Showing posts with label Deqing County. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deqing County. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Park Promotion | China Deqing County Industrial Transfer Industrial Park

Park Promotion | China Deqing County Industrial Transfer Industrial Park

Guangdong Industrial Park, May 15, 2024 17:41 Guangdong, China

1 Basic Information of the Park

Deqing County is the hometown of Dragon Mother and the city of Chongde. It is located in the west of central Guangdong and the middle reaches of the West River. It is an important development hinterland of the Pearl River Delta and the main city of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. The industrial park is based on Deqing’s first provincial industrial transfer industrial park. The planning layout is "one city and two parks" (Deqing Industrial New City, Prefabricated Building Industrial Park, Food and Southern Medicine Industrial Park). The total planned area is 41,565 mu, and the developed area is 14,870 mu. It has achieved "seven connections and one leveling" (road, water, electricity, postal, communication, natural gas, drainage and leveling land), and 197 enterprises have entered the park. Among them, the planned area of ​​Deqing Industrial New City is 13,470 mu, mainly focusing on mechanical equipment manufacturing and fan specialty industries, and home building materials industries; the planned area of ​​Deqing Prefabricated Building Industrial Park is 14,505 mu, mainly focusing on green building materials; the planned area of ​​Deqing Food Southern Medicine Industrial Park is 13,590 mu, mainly focusing on southern medicine, food and beverages. The park is separated from the county town by a road, enjoying a 5-minute living block. The surrounding communities, schools (kindergarten to university), markets, supermarkets, hospitals, sports and other living facilities are all available, and the integration of industry and city is highly developed. In 2024, the park's public comprehensive service area will be built, and it is expected to provide about 187 sets of living and supermarkets, restaurants and other supporting facilities to serve enterprises at zero distance.

Schematic diagram of the industrial park

Schematic diagram of the industrial park

Aerial photo of the industrial park

Aerial photo of the industrial park

2 Location and transportation

Deqing County is an important water and land transportation hub in western Guangdong, and an important node connecting the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to the southwest. A new pattern of modern large-scale transportation by water, land and rail transport is gradually taking shape. It can reach the core area of ​​the Pearl River Delta in 1.5 hours and Guangxi in half an hour. The golden waterway Xijiang River flows through Deqing for 83 kilometers, maintaining a navigation capacity of more than 3,000 tons all year round. It has a national Class II port container terminal with an annual throughput of more than 1 million tons. The Yuecheng and Jiushi general terminals under construction have an annual throughput of 49 million tons, connecting Guangxi and Guizhou in the east and the Pearl River Delta and Hong Kong and Macao in the south. National Highway 321 connects Zhaoqing City in the east, and the Xijiang Bridge connects Guangwu (Guangkun) Expressway and Nanguang High-speed Railway in the south. The entrance and exit of Guangfozhao Expressway is a 5-minute drive from the park, and the Nanjiangkou High-speed Railway Station is a 10-minute drive from the park.

Deqing County Class II Water Transport Port Deqing Kangzhou Port Loading and Unloading Point

Deqing County Class II Water Transport Port Deqing Kangzhou Port Loading and Unloading Point

