Saturday, February 4, 2023

The full text of the work report of Zhaoqing Municipal Government in 2023 will be published

The full text of the work report of Zhaoqing Municipal Government in 2023 will be published

Issued by Zhaoqing at 23:04 on February 4, 2023

Government Work Report

——On February 2, 2023, in the 14th session of Zhaoqing

At the Third Session of the People's Congress

Xu Xiaoxiong, Mayor of Zhaoqing City

Dear delegates

Now, on behalf of the Zhaoqing Municipal People's Government, I would like to report my work to the General Assembly for consideration, and invite all CPPCC members and non-voting participants to put forward their opinions.

Review of work in 2022

The past year has been the most difficult and challenging one for our city in many years. In the face of the most severe situation of prevention and control of the epidemic in the past three years, the municipal party committee and the municipal government optimized the prevention and control measures according to the times and circumstances. The people of the city united as one, the medical staff, grass-roots workers and volunteers persevered bravely, the majority of party members and cadres rushed ahead, and all sectors of the society worked together to resolutely and quickly win the epidemic fighting battles such as "March 27" and "November 14" in Duanzhou, and quickly shifted the focus to health protection and prevention of severe diseases according to the requirements of the new stage of prevention and control, We will promote the smooth transition of epidemic prevention and control, and spare no effort to support the anti-epidemic work in brotherly cities, to maximize the protection of the people's life safety and health. Faced with the deep impact of internal and external factors such as the complex international economic and trade environment, the instability of supply chain, and the continued downturn of regional consumption, we have effectively coordinated epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, coordinated development and security, actively and reliably responded to unexpected shocks with unconventional measures, overcome difficulties with the overall planning and scheduling of the city, and implemented the "I will seize development for Zhaoqing" with the project-based working method, achieving the overall goal of stabilizing the economy, We have kept the bottom line of security and stability, made arduous efforts and handed over a very difficult answer!

The foundation of economic stability has been consolidated. We fully implemented a series of national and provincial policies and measures to stabilize the economy, issued 133 economic stabilization package measures and 87 continuation policies in our city, and vigorously implemented the action of "project first, enterprise first, deepening service and stable growth". The tax and fee reduction policy was effectively implemented. The city added 7.156 billion yuan in tax reduction and tax refund and tax deferment, implemented 367 million yuan in burden reduction of social security and medical insurance, handled risk compensation and emergency lending to save financing costs of more than 70 million yuan, and implemented more than 65 million yuan in relief of state-owned housing rent reduction and enterprise relief policy. Investment in key areas continued to expand. We strengthened the whole-process management of government-invested projects, established the municipal government investment project management center, and promoted major projects according to the overall planning of sectors. Infrastructure investment increased by 21.9%, industrial investment increased by 10.8%, accounting for 43.3% of fixed asset investment. New breakthroughs were made in the investment in energy infrastructure, and the construction of the Langjiang pumped storage project with a total investment of 8.6 billion yuan and a number of projects such as cogeneration and photovoltaic power generation began. The investment in water conservancy increased by 30.9%, and the construction of key projects such as the Fengkai Jiangkou and Nanfeng Flood Control Project began. The investment in 289 provincial and municipal key projects was 73.57 billion yuan, accounting for 116.8% of the annual planned investment. Measures to promote consumption and stabilize foreign trade have been steadily promoted. Vigorously promote the recovery and development of difficult industries in the service sector, hold activities such as "Benefiting People Consumption Month", issue 30 million yuan of Zhaoqing Happy Shopping vouchers, and add 122 commercial enterprises above the designated size. 105 foreign trade business entities were newly cultivated, and cross-border e-commerce supply chain projects such as Xiyin were introduced. The cross-border e-commerce export of agricultural products achieved a new breakthrough, and the total import and export of foreign trade was 38.57 billion yuan, of which the import and export of cross-border e-commerce increased by 41%. The actual absorption of foreign investment increased by 36%. The fiscal and tax operations remained stable. We should firmly establish the concept of "big finance, big budget and big assets", make every effort to "maintain three guarantees and promote balance" in the face of outstanding revenue and expenditure pressure, vitalize asset resources, actively tap potential and increase income, comprehensively implement budget performance management, set up special funds for regional coordinated development, accurately control expenditure and stress according to priorities, and firmly hold the bottom line of "three guarantees". State-owned assets and state-owned enterprises play a prominent role. The three-year reform of state-owned enterprises ended smoothly, the modern enterprise system of municipal state-owned enterprises was gradually improved, the main business layout was comprehensively optimized, and the leading role was highlighted in undertaking the tasks of port and dock, national reserve forest, and livelihood project construction. 270 million yuan was invested in the implementation of the "four water connections" project to solve the shortage of drinking water for 1.5 million people in the eastern sector. The total assets, operating income and fiscal and tax contributions of state-owned enterprises in the city increased by 15.4%, 35.6% and 8.5% respectively. The guarantee of elements was further strengthened. The city applied for 467 special bond projects, with a capital demand of 185.1 billion yuan. A total of 11.7 billion yuan of special bond funds were approved and all expenditures were completed. Five infrastructure projects were implemented through policy-oriented development financial instruments, and received fund support of 1.07 billion yuan. Financial institutions were guided to issue more than 100 billion yuan of loans to more than 30000 small and micro enterprises, the balance of loans for inclusive small and micro enterprises increased by 23.5%, and the balance of manufacturing loans increased by 31.5%. A total of 19300 mu of various land use indicators were used throughout the year, 30400 mu of unused and unused land were disposed, and 24900 mu of industrial land were sorted and upgraded.

New achievements have been made in the cultivation of leading industries. The number of enterprises above designated size in the city's leading and characteristic industries increased to 1168, with an industrial output value of 361.9 billion yuan, an increase of 5.8%. The growth of emerging industries accelerated. Xiaopeng's auto production line has been upgraded smoothly, with an annual output of 200000 vehicles and 130000 vehicles; Ruiqing Shidai No. 1 Plant was put into operation, with the output of nearly 10GWh; Putai, Jiyang and other projects have been put into operation, and the output value of the new energy automobile industry has exceeded 70 billion yuan, up 50.6%. The electronic information manufacturing industry such as components and components has accelerated its development, and projects such as Xizhen Circuit and Taihe Electronics have been put into operation and reached production capacity, with the output value of the electronic information industry exceeding 35 billion yuan. 14 energy storage industry projects were introduced with a total investment of 20.5 billion yuan. The implementation of industrial investment promotion improves quality and efficiency. We improved the selection system of investment projects, strengthened closed-loop management, and increased the average investment per mu of newly introduced manufacturing projects to 5.9 million yuan. We have introduced 227 manufacturing projects with a total investment of 47.9 billion yuan, including Xiangyang Guangrui and Changshu Auto Accessories with a total investment of more than 100 million yuan (more than 50 million yuan in the western sector), of which the proportion of high-tech enterprises and specialized "small giant" enterprises has increased by 11.8 percentage points. 257 industrial capital and production expansion projects were implemented throughout the year. The number of newly started, completed and put into operation projects in the city was 162, 155 and 180, and the investment in manufacturing projects was 41.2 billion yuan. Plan to promote the development and construction of large industrial clusters from a high starting point and at a high level, build a municipal "leading group+headquarters+state-owned development company" operation mode, and fully start the construction and investment in the "2+5" starting area. The scale of land use is 15000 mu, land acquisition is 10000 mu, 118 infrastructure projects are accelerated, and the provincial special land use indicators, land collection and storage, special bond funds, new road network New projects and other indicators rank among the top seven large industrial clusters in the province. The "eight major projects" of scientific and technological innovation were further advanced. The total number of high-tech enterprises in the city reached 1377, and the proportion of high-tech enterprises in industrial enterprises above designated size exceeded 50%. Six new "small giant" enterprises were newly identified, and the provincial R&D plan for key fields reached a new high. Our city has become a pilot city for the construction of a strong national intellectual property city, and Gaoyao has been approved as a pilot county for the construction of a strong national intellectual property county. Zhaoqing High-tech Zone has been recognized as the national torch new energy vehicle characteristic industrial base, and has been approved as a national post-doctoral workstation. The construction of Xijiang Laboratory is at the forefront of the third batch of provincial laboratories, and Huawei (Zhaoqing) Industrial Internet Innovation Center has been established. The fourth meeting passed the examination and acceptance of the national innovative county (city).

The quality of the city continues to improve. We have fully participated in the construction of the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and the new city has taken on a new look. The urban development pattern has been updated. The city's "three zones and three lines" have been demarcated, and the urban development boundary has been effectively expanded, laying a new overall framework for future urban development. The eastern part has been incorporated into the Guangzhou metropolitan area, the construction of the integration of Foshan and Zhaoqing has been accelerated, and the high-quality development pilot of the integration of Jinli and Dasha's new industrialization and urbanization has been launched. Zhaoqing New Area has entered a new stage of industry-city integration. After ten years of unremitting efforts, the new area has built a total of 125 kilometers of urban trunk road network and 46 kilometers of underground comprehensive pipe gallery, and high-level hospitals, schools, hotels, environmental protection and other supporting facilities have been built and put into use, and the integrated development mechanism with Dinghu District has been further improved, from "big infrastructure" investment to "big industry" import stage. There were 99 projects under construction and 18 new projects introduced in industries such as new energy vehicles and electronic information. The added value of industries above designated size increased by 15.5%. Soft and hard connectivity continued to improve. The Mafang Bridge was completed, the whole line of Dongjin Avenue was connected, the Zhaoqing section of Guangzhou-Zhanjiang, Zhuzhou-Zhaozhou and Shenzhen-South high-speed railway was accelerated, the Zhaoming Expressway completed an investment of 3.5 billion yuan, the construction of the whole chain of Xijiang Golden Waterway was launched in an orderly manner, and the construction of wharf projects such as Changgang, Deqing Yuecheng, Jiushi, and Xinjiwan in the new area was fully started. There are 1708 "inter-city" projects in the province, and financing cooperation such as cross-border RMB settlement and "cross-border financial management" continues to deepen. The construction of famous cultural and tourism cities has been steadily promoted. Six national 3A tourist attractions have been created, five provincial intangible cultural heritage representative projects have been added, six provincial cultural relics protection units have been added, Li Xiongcai Art Museum has been successfully opened, cultural and tourism projects such as Duanzhou Shipaili, Zijing Xidi Cultural and Creative Street, and Fengkai Liujiao Spring Forest Health Base have been completed and opened, and brand hotels such as Wyndham Supreme have been opened and operated. The second Guangdong Home Accommodation Conference and the first Zhaoqing Home Accommodation Industry Summit were successfully held, and home accommodation clusters such as Huanxing Lake, Huanding Lake Mountain and Hejiang Bidao Gallery were gradually formed. The "Joyful Harvest Tour in Guyi" was selected as the national rural tourism boutique route. The number of gold medals won at the 16th Provincial Games ranked fifth in the province.

