Showing posts with label Zhaoqing United Front. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zhaoqing United Front. Show all posts

Monday, September 9, 2024

Zhaoqing, Hong Kong and Macao youth join hands to write a new chapter of the "Hundred Million Project"

Zhaoqing, Hong Kong and Macao youth join hands to write a new chapter of the "Hundred Million Project"

Zhaoqing United Front September 9, 2024 19:10 Guangdong, China

In order to further gather the strength of Hong Kong and Macao youth to participate in the "Hundred Million Project", the Zhaoqing City Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Bureau recently held a project docking event for Zhaoqing, Hong Kong and Macao youth to support the "Hundred Million Project" in Deqing. More than 200 people including representatives of the Hong Kong Zhaoqing Youth Federation, the Macau Zhaoqing Youth Committee, and Zhaoqing, Hong Kong and Macao entrepreneurs participated in the event. Relevant responsible comrades from the Municipal Party Committee United Front Work Department, the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and Deqing County attended the event.

During the event, young entrepreneurs from Hong Kong and Macao visited Guanxu Fashion Electronics Industrial Park, Guangdong Zhaoqing Detong Co., Ltd. and other places to gain an in-depth understanding of the production and operation of Deqing's science and technology enterprises.

At the symposium, the Zhaoqing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau explained and interpreted the city's policies on supporting innovation and entrepreneurship of Hong Kong and Macao youth and introducing talents, Deqing County promoted the investment environment, and representatives of young entrepreneurs from Zhaoqing, Hong Kong and Macao shared their views on further leveraging the unique role of Hong Kong and Macao in "backed by the motherland and connected to the world" and helping to implement the "100 million project" based on the resource advantages of their own industries. They also exchanged views on deepening exchanges, cooperation and development among the three places in the next stage. The delegates actively interacted and were enthusiastic. They all expressed that they would closely follow the new positioning of "one point and two places" given by General Secretary Xi Jinping to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, focus on "what the Bay Area wants, what Hong Kong and Macao need, and what Zhaoqing can do", and strive to promote the integration of resources, linkage of measures and complementary advantages among the three places of Zhaoqing, Hong Kong and Macao, and contribute wisdom and strength to the practice of promoting Chinese-style modernization in Zhaoqing.

Since the beginning of this year, our city has fully utilized the role of Hong Kong and Macao Zhaoqing hometown associations, youth associations and Zhaoqing Overseas Friendship Association to carry out a series of activities called "Hong Kong and Macao Youth Zhaoqing Together"; the eight counties (cities and districts) in the city have created a "one county, one product" themed exchange project based on local realities, and have invited more than 4,300 representatives from Hong Kong and Macao to visit Zhaoqing, to publicize and promote our city's investment and entrepreneurship environment and implementation policies and measures, to guide more Hong Kong and Macao businessmen and outstanding young talents to start businesses, find jobs, invest and start businesses in Zhaoqing, and to work together to promote the "Hundreds of Millions of Projects".


肇慶統一戰線 2024年09月09日 19:10 中國廣東




Zhaoqing gathers the hearts, wisdom and strength of overseas Chinese to jointly draw a new picture of the "Hundreds of Millions of Projects"

Zhaoqing gathers the hearts, wisdom and strength of overseas Chinese to jointly draw a new picture of the "Hundreds of Millions of Projects"

Zhaoqing United Front September 5, 2024 19:18 Guangdong

Since 2024, the Overseas Chinese Affairs Department of Zhaoqing City has closely followed the work deployment of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and the Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee on doing a good job in the "Overseas Chinese" article in the new era, actively gathered the hearts, wisdom and strength of overseas Chinese, and contributed to the in-depth promotion of the "Hundreds of Millions of Projects".

Zhaoqing adheres to the working model of "warming overseas Chinese with heart, gathering overseas Chinese with affection, and connecting overseas Chinese with visits", widely contacts overseas Chinese communities and overseas Chinese, and continuously deepens "inviting in" and "going out", expanding Zhaoqing's overseas contacts and awareness.

Zhaoqing gathers the hearts, wisdom and strength of overseas Chinese to jointly draw a new picture of the "Hundreds of Millions of Projects"

Zhaoqing Overseas Chinese Affairs Department promotes in-depth and wide-ranging exchanges and cooperation with overseas Chinese groups (communities).

