Showing posts with label Zhaoqing Finance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zhaoqing Finance. Show all posts

Thursday, November 30, 2023

On-site credit extension of 1 billion yuan! Guangning County Rural Commercial Bank’s “New Factory Loan” helps the development of manufacturing industry

On-site credit extension of 1 billion yuan! Guangning County Rural Commercial Bank’s “New Factory Loan” helps the development of manufacturing industry

Released by Guangning County 2023-11-30 20:25 Published in Guangdong

On November 29, 2023, Guangning County held an on-site credit granting ceremony for the "New Factory Loan" enterprise. Guangning Rural Commercial Bank provides 1 billion yuan in financial support to enterprises, responds with practical actions to insist on the manufacturing industry, supports the "high-quality development project of hundreds of counties, thousands of towns and thousands of villages", and boosts local economic development.

On-site credit extension of 1 billion yuan! Guangning County Rural Commercial Bank’s “New Factory Loan” helps the development of manufacturing industry

➤ County Magistrate He Jiancai pointed out at the credit granting ceremony

The “new factory loan” business is of great significance in promoting the establishment of newly introduced enterprises in the county, cultivating the development of emerging enterprises, accelerating the transformation and upgrading of enterprises and expanding the market. It is a major innovation in Guangning County in promoting high-quality industrial development. , opening up a broader financing channel to solve the financing problems of enterprises in our county. Guangning will use this credit grant as a new starting point to strive for greater investment and continued support from financial institutions. It is hoped that after receiving financial support, the company will focus on improving the efficiency of the use of funds, maximizing the value of funds, and promoting project quality improvement. Increase efficiency; at the same time, we hope that Guangning Rural Commercial Bank will continue its efforts and strive to make greater contributions to the economic development of Guangning County. We also hope that financial institutions in the county will provide more project loans and liquidity based on the needs of our county’s project construction and financing needs. Capital loans, trade financing, bills, non-financing letters of guarantee and other credit and financing support businesses work with enterprises across the county for common development and win-win cooperation. The county party committee and government will further strengthen the investment environment construction, comprehensively optimize the investment service system, create an efficient and clean service environment, a transparent and stable policy environment, a fair and unified market environment, and create a first-class entrepreneurial environment for investors.

He Wenzhao, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Guangning Rural Commercial Bank, said at the credit granting ceremony that the Rural Commercial Bank will take the "new factory loan" as an opportunity to continue to strengthen multi-party cooperation between "government, bank and enterprises", proactively provide proactive services, and timely follow-up services , precise and refined services, and investing more financial resources to help Guangning County’s high-quality economic development.

Enterprise representatives said that they will keep pace with the times and take advantage of the trend to make more contributions to promoting high-quality economic development in Guangning.

On-site credit extension of 1 billion yuan! Guangning County Rural Commercial Bank’s “New Factory Loan” helps the development of manufacturing industry

It is understood that this time Guangning Rural Commercial Bank provided an "overall credit" line of 1 billion yuan for the "new factory loan" business, and granted a total of 183 million yuan of credit to representatives of five companies. As of November 28, Guangning Rural Commercial Bank's manufacturing loans were 790 million yuan, an increase of 186 million yuan or 30.89% from the beginning of the year; it has granted credit to 15 "new factory loans" with a credit amount of 416 million yuan and a disbursement amount of 273 million yuan. Yuan.

Deputy County Magistrate Yang Hongzhang attended the credit granting ceremony.


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