The rural revitalization has achieved fruitful results. The city's total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery was 75.96 billion yuan, up 4.5%. Party and government responsibilities for farmland protection and food security were fully implemented. We renovated 2320 mu of illegally occupied cultivated land, reclaimed and cultivated 65000 mu of abandoned cultivated land, built 54000 mu of high-standard farmland, reclaimed 8000 mu of paddy field, and carried out the pilot of full cost insurance for policy-based rice. The area, yield and yield of grain sown have been "increased three times" for four consecutive years. The development of modern agriculture was accelerated. Deeply implement the "seven major projects" of high-quality development of modern agriculture. The provincial modern agricultural industrial park has achieved 14.78 billion yuan of leading industrial output value and 69000 households of agricultural belt. It has taken the lead in building the provincial modern agricultural industrial park of prefabricated vegetables in Dawan District (Zhaoqing Gaoyao) in the province. 18 provincial agricultural leading enterprises were added. A total of 52 national famous, special and excellent new agricultural products and 71 "Guangdong" agricultural brand products have been identified. Large markets such as Zhaoqing (Huaiji) Green Agricultural and By-products Distribution Base, Agricultural Products Trading Center, "Vegetable Basket" Zhaoqing Distribution Sub-center, and Aquatic Comprehensive Trading Center in Dawan District have been completed and opened. The Gaoyao Jinwu sheep trading and wholesale market has become the largest live sheep trading market in South China. Guangning was rated as the national advanced county for digital agriculture and rural development. The construction of beautiful countryside has been steadily advanced. Deeply implement the "three revolutions" of rural garbage, sewage and toilet, 9943 natural villages have reached the standard of beautiful and livable villages, and 371 have reached the standard of characteristic boutique villages. The construction of eight rural revitalization demonstration belts, including "Heron Paradise · Beautiful Shapu", was started. The Fourth National Congress will become a national demonstration county of "Four Good Rural Roads". Xiashuai Township of Huaiji has become a demonstration unit of the National National Unity Demonstration Zone. We have achieved remarkable results in helping towns and villages. With the help of Foshan City and relevant units directly under the provincial government, the city has raised more than 3.1 billion yuan of assistance funds, implemented 1716 assistance projects of various types, driven the income of 58000 farmers to increase, and promoted the annual operating income of 231 village-level collective economies to exceed 100000 yuan. There is no large-scale poverty reduction in the city. The cooperation between the east and west of Zhaohe continued to deepen. Jointly build Zhaohe Corridor with Hezhou City, assist Zhaoping and Fuchuan counties to launch and implement five industrial projects, jointly build four industrial parks, and help increase rural transfer employment by more than 2800 people.

The cause of people's livelihood has made all-round progress. The municipal government invested 30.3 billion yuan in people's livelihood expenditure, accounting for 76.3% of the general public budget expenditure. Deeply carry out the activities of "household visits to people's feelings and heartwarming visits", and comprehensively complete the ten annual tasks of people's livelihood at the provincial and municipal levels. Employment promotion and social security are solid and effective. We formulated and implemented the "ten rules of employment" to vigorously support enterprises to stabilize and expand their jobs. 43000 new jobs were created in cities and towns, and the registered unemployment rate in cities and towns was 2.56%. The proportion of employment of new graduates from technical colleges in the city was 49.5%, an increase of 17 percentage points. The pension of enterprise employees has increased continuously for 18 years. The multi-level medical security system has been gradually improved. Housing security was effectively strengthened. The bid raising tasks such as preferential care, subsistence allowances, support for people living in extreme poverty, orphanage, and "two disabled" subsidies were fully completed. Education has made new progress. 22 public compulsory education schools and 10 public kindergartens were newly built (expanded), with 26000 new degrees and 3480 new degrees respectively. The "double reduction" of compulsory education and the standardized enrollment of ordinary high schools were fully implemented. The construction of the application-oriented higher education base in Dawan District has been accelerated. The "reform of the university and application for the doctoral degree" of Zhaoqing University has been fully launched. The "upgrading of the college to the undergraduate degree" of Zhaoqing Medical College has been included in the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" for the setting up of provincial colleges and universities. Guangdong ATV Vocational College for Performing Arts has been completed and opened, and the construction projects of three provincial high-level secondary vocational schools have been solidly promoted. Medical services have reached a new level. The epidemic prevention, control and treatment system and emergency response capacity have been comprehensively improved, and the number of critical care beds in the city has increased by 80%. Vaccination, drug supplies and other work has been effectively carried out. Zhaoqing Hospital of the Third Zhongshan Hospital was selected as the construction unit of the national regional medical center, and 10 medical and health projects, including the new hospital of Sihui People's Hospital and Zhaoqing Zhengda Health Recovery Hospital, were completed and put into use. The ecological environment is maintained in good condition. The proportion of days with good ambient air quality in urban areas is 86%, and the comprehensive index of ambient air ranks 19th in key cities in China. The water quality of the sections above the provincial examination reaches the standard. The water quality of the sections in China ranks the first in the province and the 18th in the country. The water quality of drinking water sources above the county level reaches the Class II standard. We completed 98000 mu of ecological restoration and afforestation, and launched the implementation of the 200000 mu project of the first phase of the national reserve forest base. Deqing was the first to be approved as a national forestry industry demonstration park in the province. Guangning has become a national ecological civilization construction demonstration area.

In addition, the service and security system for ex-servicemen has been constantly improved, and national defense mobilization, preferential care and resettlement, mutual support and construction, and the people's armed forces have been strengthened. We will promote the construction of a youth development-oriented city across the country, and Deqing will become a national pilot for youth development-oriented counties. New achievements have been made in ethnic, religious, old revolutionary areas, foreign affairs, overseas Chinese affairs, Hong Kong and Macao, Taiwan, civil air defense, local chronicles, archives, meteorology, hydrology, earthquakes, women and children, the elderly, the disabled, and charity.

The overall social situation remains safe and stable. To prevent and defuse risks in key areas, and to do a solid and stable job in real estate delivery, livelihood and stability. The number of sales of problem buildings was 94%, and the number of letters and visits of problem buildings dropped significantly. Effectively solve the problem of wage arrears of migrant workers. Finance remained stable. The pilot work for the modernization of municipal social governance has been carried out in a solid manner, the prevention and control system of social security has been further improved, and remarkable achievements have been achieved in the normalization of the fight against crime and evil, the severe crackdown on drugs, the implementation of "nationwide anti-fraud", anti-smuggling and anti-smuggling, and road traffic safety management. We will improve the mechanisms of emergency management, safe production and food and drug supervision, implement special rectification measures for urban gas and self-built housing safety, and achieve "three reductions" in the number of production safety accidents and the number of injuries and deaths. We have effectively resisted the impact of the historic "Dragon Boat Water" and the Beijiang River's once-in-a-century catastrophic flood, and the ability to prevent, mitigate and provide disaster relief has continued to improve.

The government's governance capacity was further enhanced. We will comprehensively strengthen the leadership of the Party and the construction of a clean and honest government, thoroughly study, publicize and implement the spirit of the Twentieth National Congress of the Party, strictly implement the spirit of the eight provisions of the Central Committee and its implementation rules, persistently correct the "four tendencies", establish new ones, and effectively strengthen audit supervision and statistical supervision. Consciously accept the supervision of the People's Congress and the CPPCC, take the initiative to report to the Municipal People's Congress and its Standing Committee, and complete 107 NPC deputies' proposals and 160 CPPCC proposals on schedule. For four consecutive years, it has been awarded the first prize in the evaluation of the construction of the rule of law in Guangdong and the promotion of law and governance in the province, and has successfully established a national model city for the construction of the rule of law government. Through the party, government and enterprise symposia, face-to-face consultation of "Zhaoshang" and other forms of normalized docking service enterprises, the "special window of zero-distance worry relief service for government and enterprises" was opened, and the "12345" hotline was unblocked. Promote the establishment of the judicial service system in the park, and coordinate the efficient handling and flexible implementation of enterprise-related cases. The reform of "one-stop" and "parallel" services for enterprise services continued to deepen, and 754 government services were implemented across provinces and cities. The reform and construction of digital government ranked the fifth in the province, and the evaluation of business environment ranked the top in the province. The "all-Zhaoban" business-related service model was selected as one of the top ten typical cases of optimizing business environment in the country. The comprehensive credit index ranks the second in the province.

Dear delegates! Here, on behalf of the municipal people's government, I would like to extend my high respect and heartfelt thanks to the people of the city, to the deputies to the National People's Congress and the members of the CPPCC, to all democratic parties and people's organizations, to the troops and units stationed in Zhaoqing, to the supporting units, to all the old leaders and comrades, and to all the people from all walks of life at home and abroad who care and support the construction and development of Zhaoqing!

At the same time, we are also soberly aware that promoting the high-quality development of Zhaoqing still faces many difficulties and challenges: economic structural problems are still prominent, the real estate industry is deeply affected by the relevance, the recovery of trade consumption is slow, the proportion of fiscal non-tax income is high, and the growth rate of regional GDP last year is lower than the national and provincial average; The momentum of development is not closely linked, the transformation of traditional industries is slow, and the development of emerging industries faces the pressure of short window period and long cultivation period. The number and activity of market entities need to be improved; The deep participation in the construction of the Great Bay Area has not broken the situation, the imbalance and imbalance of urban and rural regional development are prominent, the endogenous linkage between the eastern and western plates is not strong, the county economy is weak, the township functions are not perfect, and the rural development momentum is insufficient; There are still many shortcomings in people's livelihood, and there is still a big gap between public services such as education, medical care and culture and the expectations of the masses; The effectiveness of the government still needs to be strengthened, and its role in planning and promoting high-quality development is not fully played. Some cadres are lack of working ability and spirit, and formalism and bureaucracy still exist to varying degrees. We will adhere to the problem orientation and take effective measures to solve it.

Work arrangement in 2023

This year is the first year to fully implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress. It is of great significance to do a good job in this year's work. We must keep in mind our expectations, work hard with gratitude, and unswervingly follow the path of high-quality development in Zhaoqing.

Adhere to the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability, fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, serve and integrate into the new development pattern, anchor the first task of high-quality development, better coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, better coordinate development and security, persistently promote the "four revitalization" and "six construction", highlight the work of stabilizing growth, employment and price, highlight the focus on the real economy, and adhere to the leadership of the manufacturing industry, Highlight the project as the king, create new driving forces and new advantages, highlight the promotion of market confidence, deepen reform and opening up, promote the overall improvement of economic operation, achieve effective improvement in quality and reasonable growth in quantity, and accelerate the construction of the western growth pole in the core area of the Pearl River Delta and the modern new capital city in the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao.

