 2023, Guangdong has successively introduced a series of measures such as the "31 Measures" to cultivate and support individual industrial and commercial households, the "51 Measures" to promote the development of individual industrial and commercial households, and the "31 Measures" to develop and expand rural business entities, to promote the accurate classification of individual industrial and commercial households. Assistance, supporting business entities throughout the life cycle.

Guangdong comprehensively cleans up policy documents that have discriminatory provisions on market access, qualification licensing, government procurement, etc. for individual industrial and commercial households. It randomly checks more than 12,000 documents and actively proposes rectification opinions to the policy-making authorities in response to the problems discovered. Statistics show that as of October 2023, various cultivation and support policies have benefited 2.46 million individual industrial and commercial households, nearly three times more than in 2022, including new tax cuts and fee reductions, tax rebates and tax deferrals totaling 76.1 billion yuan. Especially in industries such as accommodation, catering, wholesale and retail where individual industrial and commercial households are concentrated, the "one license is applicable" reform will be implemented, and related licenses will be applied for once and approved in parallel, the submission materials will be streamlined by 50%, and the approval cycle will be shortened by 70%.

At the same time, Guangdong continues to deepen the reform of business start-up, promoting the reduction of the five links of business registration, namely license, seal, tax, insurance (employee insurance registration), and gold (housing provident fund payment registration), into one, and the business start-up time has been reduced from 35 days are compressed into less than 1 working day. Guangdong has also piloted the "one license for all" reform, realizing the merger of key business licensing matters and business licenses, and "one code display" of license information. The business volume of license applications accounts for more than 85%. The level of investment facilitation continues to improve, and continues to inspire the whole society to set up enterprises. enthusiasm.

Data show that in 2023, there were 2.577 million registered "four new economies" (new technologies, new industries, new formats, and new models) enterprises in Guangdong Province, accounting for 32.9% of the total number of enterprises, an increase of 13.9% from the end of 2022; the province There were 861,000 registered manufacturing enterprises, a year-on-year increase of 5.6%, and 91,000 newly registered manufacturing enterprises, a year-on-year increase of 10.9%. Since 2023, Guangdong's traditional industrial enterprises have upgraded their industrial and value chains to mid-to-high-end through technological transformation and digital transformation, and manufacturing enterprises have grown rapidly.

At present, the added value of the 20 strategic clusters being built in Guangdong accounts for more than 40% of GDP. In the first 11 months of 2023, Guangdong’s industrial investment growth rate was as high as 23.0%.

In addition, in the process of "advance in depth" of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Guangdong's export-oriented economy has developed rapidly. As an important part of foreign-funded enterprises, the number of Hong Kong and Macao-funded legal persons in Guangdong Province will reach 96,000 in 2023, a year-on-year increase of 15.5%; there are 8,000 newly registered Hong Kong and Macao-funded legal persons, a year-on-year increase of 64.4%.

These are inseparable from the Greater Bay Area’s continued efforts to promote “soft connectivity”. In order to further improve the level of investment and business facilitation, Guangdong has accelerated the connection of rules and mechanisms in the field of market supervision in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, deepened the reform of the registration confirmation system, promoted the "Bay Area Universal Processing" for registration, and implemented "cross-border universal processing, one place" "Two Notes", piloting the electronic circulation of simplified versions of notarized documents for Hong Kong investors, realizing full electronic registration of Hong Kong-funded enterprises, and facilitating investment and business in the Bay Area. There are 87 enterprises per 1,000 people in the 9 cities in the Greater Bay Area, reaching the level of developed countries.

Guangdong’s total number of enterprises, total number of foreign-invested enterprises, and private economic entities all rank first in the country.

In the future, Guangdong will continue to work hard to optimize the business environment. The "Three-Year Action Plan for Building a World-class Business Environment in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area" released in December 2023 proposes that by 2025, Guangdong will have achieved results in key areas such as removing hidden barriers, optimizing the approval process for reengineering, and strengthening in-process and post-event supervision. A series of landmark achievements have made the business environment's systems and mechanisms more complete, making the market-oriented, rule-of-law, and internationalized business environment a golden signature.

We sincerely hope that merchants from all over the world will visit Zhaoqing City and Sihui City to take a look.

We sincerely hope to be friends with the whole world, and we sincerely do business with the whole world.

If there is anything we can't do well, I hope you can give us some suggestions.

Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs Bureau

Address: No. 122, Chengzhong Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:  0086-758-2237010,  0086-758-2231845   (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-3611228 (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-3611188

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-2899202  (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-2282600

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Policy Guidelines | New version of "Guidelines on Taxation Policies for Stabilizing Foreign Trade and Stabilizing Foreign Investment" released

Policy Guidelines | New version of "Guidelines on Taxation Policies for Stabilizing Foreign Trade and Stabilizing Foreign Investment" released

Invest in Guangdong 2024-01-17 16:17 Guangdong

In order to give full play to the role of taxation in supporting the work of stabilizing foreign trade and foreign investment, the State Administration of Taxation has sorted out and updated the currently effective relevant tax support policies and collection and management service measures, and formed a new version of the "Guidelines on Tax Policies for Stabilizing Foreign Trade and Stabilizing Foreign Investment" and issued them on January 15 It is released to the outside world to facilitate taxpayers to better understand the policies and applicable policies, and to create a good tax environment for the development of foreign trade and foreign investment.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Policy and Regulations Department of the State Administration of Taxation, the new version of the "Guidelines on Tax Policies for Stabilizing Foreign Trade and Stabilizing Foreign Investment" is divided into two major areas: stabilizing foreign trade policies and stabilizing foreign investment policies, and includes a total of 51 specific contents. Among them, 19 tax policies related to stabilizing foreign trade include tax policies for exported goods and services, value-added tax policies for cross-border taxable activities, tax policies for new foreign trade formats, and measures to facilitate export tax refund (exemption) services. Tax policies related to stabilizing foreign investment include 32 tax policies to encourage foreign investment.

The relevant person in charge of the Taxation Science Institute of the State Administration of Taxation said that foreign trade and foreign investment are the link connecting domestic and international dual cycles and are an indispensable and important force in stabilizing and promoting economic and social development. In recent years, in accordance with the arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the taxation department, together with relevant departments, has introduced a series of tax support policies and measures to facilitate collection and management services to stabilize foreign trade and foreign investment, promote the stable development of imports and exports, support the development of new formats and models of foreign trade, and encourage foreign businessmen to come. Hua invests and develops business. Combining these policies and measures into a book and updating them in a timely manner not only makes it easier for taxpayers to systematically grasp and enjoy the policies, but also releases a positive signal to continue to expand opening up to the outside world and vigorously consolidate the fundamentals of foreign trade and foreign investment, further boosting market development confidence.

At present, the new version of the "Guidelines on Tax Policies for Stabilizing Foreign Trade and Stabilizing Foreign Investment" has been released on the official website of the State Administration of Taxation. Taxpayers can log in to inquire and compare operations, apply tax support policies suitable for their own development, and fully enjoy the policy dividends.

Data map source: Yangcheng Evening News·Yangcheng School

"Compilation of Tax Policy Guidelines for Stabilizing Foreign Trade and Stabilizing Foreign Investment"

Table of contents

1. Stabilizing foreign trade tax policies

(1) Goods and labor services tax policy

1. Tax refund (exemption) policy for exported goods and services

2. Tax exemption policy for exported goods and services

3. Taxation policy provisions on exported goods and services that do not apply to VAT refund (exemption) and tax exemption policies

4. Pilot policy for general VAT taxpayer qualifications in comprehensive bonded zones

5. Export tax rebate policy for finance leased goods

6. Tax refund policy at port of departure

7. Border small trade tax policy

(2) Value-added tax policy for cross-border taxable activities

8. Cross-border taxable activities are subject to the VAT zero-rate policy

9. Cross-border taxable activities are subject to VAT exemption policy

(3) Tax policies for new foreign trade formats

10. Cross-border e-commerce retail exports are subject to VAT and consumption tax refund (exemption) policies

11. Cross-border e-commerce retail exports are exempt from value-added tax and consumption tax

12. Invoice-free tax exemption policy for retail exports in the Cross-border E-commerce Comprehensive Pilot Zone

13. Policies for the assessment and collection of corporate income tax on retail export enterprises in the Cross-border E-commerce Comprehensive Pilot Zone

14. VAT exemption policy for exported goods through market procurement trade

15. Tax refund policy for foreign trade comprehensive service enterprises

16. Tax policy for cross-border e-commerce exports and returned goods

(4) Measures to facilitate export tax refund (exemption) services

17. Simplify and optimize export tax refund (exemption) submission materials and processing procedures

18. Continue to accelerate the progress of export tax refund (exemption)

19. Continue to improve the level of export tax refund (exemption) services

2. Stabilizing foreign investment tax policies

(1) Tax policies to encourage foreign investment

20. Direct investment by foreign investors with distributed profits is temporarily not subject to withholding income tax

21. Qualified non-resident taxpayers enjoy treaty benefits

22. Sino-foreign cooperative education is exempt from value-added tax

23. Taiwan shipping companies engaged in cross-strait maritime direct shipping business are exempt from value-added tax

24. Taiwan shipping companies engaged in cross-strait maritime direct shipping business are exempt from corporate income tax

25. Taiwanese airlines engaged in cross-strait air direct flights are exempt from value-added tax

26. Taiwanese airlines engaged in cross-strait air direct flights are exempt from corporate income tax

(2) Tax policies to attract foreigners

27. Preferential policies for personal income tax subsidy for foreigners

28. Individual income tax concessions for high-end overseas talents in short supply in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

29. Individual income tax preferential treatment for high-end talents in short supply at home and abroad in the Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone

30. Individual income tax preferential treatment for Macao residents working in the Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone

31. Individual income tax preferential treatment for Hong Kong and Macao residents in Nansha, Guangzhou

32. Individual income tax preferential treatment for Taiwan residents in Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone, Fujian

(3) Tax policies to support the opening up of financial markets

33. QFII and RQFII entrust domestic companies to engage in securities trading business in my country and are exempt from value-added tax

34. QFII and RQFII are temporarily exempt from corporate income tax on income from the transfer of stocks and other equity investment assets in China.

