Thursday, May 4, 2023

Six key projects will start construction in May, and this event in Zhaoqing is worth paying attention to

Six key projects will start construction in May, and this event in Zhaoqing is worth paying attention to

Investment Zhaoqing 2023-05-04 20:54 Published in Guangdong

Appoint you on May 20th 2023!

The event in Zhaoqing is worth paying attention to ↓

Construction of the Six Key Projects in Gaoyao District (laying the foundation)

And '520 · Infinite Love'

Charity Fireworks Music Feast

Will be on May 20, 2023

Held in Zhaoqing Jinli High tech Zone.

At that time, six key projects will be launched (laying the foundation)

Including ↓↓

The opening ceremony of the three major projects of Guoxin Holdings Group, namely "Zhaoqing Junyu Road Xiwenderm Hotel", "Junyu Coast High Quality Talent Community Phase II Project", and "Junyu Coast Riverside Park";

The opening ceremony of Zhaoqing Middle School's settlement in Jinli High tech Zone and the donation ceremony of Guoxin Education Fund;

The groundbreaking ceremony of the "China Hotel Supplies Industry Headquarters Industrial Port" project;

The commencement ceremony of the road upgrading and renovation project between Foshan City and Zhaoqing Jinli High tech Zone.

How much do you know about these projects?

1、 Zhaoqingjun Yudao Xiwendame Hotel

Wyndham Hotel Group (Fortune 500) is the largest and most diversified hotel group management company in the world, with nearly 10000 hotels in 95 countries.

The Zhaoqingjun Yudao Xiwendame Hotel is a super high-rise five-star hotel with a design height of 268 meters and a building area of 80000 square meters. The planned total investment is 1.3 billion yuan, integrating functions such as meetings, business, accommodation, banquets, and vacations.

Zhaoqingjun Yudao Xiwendame Hotel

2、 Guangdong Zhaoqing Middle School Jinli laboratory school

In order to promote the reform of the educational system in the high priority areas, strengthen the construction of the teaching team, and improve the quality of teaching and education, the people's government of the high priority areas in Zhaoqing City has cooperated with Guangdong Zhaoqing Middle School in running schools. A new Jinli laboratory school of Guangdong Zhaoqing Middle School (12 year consistent system) has been built, and the school is run in groups.

Guangdong Zhaoqing Middle School Jinli laboratory school

The total planned investment of the project is about 394 million yuan, with a total construction area of over 60000 square meters. The school has a total of 81 classes (including 36 classes in primary school, 33 classes in junior high school, and 12 classes in high school, with a total of 3870 newly added degrees). The construction content includes indoor and outdoor education and teaching supporting facilities such as teaching buildings, dormitory buildings, sports venues, and maker spaces. As needed, the project will be equipped with an additional kindergarten with a total of 15 classes (450 degrees). After the completion of this project, it will further optimize the allocation of educational resources in Zhaoqing Jinli High tech Zone.

3、 China Hotel Supplies Industry Headquarters Industrial Port

The industrial port of the headquarters of China's hotel supplies industry has settled in the Jinli High tech Zone of Zhaoqing, located at the intersection of the two cities and three districts of Foshan and Zhaozhou. The overall investment of the project is about 10 billion yuan, and it is planned to be developed in three phases. It is planned to be invested in three years and completed in five years.

China Hotel Supplies Industry Headquarters Industrial Port

The project relies on the platform advantages of the China Hotel Supplies Association, with the strategic goal of "trillion yuan hotel supplies industry · trillion yuan bay area industry cooperation", with the Chinese hotel supplies industry as the core, based on the bay area, facing the whole country, and connecting the world, and striving to create the world's largest integrated comprehensive platform for hotel supplies intelligent manufacturing, exhibition and trade, research and development, and other industries, Preliminary planning and construction of "three major bases (brand production base, intelligent production base, and industrial education training base), four major platforms (global trading platform, trade promotion platform, intelligent management platform, and industrial cooperation platform), and ten empowerment centers (Front store and back store exhibition and sales center, global e-commerce center, international cloud trading digital center, China Hotel Supplies Expo Center, industry brand alliance headquarters center, international foreign trade organization coordination center, hotel supplies R&D innovation center, smart management service center, rural leisure life center, Guangdong 4A industrial tourism demonstration center).

4、 Foshan City and Zhaoqing Jinli High tech Zone Road Upgrading and Renovation Project

Foshan City and Zhaoqing Jinli High tech Zone Road Upgrading and Renovation Project

The connecting line between Hecheng Street in Gaoming District, Foshan City and Zhaoqing Jinli High tech Zone is an important transportation road between Zhaoqing and Foshan. The renovation and upgrading of this road will further optimize the transportation connection between Zhaoqing Jinli High tech Zone and Gaoyao City, improve the highway network construction of Gaoyao District, and enable Zhaoqing Jinli High tech Zone to effectively connect the east with the west, connect the east with the west, and assist in the integration of Zhaoqing Gaoyao and Foshan Gaoming industries, It is conducive to enhancing the radiation and driving role of the Guangfo Economic Circle in the Zhaoqing Jinli High tech Zone, accelerating the construction of the "1-hour" transportation and economic circle in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, assisting in the industrial clustering, development, and upgrading of the areas along the line, and promoting the deep integration of Zhaoqing into the development of the Greater Bay Area.

5、 Junyu Coast High Quality Talent Community Phase II Project

Junyu Coast High Quality Talent Community is located in Jinli High tech Zone, Zhaoqing. The talent community introduces the concept of 4.0 human settlement culture, integrating "residence, environment, culture, and life" into architectural and landscape design, maximizing the impact of landscape environment on the form of residential space.

Junyu Coast High Quality Talent Community Phase II Project

Provide residents with a high-quality living environment and quality of life, allowing them to feel the "freedom, freedom, and confidence" that permeates the air when entering the community, creating a sense of belonging similar to "my hometown where my heart is at peace".

6、 Junyu Coastal Riverside Park

The Binjiang Park project is located on the west bank of the Jinli High tech Zone in Zhaoqing, adjacent to the Junyu Coast Commercial and Residential Complex project to the west. The entire Binjiang Park stretches about 1.1 kilometers along the Xijiang River, covering an area of approximately 8.5 hectares.

The design of Binjiang Park adheres to the design concept of adapting to local conditions, people-oriented, and cultural inheritance, striving to create a waterfront project benchmark that integrates the historical and cultural charm of Zhaoqing with modern artistic aesthetics, adding a beautiful city card to Zhaoqing, and adding a popular waterfront leisure place for citizens.

Junyu Coastal Riverside Park--Jinli,Zhaoqing

Inspired by the market map of the Song Dynasty, the project extracts eight daily life scenes of citizens, such as working, greeting, boating, walking, meeting friends, taking a break, playing, and looking into the distance, which are embedded in the park, reinterpreting the "Eight Scenes of the West River" with modern artistic language, so that citizens can continue the "aesthetics of life" of the Song Dynasty in the future.