The main expected targets for this year are: the growth of regional GDP by more than 5.5%, the growth of industrial added value above designated size by more than 8%, the growth of fixed asset investment by 6%, the growth of total retail sales of consumer goods by 3%, the growth of total imports and exports by 3%, the growth of actual foreign investment by 5%, the growth of general public budget income by 3%, the growth of consumer prices by about 3%, and the creation of more than 40000 urban jobs, The growth of per capita disposable income of residents is basically synchronized with economic growth.

We will focus on the following eight aspects:

1、 Take the real economy as the foundation, adhere to the manufacturing industry as the leader, and accelerate the pace of building a strong industrial city

Cultivate and expand industrial clusters. Implement the "top leader" project of manufacturing industry, focus on the main direction, grasp the "4+4" leading and characteristic industries, and carry out five major upgrading actions of "big industry, big platform, big project, big enterprise, and big environment". We will make every effort to expand new energy vehicles, electronic information and new energy storage industries. Vigorously support the development led by Xiaopeng Automobile, accelerate the construction of supporting parts industrial park, intelligent driving test and other projects, build Zhaoqing Dawang New Energy Intelligent Automobile Industrial City, build and improve the city's key parts industrial chain system of new energy vehicles, and effectively improve the local matching rate. Reinforce the power battery industry chain, promote the full production of the first factory and the commencement of the second factory of Ruiqing Times, actively expand the upstream raw material production and downstream recycling, and promote the power battery capacity to reach 25GWh. Promote the electronic information industry to focus on components, automotive electronics, consumer electronics and other directions, and accelerate the construction and production of Fenghua high-end capacitor base, Guanxu Electronics and other projects. Actively cultivate new energy storage industry, do a good job in the construction and investment of energy storage projects, plan a new energy storage industrial park with Ruiqing Times and Lishi Power as the leaders, build an industrial chain of energy storage manufacturing and application scenarios, accelerate the early work of pumped storage projects such as Fengkaitangshan, Guangning Changtan and Deqing Shicao, and plan to promote the grid-side energy storage power station project. Make fine and excellent fine chemical industry, food and beverage prefabrication industry. Promote the development of traditional chemical industry to fine chemical industry and new materials, focus on electronic chemicals, high-end resins and other directions, and focus on the development of fine chemical projects supporting Guangdong's strategic industries. Vigorously develop the food and beverage prefabrication industry, accelerate the construction of the prefabrication industry park in Dawan District (Zhaoqing Gaoyao), and do a good job in projects such as the new aviation cold chain logistics, so as to drive the "continuous" development of high-quality agricultural products in Zhaoqing. Carefully develop the water resources industry, introduce large brands to develop high-quality beverage projects. We will accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries such as metal processing and building materials. We will promote the extension of the metal processing industry chain and the increase of added value, pay close attention to the construction of characteristic platforms such as the high-tech Jinli hardware intelligent manufacturing town, and support enterprises such as Hongwang Metal, Jintian Copper, and New Asia Aluminum to improve the level of intelligent manufacturing. Promote the green and low-carbon development of the building materials industry, guide the technological transformation of China Resources Cement and other enterprises, speed up the construction of mining projects such as Fengkai Gulishan, plan to build the prefabricated construction industrial park, and build the entire industrial chain from mining to building materials.

We will do our best to make industrial investment. Adhere to the "two-wheel drive" of attracting investment and increasing capital and production, highlight the heroes of per mu efficiency, landing efficiency and strong chain efficiency, and promote industrial investment growth of 10%. We will make every effort to "attract large and excellent merchants", strengthen the "top leaders" leading system and the "three thirds" working system of investment attraction, implement the selection of counties and municipal filing of investment attraction projects, and actively carry out the investment attraction in the location, target, chain, and business, with a total investment of 60 billion yuan in newly introduced manufacturing projects. We will strengthen the guarantee and grasp the implementation by hard and practical means, complete the renovation and upgrading of more than 3000 mu of inefficient industrial land, tackle the problem of difficult implementation, promote the rapid construction and production of projects, and set off a new wave of industrial investment promotion and implementation. Take transformation and upgrading as the main direction to promote enterprises to increase capital and expand production, actively undertake national industrial infrastructure reconstruction projects in the fields of basic parts, components, new materials, etc., support industrial enterprises to carry out technological transformation, promote the capital and production expansion projects such as Blue Belt Beer and Jinsheng New Energy, and add more than 50 capital and production expansion projects of more than 30 million yuan. We will vigorously promote the digital transformation of manufacturing industry, focus on energy-intensive industries, promote a number of cluster digital transformation pilot projects, and guide manufacturing enterprises to carry out the construction of "5G+industrial Internet" projects.

Build a "1+1+N" park pattern. Overall planning and construction of the city's industrial parks will be carried out to form a park pattern with Zhaoqing High-tech Zone as the "locomotive", the starting area of large industrial clusters as the main battlefield, and the reasonable layout and linkage development of characteristic parks. Focus on improving the industrial leading capacity of Zhaoqing High-tech Zone, focusing on the construction of the Pearl River Delta (Zhaoqing) National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone and the National Demonstration Zone for the Transfer and Transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievements, leading projects at a high level, strengthening the leading and complementing the chain, focusing on the construction of key laboratories and innovation platforms, improving supporting facilities such as energy, education and medical treatment, accelerating the transformation to an industrial and technological new town, and striving to build a national first-class high-tech zone. Accelerate the construction of the municipal management starting area in the large industrial agglomeration area, further promote the substantiation of the management structure, focus on the construction of key infrastructure projects, strengthen the management of land acquisition and storage, focus on the introduction of industrial projects such as intelligent networked new energy vehicles, new generation electronic information, high-end equipment manufacturing, advanced materials, etc., give play to the core role of the East-to-West Alliance, and strive to build a "million mu and 100 billion" high-level modern industrial bearing platform High-quality manufacturing development leading demonstration zone. Scientific planning and construction of characteristic industrial parks, in accordance with the requirements of "one county, one park", distinct main business and functional integration, support the local construction of characteristic parks and development of characteristic industries, promote the quality improvement construction of Sihui River Valley Fine Chemical Park, Guangning Renewable Resources Industrial Park, and better play the role of Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing), Guangzhou-Foshan-Zhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone, and Deqing Industrial Transfer Industrial Park, We will continue to promote the upgrading and transformation of industrial clusters in villages and towns, and promote the transformation and revitalization of inefficient land use in Jinli, Dasha and other towns. Make full use of the orderly transfer policy of the province's industries, close the cooperation of Guangzhou-Zhao counterpart assistance, rely on the existing provincial industrial parks in the four sessions and the western sector, and jointly build a platform to undertake the orderly transfer of industries with Guangzhou. Promote the rolling development of the park, adhere to the intensive and economical allocation of resources, calculate the input-output account, promote the integration of industry and city in the park according to local conditions, implement the "back-feeding" mechanism of the park, and improve the comprehensive benefits.

2、 Fully participate in the construction of the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and continue to deepen reform and opening up

Actively integrate into the new pattern of development in the Great Bay Area. It provides all-round services for the development of "two zones", accurately matches the development strategies of Hong Kong and Macao, deeply connects the three platforms of Hengqin, Qianhai and Nansha, plans to build a demonstration zone for Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao in-depth cooperation (Zhaoqing), accelerates the promotion of projects such as Hong Kong-Macao youth innovation and entrepreneurship base, and actively participates in the whole-chain cooperation of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao R&D incubation, industry cultivation, finance and commerce. Accelerate the improvement of the main transportation facilities, actively build the "Great Bay Area on the Rail", coordinate and cooperate with the construction of high-speed railway projects such as Guangzhou-Zhanjiang, Zhuhai-Zhaozhou and Shenzhen-Nanhai, and strive to increase the number of high-speed trains between Zhaoqing and Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai and other cities. Accelerate the construction of Zhaoming Expressway and the expansion of Guangzhou-Kunming Expressway. Coordinate and cooperate with the construction of the Pearl River Delta hub airport. Deeply integrate into the Guangzhou metropolitan area, actively undertake the drive of Guangzhou-Foshi radiation, highlight the Zhaodong-Foshi area as the guide, focus on promoting the integration of spatial planning, transportation facilities, industrial layout, ecological environment, and public services, promote the coordinated construction of the two large industrial clusters in Foshan and Zhaoqing, and strengthen the coordinated development of the four cities (Zhaoqing High-tech Zone) - Sanshui, Gaoyao and Gaoming. Accelerate the strategic transformation of Zhaoqing New Area, pay close attention to industrial introduction, and strive to build a livable and industrial new area. Deeply implement the "Bay Area Connection" project, participate in the construction of the "Digital Bay Area", promote the docking of rules and market connectivity, and actively participate in the co-construction and cooperation of the industrial and financial comprehensive reform demonstration zone on the west bank of the Pearl River.

Promote the development and expansion of the private economy. Adhere to the "two unswerving", continue to implement the preferential policies for enterprises, and optimize the development environment for enterprises. We will implement the negative list system for market access, promote the inclusive and prudent supervision and law enforcement of enterprises, establish a working mechanism of "doing nothing without disturbing", and protect the property rights of private enterprises and the rights and interests of entrepreneurs in accordance with the law. Further reduce the institutional transaction costs and production and operation costs of enterprises, reasonably reduce the financing costs, improve the land mortgage rate, improve the credit risk compensation mechanism, and increase manufacturing loans by more than 20%. Deeply implement the "Zhaoxing Plan" and add 3-5 listed companies. Implement the market subject cultivation plan, implement 31 provincial measures to cultivate and support individual businesses, vigorously support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, and introduce more individual champions and specialized and special new enterprises. We will continue to promote the action of "project first, enterprise first, deepening service and stable growth", and make every effort to solve difficult problems and do practical things for market players. We should vigorously promote entrepreneurship and build a pro-Qing relationship between government and business.

We will deepen the reform of state-owned assets and enterprises. Deepen the strategic layout of the state-owned economy, and further play the important role of state-owned enterprises in the construction of parks and modern agriculture. Deepen the strategic cooperation between state-owned enterprises at the municipal and county levels, carry out joint construction of projects, and improve the credit rating and development strength of state-owned enterprises at the municipal and county levels. We will improve modern corporate governance, actively introduce management talents, optimize the structure of state-owned capital, and promote listed companies controlled by municipal state-owned assets.

Continue to optimize the business environment. We will comprehensively deepen the reform and construction of "digital government" and promote the standardization, standardization and facilitation of government services. Promote the reform of investment facilitation such as contract signing and land supply, bidding and tendering, accelerate the reform of "standard land" for industrial land, standardize and improve intermediary services, and strengthen the construction and application of "credit+" scenarios. We will improve the service modes of "one pass", "free of application" and "handling without feeling", improve the hierarchical and classified processing mechanism of enterprise appeal response, build the enterprise's whole life cycle service chain, and polish the service brand of "all-Zhaoban".

