Showing posts with label china jade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label china jade. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Xinhui District Delegation of Jiangmen City visited the Sihui Jade and Jewelry E-commerce Live Broadcast Base for a visit and guidance

The Xinhui District Delegation of Jiangmen City visited the Sihui Jade and Jewelry E-commerce Live Broadcast Base for a visit and guidance

March 25, 2021 19:00

On March 19, 2021, Chen Mingliang, member of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Office of the Standing Committee of the Xinhui District People's Congress of Jiangmen City, Yuan Chaohu, Director of the Agricultural and Industrial Committee of the Standing Committee of the Xinhui District People's Congress, Su Weijie, full-time member of the Standing Committee of the Xinhui District People's Congress, Wu Boliang, full-time member of the Standing Committee of the Xinhui District People's Congress, Zhong Rongyuan, Director of the Xinhui District Supply and Marketing Cooperative, Chen Jianming, member of the Standing Committee of the Xinhui District People's Congress and General Manager of Guangdong Haoyang Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., Dai Shifeng, Deputy Director of the Agricultural and Industrial Committee of the Standing Committee of the Xinhui District People's Congress, Zhang Ce Chong, Chief of the Comprehensive Business Section of the Xinhui District Supply and Marketing Cooperative, Li Jinhuan, Manager of the E-commerce Department of the Xinhui District Supply and Marketing Cooperative, Deng Weiying, Deputy Director of the Urban and Rural Working Committee of the Standing Committee of the Sihui Municipal People's Congress, Yang Jianfeng, a first-level clerk of the Office of the Standing Committee of the Sihui Municipal People's Congress, and Liu Huayin of the Jewelry and Jade Industry Development Management Center went to the Sihui Douyin E-commerce Live Broadcast Base for a study and inspection activity. Liang Jianmin, Director of the Investment Promotion Department of the Sihui Jade and Jewelry E-commerce Live Broadcast Base, accompanied the inspection. Learn advanced experience in e-commerce development, exchange ideas and make progress together.

Accompanied by Liang, the manager of the investment promotion department of the base, they visited the Fuzhicui ornaments exhibition hall, BIC warehousing and logistics testing integrated center, the base interior, and the base service operation center, and introduced the characteristics of the Sihui jade jewelry e-commerce live broadcast base, the characteristics of Sihui jade jewelry, and the operation of the live broadcast room to the delegation.

Fuzhicui ornaments exhibition hall

Understand the continuous development trend of the Sihui jade industry and attach importance to the innovative design of jade. The exhibition hall displays the works of domestic jade carving masters. Among them, the unique style and material of "Prosperous Dragon", which won the 2020 Tiangong Gold Award, has been well received by the industry. Presenting the multiple characteristics of Sihui jade, leading the good development of the industry.

BIC warehousing and logistics testing integrated center

From the sampling of goods to the delivery of goods, detailed explanations are provided in one stop to reduce the delivery workload of merchants. BIC's strict control of goods guarantees the quality of goods to a greater extent, and consumers can buy with confidence; as well as high-quality services to merchants to improve delivery timeliness. Jointly seek new development opportunities to achieve mutual benefit and mutual assistance.

Inside the base

The base situation list and the development history of Sihui jadeware were displayed, and a jade Maitreya Buddha that shocked the industry was introduced. The Buddha was made by 8 professional jade carvers using natural spring-colored materials from Myanmar. It can be seen that the Sihui Douyin e-commerce live broadcast base has made a significant contribution to the comprehensive promotion of the industrial construction and development of the jewelry and jade industry.

Base head merchants

Visit and learn the live broadcast advantages of head merchants, and analyze the operation of the live broadcast room from three aspects: people, goods, and venues. Consult on anchors, operations, and other issues, and answer them on the spot.


Finally, we came to the base service operation center to hold a symposium. The main purpose is to understand and learn the e-commerce development model of Sihui jade, learn from this experience to open up the market for agricultural products Xinhui tangerine peel, and better promote the development of the e-commerce industry. Both parties expressed that they will strengthen communication and cooperation in the future and learn in depth.