كيف تشاوتشينغ الصناعة " القوة " ؟ نظرة على الاتجاه الجديد للتنمية الصناعية تشاوتشينغ معا .

 كيف تشاوتشينغ الصناعة " القوة " ؟  نظرة على الاتجاه الجديد للتنمية الصناعية تشاوتشينغ معا . 

 الاستثمار في تشاوتشينغ 2023-05-04 20 : 54 نشرت في قوانغدونغ 


 في الماضي قد يوم عطلة ، 

 العديد من مواقع المشروع في تشاوتشينغ 

 الحفاظ على وتيرة البناء . 

 صور صور 


 هذا العام ، ستواصل المدينة بقوة تنفيذ " عشرة ملايين المشاريع " و " عشرة أعمال " في الصناعة التحويلية ، والحفاظ على الاتجاه التصاعدي ، وبناء أساس متين للتنمية عالية الجودة . 


 الصورة الأصلية من بولوس مؤامرة جمعت 9 مشاريع التصنيع ، هي الآن تحت الإنشاء المكثف .  بيانات الرسم البياني 


 الصناعة في مدينتنا سلمت نسخة مستقرة من الثقة ، 

 القيمة المضافة الصناعية بنسبة 5.7 في المائة . 

 في المرتبة الأولى في المحافظة ، 

 من بينها 36 فئات الصناعة 

 هناك 21 التي لا تزال تنمو بشكل إيجابي ، 

 دعم الاقتصاد الصناعي قد تعززت . 

 صور صور 


 في بعض الصناعات التي تحتل نسبة عالية نسبيا في المدينة ، صهر المعادن غير الحديدية ، الصقل ، صناعة المنتجات المعدنية ، الكمبيوتر ، الاتصالات السلكية واللاسلكية وغيرها من الصناعات التحويلية للمعدات الالكترونية ، والآلات الكهربائية وتصنيع المعدات وغيرها من الصناعات قد حققت نموا ملحوظا ، نوع جديد من صناعة تخزين الطاقة باعتبارها الصناعة الرائدة في المدينة ، في حالة جيدة من التنمية ، في كانون الثاني / يناير - آذار / مارس على نمو القيمة المضافة الصناعية قد تضاعف .  من خلال تحليل مصادر النمو في مختلف المقاطعات ( المدن والمقاطعات ) ، يمكننا أن نرى أيضا أن القدرة الإنتاجية التقليدية المحلية الرائدة أو التحول والارتقاء تلعب دورا هاما في سحب القوة الدافعة ، من أعلى 100 شركة ، شركة جديدة للاستثمار ، وزيادة رأس المال وتوسيع المشاريع ، الشركات المتوسطة الحجم تشكل صناعة القيادة معا لبناء إطار دعم الإنتاج الصناعي ، مما يدل على الاستقرار . 


 ومن الجدير بالذكر أن 


 صناعة التكنولوجيا الفائقة ينمو أكثر من 34 ٪ 

 يدل على التحسين المستمر في الهيكل الصناعي في المدينة . 



 على أساس ثابت من الإنتاج الصناعي ، 

 الاستثمار الصناعي ، والاستثمار في التكنولوجيا الصناعية 

 كما أظهرت نموا سريعا . 


 وفقا للاحصاءات 


 ما يقرب من نصف المدينة استثمارات الاصول الثابتة في الربع الأول من الاستثمار الصناعي ، بزيادة أكثر من 25 ٪ على اساس سنوى ، مما يدل على أن " الصناعة التحويلية في المنزل " الهبوط المستمر والفعال .  من بينها ، والاستثمار في صناعة السيارات بنسبة 240 في المائة تقريبا ، والمنسوجات والملابس بنسبة 106 في المائة .  صناعة المستحضرات الصيدلانية ، والأغذية والمشروبات صناعة الاستثمار في نمو مزدوج الرقم . 

 من أجل الحفاظ على زخم المتابعة ، 

 في الوقت الحاضر ، المدينة هو اتخاذ تدابير لضمان الاستثمار الصناعي ، 

 بذل كل جهد ممكن لتحقيق النمو الاقتصادي المطرد . 


 على سبيل المثال ، من خلال تسريع المعروض من الأراضي ، وتسريع الهبوط من المشروع ، ومواصلة القيام بعمل جيد " فنغ " العمل ، على نطاق واسع في التجمعات الصناعية ، تشاوتشينغ منطقة التكنولوجيا الفائقة ، تشاوتشينغ منطقة جديدة ، مثل جذب جيدة الاتجاه .  من أجل خدمة المشاريع الصناعية ، والاستثمار في البنية التحتية في المدينة هذا العام لا تزال تحافظ على النمو السريع ، في الربع الأول ، والاستثمار في البنية التحتية بنسبة 15.7 في المائة ، من الصناعات الرئيسية ، وصناعة الطاقة بنسبة 136.1 في المائة .  إنتاج وتوريد الطاقة الحرارية بنسبة 125.7 في المائة ، من أجل القيام بعمل جيد في صناعة الهبوط لضمان بناء أساس متين . 

How can Zhaoqing Industry "exert its power"? Let's take a look at the new trends in the development of Zhaoqing's industrial industry together

How can Zhaoqing Industry "exert its power"? Let's take a look at the new trends in the development of Zhaoqing's industrial industry together

Investment Zhaoqing 2023-05-04 20:54 Published in Guangdong

During the May Day holiday that just passed,

Multiple project sites in Zhaoqing

Continue to maintain the fast pace of construction.

This year, our city will continue to vigorously implement the "Hundred and Ten Million Project" and the "Ten Actions" for manufacturing industry leadership, maintaining an upward trend and laying a solid foundation for high-quality development.

The original Plos plot in the picture has gathered 9 manufacturing projects, all of which are currently under intense construction.

The original Plos plot in the picture has gathered 9 manufacturing projects, all of which are currently under intense construction. 

In the first quarter 2023,

Our city's industry has handed over a stable and confident transcript,

The added value of industries above designated size in the city increased by 5.7%,

Ranked high in the province,

36 industry categories

21 maintained positive growth,

The supporting role of industrial economy has further strengthened.

Among the industries with a relatively high proportion in the city, the non-ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry, metal products industry, computer, communication and other electronic equipment manufacturing industry, electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing industry, etc. have achieved significant growth. As the leading industry in our city, the new energy storage industry has shown a good development trend, and the growth of industrial added value on the scale has doubled from January to March. By analyzing the sources of growth in each county (city, district), it can also be seen that local leading or traditional production capacity that has undergone transformation and upgrading plays a significant driving force. A manufacturing echelon composed of top 100 enterprises, new production enterprises, capital increase and production expansion enterprises, and medium-sized enterprises, jointly build a framework to support industrial production, demonstrating a stable role.

It is worth noting that,

In the first quarter 2023,

The high-tech industry has grown by over 34%,

It shows that the industrial structure of our city continues to improve.

