Thursday, November 23, 2023

Speed up! The factory building in Zhaoqing’s smart manufacturing base is capped-China Industrial Park-Zhaoqing Industrial Park-Guangfo-Zhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone

Speed up! The factory building in Zhaoqing’s smart manufacturing base is capped

Released by Zhaoqing 2023-11-23 15:30 Published in Guangdong

Recently, the Guangfo-Zhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone B

Aidis Elevator Guangdong Intelligent Manufacturing

The production base factory building was successfully capped.

Huaiji manufacturing industry "big battle" has added new results.

Adis Elevator’s Guangdong intelligent manufacturing production base factory building was successfully capped.

△Adis Elevator’s Guangdong intelligent manufacturing production base factory building was successfully capped.

The factory building is capped to ensure the strength of Huaiji

Aidis Elevator was formerly known as Zhongling Elevator.

Founded in 2010,

It is a company integrating R&D, design, manufacturing, sales,

A modern elevator company that integrates installation and maintenance.

Aidis Elevator Guangdong Intelligent Manufacturing Production Base

It covers an area of 113 acres and will be constructed in two phases.

The first phase of the factory covers an area of 53,800 square meters.

After the completion of the second phase, the base will have an annual output of 22,000 elevators.

In addition, the base also introduced

The world's advanced production equipment and technology,

Including fully automatic production lines and

High-precision production equipment improves production efficiency.

Li Jiehao, Sales Operation Director of Aidis Elevator (Guangdong) Company

The height of the test tower in our factory is 113 meters, the fastest operating speed of the high-speed elevator is 9 meters/second, and the maximum load capacity of the freight elevator is 50 tons.

In recent years, Aidis Elevator has bucked the trend and increased capital and expanded production.

Focusing on the future high-end market and the local business environment.

Li Jiehao, Sales Operation Director of Aidis Elevator (Guangdong) Company

The reason why we chose to build a new factory in Huaiji against the trend is because we are optimistic about the business environment in Huaiji and the future elevator market.

now,Addis elevator has been installed in the Pearl River Delta

10 branches have been opened,

Reach long-term strategic cooperation with global first-tier brand suppliers,

Next, it will be deployed nationwide based on this.

Actively explore domestic and foreign markets,

Provide customers with more convenient and efficient

Full-process service system support.

Concentrate efforts to efficiently promote project construction

Land is often a key factor in the implementation of projects.

Since the beginning of this year, Huaiji has implemented the “nesting operation”.

Accelerate the construction process of the park,

Accelerate the earthwork and grading project for new development land in the park,

For elevators including Addis

Provide sufficient carrier space for the implementation of manufacturing projects.

Since the "big battle" for manufacturing project construction was launched in the city, Huaiji has fully implemented the "four one" project construction mechanism of one list, one plan, one special class and one grasp to the end, and has deeply practiced the front-line work method to provide projects with All-round consultation and assistance help enterprises achieve new speeds in high-quality development.

On August 31 2023 , 10 signed projects in Huaiji realized land supply on the same day, making a good start for the “conference battle”

△On August 31 2023 , 10 signed projects in Huaiji realized land supply on the same day, making a good start for the “conference battle”

Relevant person in charge of Huaiji County Investment Promotion Center

We will adhere to the concept of "enterprise first", promote work to be done by projects, elements follow projects, and services revolve around projects, promote projects to be launched early, constructed early, put into production early, and achieve early results, and strive to achieve an annual actual investment of 3 billion Yuan and above.

From the start of construction to the topping out of the main body of the building,

In just half a year,

As the contractor of the project,

Fengju Construction has undertaken the construction of multiple industrial projects in Huaiji.

Assist industrial development.

Cai Jingyou, general manager of Fengju Construction Aidis Project Department

During the construction process, under the premise of ensuring quality and safety, Fengju Construction implemented two shifts, increased investment in people, machines, materials, etc., and at the same time adopted operation methods such as flow-based and divided-area construction to ensure on-call construction. As soon as you arrive, it will be done right away, and it will be done right away.

“Mother-like” services promote project implementation

Huaiji has obvious location advantages.

The business environment is good. During the project construction process,

Huaiji provides a "nanny-style" service.

Specifically, from contacting, photographing land, applying for certificates to filing,

Huaiji arranges dedicated personnel to serve the enterprise throughout the entire process.

Every aspect is thoughtfully considered.

China Industrial Park,Guangdong Industrial Park,Zhaoqing Industrial Park,Huaiji Industrial Park,

It is understood that since this year,

Huaiji signs contract, starts construction, completes and puts into production project plan

The total investment amount is 19.17 billion yuan,

Covering metal processing, electronic information, biomedicine,

Food and beverage, new energy, textile industry, etc.

Multiple fields and multiple aspects.

Dai Pingping, General Manager of Guangdong Guangzhimei Aluminum Co., Ltd.

After settling in Huaiji, we deeply felt the warmth of home, which made me feel caring, warm-hearted, careful, attentive and sincere.

China Industrial Park,Guangdong Industrial Park,Zhaoqing Industrial Park,Huaiji Industrial Park,

△Picture source released by Huaiji

also,at present,

The total planned investment is more than 87 million yuan.

Four capital increase and production expansion projects are progressing steadily.

Help Huaiji achieve the "acceleration" of high-quality economic development.

About Meirui (Guangdong)

The production workshop of Audio Equipment Co., Ltd.

I saw the production line running at high speed,

The sound of machine rotation, product assembly,

Speaker debugging and other sounds come and go.

A lively and busy scene.

The workers in Zhaoqing are more professional and conscientious than those in Southeast Asia.

The company plans to invest 9.06 million yuan

Automated production line for existing audio speakers

Carry out technological upgrading and transformation,

It is expected that the annual output will reach 1 million after the transformation is completed.

at present,

The automated production equipment has been basically installed.

Equipment debugging and trial production are in progress.

The fully automated production line is running in an orderly manner.

Talking about the company’s production plan,

The relevant person in charge of the company is full of confidence.

Xu Donglei, the relevant person in charge of the company

The company's order volume this year is expected to increase by more than 30% year-on-year. After the automated production line is upgraded and officially put into production, the production efficiency is expected to be greatly improved. We are confident and capable of undertaking larger order volume.

The workers in Zhaoqing are more professional and conscientious than those in Southeast Asia.

△The above picture source was released by Huaiji

Today, Huaiji County is making every effort to promote

Manufacturing project construction "big battle",

Adhere to "enterprise first"

The concept of "the government revolves around the enterprise, and the enterprise will handle matters immediately",

Strive for a "big battle" in manufacturing project construction

There is progress every week and results every month.


肇庆发布 2023-11-23 15:30 发表于广东



























































Investors from all over the world are welcome to visit Zhaoqing.

Zhaoqing is engaged in industrial construction.

Zhaoqing needs construction funds, Zhaoqing needs industrial projects, Zhaoqing needs talents, and Zhaoqing needs help from people all over the world.

Because the economy in Zhaoqing as a whole is really too backward.

Industry is too backward.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiji County

Address: Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiji County, Jinji Park, Xingfu 1st Road, Huaiji County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:  0086-758-5555666

Fax: 0086-758-5553436

Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs Bureau

Address: No. 122, Chengzhong Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:  0086-758-2237010,  0086-758-2231845


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