Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Unveiling! Sign a contract! Cooperation between Sihui and Zengcheng reaches a new level-China Industrial Park-Guangdong Industrial Park-Zhaoqing Industrial Park-attract investment

Unveiling! Sign a contract! Cooperation between Sihui and Zengcheng reaches a new level→

Released by Sihui 2023-11-21 19:05 Published in Guangdong

On the morning of November 21, the Zengcheng-Sihui Industrial Transfer Cooperation Park (Sihui City Fine Chemical Industrial Park) Management Committee was inaugurated. At the same time, the Zengcheng District-Sihui City joint venture investment company was successfully signed. Chen Zhen, member of the party group and deputy director of the Guangzhou Municipal Cooperation Office, Zeng Hongbin, member of the Standing Committee of the Zengcheng District Committee of Guangzhou and director of the District Committee Office, and leaders of relevant units in Guangzhou; relevant persons in charge of Zhaoqing Municipal Development and Reform Bureau and Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau; Deng Hongan, leader of Sihui City , He Zhengli, Zou Runchang and others attended the ceremony.

On the same day, an unveiling and signing ceremony was held at the Sihui Fine Chemical Industrial Park. Leaders attending the event jointly unveiled the Zengcheng-Sihui Industrial Transfer Cooperation Park Management Committee, and held a signing ceremony for the joint venture investment company between Zengcheng District and Sihui City.

Deng Hongan said

Sihui City will take the initiative to strengthen coordination with Zengcheng District, further increase the inclination of policies, funds, land indicators and other resources, improve the park planning adjustment plan, speed up land acquisition and demolition, and fully support the park management committee in carrying out its work, focusing on Build the industrial transfer cooperation park into a key park and demonstration park for a new round of provincial counterpart assistance and cooperation.

It is understood that in May this year, Zengcheng District of Guangzhou City and Sihui City signed a county-level counterpart industry cooperation agreement, focusing on the four major aspects of counterpart industry cooperation: cooperation parks, business environment, investment promotion, and people's livelihood undertakings. In order to speed up the planning and construction of the jointly built park, Sihui City and Zengcheng District decided to cooperate to establish the Zengcheng-Sihui Industrial Transfer Cooperation Park (Sihui City Fine Chemical Industrial Park) Management Committee, and at the same time, Zengcheng District-Sihui City jointly established a joint venture investment The platform company is responsible for promoting the infrastructure construction, investment promotion and park development and operation of the jointly constructed park. The successful holding of this ceremony marked an important step taken by the two places to deepen counterpart assistance cooperation and close cross-regional industrial cooperation.

Sihui City Investment Promotion Center

Contact information

Tel: +86 758 3611228

Fax: +86 758 3611228

Email: shqyfw@vip.163.com

Website: https://www.sihui.gov.cn/gzjg/shszsj/zsjgz/index.html

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