Released by Zhaoqing, 

On the basis of stable industrial production,

Industrial investment and industrial technological transformation investment throughout the city

It also shows rapid growth.

according to the statistics

In the first quarter, nearly half of the city's fixed assets investment came from industrial investment, with a year-on-year growth of more than 25%, highlighting the continuous and effective implementation of "manufacturing industry leadership". Among them, the investment in the automotive industry increased by nearly 240%, while the investment in the textile and clothing industry increased by 106%; The investment growth rate in the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry and the food and beverage industry has turned positive, both showing double-digit growth.

In order to maintain subsequent momentum,

Currently, our city is taking multiple measures to ensure industrial investment,

Make every effort to seize the economy and stabilize growth.

By accelerating land supply, promoting project implementation, and continuously doing a good job in attracting talents, large-scale industrial clusters, Zhaoqing High tech Zone, and Zhaoqing New Area have shown a good trend of attracting talents. In order to serve industrial projects well, our city's infrastructure investment continues to maintain rapid growth this year. In the first quarter, infrastructure investment increased by 15.7%, while in key industries, the energy industry increased by 136.1%; The production and supply of electricity and heat increased by 125.7%, laying a solid foundation for ensuring the landing of the manufacturing industry.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

There is a huge foam in Chinese houses. No wonder Warren Buffett said it was a hoax.

There is a huge foam in Chinese houses. No wonder Warren Buffett said it was a hoax.

In some parts of China, for a house worth 2 million yuan, the rent is only 2000 yuan,

One calculation. 100 times P/E ratio.

The house is rotten and cannot be recovered.

Some people say that raising rent is enough?

Just notified the loser to increase the rent. Losi's company went bankrupt. Move out tomorrow. No more renting.

After being vacant for half a year, finally someone came to see and want to rent.

Upon entering the door, there was a smell of dead mice. Loser thought it was the scene of the murder.

Immediately lower the price and stop renting. Losi's company provides cheap apartments, and there are female colleagues upstairs.

The remaining landlord is in a mess in the wind and wants to charge 50 yuan for viewing the house.

There is a huge foam in Chinese houses. No wonder Warren Buffett said it was a hoax.

There is a huge foam in Chinese houses. No wonder Warren Buffett said it was a hoax.

There is a huge foam in Chinese houses. No wonder Warren Buffett said it was a hoax.

















Monday, May 1, 2023

The first rural culinary competition in Sihui City in 2023- Tea Oil Chicken Food Carnival. It is currently being held.

Who could have thought of our landmark in Sihui City, the Sihui Sports Center (Xian Dongmei Sports Center), also known as the Orange Sports Center.

The first rural culinary competition in Sihui City in 2023- Tea Oil Chicken Food Carnival

We, the citizens of Sihui City, use it to hold rural banquets.

The first rural culinary competition in Sihui City in 2023- Tea Oil Chicken Food Carnival. It is currently being held.


How to develop high-quality pre made dishes of Sihui Tea Oil Chicken? | Focus on the "High quality Development Project of Hundred Counties, Thousand Towns, and Ten Thousand Villages"

How to develop high-quality pre made dishes of Sihui Tea Oil Chicken?  | Focus on the "High quality Development Project of Hundred Counties, Thousand Towns, and Ten Thousand Villages"

Welcome merchants from all over the world to inspect the investment environment in Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Published by Sihui City on May 1st, 2023 at 17:10 in Guangdong

On April 29, 2023, the first Rural Kitchen Competition and Ten Thousand People Tasting Tea, Oil and Chicken Food Carnival in Sihui City opened grandly. It is reported that this event is jointly organized by the Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports Bureau of Sihui City, the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Sihui City, and the Federation of Trade Unions of Sihui City. The aim is to promote the catering culture of Sihui City, create a new image of a food and tourism city, and promote the high-quality development of the cultural and tourism industry.

2023 Sihui City Tea Oil Chicken Prefabricated Vegetable High Quality Development Forum    The First Rural Cooking Competition in Sihui City in 2023

2023 Sihui City Tea Oil Chicken Prefabricated Vegetable High Quality Development Forum    The First Rural Cooking Competition in Sihui City in 2023

#Wanrenpin Chicken, Rural Kitchen Competition

#Create a new logo for Sihui City

The four river(West river,North river,Dragon river,Sui river) meet, creating a millennium old city charm. Founded in the Qin Dynasty, Sihui not only has titles such as a national civilized city, the hometown of Chinese citrus, the hometown of Chinese jade, the famous hometown of overseas Chinese in Guangdong Province, and the holy land of the sixth ancestor of Zen Buddhism, but also has developed various local specialties and delicacies. Tea oil chicken is one of the more representative ones.

Tea oil chicken is a famous dish in Sihui City, cooked with precious and fragrant wild tea oil. It has the characteristics of freshness, tenderness, smoothness, and no fishy smell. It is a top-notch tonic, beauty, and detoxification, and is also a necessary delicacy for the Sihuier to entertain guests.

2023 Sihui City Tea Oil Chicken Prefabricated Vegetable High Quality Development Forum    The First Rural Cooking Competition in Sihui City in 2023

2023 Sihui City Tea Oil Chicken Prefabricated Vegetable High Quality Development Forum    The First Rural Cooking Competition in Sihui City in 2023

In order to promote this culinary business card and promote the integration of local catering culture and tourism, this food festival event fully explores and showcases the rich connotations of the Sihui catering industry through means such as 10000 people tasting chicken and rural kitchen competitions, expands the popularity of the Sihui, and creates a new symbol of the Sihui cuisine.

#Seven major enterprises signed contracts

#Inviting Investment and Promoting the Development of Tea, Oil, Chicken, and Prefabricated Vegetables

As a new form of consumption, pre made dishes can not only meet people's demand for delicious food, but also serve as an emerging carrier for spreading Chinese cuisine culture, allowing many traditional Chinese cuisine with complex ingredients and production techniques that people generally do not easily make and strong seasonality to enter the daily lives of the people.

In order to accelerate the integration of industries and make the pre made vegetable industry an important engine driving the rapid development of the economy in Sihui, Sihui City actively responds to the directive spirit of Guangdong Province to vigorously promote the development of the pre made vegetable industry and seize the "new track" of pre made vegetable. It has established a tea oil chicken pre made vegetable and food distribution industry chain, attracting investment from enterprises related to the pre made vegetable industry chain in the province, and promoting the accelerated innovative development of the pre made vegetable industry.

2023 Sihui City Tea Oil Chicken Prefabricated Vegetable High Quality Development Forum    The First Rural Cooking Competition in Sihui City in 2023

On the day of the event, a signing ceremony was held for the investment attraction and cooperation project of tea oil chicken pre made vegetables. Guangzhou Panzhong Fresh Food Co., Ltd., Zhaoqing Kangda Ecological Food Co., Ltd., Sihui Zhengmu Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Zhengdingji Food Co., Ltd., Guangjing Food (Guangdong) Co., Ltd., Guangdong Steamed and Boiled Food Technology Co., Ltd., and Guangdong Heshi Aquatic Products Co., Ltd., seven prefabricated vegetable enterprises, have signed contracts with the Sihui Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports Bureau. In the future, they will focus on production, processing, cold chain, logistics The sales and other aspects provide new development ideas for the tea oil chicken pre made vegetable industry.