35. QFII and RQFII are temporarily exempt from VAT on the price difference income from the CDR transfer of innovative enterprises

36. Regulations on the exemption of corporate income tax for QFII and RQFII’s income from CDR transfer and dividend income from innovative enterprises

37. Income from the transfer of financial products obtained by overseas institutions investing in the inter-bank local currency market is exempt from value-added tax

38. Interest income from domestic bonds invested by overseas institutions is temporarily exempt from VAT

39. Interest income from domestic bonds invested by overseas institutions is temporarily exempt from corporate income tax

40. The transfer price difference obtained by Hong Kong market investors investing in A-shares listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange is exempt from VAT.

41. Income from the transfer price difference obtained by investors in the Hong Kong market investing in A-shares listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange is temporarily exempt from income tax.

42. Income tax policy on dividends received by investors in the Hong Kong market from investing in A-shares listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange

43. The transfer price difference obtained by Hong Kong market investors investing in A-shares listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange is exempt from VAT.

44. Income from the transfer price difference obtained by Hong Kong market investors investing in A-shares listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange is temporarily exempt from income tax.

45. Income tax policy on dividends received by investors in the Hong Kong market from investing in A-shares listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange

46. Investors in the Hong Kong market who participate in stock guaranteed short selling are temporarily exempt from securities (stock) transaction stamp tax on the borrowing and return of stocks involved.

47. The transfer price difference obtained by investors in the Hong Kong market from buying and selling mainland fund shares is exempt from VAT

48. Income from the transfer price difference obtained by investors in the Hong Kong market from buying and selling mainland fund shares is temporarily exempt from income tax.

49. Income tax policy for investors in the Hong Kong market from distribution of funds in the Mainland

50. Foreign institutional investors engaged in domestic crude oil futures trading are temporarily not subject to corporate income tax

51. Income obtained by overseas individual investors from investing in crude oil and other cargo futures in China is temporarily exempt from personal income tax.

We sincerely hope that merchants from all over the world will visit Zhaoqing City and Sihui City to take a look.

We sincerely hope to be friends with the whole world, and we sincerely do business with the whole world.

If there is anything we can't do well, I hope you can give us some suggestions.

Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs Bureau

Address: No. 122, Chengzhong Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:  0086-758-2237010,  0086-758-2231845   (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-3611228 (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-3611188

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-2899202  (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-2282600

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Policy Guidelines丨Legislation protects the manufacturing industry! This regulation in Guangdong will be the first to be implemented nationwide on March 1

Policy Guidelines丨Legislation protects the manufacturing industry! This regulation in Guangdong will be the first to be implemented nationwide on March 1 

Invest in Guangdong 2024-01-23 16:55 Guangdong

The Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial People's Congress held a press conference on the morning of January 20 to introduce the "Guangdong Provincial Regulations on the Promotion of High-quality Development of Manufacturing" (hereinafter referred to as the "Manufacturing Regulations").

It is understood that the "Manufacturing Regulations" will come into effect on March 1. It is the first specialized legislation introduced by Guangdong Province in the country to promote new industrialization and accelerate the construction of a strong manufacturing province. It will position Guangdong at the forefront of promoting Chinese-style modernization. Building a strong material and technological foundation provides strong institutional support, demonstrating Guangdong's determination and confidence to unswervingly promote new industrialization and build a strong manufacturing province.

What are the specific measures and key contents?

Let me show you a picture↓

Policy Guidelines丨Legislation protects the manufacturing industry! This regulation in Guangdong will be the first to be implemented nationwide on March 1

We sincerely hope that merchants from all over the world will visit Zhaoqing City and Sihui City to take a look.

We sincerely hope to be friends with the whole world, and we sincerely do business with the whole world.

If there is anything we can't do well, I hope you can give us some suggestions.

Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs Bureau

Address: No. 122, Chengzhong Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:  0086-758-2237010,  0086-758-2231845   (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-3611228 (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-3611188

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-2899202  (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-2282600

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)


African brothers' favorite drink --- known as African Coca-Cola--rich taste-Cheap price-Citrus juice drink-china drink-African drink-beverages-soda

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