Xijiang Waterway

Xijiang Waterway

3 The current status of the development of the leading industries and the next development plan

The current status of the development of the leading industries: Building an industrial system dominated by the agglomeration of machinery and equipment manufacturing, home building materials, and food and southern medicine industries, accelerating the cultivation of strategic emerging industries such as electronic information, new energy vehicles and spare parts, so as to scientifically plan the industrial layout and promote high-quality industrial development. The mechanical equipment manufacturing industry is mainly based on the fan and woodworking intelligent equipment industries. With the goal of creating a Guangdong Province fan characteristic industrial park, it strives to build a unique general fan industrialization base in Guangdong Province. With Detong Company as the leader, it drives the "panoramic" agglomeration development of the upstream, midstream and downstream industrial chains such as fan complete machine production, motor manufacturing, and hardware accessories. There are 67 upstream and downstream related projects in the general fan industry, covering fan complete machine production, motor manufacturing, blade processing, hardware plastics and other fan upstream and downstream industrial chain manufacturing links, with an annual output of more than 3 million fans, and products of more than 40 series and more than 400 specifications. The home building materials industry is divided into residential industry, steel structure (PS) industry, precast concrete structure (PC) industry and green building materials industry, with 31 industrial enterprises above designated size. In terms of food and southern medicine industry, the Deqing Southern Medicine Health Industry Park is planned to be built with a total planned area of ​​12,246 acres, striving to build it into a national innovation, research and development and processing gathering place, a national authentic Chinese medicine industry three-industry integration development demonstration site, and a health tourism and traditional Chinese medicine health culture inheritance site in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. In the electronic information industry, Zhaoqing Deqing Guanxu Electronics Co., Ltd. was introduced with a total investment of 1 billion yuan, mainly engaged in the research and development and production of intelligent audio and video terminal products.

Deqing leading enterprise Guangdong Zhaoqing Detong Co., Ltd.

Deqing leading enterprise Guangdong Zhaoqing Detong Co., Ltd.

Deqing leading enterprise Zhaoqing Deqing Guanxu Electronics Co., Ltd.

Deqing leading enterprise Zhaoqing Deqing Guanxu Electronics Co., Ltd.

Next development plan: First, strengthen platform construction and create a high-quality industrial carrier. Adhere to the "park as the mother", do a good job in the effective connection of the "Deqing Industrial Transfer Industrial Park Agglomeration Overall Development Plan (2020-2035)" and the provincial and municipal planning schemes such as promoting orderly industrial transfer and promoting regional coordinated development, optimize and expand new space for industrial transfer; promote the integration of industry and city development, closely combine industrial development with urban construction, and strive to build the county industrial park into a benchmark for industrial and urban integration with highly concentrated industries, complete urban functions, and beautiful ecological environment. Second, focus on precise investment promotion and make every effort to promote the implementation of industrial investment promotion. Adhere to the "project as the king", focus on the "leading + characteristic" industrial cluster development pattern, and carry out precise investment promotion around the three major leading industries of machinery and equipment manufacturing, home building materials, and food and southern medicine, and strengthen the chain pillar. Third, highlight the leading role of industry and accelerate the high-quality development of manufacturing industry. Adhere to the principle of "manufacturing as the master" and "per mu as the hero", make intensive and efficient use of land, implement the enterprise development doubling plan, strengthen the leading enterprises, supplement the chain, gather clusters, accelerate the formation of the industrial ecology of "leading projects, industrial chains, and industrial clusters", and promote the development of traditional and characteristic industries.

Aerial photo of industrial park

Aerial photo of industrial park

Deqing County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: Headquarters of Deqing Industrial Park, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:    0086-758-7780802

Fax:  0086-758-7780802


The main leaders of Guangzhou Huadu District Committee went to Deqing County to investigate the assistance and cooperation work

The main leaders of Guangzhou Huadu District Committee went to Deqing County to investigate the assistance and cooperation work

Deqing Release July 1, 2024 21:09 Guangdong, China

On July 1, 2024, Xing Xiang, Secretary of the Huadu District Committee of Guangzhou, led a research team to Deqing County to investigate the assistance and cooperation work, and promote the "Hundreds of Millions of Projects" to go deeper and more practical in Deqing. Ling Yun, Secretary of the County Party Committee, Zhang Zhouxing, Member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Executive Deputy County Mayor, and Sun Yanpeng, Deputy County Mayor, accompanied the investigation.

The research team went to Zhaoqing Detong Co., Ltd., Zhaoqing Deqing Guanxu Electronics Co., Ltd. and other places for field research, and learned in detail about the industrial transfer of the Huadu-Deqing co-built industrial park and the construction of the green and beautiful industrial demonstration site.