#Hold a forum on pre made tea oil chicken dishes

#Exploring new dimensions of sales of characteristic agricultural products

2023 Sihui City Tea Oil Chicken Prefabricated Vegetable High Quality Development Forum    The First Rural Cooking Competition in Sihui City in 2023

On the same day of the opening ceremony, a high-quality development forum for pre made tea oil chicken dishes was also held, inviting pre made vegetable production, circulation, sales enterprises, and scientific research experts to discuss topics such as tea oil chicken pre made vegetable locking technology, logistics distribution, and promotion and sales.

Tea oil is alkaline and can neutralize the acidity of chicken, remove fishy taste, and enhance the flavor. "Zhang Danna, Chairman of Guangzhou Panzhong Fresh Food Co., Ltd., pointed out the development prospects of tea oil chicken pre made dishes based on her years of experience in producing spicy chicken and salt baked chicken.

Tea oil chicken pre made dishes can work together on both the B-end and C-end, with B-end products opening up distribution channels, establishing experiential stores, C-end products entering supermarkets and online live streaming channels. Xiong Tao, General Manager of Guangdong Steamed and Boiled Food Technology Co., Ltd., expressed his own opinions on how to expand sales channels for pre made dishes.

"Tea flavored chicken is a high-quality food with high protein and low cholesterol. Standardizing and digitizing the chef's process through prepared dishes is an effective way to let the tea flavored chicken go out of the four meetings." Cheng Jingrong, a doctor of the Sericulture and Agricultural Products Research Institute of the Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, technically shared how the tea flavored chicken can take the path of large-scale and brand development.

Guests such as Wu Ruixiang, Chairman of Zhaoqing Kangda Ecological Food Co., Ltd., Lin Guicheng, Chairman of Sihui Zhengmu Co., Ltd., Zheng Zhiqiang, Chairman of Shenzhen Zhengdingji Food Co., Ltd., Tan Yanping, General Manager of Guangjing Food (Guangdong) Co., Ltd., and Wang Dong, Secretary of the Board of Directors of Guangdong Heshi Aquatic Products Co., Ltd. also discussed how to achieve the effect of fresh tea fried chicken with pre made vegetables, and how to carry out warehouse cold chain logistics construction We shared topics such as how to expand sales channels and how to assist in rural revitalization, and provided suggestions on how to polish the golden signboard of "one chicken hits one city" and promote the development of the tea oil chicken pre made vegetable industry.

Friday, April 28, 2023

Industrial Strong County! Huaiji County, Zhaoqing City "Nesting and Attracting Phoenix", Cultivating Industry and Building a Platform!

Industrial Strong County! Huaiji County, Zhaoqing City "Nesting and Attracting Phoenix", Cultivating Industry and Building a Platform!

Investment Zhaoqing 2023-04-07 18:36 Published in Guangdong

Huaiji focuses on the goal of high-quality development, closely adheres to the two positioning of building a high-level Zhaoqing (Huaiji) green agricultural and sideline product distribution base in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area and strengthening the sub center of Zhaoqing City. It adheres to the principle of strengthening the county through industry, promoting urban-rural integration development, and making it the key to unlocking the high-quality development of the entire county.

The picture overlooks the city of Huaiji County, with towering and thriving buildings

The picture overlooks the city of Huaiji County, with towering and thriving buildings. Huaiji provides

1、Building nests to attract phoenix and promoting high-quality development of industrial parks

Standing in the Guangfo Zhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone, the sound of machines roaring and steel bars pounding comes from time to time. Large mechanical equipment such as cranes and cranes do not stop running, and transport vehicles full of materials come and go... A batch of ongoing projects are in full swing, rushing to catch up with progress, adding momentum to the high-quality development of the county's economy.

Entering the construction project site of Laimeng (Zhaoqing) Health Industrial Park, the construction workers were full of enthusiasm, and the workshop gradually took shape. The project progress was relatively smooth. The first phase of the Laimeng project has invested over 400 million yuan and has completed 70% of the total project volume. The research building and factory building behind it are expected to be completed in June this year, and the first carrageenan production line will be put into operation in October. The project leader stated that the project has received high attention from the Huaiji County Party Committee and Government from its establishment to its commencement, as well as the attentive service of relevant departments, It demonstrates the determination of Huaiji to be a good 'service officer' of the enterprise, using heart, emotion, and sincerity.

The construction project of Laimeng (Zhaoqing) Health Industrial Park is a large domestic pectin enterprise that integrates product research and development, processing, and sales. The total investment of the project is 1 billion yuan, covering an area of 174 acres, with a total construction area of 140000 square meters. The annual output value after reaching the standard is about 1.75 billion yuan, and the annual tax revenue is 70 million yuan, which can drive employment of over 500 people. This project achieved a breakthrough of "zero" in the introduction of a single manufacturing project with an investment amount of over 1 billion yuan in Huaiji County.

The Investment Promotion Center of Huaiji County has always adhered to the mechanism of dedicated personnel to track and coordinate the entire process of project implementation and commencement, ensuring the efficiency of service work, continuously providing good employment and financing services for enterprises, and coordinating to solve the problem of difficult employment and financing for enterprises. The relevant person in charge of the Investment Promotion Center of Huaiji County stated that it will further improve the "Chief Service Officer" mechanism and actively provide "mother like services" for enterprises, Find ways to coordinate and solve the difficulties and problems that exist in the implementation and construction process of the project, ensure the smooth implementation and construction of the enterprise, and accelerate the completion and production.

The implementation of the project cannot be separated from the guarantee of land elements. In order to ensure the supply of land for industrial development, the Huaiji County Park Management Bureau has recently accelerated the promotion of earthwork leveling projects and continuously improved the park's carrying capacity.

The earthwork leveling project is located in Zone B of the industrial park, covering an area of approximately 650 acres. After the completion of this project, 10 projects, including Des Leicester intelligent door and window manufacturing and dry aluminum high-end curtain wall aluminum panels, will be settled. The total planned investment is 1.46 billion yuan, and the expected annual tax revenue is 48.64 million yuan after reaching the standard and reaching the production capacity. It can provide more than 800 job opportunities and contribute to the high-quality development of the park.

At the same time, the Huaiji County Park Management Bureau will accelerate the construction of infrastructure, comprehensively improve basic supporting facilities such as roads, water, and electricity, fully enhance the level of park service guarantee, provide a good platform for project settlement, promote early landing, completion, production, and effectiveness of projects, and use "mother like" services to enable Huaiji enterprises to achieve high-quality development "acceleration".

Build a nest in the garden area and set up a platform to attract phoenix. According to statistics, from January to February, Huaiji County added 3 new construction projects, 3 new completed projects, 10 new under construction projects, and 5 new production projects. The actual annual construction investment was 240 million yuan, of which the actual annual construction investment in the manufacturing industry was 230 million yuan.