3、 Take multiple measures to expand investment, promote consumption, stabilize foreign trade, and actively expand effective demand

Focus on projects and expand effective investment. Strengthen the project chemical practice, the whole process scheduling, the whole factor management, regard the high quality project as the hero, and the effective investment ratio. Plan the reserve project pool by sectors, plan large projects around key areas such as large transportation, large energy, large water conservancy, and large industry, seize the opportunity of national and provincial project layout and medium-term adjustment of the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan", and strive for more major projects to enter the "cage". Actively strive for policy funds such as bond funds, policy-oriented development financial instruments, and investment in the central budget, promote the pilot of real estate investment trust funds in the field of infrastructure, and leverage private capital to participate in the construction of major projects and complementary projects. We will strengthen the overall planning of the funds for the pre-work of government-invested projects, make full use of the "pre-loan" and other policies, do a good job of the pre-work, improve the maturity of the project, and plan and dispatch the land use, forest use, capital, approval and other elements and work according to the priorities, and implement the project construction in a rolling manner. According to the requirement of "three years of projects aiming at two years of work", we will accelerate the construction of projects. This year we will arrange 172 municipal key projects with an annual planned investment of 49.2 billion yuan. We will implement special actions for major infrastructure and livelihood security projects, and promote the growth of infrastructure investment by 15%. Accelerate the construction of Jinli Avenue and other projects, promote the construction of reconstruction and upgrading projects of National Highway 321 and 324, speed up the construction of four terminals along the Xijiang River, plan the terminal logistics processing project, and improve the comprehensive service level of Zhaoqing Port. We will do a good job in energy projects such as Guoneng cogeneration, Gaoyao Datang Phase II, and accelerate the construction of power grid infrastructure. We will strengthen the construction of water safety and water conservancy facilities, accelerate the construction of river flood control system projects such as the Xijiang main stream treatment project (Zhaoqing section), the reconstruction project of the Yuelong electric drainage station (old station) in Duanzhou, and promote the construction of Gaoyao Dawan Green Water Plant. Properly advance the layout of new infrastructure, with the total number of 5G base stations in the city reaching more than 7000, and accelerate the construction of new energy vehicle charging facilities. We will promote urban renewal in an orderly manner and implement renovation projects such as old municipal gas pipelines. Consolidate and stabilize the effectiveness of the real estate industry policy, continue to promote the transformation and development of the real estate industry, and strive to achieve a positive growth of the city's real estate investment.

Boost business travel consumption. We will implement special actions to promote consumption, vigorously promote consumption of new energy vehicles, elderly care services, etc., support rigid and improved housing demand, and drive consumption of household appliances, furniture, home decoration, etc. We will focus on developing a professional market for production and living services in Dawan District, create a characteristic industrial market such as auto parts, promote the project of the national southern medicine market, and improve the collection and distribution capabilities of the Dawan District Aquatic Comprehensive Trading Center, the Gaoyao Jinwuyang Trading Wholesale Market, and the hardware and building materials trading market. Stimulate the vitality of the consumer business district, promote Duanzhou Agile Square, Sihui Wuyue Square and other efforts to create a provincial demonstration business district, and build a national county-level commercial construction demonstration county in Fengkai and Huaiji. Actively develop the exhibition economy, cultivate and expand business enterprises, guide manufacturing enterprises to extend to the service end, and form a number of new business growth points. Actively introduce experiential and participatory consumption new business forms and new projects, continue to cultivate and create new cultural and tourism hot spots and new scenes such as Yanqian Village, Shipaili, Fucheng Qilou Street, and build a number of night economy demonstration blocks and Zhaoqing characteristic product live broadcast base. Improve the rural e-commerce and express logistics distribution system, and expand and upgrade rural consumption. We will vigorously implement the ten major actions to revitalize tourism, make full use of the tourism resources around Xinghu Lake, promote the construction of tourism supporting facilities around Dinghu Mountain and the upgrading of its business format, accelerate the construction of projects such as the protection and revitalization of the Fucheng, the Sihui Jade Culture and Art Museum, the Suijiang Jade Bay in Guangning, and the Huaiji Yueshan Hot Spring Tourism Resort, and create the brand of "Zhaofu Family" homestay. Actively develop the sports economy, run major sports events and brand events such as Zhaoqing Marathon and Dragon Boat Race, develop leisure sports such as hiking, rock climbing and orienteering, and promote the integrated development of sports, sports and tourism.

Promote the stability and quality improvement of foreign trade and foreign investment. We will do a good job in the combination of foreign trade, foreign investment, outsourcing, foreign economy and foreign intelligence, build a high-quality China (Zhaoqing) cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zone, actively promote the construction of the comprehensive bonded zone in Zhaoqing New Area, and accelerate the construction of the Sihui Bonded Logistics Center (Type B). Grasp the new foreign trade projects such as Xiyin and Shanying Paper, promote the linkage of competitive products and well-known cross-border e-commerce, promote the stable growth of competitive foreign trade industries such as electronic information, auto parts, agricultural products, and expand the import of metals, pulp, agricultural products and other bulk commodities. Actively introduce a number of foreign-funded manufacturing projects and strengthen the services of foreign-funded enterprises. We should do a good job in the article of "overseas Chinese" in the new era, carry out the action of "Zhaoqing Xingxiangxian, Tongxin to the future", and actively expand foreign cooperation and exchanges.

4、 Plan to build education highland, innovation highland and talent highland, and promote the integrated development of industrial chain innovation chain

Promote high-quality development of education. We will vigorously implement the ten major projects of the Education Revitalization Action and comprehensively improve the level of running schools in all types of education. We will promote the expansion, quality improvement and balanced development of basic education, consolidate and improve the "5080" key achievements in preschool education, promote the new project of transforming (expanding) public primary and secondary schools, and add 16000 public compulsory education degrees. Coordinate the coordinated development of vocational education and higher education, support and promote the capacity expansion and quality improvement of Zhaoqing College, strive to complete the "college upgrading" of Zhaoqing Medical College, plan to build Zhaoqing Higher Vocational and Technical College, support the excellence and strength of Zhaoqing University, accelerate the construction of high-level secondary vocational school projects and "double precision" demonstration majors, and build an application-oriented higher education base in Dawan District with high quality.

Improve the ability of scientific and technological innovation. Promote scientific research to focus on leading industries, give full play to the role of provincial key laboratories of precision die-casting enterprises and provincial measurement and testing center of auto parts industry, jointly carry out research and development of key technologies of new energy vehicles with key enterprises, and promote the construction of Xiaopeng Intelligent Manufacturing Research Institute. Continue to support the high-quality construction and more achievements of Xijiang Laboratory. We will strengthen the construction of innovation systems, support the development of provincial new research and development institutions such as university research institutes, support the restructuring of the National Key Laboratory of Fenghua Hi-Tech, and encourage enterprises to carry out core technology research in the fields of new electronic components, new generation semiconductor lighting and display, integrated circuits, etc. We will solidly promote the construction of Beiling Science and Education City, and support the construction of innovation carriers such as university science and technology parks, incubators, and maker spaces. Support the municipal agricultural and forestry research institutes to improve the level of agricultural scientific research, and actively plan the construction of Zhaoqing Branch of the Provincial Academy of Sciences and the Intelligent Automobile Research Institute of South China University of Technology. We will strengthen the cultivation of the "small and medium-sized technology-based enterprises-high and new technology-benchmarking high-tech enterprises" chain, continue to promote the action plan for establishing standards and improving the quality of high-tech enterprises, promote the total number of high-tech enterprises to reach 1500, and add 30 scientific and technological innovation platforms such as engineering centers, laboratories, and technology centers. We will do a good job in the pilot project of building a strong national intellectual property market and expand the financing of intellectual property pledge. Deeply promote the city with strong quality, actively participate in the formulation of national standards, and strive to improve product quality, engineering quality and service quality.

Optimize the talent innovation and entrepreneurship environment. Formulate and implement the action plan for creating a youth development city in the whole region, and create a "strong magnetic field" to attract young people to stay in and return to Zhaozhao for innovation, entrepreneurship and employment. Support the open sharing of incubation carrier resources, and promote the improvement of operation level and service efficiency of incubators and maker space. Expand diversified investment in scientific and technological innovation, and encourage financial institutions and social capital to increase investment in science and technology. We will vigorously promote the spirit of scientists and craftsmen, and strengthen the construction of scientific research integrity system. We will optimize the implementation of the "Xijiang Talent Plan" and introduce 20 new Xijiang innovation and entrepreneurship teams and leading talent projects.

5、 Fully implement the rural revitalization strategy and focus on the "high-quality development project of hundreds of counties, thousands of towns and thousands of villages" to promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas

Promote the development of towns and villages in Fuxian County. We will promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas, and build a new pattern of coordinated development between urban and rural areas. Deeply implement the Fuxian project. Develop and expand the county economy, cultivate the county leading industries and characteristic advantageous industries, promote the eastern sector to improve the level of industrial development and the quality of urban functions, build an industrial pattern with advanced manufacturing as the main body and large industrial clusters as the leading, and create an important engine to drive the city's economic development. Promote the western sector to improve its green development and ecological security capabilities, adhere to comprehensive protection in general and efficient development in point, and create a new benchmark for ecological protection and ecological development in the western part of the Great Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. Deeply implement the project of strengthening the town. We will strengthen the function of linking towns and cities to lead villages, and build towns into rural governance centers, rural service centers, and rural economic centers. Build and strengthen the specialized towns and characteristic towns in the central town, launch the construction of four demonstration towns of "two industries, two agriculture", promote the high-quality development pilot of Jinli and Dasha new industrialization and new urbanization integration, support the high-quality development of Xiashuai Township, promote the establishment of a Chinese agricultural park and a strong agricultural modernization town in Shapu Town, and promote the construction of 2-3 Zhaoqing characteristic beautiful town demonstration projects in counties (cities, districts). Deeply implement the project of rejuvenating the village. We will effectively optimize rural planning and integrate urban and rural infrastructure, factor allocation, ecological and environmental protection, and basic public services. We will steadily and prudently promote the reform of the rural homestead system. Take multiple measures to increase farmers' income and promote the annual operating income of all village-level collective economies in the city to reach more than 100000 yuan. We will improve the working mechanism for coordinated regional development, build a working pattern of overall planning and fixed-point contact throughout the city, establish a new type of assistance and cooperation mechanism, and promote the entry of urban talents and industrial and commercial capital into the county and the countryside.

