Showing posts with label Sihui Sports Center. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sihui Sports Center. Show all posts

Friday, May 5, 2023

Sihui Sports Center, Sihui City, Guangdong Province--Xian Dongmei Gymnasium

Sihui Sports Center, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Xian Dongmei Gymnasium

Orange Gymnasium

Sihui City, Guangdong Province, is famous for its sugar oranges.

Gymnase des quatre congrégations, ville des quatre congrégations, Province du Guangdong. Gymnase des filles de Xian dongmei. Oranges gymnase. La ville de SiQi, dans la province du Guangdong, est connue pour ses oranges au sarriette.





Monday, May 1, 2023

The first rural culinary competition in Sihui City in 2023- Tea Oil Chicken Food Carnival. It is currently being held.

Who could have thought of our landmark in Sihui City, the Sihui Sports Center (Xian Dongmei Sports Center), also known as the Orange Sports Center.

The first rural culinary competition in Sihui City in 2023- Tea Oil Chicken Food Carnival

We, the citizens of Sihui City, use it to hold rural banquets.

The first rural culinary competition in Sihui City in 2023- Tea Oil Chicken Food Carnival. It is currently being held.



Moving the factory to Sihui, Zhaoqing --- a conversation between two bosses from Guangdong 搬工廠去肇慶四會----兩個廣東老闆的對話

Moving the factory to Sihui, Zhaoqing --- a conversation between two bosses from Guangdong A: What happened to your factory in Vietnam recen...