Next, Huaiji County will continue to optimize the business environment, strengthen the guarantee of industrial investment landing factors, create a high-quality development platform carrier for projects, and promote project construction to run out of "acceleration".

The image collection comprehensively promotes the construction of a green and beautiful collection, making green the most beautiful background color

The image collection comprehensively promotes the construction of a green and beautiful collection, making green the most beautiful background color. Photographed by Liang Xiaoming, a journalist from Xijiang Daily

2、 centers with multiple nodes, coordinating the high-quality development of distribution bases

On December 28, 2022, the Zhaoqing (Huaiji) Green Agricultural and Sideline Products Distribution Base (hereinafter referred to as the "Distribution Base") in the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, the Trade Expo Center, and the Agricultural Inspection and Testing Center, as well as the Agricultural Big Data Center project of the Distribution Base, were opened and put into operation simultaneously, marking a new achievement and step forward in the construction of the Distribution Base.

Huaiji County is the only county-level city included in the "Outline of the Development Plan for the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area". Over the past three years, Huaiji County has made efforts to build a high-level distribution base with the strength of the entire county, striving to create the "One Platform, One Park, and Five Centers" (agricultural product import and export platform, agricultural and sideline product deep processing industrial park, agricultural and sideline product testing center, agricultural and sideline product trading center, agricultural and sideline product exhibition and sales center, labor cooperation service center, and youth innovation and entrepreneurship incubation center in the western region).

At present, the Zhaoqing (Huaiji) Green Agricultural Products Testing Center in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area is operating well. In 2022, the platform has completed testing of approximately 400 batches. The Southwest (Huaiji) Agricultural Products Import and Export Service Platform has a strong radiating force. In 2022, the cooperative planting area with local areas such as Zhaoqing, Guangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou, etc. exceeded 10000 acres, with 113 farmers and 7 production and sales cooperation enterprises. The order area is 6356.5 acres, and more than 9000 acres are planted throughout the year. About 30 tons of vegetables are transported to cities in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area through this service platform every day, with a peak of over 50 tons, Fully utilized the distribution function of high-quality agricultural products in the distribution base.

How to build a high-level distribution base? Huaiji explores the development model of front-end market, mid-range deep processing, and back-end strategic reserve, and constructs a "one center, multiple nodes" industrial closed-loop.

The Trade Expo Center is located in a closed-loop core position and is an important front-end market for distribution bases. As the main body of the trading and exhibition center, Jiafeng Green Expo City has 16 trading areas in its first phase. Currently, it is officially open and has a signing rate of 90%, which can meet the diversified needs of buyers.

After the operation of the trading wholesale center, it not only sells high-quality agricultural and sideline products in Huaiji, but also attracts and concentrates agricultural and sideline products such as seafood, tropical fruits, and imported food that Huaiji does not have, driving the flow of people, logistics, and funds to gather in Huaiji, fully mobilizing the vitality of Huaiji's agricultural and sideline product distribution, "said Zhong Hanping, Chairman of Jiafeng Green Expo City.

Focusing on the front-end market of the Trade Expo Center, Huaiji focuses on developing the three major industries of pigs, vegetables, and rice, and lays out key links in the development of these three industries through multi node layout.

With the promotion of the transformation from "pig mixing" to "meat transportation" in Guangdong Province, the production capacity of live pig slaughter and processing has shifted from sales areas to production areas, and the development of meat deep processing in Huaiji has ushered in positive results. At present, the construction of the poultry and livestock centralized slaughter industrial park in the distribution base is progressing in an orderly manner. The planned area of the park is about 1000 acres, with approximately 990 acres of land acquisition completed and approximately 230 acres of soil leveling completed. The construction of related supporting infrastructure projects has been initiated, and the investment of Zhongshan Xingzhong Group in the construction of a pig slaughtering food deep processing project has been introduced.

After the establishment of the Quanfa Southwest Agricultural Products Import and Export Service Platform, Quanfa Agriculture has reached cooperation agreements with multiple agricultural giants in Hezhou City, Guangxi. Agricultural and sideline products from Southwest China and local areas in Huaiji no longer need to be tested in a third place. They can be directly connected to Hong Kong by issuing inspection reports from the Zhaoqing (Huaiji) Green Agricultural and sideline Product Testing Center in the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao.

Guangfo Zhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone

Guangfo Zhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone. Huaiji provides pictures

3、Building a Green and Beautiful Collection to Enhance the Quality of Development

Green mountains are beautiful, and forests are treasures. Huaiji County, as a typical forestry county, is an important ecological barrier in Zhaoqing and even the Pearl River Delta, and also one of the main production bases for forest products in Guangdong Province.

In recent years, Huaiji County has fully explored and utilized the comprehensive value of forest tourism, health care, science popularization, research and ecology, vigorously developed ecological health care, cultural tourism industry, and forestry economy, and achieved a win-win situation for "green beauty" and "golden output value".

The inspection personnel of Zhaoqing Quanfa Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. conducted testing on vegetables prepared for listing at the Zhaoqing (Huaiji) Green Agricultural Products Distribution Base in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area.

The inspection personnel of Zhaoqing Quanfa Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. conducted testing on vegetables prepared for listing at the Zhaoqing (Huaiji) Green Agricultural Products Distribution Base in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area. Photographed by Liu Haohui, a journalist from Xijiang Daily

Huaiji actively explores the path to realizing the value of ecological products, and vigorously develops the understory economy by promoting the development of advantageous and characteristic industries such as camellia oleifera, bamboo, traditional Chinese medicine, flowers and seedlings, and economic forests and fruits; Integrate and utilize rural fragmentation forest land resources to form a national reserve forest industry chain and build a "green bank"; Focusing on the development base of the Huaiji tea pole bamboo characteristic industry, a national geographical indication protected product, to drive the transformation and upgrading of the traditional bamboo industry in the county, extend the deep processing industry chain of bamboo products, and form a new business form of the bamboo industry with Huaiji characteristics; Focusing on the Guangfo Zhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone, we will integrate advantageous forestry economic industries such as forest chemical industry, wood processing, southern medicine under the forest, and fruit processing. We will use the Zhaoqing (Huaiji) Green Agricultural and Sideline Product Distribution Base in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area to build an online and offline marketing platform for forest products, forming an industrial cluster with complete upstream and downstream supporting service enterprises and a complete forestry industry chain.

In the production workshop of Huaiji Enterprise Jianao Technology, workers are busy with production.

In the production workshop of Huaiji Enterprise Jianao Technology, workers are busy with production. Huaiji provides pictures

When the tide rises, the sea and sky are wide, and the sails are set at the right time.