Vigorously support the industrialization of characteristic agriculture. We will strengthen the responsibility of the Party and the government for the protection of cultivated land and food security, strictly maintain the balance between the import and export of cultivated land, build 85000 mu of high-standard farmland, continue to promote the rehabilitation of abandoned farmland, do a good job in the prevention of natural disasters and disease and pest control in agricultural production, and ensure that the grain planting area is more than 3 million mu, the number of pigs sold is more than 3.4 million, and the number of poultry sold is more than 120 million. We will fully implement the construction task of the "vegetable basket" project. Implement the "hundreds of thousands" project to strengthen agriculture, promote the development of agricultural scale and branding, focus on supporting citrus, southern medicine, chicken pigeon, live pig, Roche shrimp and other local superior varieties, promote the improvement of quality and efficiency of modern agricultural industrial park, create the modern agricultural microbial industrial park in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing), accelerate the upgrading and transformation of 60000 mu of aquaculture ponds, and actively develop modern facility agriculture. Vigorously promote agricultural scientific and technological innovation, accelerate the development of animal husbandry and aquatic seed industry, strengthen the support of agricultural equipment, and improve the level of intensive processing of agricultural products and food research and development. Support new agricultural business entities, support municipal agricultural investment companies to integrate resources development, implement the provincial agricultural leading enterprises multiplication plan, and strive to exceed 100 in total. We will implement the "new farmer" cultivation project and the "action to improve the quality of thousands of farmers", and select and cultivate 100 leading talents for agricultural innovation and entrepreneurship. Actively explore the market of agricultural products, promote Zhaoqing (Huaiji) Green Agricultural and Sideline Products Distribution Base in Dawan District, "Vegetable Basket" Zhaoqing Distribution Sub center to enrich the distribution categories, improve the distribution system, deepen the construction of the "12221" market system for agricultural products, implement the "Internet plus" agricultural products out of the village and into the city project, improve the cold chain logistics system, continue to promote the establishment of the national agricultural product quality safety market, and create the brand of "Zhaonong high-quality products".

Consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation. We will strengthen the monitoring of poverty reduction and the supervision and management of poverty alleviation assets, solidly promote the support of towns and villages in towns, implement the "Five Ones" project, carry out the action of "thousands of enterprises help thousands of towns and thousands of enterprises prosper thousands of villages", continue to do a good job in industry, employment and consumption poverty alleviation, implement production subsidies, work relief, public welfare posts, agricultural product sales and other assistance measures, and expand the income increase channels of rural low-income people. We will continue to deepen industrial cooperation, labor cooperation and consumption cooperation between the east and west of Zhaohe.

Build a livable and beautiful countryside. Adhere to the construction of beautiful villages with aesthetic thinking, deeply implement the five-year action of improving the living environment, continue to promote the transformation and improvement of rural water supply, accelerate the construction of "four good rural roads", complete the rectification of more than 60% of the problem toilets, and the rural domestic sewage treatment rate reaches more than 70%, more than 85% of the administrative villages meet the standard of beautiful and livable villages, complete the micro-transformation task of 21000 rural houses, and promote the control and improvement of rural style. We will promote the construction of rural revitalization demonstration zones such as the Suijiang Bidao Gallery in the ancient city of Sihui, and the Fengkai "Nanfeng-Jinzhuang - Chang'an", promote the water system connectivity and the pilot construction of water beautiful villages, develop leisure and sightseeing agriculture, and create a number of A-level rural tourism scenic spots. We will improve the rural governance system, promote the credit system, the inventory system, and digital governance, and promote the construction of civilized and safe villages.

6、 Highlight the leading role of green beauty Zhaoqing and promote the construction of ecological civilization

Implement the "six actions" of ecological construction in Zhaoqing. Promote the integrated protection and restoration of "mountain, lake, city, river, forest and spring gorge". Improve the "three lines and one single" ecological environment space zoning control system, and optimize the spatial layout of Lvmei Zhaoqing. Strictly supervise the nature reserves, promote the construction of Guangdong (Zhaoqing) Botanical Garden and strive to be included in the South China National Botanical Garden system, and continue to promote the improvement of the ecological water safety of Xinghu Lake and the ecological restoration of the Sihui Suijiang National Wetland Park. We will do a good job in green management of mines. Vigorously carry forward the glorious tradition of "afforestation in Yueshan", deepen the "forest leader+" governance model, promote the afforestation work with high quality, continue to optimize the forest stand, improve the forest form, and build 200000 mu of national reserve forest.

We will fight a tough battle against pollution. We will do a good job in the central supervision and rectification of ecological and environmental protection, and work together to promote carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion and growth. Consolidate the effectiveness of air pollution control, scientifically prevent and control ozone pollution, and ensure that PM2.5 and other indicators reach the standard steadily. We will continue to implement water pollution prevention and control, strengthen the treatment of urban and rural domestic sewage and black and odorous water bodies, fully complete the standardized construction of drinking water source protection zones above the town level and the rural domestic sewage treatment tasks assigned by the province, and ensure that the national and provincial examination sections are stable and up to standard. Carry out the third national soil survey, strengthen the prevention and control of soil pollution sources, promote the construction of "waste free city", and improve the treatment and disposal capacity of industrial solid waste. Strengthen cooperation in joint prevention and control, and improve the level of cross-regional environmental security.

7、 Vigorously guarantee and improve people's livelihood and comprehensively promote the revitalization and development of social undertakings

We will work hard to promote employment. We will optimize and adjust the policy of reducing the burden and stabilizing the employment at different stages, support the expansion of employment in manufacturing, service and other fields, and promote high-quality employment of residents and high-quality employment of enterprises. We will do a good job of stabilizing the employment of key groups such as college graduates, migrant workers, and the poverty-stricken population, and strengthen the employment assistance for the disadvantaged groups. Deeply implement the three employment promotion projects of "Zhaoqing Famous Chef", "Zhaoqing Craftsman" and "Zhaoqing Housekeeper", and achieve 15000 person-times of vocational skill training. We will support and standardize the development of new forms of employment, support entrepreneurship and flexible employment, and promote the construction of the part-time job market.

Weave a safety net for people's livelihood. We will implement the national insurance plan, implement the national plan for enterprise pension insurance, and vigorously develop occupational pension and enterprise pension. Optimize medical insurance services and expand the coverage of direct settlement for medical treatment in different places. We should reasonably raise the standards of preferential care, subsistence allowances, support for people living in extreme poverty, orphanage, and "two disabled" subsidies. Strengthen the function of community service, build 10 demonstration sites of community home-based elderly care service, and promote the establishment of community social organization demonstration sites in counties (cities, districts).

Build healthy Zhaoqing. We will promote the establishment of Grade A rating for medical institutions, speed up the construction of 25 key projects, including the relocation of the Second People's Hospital and the Municipal Maternal and Child Health Hospital, and build a high-level national regional medical center project of Zhaoqing Hospital, the Third Zhongshan Hospital, and further promote the construction of a close county medical community, and build a strong three-level medical service system in counties, towns and villages. Actively establish a national grass-roots demonstration city of traditional Chinese medicine. Implement the requirements of "Class B and Class B management" of COVID-19 infection, strengthen the construction of prevention and treatment system and emergency response capacity, improve the hierarchical diagnosis and treatment mechanism, ensure the medical treatment of the masses, pay attention to the prevention and control of the elderly and groups suffering from basic diseases, and strive to ensure health and prevent serious diseases.

We will prosper and develop cultural undertakings. Deepen and expand the construction of civilized practice positions in the new era, and systematically promote the establishment of civilized cities. Strengthen the protection and utilization of intangible cultural heritage and red resources, build the Zhaoqing Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition Hall, implement the promotion of the exhibition of the former site of the Ye Ting Independent Regiment, create new cultural landmarks such as the Li Xiongcai Art Museum, prepare for the Fourth World Guangzhou People's Friendship Conference, and plan to create a national-level Guangzhou Culture (Zhaoqing) ecological protection experimental area. We will implement the Lingnan culture "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" project, strengthen the drive of major cultural industry projects, and develop digital culture and creative culture industries. We will promote the reform of municipal cultural academies and promote the integrated development of municipal media.

At the same time, we will make every effort to do a good job of the people's livelihood in the year. We will strengthen the encouragement of military honors and the protection of the rights and interests of military personnel, do a good job in ensuring the service of ex-servicemen, strengthen the mobilization of national defense, and strengthen the unity between the military and the civilian. We will do a better job in ethnic, religious, old revolutionary base areas, foreign affairs, overseas Chinese affairs, Hong Kong and Macao, Taiwan, civil air defense, local chronicles, archives, meteorology, hydrology, earthquakes, women and children, the elderly, the disabled, and charity.

Build a big security and big emergency work pattern. Strictly tighten the responsibility for safe production and thoroughly implement the "5 × 10 "work list. Systematically prevent traffic safety risks. Adhere to the "four strictest" requirements and do a solid job in the quality and safety supervision of food, drugs, special equipment and industrial products. We will continue to improve the capacity of disaster prevention, disaster reduction and disaster relief, promote the work of smart big emergency informatization, support the construction of emergency rescue center in the Pearl River Delta region, improve the capacity of forest fire prevention and control, consolidate the foundation of grass-roots emergency management, and cultivate and expand the social emergency rescue force. We will promote the construction of the Zhaoqing National Grain Reserve Project and improve the ability of food security and emergency control.

We will further promote the construction of the rule of law in Zhaoqing. We will strengthen the construction of the overall prevention and control system for social security, promote the normalization of the fight against crime, and severely punish illegal and criminal acts such as telecommunications network fraud according to law. We will deepen the establishment of qualified pilot cities for the modernization of municipal social governance, promote the construction of community of grass-roots social governance, and carry out the activity of "visiting people's feelings and warm hearts" in a regular manner. We will improve the comprehensive mechanism of multiple prevention, mediation and resolution of disputes, and improve the efficiency of the work of initial letters and visits. We will improve the village (community) grid, refinement and information management service system. We will thoroughly implement the "Eighth Five-Year Plan" to popularize laws, promote legislation in the fields of business environment and elderly care services, and ensure high-quality development with high-level rule of law.