At the Huadu-Deqing Party and Government Joint Meeting, Ling Yun expressed his gratitude for the long-term strong support of Huadu District. He said that since the two places established a counterpart assistance relationship, the cooperation has been continuously strengthened, and all work has achieved good results. Deqing County will seize the development opportunities such as counterpart assistance and cooperation, focus on the entry points of assistance, strengthen cooperation in key areas such as investment promotion, industrial cooperation, talent exchange, education and medical care, and strive to promote rural revitalization and high-quality development of the county economy.

After listening to the work report of the Huadu District Working Team in Deqing, Xing Xiang fully affirmed the achievements made by Huadu District in counterpart assistance to Deqing County. She said that we should focus on two-way empowerment, promote industrial cooperation to achieve a new leap, continue to deepen the joint construction of parks, actively carry out collaborative investment promotion, vigorously develop advantageous industries, and further increase the added value of agricultural products; we should focus on mutual benefit and win-win, promote consumer cooperation to enter the fast lane, promote each other's high-quality products, deepen and improve the "local specialties" article, promote the increase of people's income and wealth, rely on the "reverse enclave" park of Huadu and Deqing e-commerce incubation, as well as the resource advantages of Huadu District E-commerce Association and consumer assistance enterprises, and strive to promote more high-quality agricultural products in Deqing to go out and make the "purses" of the people in Deqing bulge; we should focus on people's livelihood needs, promote assistance and cooperation to a new level, promote the exchange of education and medical talents, and accelerate the improvement of infrastructure; we should anchor the overall goal of "high-quality development project of hundreds of counties, thousands of towns and tens of thousands of villages", integrate assistance resources, form a joint force for assistance, and promote the "hundreds of millions of projects" in Deqing with stronger strength and more practical measures.

During the investigation, the research team also visited Mawei Town, Gaoliang Town, Deqing Morinda Officinalis South China Trading Market and other places to investigate the development of Deqing southern medicine in Meiliwei Town, a typical town of the province's "Hundred Thousand Million Project".

Deqing County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: Headquarters of Deqing Industrial Park, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:    0086-758-7780802

Fax:  0086-758-7780802


Thursday, June 20, 2024

China Dragon and Lion Open, this village-level dragon and lion team from Zhaoqing (Deqing County) won the gold medal

China Dragon and Lion Open, this village-level dragon and lion team from Zhaoqing (Deqing County) won the gold medal

Colorful Zhaoqing 2024-06-20 19:11 Guangdong, China

"It was really unexpected to win the gold medal and rank first this time."

Recently, the Ding'an Dragon and Lion Group of the Deqing County Dragon and Lion Association scored 9.02 points at the just-concluded 2024 China Dragon and Lion Open. The dragon and lion group was 0.93 points higher than the second place and won the first place with an absolute advantage.

It is reported that this event was held in Anxiang County, Changde City, Hunan Province, attracting 17 teams and more than 200 athletes from Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places.

The competition is divided into three major events: dragon dance free routines, southern lion high-pile free items, and northern lion free routines. The Ding'an Dragon and Lion Group of the Deqing County Dragon and Lion Association participated in the southern lion high-pile free items. Competing in the same venue were six teams, including Nanhai Shunxiong Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe of Foshan Dragon and Lion Dance Sports Association, Hetou Qilin Lion Dance Troupe of Suixi County, Zhanjiang City, Gaoming Wushu Dragon and Lion Dance Sports Association, and Longya Lion Dance Troupe of Hezhou City.

Liang Jinhuang told reporters that they were the last to play on the day of the competition. The first five teams scored higher and made no mistakes, and the players felt a lot of pressure.