In the new era and new development pattern,

Huaiji County is stepping on the "drum beats" of the times,

Explore the characteristic path of high-quality development in the county,

The roadmap for the development of modern industries is becoming increasingly clear.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiji County

Address: Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiji County, Jinji Park, Xingfu 1st Road, Huaiji County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-5555666

Fax:  0086-758-5553436


Mayor of Zhaoqing City, Xu Xiaoxiong, went to Hong Kong and Macau to participate in Guangdong Province's 2023 Spring Tea and conducted investment inspection activities

Mayor of Zhaoqing City, Xu Xiaoxiong, went to Hong Kong and Macau to participate in Guangdong Province's 2023 Spring Tea and conducted investment inspection activities: Writing a new chapter of mutually beneficial cooperation and win-win development on the new journey

Investment Zhaoqing 2023-03-24 20:18 Published in Guangdong

From March 20th to 22nd, entrusted by the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Zhang Aijun, Mayor Xu Xiaoxiong went to Hong Kong and Macau to participate in the 2023 Spring Tea in Guangdong Province and carry out investment inspection activities. He implemented the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of the National People's Congress and the Two Sessions of the People's Republic of China, deeply promoted the docking and cooperation between our city and Hong Kong and Macau in industries, science and technology innovation, finance, culture and tourism, and wrote a new chapter of mutually beneficial cooperation and win-win development on the new journey.

Xusangzi friendship, seeking development strategies. Xu Xiaoxiong went to the Hong Kong Zhaoqing Club Association and the Macau Zhaoqing Hometown Association to have discussions and exchanges with members, listen to the opinions and suggestions of local elites on the development of their hometown, and introduce the development changes and future development plans of Zhaoqing in recent years. He hopes to continue to play a bridge and link role in other local elites, transforming advantages such as connections, funds, and information into the development momentum of Zhaoqing, Fully serve as the "propagandist", "think tank", and "participant" for the development of our hometown, and contribute more wisdom and strength to the high-quality development of Zhaoqing.

Villagers have expressed their confidence in the future development of their hometown, and they will further leverage their own advantages to recruit talents, bridge the gap, and assist in the high-quality development of their hometown. Xu Xiaoxiong also visited and comforted Li Hanguang, a wise man from Gaoyao Township, and thanked him for his contributions to the public welfare and education undertakings in his hometown. He sincerely hoped that he would continue to care and support Zhaoqing and work together to make it a better place.

Visit old friends and seek a new future together.

At Virgin International (Holdings) Limited, Yajule Group

Ideal (Guangdong) Zipper Industry Co., Ltd

During the inspection of China Resources Group.

Xu Xiaoxiong stated that

At present, Zhaoqing is anchoring the primary task of high-quality development, making every effort to do a good job in the key work such as being the leader of the manufacturing industry, "high-quality development project of hundreds of counties, thousands of towns and thousands of villages", and ecological construction of green beauty Zhaoqing, and actively participating in the exploration and promotion of the practice of Chinese path to modernization in Guangdong. We hope that both sides can further increase cooperation and deepen cooperation in areas such as new energy, electronic information, urban construction and operation, and daily consumption. Zhaoqing will adhere to serving enterprises with every request and every disturbance, spare no effort to ensure project construction services, and promote mutually beneficial cooperation to a new level.

Xu Xiaoxiong also paid separate visits

Cai Guanshen, President of the Hong Kong China General Chamber of Commerce

Wu Guo'an, Vice President of the Hong Kong Chinese Manufacturers Association.

Xu Xiaoxiong said

Zhaoqing is an important node city in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area and the Pearl River Delta, with obvious geographical advantages, good manufacturing development momentum, excellent business environment, and beautiful natural environment. It is a value depression for the development of the real economy. We hope that Hong Kong enterprises can fully utilize policy advantages, seize favorable opportunities, actively invest and develop in Zhaoqing, and achieve better, faster, and greater development in win-win cooperation.

Chen Zhiping, Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer of Virgin International (Holdings) Limited, Zhang Zhonglue, Vice President and Vice President of Real Estate of Yaju Le Group Holdings, Xiong Honghai, Chairman of Hong Kong Ideal Group, Han Yuewei, Vice General Manager of China Resources Group, Huang Xinglin, Chairman of the Hong Kong Zhaoqing Association, and Tan Shaohong, Chairman of the Macau Zhaoqing Association, attended the relevant activities.

China (Guangning) Bamboo Industry Innovation and Development Summit Held: Expanding and Strengthening the "One Bamboo" Bamboo Township in Guangning, China

China (Guangning) Bamboo Industry Innovation and Development Summit Held: Expanding and Strengthening the "One Bamboo" Bamboo Township in Guangning, China

Investment Zhaoqing 2023-03-27 18:53 Published in Guangdong

Using bamboo as a medium to make friends.

Yang Chunguang, President of the China Association for the Promotion of International Economic and Technological Cooperation, Su Zuyun, Deputy Director of the Reform and Development Department of the State Forestry and Grassland Administration, Yin Gangqiang, Secretary of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the International Center for Bamboo and Rattan, Yu Wenji, President of the National Bamboo Industry Research Institute and Chief Scientist of the Chinese Academy of Forestry, Fang Wei, Director of the Bamboo Research Institute of Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University and Deputy Director of the Bamboo Branch of the Chinese Society of Forestry, Chen Junguang, Director of the Provincial Forestry Bureau, Zhang Aijun, Secretary of the Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee Mayor Xu Xiaoxiong and other national and provincial authorities, as well as relevant leaders of Zhaoqing City, Guangning County, and industry associations, as well as more than 500 well-known domestic experts, merchants, and guests, participated in the event.

China (Guangning) Bamboo Industry Innovation and Development Summit

△ Photographed by Liu Chunlin, a journalist from Xijiang Daily

Su Zuyun congratulated the grand opening of the summit.

Su Zuyun stated that

Vigorously developing the bamboo industry is conducive to unleashing the benefits of the "four reservoirs" of bamboo forests, and has important significance and unique advantages in promoting regional economic development, rural revitalization, and ecological civilization construction. Guangning is the hometown of bamboo in China and also the county with the largest bamboo area in Guangdong Province. This summit fully showcases the advantages of bamboo resources, policy advantages, and industrial development achievements in Guangning. It has built a good communication platform for the innovative development of the bamboo industry and will effectively promote the bamboo industry to a higher level. The National Forestry and Grassland Administration will continue to support Guangdong Province in vigorously developing the forestry industry, support Guangning County in creating a national bamboo industry demonstration park, and jointly promote the innovative development of the bamboo industry.

Yin Gangqiang expressed that

The bamboo industry integrates economic, ecological, and social benefits. The International Bamboo and Rattan Center will take the opportunity of signing a cooperation framework agreement with Guangning County to fully leverage its talent and technological advantages. In the fields of bamboo resource cultivation, bamboo processing and utilization, bamboo carbon sink development, bamboo ecological station construction, bamboo brand promotion, and bamboo industry technology talent cultivation, it will provide technological support for the development of the entire industry chain of Guangning bamboo industry and help promote the high-quality development of the bamboo industry in Ningning.

Chen Junguang stated that

In recent years, Guangdong has adhered to the goal of ecological beauty, industrial prosperity, and people's prosperity, accelerated the cultivation of bamboo resources, implemented the construction of bamboo brands, and promoted the innovative development of the bamboo industry. Next, the Provincial Forestry Bureau will take the opportunity to further promote the ecological construction of green and beautiful Guangdong, vigorously promote the development of characteristic bamboo industries such as replacing plastic with bamboo, wood with bamboo, and cotton with bamboo, fully support key regions such as Guangning to expand and strengthen the bamboo industry, and contribute Guangdong's strength to the high-quality development of the national bamboo industry.