The new era and new journey promote the modernization of Zhaoqing, and put forward new requirements for the modernization of the government's governance system and governance capacity. We must adhere to and strengthen the overall leadership of the Party, adhere to the people-centered principle, comprehensively strengthen the government's own construction with a stronger self-revolutionary spirit, forge a loyal, law-based, clean and efficient government with perseverance, and create a government that is satisfactory to the people. We will unswervingly administer the Party comprehensively and strictly. Adhere to the comprehensive study, comprehensive grasp and comprehensive implementation of the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishment", strengthen the "four consciousness", strengthen the "four self-confidence", and achieve the "two maintenance", constantly improve the political judgment, political understanding, and political execution, and forge the party organizations at all levels of the government system stronger and stronger, We will solidly promote administration according to law. Practice the whole process of people's democracy, accept the supervision of the Municipal People's Congress and its Standing Committee in accordance with the law, consciously accept the democratic supervision of the People's Political Consultative Conference, carefully listen to the opinions of deputies to the People's Congress, members of the CPPCC and all democratic parties, federations of industry and commerce, personages without party affiliations, people's organizations and all sectors of society, and conscientiously handle the proposals of deputies to the People's Congress and the CPPCC. We will continue to consolidate and expand the achievements of the establishment of a national model city for building a law-based government, strictly implement major administrative decision-making procedures, deepen the reform of administrative law enforcement, and promote the full integration of government actions into the track of the rule of law. We will focus on improving administrative efficiency and credibility. We will continue to improve the functional system of government agencies and deepen the reform of public institutions. We will strengthen project-based management, list-based promotion, and closed-loop implementation of the cancellation system, optimize government governance processes and methods, and widely use digital technology to improve administrative efficiency. Deepen the openness of government affairs and strengthen the construction of government integrity. We should strictly live a "tight life", and better use our precious element resources in the work of development and people's livelihood. We will comprehensively deepen the construction of a clean government. Adhere to the strict tone to strengthen the integrity and discipline, promote the fear of corruption, the inability to corruption, and the desire to avoid corruption, focus on strengthening the prevention and control of corruption risks in the areas of power concentration, capital-intensive, and resource-rich, resolutely fight corruption and punish evil with a zero-tolerance attitude, and resolutely combat corruption and unhealthy practices around the masses. We will unswervingly implement the spirit of the eight provisions of the Central Committee and its implementation rules, continue to thoroughly correct the "four tendencies", especially formalism and bureaucracy, and improve the long-term mechanism for reducing the burden on the grass-roots level and encouraging people to take responsibility. We will conscientiously accept the supervision of the discipline inspection and supervision authorities, continue to improve the depth and quality of the full coverage of audit supervision, strengthen statistical supervision, carry out the fifth national economic census, and promote the coordination of mass supervision and public opinion supervision.

Dear delegates! This year's work is complicated. To achieve the goals and tasks of the year, we must adhere to high-quality development. We will go all out to implement the "ten actions" of economic construction in 2023. By focusing on "nesting", "attracting phoenix", "investment", "industrial development", "Rongwan", "Fuxian", "Anshang", "seedling breeding", "scientific innovation" and "financing", we will open a new era of high-quality development in Zhaoqing. We will keep in mind the "three musts", the "empty talk will mislead the country, and the practical work will prosper the country", so as to create a new atmosphere of government work with the spirit of striving for high-quality development. Insist on emancipating the mind, upholding integrity and innovation, consciously jump out of Zhaoqing to seek Zhaoqing, focus on major events in the long run, and compete for the top level. Adhere to the principle of taking responsibility, not taking refuge in anything, knowing the heavy burden, and taking responsibility for the person in charge, so that it is common practice for cadres to dare to act, local authorities to dare to break through, enterprises to dare to work, and the masses to dare to innovate in Zhaoqing. Adhere to the principle of seeking truth and pragmatism, neither self-complacent nor ambitious, focus on "I will focus on development for Zhaoqing", observe the truth and do practical things, and focus on achieving everything. Adhere to hard work, strengthen the sense of responsibility of "always rest assured" and the spirit of fighting hard battles, sprint at the beginning and make a decisive battle at the beginning. One day is used as two days, two steps and one step, "do it right away, and do it well".

Dear delegates! The new tide of Xijiang River is just at the right time. Create new brilliance and make Zhaoqing contribution!

Friday, February 3, 2023

Guangdong Sihui Folk Songs-広東四会の民謡

Guangdong Sihui Folk Songs

Founded in the 33rd year of the Qin Dynasty (214 BC), Sihui is one of the four oldest organic counties in Lingnan. The folk songs of Sihui are passed down from generation to generation on this ancient and beautiful land, forming its excellent folk culture with local characteristics.

The history of Sihui folk songs can be traced back to the Southern Song Dynasty and has a long history. It is mainly divided into Sihui "vernacular" folk songs and Sihui Hakka folk songs. Its content is rich, the lyrics are simple and vivid, and it is easy to understand. It is a form of expression for people to express emotion, exchange friendship, inspire ambition, and educate future generations. It is mainly distributed in Sihui urban area, Jingkou Town, Luoyuan Town, Dasha Town, Dengcun Town, Jianggu Town, Didou Town and other rural areas, and is an important part of Lingnan cultural treasure house that cannot be ignored. In recent years, the Sihui Music Team, led by Li Chongming, the inheritor of folk songs of the Sihui, has achieved good results in many provincial and municipal music competitions and won many awards.







[Go to the Grassroots in the Spring Festival] Xiamao Town, Sihui City: reunite in the festival town and enjoy the Lantern Festival--Chinese culture

[Go to the Grassroots in the Spring Festival] Xiamao Town, Sihui City,Guangdong,China,: reunite in the festival town and enjoy the Lantern Festival

Released by Sihui  at 19:15 on February 3, 2023

The flavor of the year is still between the lips and teeth, and it is the Lantern Festival again. In order to deeply explore the value connotation of the excellent traditional Chinese culture and create a happy, peaceful and warm festival atmosphere, on February 2, the Sihui Municipal Civilized Office, together with the people's government of Xiamao Town, Sihui City, organized and carried out the activity of "our festival, spiritual home, festival town reunion, and the celebration of the Lantern Festival", and sent wonderful programs, steaming Lantern Festival, and warm love to the residents of Xiamao Town.

Spring Festival Xiamao Town, Sihui City,Lantern Festival,

This activity is divided into many activities, such as drawing a lottery, pasting a hundred blessings, guessing lantern games, sugar-painting people, throwing pots, boiling tea in a fire, and boiling the Lantern Festival. When you gather all the eight blessings, you can punch cards at the wishing wall to harvest blessings and gifts. At the event site, some of the citizens wrote down the word "Fu" with splashing ink at the "Fu" booth and posted it on the "Bai Fu" wall; Some people gathered around the traditional folk craft - drawing sugar figurines, and scrambled to ask the sugar painting teacher to draw their favorite sugar paintings; Some people listened carefully to the staff at the pitcher booth to explain the history of pitcher, and then threw the pitcher at once

Write "Fu" and paste "Bai Fu" wall-Xiamao Town, Sihui City

▲ Write "Fu" and paste "Bai Fu" wall

Children's welfare exchange for lucky gifts-Xiamao Town, Sihui City,Guangdong,China

▲ Children's welfare exchange for lucky gifts

In addition, guessing lantern riddles and boiling tea around the stove are most popular among young people. In the riddle guessing session, the volunteers of the New Age Civilization Practice Institute carefully prepared 300 riddles, mainly including the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, common sense of life, animals and plants, and puzzles. The vivid and interesting riddles attracted many citizens to participate actively. As soon as the riddle comes out, we either think alone or discuss the answer together in groups of three or five, cheering and cheering when we answer the right answer, and not discouraged when we answer the wrong answer. The scene was very lively.

Make friends by boiling tea in the furnace,Xiamao Town, Sihui City,Guangdong,China

▲ Make friends by boiling tea in the furnace

This activity not only made the citizens understand the customs of traditional festivals of the Chinese nation, but also enriched their cultural life and let them feel and understand the unique charm of traditional festivals imperceptibly. At the same time, it also promoted neighborhood exchanges, enhanced neighborhood friendship, and strengthened the cohesion and sense of belonging of the residents of Xiamao Town.

Since this year,

Xiamao Town, Sihui City,China gives full play to the grass-roots level

The platform role of the new era civilization practice institute (station),

We have successively carried out "Our Festival · Home of Spirit"

Mass cultural activities with the theme of Spring Festival and Lantern Festival,

It not only carried forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture,

It also greatly enriched the spiritual and cultural life of the residents of Xiamao Town.

Bearish India Mumbai Index (BSE SENSEX)--2023-02-03

Bearish India Mumbai Index (BSE SENSEX)

sell it.
put it.

Bearish India Mumbai Index (BSE SENSEX)--2023-02-03


Wednesday, February 1, 2023

World famous jade processing center and distribution center - Sihui City, China--The Big Orange

World famous jade processing center and distribution center - Sihui City, China

Welcome to Sihui! The Big Orange is the alias of Sihui. In the central urban area of Sihui city, an orange-shaped gymnasium - Xian Dongmei Gymnasium was built. 

Xian Dongmei was the women's judo champion at the 2004 and 2008 Olympic Games.

Sihui Xian Dongmei Gymnasium--The Big Orange

Sihui City has three highlights.

1. Jade, jewelry:

At present, Sihui is the largest jade processing, wholesale and distribution center in Asia. 90% of China's jade products are processed and produced in Sihui City. Sihui jade has a wide range of styles and exquisite craftsmanship. Each piece is an exquisite work of art with great collection and viewing value. The position of Sihui City in China is as irreplaceable as that of Florence in Europe. The jade art of Sihui is famous in China, just as the art of Florence is famous in Europe. Sihui is the most famous capital of jade art in China. Every year, it attracts people from all over China and Asia to visit Sihui and buy jade. The Sihui jade, which is highly oriental philosophy, is the best carrier for westerners to understand oriental Chinese culture. Sihui is leading the renaissance of China.

In the future, Sihui will expand and strengthen the jade industry. To expand to the jewelry industry such as gold and diamonds, Sihui will build itself into a world-famous jewelry processing, wholesale and distribution center. In the field of jewelry, Sihui will shine brilliantly in China and the world.

Marco Polo's Travels did not tell the Europeans about Sihui city, I will introduce Sihui to Europeans. Welcome people from all over the world to visit Sihui City and enjoy the charm of oriental culture.

Florence shines on Europe and moves towards civilization. Sihui will shine on China and move towards prosperity.

If Leonardo da Vinci grew up in China, he would certainly develop his oil painting career to the peak in Sihui City. Leonardo da Vinci can draw not only Jesus, but also Sakyamuni and Laozi. If Da Vinci grew up in Sihui City, he would become good friends with Huineng, the sixth ancestor. Da Vinci's oil paintings must have many oriental elements.

If Van Gogh grew up in China, he would certainly find his happiness in Sihui City, and he would not die so early. Van Gogh must be able to develop his art to a new level in Sihui city. Van Gogh will not only draw the famous oil painting "Star Sky", but also draw the "Sihui Orange" . Chinese traditional art of lion dance will make Van Gogh feel happy in life.

Artists from all over the world are very welcome to look for creative inspiration in Sihui.

2. Sihui Sugar Orange:

Sihui sugar orange is a famous fruit in China. During the Lunar New Year, hundreds of millions of Chinese people feel honored and happy to eat Sihui sugar orange . It can be said that Sihui sugar orange has become a taste memory of Chinese people. The Chinese Lunar New Year is incomplete without Sihui sugar oranges. Like no Christmas tree, the Christmas of Westerners is incomplete. This is the importance of Sihui sugar orange to Chinese people. When the family gets together, we eat sugar oranges and chat about interesting things in life. Chinese people will feel happy and warm. where there will be Sihui sugar oranges, where there will be the warmth of home.

Sihui sugar orange, such delicious fruit, I suggest people all over the world to taste it. Feel the warmth of Chinese families.