Since the beginning of this year, 11 groups of overseas Chinese businessmen and leaders from Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Malaysia and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, totaling more than 80 people, have visited Zhaoqing; Zhaoqing has visited Australia, Fiji, New Zealand and other countries to strengthen friendship and exchanges with the Victoria Multicultural Education Association of Australia, the Chinese Cultural Exchange Association of New Zealand, and the Shunde Association of Malaysia, and promote Zhaoqing City to establish in-depth and wide-ranging exchanges and cooperation with overseas Chinese groups (communities).

At the same time, Zhaoqing gathers wisdom and empowers, playing a song of serving the overall situation. The work cases of two overseas Chinese representatives in Zhaoqing City were selected into the first batch of typical selected cases of the "Hundreds of Millions of Projects" action for overseas Chinese assistance in the province, and a representative of overseas Chinese youth entrepreneurs made an exchange speech at the conference. Zhaoqing explored strengthening the "government-enterprise-school" tripartite cooperation, and signed the "Framework Agreement on Strengthening the Cooperation Base for Chinese Overseas Chinese International Cultural Exchange" with Zhaoqing Zhongyan Leisure Industry Development Co., Ltd. and Jinan University Overseas Chinese Federation to help the "Chinese Overseas Chinese International Cultural Exchange Base" - Zhaoqing Yanzhou Island High-quality Development. The exhibition of calligraphy and painting works by famous Chinese artist Qu Yuan was held, with the theme of "Art as a Bridge, Building Dreams Together", to further deepen the understanding and appreciation of Chinese calligraphy and painting among the overseas Chinese community and promote the inheritance and innovation of China's excellent traditional culture.

Zhaoqing also carried out activities such as "I Plant a Tree for My Hometown and Build Zhaoqing Tongxin Forest Together", planting "Assistance Forest" to help rural greening, and planting trees in "Overseas Chinese Forest", actively guiding the overseas Chinese community to actively participate in the construction of green and beautiful Zhaoqing ecology. In the first half of the year, more than 10 tree planting activities were mobilized for the overseas Chinese community, with about 500 participants, and more than 2,000 tree seedlings of various types such as wind bells, osmanthus trees, and iron holly were planted, raising about 180,000 yuan in funds.

Love and protect overseas Chinese, and draw a concentric circle of unity and struggle. The Overseas Chinese Affairs Department of Zhaoqing City strengthened guidance and promoted the construction and upgrading of grassroots "Overseas Chinese Homes". Up to now, 13 "Overseas Chinese Homes" at all levels have been built in the city, and related work has made typical experience speeches at the provincial exchange activities to promote the construction of "Overseas Chinese Homes". Organize and carry out a series of publicity activities on overseas Chinese laws, do a good job in interpreting and answering questions about laws and regulations related to overseas Chinese, strengthen overseas Chinese's understanding and knowledge of overseas Chinese laws, and effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of overseas Chinese.

On this basis, Zhaoqing conscientiously confirms the identities of "three overseas Chinese students" and handles the settlement of overseas Chinese returning to China; carries out condolences, student aid and other activities to benefit and warm overseas Chinese, provides more assistance to the needy overseas Chinese community, and effectively sends the care of the Party and the government to the hearts of the needy people; organizes traditional food production skills training courses for returned overseas Chinese and their families, helps returned overseas Chinese and their families improve their employment ability and broaden their employment channels, allows overseas Chinese to feel warmth and support, and further enhances their sense of belonging and centripetal force.

肇慶凝僑心匯僑智聚僑力 共繪「百千萬工程」新畫卷




同時,肇慶匯智賦能,奏響服務大局同心曲。肇慶市2名僑界代表工作案例入選全省首批僑助「百千萬工程」行動典型選樹案例名錄,1名僑青創業代表在大會作交流發言。肇慶探索加強「政企校」三方合作,與肇慶中硯休閒產業開發有限公司、暨南大學僑聯共同簽訂《加強中國華僑國際文化交流基地合作框架協議》,助力「中國華僑國際文化交流基地」——肇慶硯洲島高品質發展。舉辦「藝術為橋 同心築夢」著名華人藝術家區本書畫藝術作品展,進一步加深廣大僑界群眾對中國書畫藝術的了解與欣賞,推動中華優秀傳統文化傳承與創新。





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