Xu Xiaoxiong represents the Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee and Government

Welcome to the leaders and guests of the summit.

Xu Xiaoxiong stated that

Zhaoqing always adheres to the concept of "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains", combines the implementation of the provincial "high-quality development project of hundreds of counties, thousands of towns, and thousands of villages" with the ecological construction of green and beautiful Guangdong, adheres to industrial ecology and ecological industrialization, and cooperates to promote high-level protection and high-quality development. Zhaoqing will focus on the high-level construction of Guangning Bamboo Industry Base, actively utilizing new concepts, technologies, and formats to promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional bamboo industry, transforming small bamboo into a large industry, and making bamboo forests a beautiful scenic and economic line.

Chen Chaochang, Secretary of Guangning County Party Committee, stated

I hope to build a bridge through this summit, so that more friends can get to know and support Guangning, and invest and prosper in this charming bamboo land with ten "bamboos". Guangning will take this summit as a new starting point, focusing on expanding and strengthening "one bamboo", developing the bamboo industry according to local conditions, accelerating the construction of "three zones and one base", actively cultivating leading enterprises "using bamboo as a substitute for plastic", developing a strong bamboo industry cluster, striving to achieve "one bamboo for the people", and continuously polishing the brand of "China's hometown of bamboo".

△ Photographed by Liu Chunlin, a journalist from Xijiang Daily

The convening of this summit aims to build a platform for in-depth communication and cooperation between experts, scholars, industry associations, entrepreneur representatives, and local party committees and governments in the national bamboo industry, in order to promote the high-quality development of the bamboo industry in Guangning. At the meeting, the relevant person in charge of Guangning County made a bamboo industry investment promotion to the attending guests. The International Bamboo and Rattan Center and the Guangning County People's Government signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement for high-quality development of the bamboo industry. 23 key bamboo industry projects have been signed on-site, with a total investment of 3.92 billion yuan.

The summit also held activities such as the Bamboo Industry Innovation and Development Forum and the Bamboo Industry Development Academician Expert Symposium. Domestic bamboo industry experts and scholars were invited to give keynote speeches on bamboo fiber, bamboo machinery, carbon sequestration, bamboo shoot planting, and other aspects, to jointly discuss and promote the innovation and development of the bamboo industry.

Investors from all over the world are welcome to visit, inspect and invest in Guangning County.

Investors from all over the world are welcome to travel, inspect and invest in Zhaoqing.

Guangning County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: No. 6, Daxin Road, Chebeidong, Nanjie Town, Guangning County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel: +86 758 8639338

Fax: +86 758 8669831


Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel: +86 758 2899202

Fax: +86 758 2282600


The Investment Environment Promotion Conference of Sihui City is held in Guangzhou-The fertile soil of the automotive industry-Investment Paradise

Borrow the platform to promote investment! The Investment Environment Promotion Conference of Sihui City is held in Guangzhou!

Welcome global automotive industry merchants to visit Sihui City, Guangdong Province for inspection

Investment Zhaoqing 2023-03-28 22:29 Published in Guangdong

To further implement the "Million and Ten Million Project",

Accelerate the high-quality development of Sihui City,

On March 26th 2023,

Guangzhou Automotive Parts Industry Association Member Conference

The Investment Environment Promotion Conference of Sihui City was held in Guangzhou.

The Investment Environment Promotion Conference of Sihui City was held in Guangzhou.

This promotion conference has attracted nearly a hundred well-known domestic automotive parts companies to participate. At the meeting, a promotional video for investment promotion in Sihui City was played, showcasing the excellent investment environment and enthusiastic and thoughtful corporate services of the Sihui City to participating enterprises. The attendees gave speeches around the development of the automotive parts industry and the investment potential of the Four Sessions, and discussed deepening the cooperation relationship and further promoting the implementation of cooperation matters. The atmosphere on site was warm.

During the promotion meeting,

Sihui City and Guangzhou Automotive Parts Industry Association

Signed the 'Government Strategic Cooperation Agreement',

To lay the foundation for the comprehensive deepening of cooperation between both sides in the future.

Sihui City and Guangzhou Automotive Parts Industry Association  Signed the 'Government Strategic Cooperation Agreement

At the meeting,

Vice Secretary of the Sihui Municipal Committee and Mayor Weng Zhuohui stated

Sihui City is in a critical period of great development. The whole city is deeply studying and implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of the Provincial High Quality Development Conference, implementing the "Ten Actions" of economic construction such as building nests, attracting phoenix, investing, and promoting industry development, accelerating the construction of a "leading+characteristic" modern industrial system, and promoting the high-quality development of characteristic industries such as new energy vehicles and automotive parts, fine chemicals, and copper and aluminum deep processing, And accelerate the layout of emerging industries such as high-end equipment manufacturing, new energy storage, new materials, and new generation electronic information.

Sihui City will take this signing event as an opportunity and driving force to seize the construction opportunities of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, firmly anchor the primary task of high-quality development, comprehensively accelerate the construction of the park, vigorously strengthen the guarantee of various elements, promote the upgrading of the investment and operation environment of the park, do its best to provide high-quality, efficient, and convenient services for enterprises, do everything possible to solve problems for enterprises, and do its best to support project construction, and promote enterprise construction Development continues to grow.

Sihui City has a good investment environment, geographical advantages, and policy support, with broad development prospects. We sincerely invite entrepreneurs to visit Sihui for leisure tourism, investment inspection, exchange and cooperation, deepen and expand cooperation space, enhance industrial integration and interaction, and build a mutually beneficial and win-win situation. Sihui City will always adhere to the business philosophy of pro business and supporting business, and always prioritize serving enterprises, Strive to become a city with the least approval matters, the highest efficiency, and the best administrative services, and fully support investors in achieving faster, better, and greater development in Sihui City.

Zhaoqing Shenzhen Joins Hands to conspire for high-quality development of the electronic information industry--The fertile soil of the electronic information industry-Investment Paradise

Zhaoqing Shenzhen Joins Hands to conspire for high-quality development of the electronic information industry

Welcome merchants from the electronic information industry around the world to visit Zhaoqing, Guangdong Province for inspection

Investment Zhaoqing 2023-04-27 21:26 Published in Guangdong

On April 26th 2023,

Taking the opportunity of the Shenzhen Electronics Industry Association to hold a new conference,

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Delegation to Shenzhen

Carry out investment environment promotion and investment investigation activities,

Intended to sell the "olive branch" to high-quality enterprises,

Boost the development of Zhaoqing's electronic information industry cluster.

The 2023 Zhaoqing Electronic Information (Shenzhen) Special Exchange Conference was held in Shenzhen, China.

The 2023 Zhaoqing Electronic Information (Shenzhen) Special Exchange Conference was held in Shenzhen, China.