3. Industrial construction of Sihui city:

Sihui is a new industrial city in China, with five major industrial clusters:

Dawang District: Xiaopeng Electric Vehicle, Ningde Times, is a famous representative enterprise.

Dasha Town: Jintian Copper, auto parts manufacturing, nonferrous metal industry,

Jianggu Town: Seiko Ink

Xiamao Town: cosmetics, chemical products, resource recycling industry

Longfu Town: electronic information industry, electronic components industry, ceramic building materials,

The industry of Sihui City has just started to develop. Businessmen from all over the world are welcome to set up companies in Sihui City and grow.


The world's largest jade jewelry market

Sihui Jewelry and Jade Association recommended purchasing platform:


Walking through Sihui City in China, the weather is very hot and there are many people in the jade and jewelry market.

Zhaoqing se dirige vers l'internationalisation

 Zhaoqing se dirige vers l'internationalisation

Mon nom est Zhaoqing, nous avons 8 frères, ils sont: Tengzhou, gaogaogao, Dinghu, Sihui, dawang, Guangning, Huai Xue, Deqing, Feng. Zhaoqing a une population de 4,2 millions d'habitants et une superficie de 15 000 kilomètres carrés.

Nous sommes sur la voie de l'internationalisation, espérons rencontrer plus d'amis dans le monde entier, espérons que plus de commerçants à Zhaoqing investissement immobilier.

Endzhou était autrefois l'ancienne capitale de la dynastie Song.

Nous avons le plus grand marché de gros d'jade en Asie - le marché des quatre confréries, le plus grand marché de jade de toute l'Asie est ici, mais les quatre confréries manquent d'or, les fabricants et les grossistes de diamants, accueillent les marchands d'or du monde entier, les marchands de diamants à la quatrième confrérie pour mettre en place des institutions et faire de la quatrième confrérie la plus grande concentration de jade, d'or et de diamants au monde.

Nous avons la plus grande base de production d'accessoires de quincaillerie en Chine - la zone de gaogao, la plus grande base de fabrication de quincaillerie dans toute la Chine, juste ici à Gao, les produits de quincaillerie ici, les meilleures ventes dans toute la Chine, les meilleures ventes dans le monde entier. 2022 Qatar World Cup, tous les achats de produits de quincaillerie ici, preuve que les produits ici sont reconnus par la famille royale du Qatar, la qualité est garantie. Les clients du monde entier sont les bienvenus pour acheter des produits de quincaillerie.

Nous avons la meilleure qualité de l'eau dans tout le Guangdong et la meilleure qualité de l'air dans tout le Guangdong. Avec une couverture forestière de 70%, le taux de verdure est le premier dans tout le Guangdong.

Nous avons des aéroports – Jinlong Airport Jinlong Airport

Nous avons des trains à grande vitesse. Nous avons quatre voies rapides, nous avons le port de plaisance.

En raison de notre situation géographique embarrassante et du manque d'investissement de l'État, notre économie est à la traîne, la construction industrielle est à la traîne et il est nécessaire d'attirer des institutions étrangères pour examiner et investir chez nous.

Pour attirer les investissements, nous avons mis en place de nombreuses politiques préférentielles et des politiques d'encouragement pour attirer les investissements étrangers.

Si vous êtes intéressé par le marché chinois, si vous souhaitez démarrer votre propre entreprise en Chine, si vous souhaitez installer une usine en Chine pour faire des affaires dans le monde entier, il peut être utile de venir à Zhaoqing pour examiner l'environnement d'investissement.

Croyez que l'environnement des affaires ici à Zhaoqing vous satisfait.









空港があります。Jinlong Airport金龍空港です。






تشاوتشينغ تتجه نحو التدويل

 تشاوتشينغ تتجه نحو التدويل 

 اسمي تشاوتشينغ ، لدينا 8 أخوة هم : دوانزو ، غاو ياو ، Dinghu , Sihui , Dawang , Guangning , Huaiji , ده تشينغ ، fengkai . . . . . . .  تشاوتشينغ 4.2 مليون نسمة ، تشاوتشينغ مساحة 15000 كيلومتر مربع . 

 نحن تشاوتشينغ تتجه نحو التدويل ، ونأمل أن نعرف المزيد من الأصدقاء في جميع أنحاء العالم ، ونأمل أن المزيد من رجال الأعمال للاستثمار في المنزل تشاوتشينغ . 

 دوانزو كانت العاصمة القديمة من سلالة سونغ . 

 لدينا أكبر سوق الجملة اليشم في آسيا - مدينة Sihui ، أكبر سوق اليشم في آسيا هنا ، ولكن هناك نقص في الذهب ، الماس مصنعين وتجار الجملة ، نرحب التجار في جميع أنحاء العالم من الذهب والماس التجار إلى إنشاء مؤسسات مشتركة لبناء أربعة في العالم أكبر مركز توزيع اليشم ، الذهب والماس . 

 لدينا أكبر قاعدة لانتاج قطع غيار الأجهزة في الصين -- Gaoyao حي ، أكبر قاعدة تصنيع الأجهزة في جميع أنحاء الصين ، وهنا Gaoyao ، والمنتجات المعدنية ، وتباع بشكل جيد في جميع أنحاء الصين ، وتباع بشكل جيد في جميع أنحاء العالم .  كأس العالم 2022 في قطر ، حيث يتم شراء المنتجات المعدنية ، والمنتجات هنا ثبت أن تكون معترف بها من قبل العائلة المالكة في قطر ، وضمان الجودة .  نرحب التجار في جميع أنحاء العالم لشراء منتجات الأجهزة عالية . 

 لدينا أفضل نوعية المياه في مقاطعة قوانغدونغ ، وأفضل نوعية الهواء في مقاطعة قوانغدونغ .  تغطي مساحة الغابات 70 ٪ ، تخضير قيم قوانغدونغ المرتبة الأولى . 

 لدينا مطار - مطار جينلونغ جينلونغ 

 لدينا السكك الحديدية عالية السرعة .  لدينا طريق سريع في كل الاتجاهات ، لدينا رصيف الميناء . 

 ونظرا لموقعنا الجغرافي الحرج والافتقار إلى الاستثمار الوطني ، فإن اقتصادنا متخلف جدا ، والبناء الصناعي متخلف جدا ، والحاجة إلى اجتذاب وكالات الاستثمار الأجنبي إلى الولايات المتحدة لدراسة الاستثمار . 

 من أجل جذب الاستثمار ، قدمنا العديد من السياسات التفضيلية وتشجيع الاستثمار الأجنبي . 

 إذا كنت مهتما في السوق الصينية ، إذا كنت ترغب في بدء الأعمال التجارية الخاصة بك في الصين ، إذا كنت ترغب في إنشاء مصنع في الصين للقيام بأعمال تجارية في جميع أنحاء العالم ، قد ترغب في زيارة تشاوتشينغ البيئة الاستثمارية . 

 ونحن نعتقد أن بيئة الأعمال التجارية هنا في تشاوتشينغ يرضيك . 

Zhaoqing is moving towards internationalization

 Zhaoqing is moving towards internationalization

My name is Zhaoqing. We have eight brothers. They are Duanzhou, Gaoyao, Dinghu, Sihui, Dawang, Guangning, Huaiji, Deqing and Fengkai. Zhaoqing has a population of 4.2 million and an area of 15000 square kilometers.

We in Zhaoqing are moving towards internationalization. We hope to know more friends from all over the world and more businesses to invest in Zhaoqing Real Estate.

Duanzhou was once the ancient capital of the Song Dynasty.

We have the largest jade wholesale market in Asia - Sihui City, where the largest jade market in Asia is located. However, Sihui City is short of gold. Diamond manufacturers and wholesalers are welcome. Gold merchants from all over the world are welcome to set up offices in Sihui City, and jointly build Sihui into the world's largest jade, gold and diamond distribution center.

We have the largest hardware accessories production base in China - Gaoyao District, the largest hardware manufacturing base in China, which is here. The hardware products here sell well in China and the world. In the 2022 Qatar World Cup, hardware products were purchased here, which proved that the products here were recognized by the Qatar royal family and the quality was guaranteed. Welcome customers from all over the world to buy hardware products in Gaoyao.

We have the best water quality and the best air quality in Guangdong. The forest coverage is 70%, and the greening rate ranks first in Guangdong.

We have an airport - Jinlong Airport

We have high-speed rail. We have highways extending in all directions, and we have ports and docks.

Due to our awkward geographical location and lack of national investment, our economy is backward and industrial construction is backward. We need to attract foreign institutions to visit and invest here.

In order to attract investment, we have introduced many preferential policies and incentives to attract foreign investment.

If you are interested in the Chinese market, if you want to start your own business in China, if you want to set up factories in China to do business around the world, you might as well come to Zhaoqing to investigate the investment environment.

I believe that the business environment here in Zhaoqing is satisfactory to you.

Welcome to Sihui City, Guangdong Province for inspection

Welcome to find investment industry

Welcome to run a business in Sihui City

Sihui City Investment Promotion Center

Contact information

Tel: +86 758 3611228

Fax: +86 758 3611228



Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel: +86 758 2899202

Fax: +86 758 2282600


When "attracting the phoenix" is going on! These places in Zhaoqing beat drums!--Economic Construction

When "attracting the phoenix" is going on! These places in Zhaoqing beat drums!

Investment Zhaoqing 2023-02-01 21:42, published in Guangdong

The first working day after the Spring Festival,

Our province held a high-quality development conference.

According to Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee and Government

On the spirit and requirements of carrying out the "Phoenix Attraction Action",

Every county (city, district) in Zhaoqing has sounded

"The start is a sprint, the start is a decisive battle,

Run out of the horn of "Zhaoqing Acceleration",

Deploy and carry out a series of measures to accelerate high-quality development,

We will thoroughly implement the "top notch" project of attracting investment,

A new upsurge of "big investment and big business" has been set off in an all-round way.

Dinghu District, Zhaoqing New Area

From January 29 to 30, Liu Yuntong, Secretary of Dinghu District Party Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of Zhaoqing New Area, led a team to Shenzhen and Dongguan to carry out investment promotion activities, dock the intended projects, strive to introduce more high-quality projects to settle in Zhaoqing New Area, and accelerate the promotion of the "strong chain and complementary chain" of the industry in Zhaoqing New Area.

▲ Issued by Zhaoqing New Area

During the period, Zhaoqing New Area investment team visited successively

Yilian Technology, Haiyu Baite Equipment

Tianli Food, Zhongtian Automation, Junyi Electromechanical

Shangpeng Electronics and other enterprises,

Involving new energy vehicles and auto parts, electronic information

Multiple segments in food processing and other industries.

▲ Issued by  Zhaoqing New Area

During the visit, Liu Yuntong visited the exhibition hall and production workshop of the enterprise, understood the production and operation of the enterprise in detail, and introduced the location, resources, environment and industrial development of Dinghu District and Zhaoqing New Area to the enterprise. He sincerely invited the person in charge of the enterprise to lead a team to investigate and investigate in Zhaoqing, to conduct in-depth communication and exchange, and to jointly promote the implementation of the project. He said that the two regions would make every effort to provide the best quality and efficient services and guarantees for the landing and development of enterprises.