Zhong Rongyuan, director of the Xinhui District Supply and Marketing Cooperative, spoke and consulted on issues such as platform cooperation model and investment promotion.

Zhong Rongyuan, director of the Xinhui District Supply and Marketing Cooperative, spoke and consulted on issues such as platform cooperation model and investment promotion.

Dai Shifeng, Deputy Director of the Agricultural and Industrial Committee of the Xinhui District People's Congress Standing Committee, spoke and asked about the base operation and the quality assurance of goods.

Dai Shifeng, Deputy Director of the Agricultural and Industrial Committee of the Xinhui District People's Congress Standing Committee, spoke and asked about the base operation and the quality assurance of goods.

Li Jinhuan, Manager of the E-commerce Department of the District Supply and Marketing Cooperative, consulted and exchanged views on e-commerce and other related issues.

Li Jinhuan, Manager of the E-commerce Department of the District Supply and Marketing Cooperative, consulted and exchanged views on e-commerce and other related issues.

Hu Xiaoting, General Manager of Sihui Jade Jewelry E-commerce Live Broadcasting Base, and Liang Jianmin, Director of the Base Investment Promotion Department, answered questions about the base, exchanged ideas with each other, and promoted the development of the e-commerce industry. The advantages of entering the platform were analyzed from the aspects of investment promotion process, market planning, and product guarantee. The two sides had a heated discussion and benefited a lot from it.

Hu Xiaoting, General Manager of Sihui Jade Jewelry E-commerce Live Broadcasting Base, and Liang Jianmin, Director of the Base Investment Promotion Department, answered questions about the base, exchanged ideas with each other, and promoted the development of the e-commerce industry. The advantages of entering the platform were analyzed from the aspects of investment promotion process, market planning, and product guarantee. The two sides had a heated discussion and benefited a lot from it.

In recent years, the Sihui Municipal Government has actively seized the development trend of "Internet + Industry" and vigorously promoted the high-quality development of the jade industry. The growth of the base is inseparable from the support and guidance of leaders from all walks of life. In the future, the base will exchange and learn with all walks of life to accelerate the development of the jade industry.

Sihui Jewelry Wholesale Warehouse

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Zhou Yan led a team to Sihui City to conduct jade industry research

Zhou Yan led a team to Sihui City to conduct jade industry research

Zhaoqing People's Congress August 28, 2024 22:49 Guangdong

August 27, 2024.

Zhou Yan, member and deputy director of the Party Leadership Group of the Standing Committee of Zhaoqing Municipal People's Congress and deputy leader of the city's leading group for promoting the high-quality development of the jade industry, went to Sihui City to go deep into markets, enterprises, and industrial parks, and preached the 20th Congress of the Party to grassroots frontline cadres and the masses. The spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee was followed, and research was conducted on promoting the high-quality development of the jade industry.

Zhou Yan and his party visited the Jade Wool Trading Market, Wanxinglong Jade City, Guoliu Jade Art Museum, Zhuangjiahao Cultural Industry Creative Park, E-commerce Operation Center, Jade Expo City, and Jade Cultural Characteristic Town to learn more about the jade public sale, Product design, production, sales, talent introduction, etc.

Zhou Yan led a team to Sihui City to conduct jade industry research

At the symposium, Zhou Yan and his party studied the progress of each goal and task of the "Implementation Plan on Promoting the Transformation and Development of the Jade Industry and Continuously Creating a Rich People and Prosperous City Industry to Support the High-Quality Development of the Sihui" issued by the Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee Office and the Municipal Government Office, and listened to Reported on the development of the jade industry in Sihui City, and had in-depth exchanges on aspects such as cultivating a high-quality industrial ecology, promoting industrial integration, building a high-quality talent team, and shaping the Sihui jade brand.