In the afternoon of that day, more than 30 representatives of information enterprises in Shenzhen participated in a special exchange meeting held by the Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Delegation to gain a deeper understanding of the development positioning, location and transportation, industrial foundation, investment costs, business environment, and other advantages of Guangdong Province's (Zhaoqing) large-scale industrial agglomeration zone. Enterprise representatives have expressed that the action of expanding and strengthening the electronic information industry cluster in Zhaoqing has enhanced the investment confidence of enterprises.

Dinghu Lianhua Fuxi City Management Starting Zone, a large-scale industrial cluster area in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) under construction.

▲: Dinghu Lianhua Fuxi City Management Starting Zone, a large-scale industrial cluster area in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) under construction. Photographed by Liang Xiaoming, a journalist from Xijiang Daily

in recent years,

Zhaoqing City regards the electronic information industry as the leading industry,

Focus on attracting projects, strengthening leading enterprises, supplementing chains, and building platforms,

Introduced and nurtured, including Fenghua High Tech, Aisheng Electronics

The development of leading backbone enterprises such as Fushi Electronics and Xizhen Circuit,

Building a "leading driven, industrial agglomeration, and collaborative innovation" model

The development path of modern electronic information industry in Zhaoqing.

Fenghua High Tech

▲  Fenghua High Tech

Zhaoqing also takes the large-scale industrial agglomeration zone in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) as the main carrier, fully leveraging the role of leading chain enterprises such as Xiaopeng Automobile, Ningde Times, and Fenghua High tech, forming a distinctive feature of intelligent connected new energy vehicles and electronic information industry advancing side by side.

Liu Jingbo, Vice Mayor of Zhaoqing Municipal Government and Secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Guangdong Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing), introduced the investment environment of Zhaoqing to enterprise representatives.

Liu Jingbo, Vice Mayor of Zhaoqing Municipal Government and Secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Guangdong Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing), introduced the investment environment of Zhaoqing to enterprise representatives.

In the past five years,

Zhaoqing imported from Shenzhen

Over 100 electronic information industry projects,

The total investment exceeds 20 billion yuan.

The project generally has strong strength,

Fast start and production speed, high output and good efficiency,

Communication and exchange between electronic information enterprises in the two regions continue to strengthen,

Strong cooperation intention.

Lai Guoyan, Executive Vice President of Shenzhen Electronics Industry Association and Chairman of Shenzhen Yadiwei Electronics Co., Ltd., stated

In recent years, Zhaoqing has optimized its industrial layout, and the layout of the electronic information and new energy sectors has left a deep impression on investors. Zhaoqing provides great development space and creates a great platform for Shenzhen enterprises. I will invite our member units and relevant enterprises in the industry chain to arrange time to visit Zhaoqing as soon as possible.

The Management Committee of the Guangdong Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing) signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement with the Shenzhen Electronics Industry Association.

The Management Committee of the Guangdong Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing) signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement with the Shenzhen Electronics Industry Association.

The Shenzhen Electronics Industry Association is one of the largest associations in the Shenzhen electronic information industry, and also provides research support for the industrial layout and development of Zhaoqing. That evening, the association held a "Zhaoqing Night" exchange activity, with over 400 member units participating. The Management Committee of the Guangdong Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing) signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement with the Shenzhen Electronics Industry Association. This will form a new driving force that gathers the wisdom, strength, and resources of all parties, and promote the industrial transformation and technological transformation of Zhaoqing's electronic information industry, leading to high-quality development.

Further Acceleration of Cross border Settlement in China (Zhaoqing) Cross border E-commerce Comprehensive Pilot Zone--Investment Paradise - Zhaoqing, China

Welcome merchants from all over the world to investigate the investment environment in Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Further Acceleration of Cross border Settlement in China (Zhaoqing) Cross border E-commerce Comprehensive Pilot Zone

Zhaoqing Business 2023-03-20 18:25 Published in Guangdong

On March 16th, the promotion ceremony and bank enterprise financing docking meeting of the cross-border trade convenient settlement platform "Zhaohuitong" jointly organized by the Zhaoqing Municipal Bureau of Commerce and the Zhaoqing Central Branch of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange were successfully held. Li Xingwen, member of the Standing Committee of the Zhaoqing Municipal Committee and Executive Vice Mayor, attended the event, with over 100 representatives from financial institutions and foreign trade enterprises attending.

The promotion ceremony of "Zhaohuitong", a convenient cross-border trade settlement platform.

The promotion ceremony of "Zhaohuitong", a convenient cross-border trade settlement platform.

Zhaohuitong "is an innovative measure jointly promoted by the Zhaoqing Municipal Bureau of Commerce and the Zhaoqing Central Branch of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange to promote the construction of the financial service system in the China (Zhaoqing) Cross border E-commerce Comprehensive Pilot Zone. It not only breaks through the high cost of offline document preparation and round-trip time for enterprises, but also solves the pain points of information asymmetry between banks and enterprises and low efficiency of manual document review by banks, Realizing the transfer of cross-border funds within 10 minutes has greatly improved the efficiency of foreign trade enterprise capital turnover, exploring new paths and accumulating new experience for optimizing the financial service environment of the cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zone. In the next stage, "Zhaohuitong" will further upgrade and expand on the basis of exploring new trade formats such as cross-border e-commerce in the early stage, and promote convenient and high-quality services to all foreign trade enterprises.

The picture shows the on-site docking meeting.

At the promotion ceremony, Huang Lifen, Director of the Zhaoqing Municipal Bureau of Commerce, introduced the construction and development achievements of China's (Zhaoqing) cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zone in recent years. Huang Lifen stated that vigorously developing new forms of cross-border e-commerce and foreign trade is not only an inevitable choice to adapt to the times, but also a necessary path for the foreign trade industry to seek transformation, upgrading, and innovative development. I hope that enterprises can seize the opportunity of high-quality development in Zhaoqing, embrace the new trend of cross-border e-commerce, focus on expanding and strengthening their main business, and continuously improve their quality brand.

Next, in accordance with the deployment requirements for high-quality development proposed by the province and city, the Zhaoqing Municipal Bureau of Commerce will continue to focus on policy implementation and resource integration, leverage the advantages of our city's cross-border e-commerce, work together to gather strong forces, promote Zhaoqing products to go global through the network, create the brand effect of Zhaoqing products, and enhance international competitiveness, Contribute to the acceleration of the construction of the western growth pole in the core area of the Pearl River Delta and the modern new city in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area in Zhaoqing.

Zhaoqing New Area Economic Promotion Bureau

Address: within the Management Committee of Zhaoqing New Area, No. 1 Jinhua Road, Dinghu District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:    0086-758-2583333

Fax:   0086-758-2588213


Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel: +86 758 2899202

Fax: +86 758 2282600



Good news for investment promotion丨Modern Elevator Huaiji (Guangdong, China) production base project successfully won the land investment

Good news for investment promotion丨Modern Elevator Huaiji (Guangdong, China) production base project successfully won the land investment I...