During the period, many enterprises expressed their concern for Zhaoqing,

It is believed that Zhaoqing is one of the main cities in the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao,

In recent years, it has developed rapidly in new energy vehicles and other fields,

Has great development potential,

Next, we will arrange time to visit.

▲ Issued by Zhaoqing New Area

"We have not only first-class environment, but also first-class service, which is a hot spot for entrepreneurs to invest and start business."

In the event,

The Zhaoqing New Area investment team also visited many business associations,

And conduct informal discussions and exchanges.

Liu Yuntong mainly introduced

The business environment of Dinghu District and Zhaoqing New District,

Conspire with many business associations for industrial development,

We sincerely invite them to visit Zhaoqing.

▲ Issued by Zhaoqing New Area

It is understood that, In 2023,

Dinghu District and Zhaoqing New District strive to

Newly introduced new energy vehicles and auto parts

More than 50 high-quality projects such as electronic information, food and beverage.

Zhaoqing New Area Economic Promotion Bureau said

This investment promotion activity will continue until February 3. The two districts plan to send six more investment promotion teams to visit enterprises in Shenzhen, Dongguan, Foshan and other places, making full use of the favorable opportunities at the beginning of the new year, and seizing time and opportunities with a struggle attitude.

In addition to making efforts in attracting investment,

The two districts will further do the following work


Further optimize the service, establish the mechanism of department level leaders to contact major projects under discussion, and implement the "three ones" service mechanism of "one department level leader, one department leader, and one project service specialist";


Establish and improve the normalized communication mechanism of the party, government and enterprise, strengthen the closed-loop management service of the whole process of industrial projects, accurately perform the "mother" service, and help solve the difficult problems encountered in the project in the process of land supply, construction and production with the "three to" high-quality service of "no call, no call, no say".

Gaoyao District

On January 31,

Chen Depei, Secretary of Gaoyao District Party Committee

Led a team to carry out large investment and business,

Open the circuit for "attracting the phoenix" to accelerate,

Boost the morale of the team,

Try to run well in the first round.

▲ Gaoyao released

same day,

Chen Depei went to Dongguan to carry out industrial investment promotion activities,

Visit local manufacturing enterprises on the spot,

Deeply understand the production process of the enterprise

Technology R&D level, product competitiveness

Product application fields and future development plans,

We also had in-depth exchanges with the senior management of the enterprise on cooperation issues.

During the investigation, Chen Depei introduced in detail the strong industrial foundation and superior business environment of Gaoyao District. Chen Depei said that at present, Gao should adhere to the principle of taking the real economy as the foundation and manufacturing industry as the leader, focus on the direction of industrial development, focus on attracting a number of leading, landmark and "chain leader" large projects in the fields of new energy, new materials, high-end equipment manufacturing, etc., cultivate and strengthen strategic emerging industries, and create new advantages for high-quality development. We hope to further strengthen communication and sincere cooperation with enterprises, seize opportunities and work together for win-win results. Gaoyao will, as always, provide high-quality environment, preferential policies and considerate services for the development of enterprises, and wholeheartedly help enterprises to solve difficulties and escort their development.

The senior management of the enterprise said

Gaoyao have a good geographical location, a good business environment, and full economic vitality. He has taken strong measures to promote high-quality development with good results. He hopes that both sides will strengthen communication and docking, deepen practical cooperation, and promote win-win development in the future.

Gaoyao District took the initiative to carry out industrial investment promotion activities,

It has injected strong impetus into the investment promotion work of Gaoyao District,

It fully demonstrates that the Gaoyao District has made every effort to run the "first leg" of the opening

On the track of high-quality development

The determination and confidence to run faster,

Powerfully promote the high demand

We have made a good start in the new journey of modernization.

Sihui City

On January 30,

Weng Zhuohui, Deputy Secretary of the Fourth CPC Municipal Committee and Mayor

Led a team to Huizhou to carry out investment investigation,

Promote the business environment of the four conferences,

Precise docking and negotiation of projects to seek a new blueprint for cooperation.

▲ Released By Sihui

Weng Zhuohui and his party came to Tailing Technology (Guangdong) Co., Ltd. and Ruixun Sanyo Elevator (Guangdong) Co., Ltd. successively to visit the production workshop and exhibition hall, and to have a discussion with the person in charge of the enterprise, carefully listen to the introduction of the enterprise, and understand the production and operation, product sales, output tax, development planning, etc. of the enterprise in detail.

Weng Zhuohui said

In recent years, Sihui City has actively seized the development opportunities, focused on attracting projects, strengthening leading enterprises, supplementing chains, and gathering clusters, and continued to carry out the "Year of Industrial Investment Promotion" action, actively creating a new highland for the business environment in the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao, and the city's economic development is in good shape. This year is the first year to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Sihui City will fully implement the spirit of the Provincial High-quality Development Conference and the annual "Ten Actions" deployment of Zhaoqing Economic Construction. We will vigorously focus on the economy, investment, projects and development. We sincerely hope that more enterprises will observe the Fourth National Congress, Sihui City of Investment and Sihui City of Deep Cultivation. Sihui City will also, as always, fully do a good job in policy support and enterprise services, and wholeheartedly help enterprises solve difficulties and difficulties, Work together to promote high-quality development.

The enterprise said

Sihui has advantages in resource endowment and industrial planning. Through this exchange, we have further strengthened our confidence in development. Next, we will strengthen communication and docking with relevant departments of Sihui to seek win-win cooperation.

Zhaoqing High-tech Zone

On January 30, Jiang Zequan, Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of Zhaoqing Hi-tech Zone, led the team to Guangzhou for the first stop to carry out the New Year's investment promotion activities. Through the "top leaders" to grasp the investment promotion, the team showed the opening momentum of leaders taking the lead and seizing every day, took the real economy as the foundation and the concept of manufacturing industry as the leader, further accelerated the progress of high-quality project negotiation and implementation, and seized the time and opportunity with the attitude of struggle.

Zhaoqing High-tech Zone Investment Promotion Team

Visited Guangzhou Wanhuabao Food Co., Ltd

Guangzhou Puhua Smart Robot Technology Co., Ltd

Guangzhou Honghui Mould Co., Ltd. and other enterprises.

In the process of visiting various projects,

The team has a deep understanding of the development of the enterprise,

And the preparation of the project in Zhaoqing High-tech Zone,

Said that Zhaoqing Hi-tech Zone will make every effort to support the development of enterprises

Provide the best quality and efficient service and guarantee.

The picture shows the Zhaoqing High-tech Zone Investment Promotion Team visiting Guangzhou Puhua Smart Robot Technology Co., Ltd. Photographed by Wang Zhenyu

▲ The picture shows the Zhaoqing High-tech Zone Investment Promotion Team visiting Guangzhou Puhua Smart Robot Technology Co., Ltd. Photographed by Wang Zhenyu

Among them, Wanhuabao Food plans to invest 200 million yuan in the construction of high-end food projects in Zhaoqing High-tech Zone, and Honghui Mould plans to invest 350 million yuan in the construction of new energy auto parts production and assembly manufacturing, intelligent industrial equipment projects in Zhaoqing High-tech Zone, as a supporting project for Xiaopeng Auto. All enterprises said that they would further accelerate the project preparation and strive to start construction as soon as possible.

▲ The picture shows the Zhaoqing High-tech Zone Investment Promotion Team visiting Guangzhou Honghui Mould Co., Ltd. Photographed by Wang Zhenyu

▲ The picture shows the Zhaoqing High-tech Zone Investment Promotion Team visiting Guangzhou Honghui Mould Co., Ltd. Photographed by Wang Zhenyu

In addition, Guangzhou Puhua Smart Robot Technology Co., Ltd. plans to invest 1 billion yuan to build an intelligent logistics unmanned vehicle project in the high-tech zone. The person in charge of the company said that the new energy automobile industry in Zhaoqing High-tech Zone has a rapid development momentum, and has a good administrative efficiency and business environment. He is full of confidence in the investment and development in Zhaoqing High-tech Zone. In the next stage, he will speed up the finalization of the project investment plan, and strive for both parties to reach cooperation as soon as possible and achieve win-win results.

▲ The picture shows the Zhaoqing High-tech Zone Investment Promotion Team visiting Guangzhou Wanhuabao Food Co., Ltd. Photographed by Wang Zhenyu

▲ The picture shows the Zhaoqing High-tech Zone Investment Promotion Team visiting Guangzhou Wanhuabao Food Co., Ltd. Photographed by Wang Zhenyu

It is reported that many investment promotion teams in Zhaoqing High-tech Zone

It will also go to Foshan, Shenzhen

Dongguan, Shandong, Shanghai and other places,

We will carry out the action of "attracting investment and business".

Deng Jirong, director of Zhaoqing High-tech Zone Investment Promotion Bureau, said

This year, Zhaoqing High-tech Zone will continue to focus on the new energy vehicle industry, concentrate on attracting a number of new energy vehicle industry projects with strong chain, complementary chain and extended chain, and contribute to the city's building of a new energy vehicle industry of 100 billion yuan and energy storage battery industry of 50 billion yuan in 2023.

The picture shows a group photo of Zhaoqing High-tech Zone Investment Promotion Team. Photographed by Wang Zhenyu

▲ The picture shows a group photo of Zhaoqing High-tech Zone Investment Promotion Team. Photographed by Wang Zhenyu

While taking the initiative to seize investment opportunities,

The High-tech Zone has made unremitting efforts to provide enterprise services,

Strengthen the whole-process scheduling service for investment projects,

From the signing of the contract to the completion of the project and the completion and operation of the project,

Create a strong atmosphere of pro-business, business-oriented, business-oriented,

To ensure that the project can be brought into and fall to the ground with quick results.

Zhaoqing High-tech Zone. Photographed by Wang Zhenyu

▲ Zhaoqing High-tech Zone. Photographed by Wang Zhenyu

In January this year alone,

Five high-quality projects have been signed, attracting nearly 4 billion yuan,

Among them, 2 projects with investment of more than 1 billion yuan;

In addition, 6 new projects were started

5 completed projects, 6 projects put into operation,

The total planned investment of the projects involved is about 2 billion yuan.

To accelerate the high-quality development of Zhaoqing High-tech Zone

Provides a powerful source of power.

The main road is to be simple and practical!

The clarion call for high-quality development in the province has been sounded,

Zhaoqing insists on attracting investment

As the lifeline and eternal theme of economic work,

We should fully pool the strength of all parties,

It has set off a new upsurge of "attracting investment and attracting business",

Constantly expand the industry stack, improve quality and strength!

Monday, January 30, 2023











Sunday, January 29, 2023












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