But as soon as they came on the stage, they quickly got into the state. Following the exciting drums and music, the lion head and the lion tail cooperated tacitly, rolling, turning, flipping, spinning, jumping, jumping, jumping, and jumping in the air, changing dance postures, opening their mouths and shaking their tails, jumping crouching, flipping in the air, looking at the stars and the moon, scratching their ears and cheeks... The expressions of joy, anger, sorrow, happiness, movement, stillness, surprise, and doubt were fully displayed, conquering all the judges on the scene.

In order to participate in the competition, the team members conducted targeted high-difficulty action training. The dragon and lion dance troupe trains 6 days a week, with intensive training arranged every morning and afternoon.

Ding'an,Ding'an Dragon and Lion Group of the Deqing County

"The dragon and lion dance troupe has more than 30 members, 10 of whom are professional lion dancers aged between 18 and 23. We will also recruit and train students who are interested in dragon and lion dance. The youngest is currently 13 years old." Liang Jinhuang said.

△ Ding'an Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe of Deqing County Dragon and Lion Dance Association. Photo provided by the interviewed unit

The Ding'an Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe of Deqing County Dragon and Lion Dance Association was officially established in 2009. Ding'an Village is a village under the jurisdiction of Guanxu Town, Deqing County. Ding'an Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe is the only dragon and lion dance team named after the village in Deqing County. Liang Jinhuang told reporters that the village has a long history of dragon and lion dance. His father used to dance dragon and lion dance and was a gong player. The older generation of dragon and lion dance teams often participated in folk performances and competitions. Under the influence of his father, he fell in love with dragon and lion dance. He has participated in every role of dragon and lion dance. It is precisely because the village has a tradition of lion dance and is well-known locally that Liang Jinhuang decided to set up a standardized dragon and lion team named after the village in 2009.

At the beginning of its establishment, Ding'an Dragon and Lion Troupe mainly performed traditional lion dance and participated in performance activities.

In 2012, in order to make the dragon and lion troupe go further, the team began to focus on high-pole lion dances that are more ornamental and more difficult. They innovated lion dance movements and added difficult movements such as vacating, diving, front flips, and picking green.

"Learning dragon and lion dance requires persistence, continuous training, physical fitness and training skills. Sometimes, in order to stably master a difficult movement, team members often need to train 20 to 30 times. It is really 'one minute on stage, ten years of hard work off stage'." Liang Jinhuang said.

Hard work pays off. In 2013, the dragon and lion dance troupe won the first place in the Deqing County Lion Dance Elite Competition, and won the first place in the competition for five consecutive years.

High-pole lion dance has become the strength of the dragon and lion dance troupe and has entered the international stage. In addition, in recent years, the dragon and lion dance troupe has also won the bronze medal of the "Huang Feihong Cup" 9th National North-South Lion King Competition Water Flying Lion, the first prize of the Guangdong Traditional Dragon and Lion Qilin Championship, the "Huang Feihong Cup" National North-South Lion King Competition and Water Double Lion Challenge Championship, the fourth place in the Singapore Chinatown International Lion King Competition, and the silver medal of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Dragon and Lion Open High-pole Lion.

"Huang Feihong Cup" National North-South Lion King Competition and Water Double Lion Challenge Championship Champion

△ "Huang Feihong Cup" National North-South Lion King Competition and Water Double Lion Challenge Championship Champion. 

"The team members are full of love for dragon and lion dances and are committed to inheriting and promoting Chinese traditional culture." Liang Jinhuang said,

In order to spread the dragon and lion culture and discover outstanding talents, the Ding'an Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe of the Deqing County Dragon and Lion Dance Association conducts "Dragon and Lion Dance into Campus" activities from time to time, and is committed to letting students know, like and inherit dragon and lion dances.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Deqing County, China went to Dongguan City and Shenzhen City to carry out investment promotion activities

Deqing County, China went to Dongguan City and Shenzhen City to carry out investment promotion activities

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-06-19 21:39 Guangdong, China

In order to further increase investment promotion efforts, do a good job in investment promotion in 2024, and create a strong atmosphere of valuing, loving, and protecting businesses.

