Monday, November 6, 2023

Bigger and stronger! These industrial projects in Zhaoqing are booming--Where is China worth investing in?--China Industrial Park

Released by Zhaoqing 2023-11-06 19:00 Published in Guangdong

Factory buildings are rising from the ground.

Multiple industrial projects have been completed and put into operation one after another.

Many projects have entered the equipment debugging stage...

The industrial projects in Zhaoqing New District are full of vitality.

The prospect is exciting.

Industry is booming

Recently, located in Zhaoqing New District

Xiangguang Ruihua South Headquarters

and auto parts manufacturing base projects

The installation and commissioning of equipment is being accelerated at a rapid pace.

Trial production is planned for the end of December.

Xiangyang Yangguang Ruizhaoqing Project Leader

We hope to put it into production as soon as possible to meet customer needs.

Xiangyang Yangguang Ruizhaoqing project is the company’s layout

An important production base in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area,

Mainly produces car bodies

Stamping parts, welded parts, interior and exterior decorative parts, etc.

The planned annual production capacity of the first phase is 2 million pieces (sets).

They are BYD, Chery, Nissan, Great Wall,

Supplier of Geely and other automobile brands.

"We are very satisfied with Zhaoqing's business environment."

The person in charge of the Ruizhaoqing project of Xiangyang Yangguang said that it had received an unexpected surprise before it was put into production. Because it is close to the OEMs in Guangzhou, Foshan and Zhaoqing, the company can easily obtain cutting-edge information in the industry and actively innovate. This year, it cooperated with one of the OEMs. An electric rear wing product was developed and quickly captured new markets.

"Not only is Xiaopeng here, but there are also many other new energy vehicle-related companies and customers. This is the main reason that attracts us to Zhaoqing."

Changshu Automotive Interior and Exterior Auto Parts Manufacturing Base Project

The main person in charge said,

Their project is based on this advantage.

Therefore, we chose to invest and build a factory in Zhaoqing New District.

The Changshu Automotive Trim Project mainly produces automotive dashboards, sub-dashboards, door panels, pillars, soft interior trims, cladding trims, smart cockpits and other interior and exterior trim parts.

The project is progressing rapidly,

Pile foundation construction will begin in December 2022.

By July, equipment debugging will be basically completed and production work will begin.

It only took 7 months,

Enterprises propose supporting freight logistics channels

Also built and delivered.

The project is currently progressing smoothly,

It is planned to be officially put into production at the end of December.

Production capacity doubled in half a year

Entering the Magic Display Intelligent Industrial Park in Zhaoqing New District

(Hereinafter referred to as "Magic Display") Factory Building A can be seen,

Workers in dust-free uniforms perform their duties,

The production in the workshop is busy but not chaotic and orderly.

Guangdong Magic Display Technology Co., Ltd.

Factory director Jiang Xiaojian said,

The company currently has sufficient orders,

The production line of factory building A in October

Increased production lines from 6 to 7,

Completely achieve full production.

Jiang Xiaojian, Director of Guangdong Magic Display Technology Co., Ltd.

At present, our production capacity is 2.5 million pieces per month, and the monthly output value can reach about 150 million yuan.

According to reports, the project has been underway since April this year

Building A factory introduced equipment,

And began to carry out debugging and trial production work.

By June, three production lines were fully put into use.

Since then, production has been expanded at a rate of one production line per month.

Jiang Xiaojian, Director of Guangdong Magic Display Technology Co., Ltd.

We currently have about 400 employees, and when all seven production lines in Building A are fully equipped, the number of employees is expected to reach about 600.

Jiang Xiaojian said that in addition to the factory building A that has been put into use,

The factory buildings B and C of the project have also been capped.

Building B is currently undergoing renovation work.

It is expected to be put into production next year.

The production scale is equivalent to that of Factory Building A.

By then, the company's active workforce is expected to double.

Magic Display Intelligent Industrial Park

The Moli Display project is one of the key enterprises introduced by Zhaoqing New District around the electronic information industry chain. It is located in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Ecological Science and Technology Industrial Park in Zhaoqing New District. The construction content includes 3 production plants and 1 comprehensive building, mainly producing AMOLED new displays. Modules and product applications cover wearable devices, mobile phones, tablets, desktop monitors and other fields.

“The biggest reason for choosing Zhaoqing New District is

It’s because Zhaoqing New District has been implemented very quickly! "

Jiang Xiaojian said,

Choose to invest in Zhaoqing New Area,

Not only because it is located in the Bay Area and has convenient transportation,

Even more so because of the first-class service here.

Excellent service

For a long time, when it comes to "Zhaoqing New District Services",

Corporate customers are talking about it.

Pragmatic style, fast and efficient, meticulous and considerate...

These are all "new area services"

Common adjectives.

The functional departments of Zhaoqing New District have established project specialists.

"Immersive" service company,

When an enterprise raises a problem or appeal,

Ensure leadership and functional departments are informed as soon as possible,

Rushed to the first scene as soon as possible,

Help enterprises coordinate solutions.

Located in Zhaoqing New District

Virginie International High-tech Industrial Park Project

The road on the north side has flooding problems after rain.

After reporting in the project WeChat group,

The leaders of Zhaoqing New District immediately issued "instructions within seconds" in the group

Relevant departments will follow up immediately.

The water accumulation problem was solved in just half an hour.

Enterprises see Zhaoqing New District’s rapid response and

I was deeply moved by the considerate service provided by the proper handling.

I really feel that Zhaoqing New District attaches great importance to enterprises

and a “warm” high-quality business environment.

Zhaoqing New District adopts the "1·24·360" corporate service rule

Go all out to serve the implementation of projects,

Help enterprises develop with high quality,

Adhere to the spirit of serving the enterprise 24 hours a day

Enterprises are also full of praise.

The Enterprise Service Center has established WeChat work groups for 140 companies one by one.

Project enterprise, district leadership team, and various functional departments

and territorial towns and streets can be realized through WeChat groups

Instant communication, real-time feedback,

Enterprises can provide feedback, problems, opinions and suggestions directly at any time.

In the first half of this year, the Asian soda project was discussed in the WeChat group

It is proposed that the project is planned to be put into trial production in June.

Supporting projects of Hope Project

(Permanent water, permanent electricity, natural gas and sewerage network)

Can keep up with the construction progress of the project.

Zhaoqing New District studied and formulated an implementation plan to seize the progress that day.

Water supply, electricity, gas supply and other departments continue to fight "white and black",

The problem of factor protection was solved as quickly as possible.

Asian soda water project from commencement to production

It only lasted 8 months.


Zhaoqing New District also coordinated to solve the construction problems of Changshu and Paige projects,

The Changshu project has permanent electricity, the Shenhe project is connected to water,

Jinhuanyu project water pipe reconnection, Asia Pacific project intersection opened,

Zhenyu project electricity, Honda project fence, etc.

Problems encountered during the implementation of multiple projects,

It provides a strong guarantee for the smooth construction and commissioning of the project.

In recent years, Zhaoqing New District has continuously optimized its business environment.

Help enterprises develop with high quality,

Received unanimous praise from enterprises,

At the same time, it also attracts more companies to settle in Zhaoqing New District.

Share opportunities in the Bay Area and achieve win-win development.

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