Zhou Yan pointed out

The Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government attach great importance to the development of the Sihui jade industry. The Sihui jade industry has a large scale and a complete chain. It has become one of the most influential and advantageous industries in our city. The development of the jade industry has broad prospects and great potential.

Zhou Yan emphasized

First, we must effectively improve our standing. Further build consensus on promoting the high-quality development of the jade industry, focus on the center and serve the overall situation, give full play to the leading role of the Municipal Jade Industry Leading Group, and coordinate the efforts of functional departments, industry associations, leading enterprises and other parties to empower the Sihui jade industry with high quality Development; the Sihui Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government must firmly shoulder the main responsibility and effectively build the jade industry into a characteristic and advantageous industry that enriches the people and prospers the city.

Second, we must insist on implementation. Further form a joint force to promote the high-quality development of the jade industry, anchor the goals and tasks set in the "Implementation Plan", promote project implementation in a list-based, project-based, and node-based manner, further optimize measures, and increase efforts to improve the production, processing, and sales of jade. The entire chain is upgraded to ensure high-quality completion of target tasks.

Third, we must persist in building the brand. Further explore the rich connotations of jade culture, tell jade stories well, coordinate and promote brand building, extend the development of "jade +" new business formats, carefully create jade cultural and creative products, plan and build jade culture tourism routes, promote the in-depth integrated development of culture, business and tourism, and strive to We will make the Sihui jade industry stronger and our business cards brighter.

Relevant responsible comrades from the Education, Science, Culture and Health Working Committee of the Standing Committee of the Zhaoqing Municipal People's Congress and the Municipal Commerce Bureau participated in the survey.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Weng Zhuohui led a team to Tianguangxu Market to work on site, and continued to promote the comprehensive improvement of the environment around Tianguangxu Market

Weng Zhuohui led a team to Tianguangxu Market to work on site, and continued to promote the comprehensive improvement of the environment around Tianguangxu Market

Sihui Release August 14, 2024 21:59 Guangdong, China

On the morning of August 14, 2024, Weng Zhuohui, Secretary of the Sihui Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, led a team to Tianguang Market to work on site, and organized a meeting on the comprehensive improvement of the environment around Tianguang Market. The meeting focused on the traffic chaos and the improvement of the city appearance and environmental sanitation in Tianguang Market, and continued to promote the comprehensive improvement of the environment around Tianguang Market, and further enhance the image of the jade industry.

Weng Zhuohui led a team to Tianguang Market to work on site, and continued to promote the comprehensive improvement of the environment around Tianguangxu Market

Weng Zhuohui and his team conducted on-site inspections of the structure of Tianguang Market's operating personnel, sanitation and cleaning, daily management, and vehicle parking, and proposed the next work requirements around the current problems.

Weng Zhuohui emphasized

The comprehensive improvement of the environment around Tianguang Market is related to residents' daily travel and the image of the city. All departments should attach great importance to and fully realize the importance of comprehensive environmental improvement work around Tianguang Market, earnestly enhance the sense of urgency and responsibility, firmly grasp the problems, firmly grasp the progress, firmly grasp the work, and vigorously promote environmental improvement; strengthen coordination and linkage, strengthen communication and docking, each shoulder their responsibilities, sort out the key and difficult problems, and take positive and effective work measures around key parts and key contents such as environmental cleaning, city appearance and order, vehicle placement, and municipal facilities maintenance to create a clean, civilized and harmonious environment; establish and improve long-term management mechanisms, do a good job in daily cleaning, establish a normalized inspection system, and promptly discover and deal with problems; strengthen publicity and guidance, guide the masses to consciously abide by traffic rules, consciously maintain the environmental sanitation in front of the door, call on the masses to actively participate in, promote and propagandize environmental improvement, promote the implementation of the "three guarantees in front of the door" responsibility system, and create a strong atmosphere of mass participation and joint management.

Sihui City leaders Cai Xueli and Liu Jiexiong participated in the event.


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