Recently, Ling Yun, secretary of the Deqing County Party Committee, led a team to Dongguan City, Shenzhen City and other places to carry out investment promotion activities.

The Deqing investment promotion team visited Dongguan machinery equipment, information technology-related enterprises and Shenzhen Metal Products Co., Ltd. and other enterprises, and had in-depth exchanges with the heads of the enterprises to understand the development history, production and operation, future planning layout and cooperation needs of the enterprises.

After listening carefully to the situation of the enterprises, the investment promotion team of Deqing County, Guangdong Province, introduced Deqing's investment promotion support policies, business environment, location advantages, related industrial foundations and supporting conditions in a targeted manner, and sincerely invited enterprises to come to Deqing for inspection and cooperation.

德庆,Deqing County,shenzhen,dongguan,guangdong,china,zhaoqing,Deqing investment promotion team,德慶招商小組,

The investment promotion team of Deqing County, Guangdong Province also visited the Shenzhen Machinery Industry Association and held discussions on relevant economic cooperation. Ling Yun introduced in detail the development of Deqing's leading machinery and equipment industry, as well as relevant investment policies and business environment. After in-depth exchanges and discussions, the two sides reached a consensus on strengthening exchanges and interactions and deepening cooperative relations.

In the next step, Deqing County will adhere to the concept of "going out to attract investment and bringing in cooperation for win-win results",

fully promote investment promotion, accumulate development momentum, gather development forces, and achieve new breakthroughs in high-quality development.

Deqing County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: Headquarters of Deqing Industrial Park, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:    0086-758-7780802

Fax:  0086-758-7780802


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Precise efforts! China Deqing County project landing refreshes the "progress bar"

Precise efforts! China Deqing County project landing refreshes the "progress bar" 

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-06-18 21:38 China Guangdong

Since the beginning of this year, China Deqing County has fully implemented the work arrangements of the Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, closely focusing on the goal of building a high-quality development demonstration county, grasping the core tasks of industrial investment landing, strengthening the guarantee of project landing elements, and promoting the investment projects to accelerate landing and take effect.

As of June 11, 2024, Deqing County has 16 new projects started, 3 new projects completed, and 6 new projects put into production. The actual investment in the manufacturing industry is 1.623 billion yuan, exceeding the first half of the year's task (1.25 billion yuan), and the annual task (3 billion yuan) has a completion rate of 54.1%, ranking first in the city.

Deqing County,德庆,肇庆,zhaoqing city,guangdong,china,Investment promotion,

Continue to promote the "general battle" at a high level

Grasp the level and set off a new wave of hard work

Since the "war", Deqing County has focused on the implementation of projects and issued the "Deqing County 2024 Manufacturing Project Construction "General Battle" Work Plan" in a targeted manner, strengthening political responsibility, highlighting problem orientation, and implementing the first person in charge of project promotion. The responsibility, insisting on moving the checkpoints forward and the center of gravity downward, forming a good pattern of grasping one level at a time, promoting one level at a time, linking up and down, coordinating and advancing, and strictly implementing. The county party committee, the county government inspection office and the "general battle" office will do a good job in tracking and asking for results, and compact the work "responsibility chain".

Regularization, carry out new supervision of listening to difficulties and solving problems

Carry out the regular service of "Project Landing Supervision Day" every month, insist on taking problems with you, supervising problems, and chasing problems to solve them, and do a good job in 33 six categories of projects with a total investment of more than 100 million yuan, focusing on the construction of 6 projects with a total investment of more than 1 billion yuan, and strive to solve the difficult and blocked problems that affect project construction at the first time and on the first site.

Deqing County,德庆,肇庆,zhaoqing city,guangdong,china,Investment promotion,

Refinement, formulate a new strategy of one enterprise, one account

Actively implement the "project-based work method", classify and formulate project promotion work plan ledgers, problem ledgers and other lists, shorten the project construction cycle, and refine the main work items, responsible persons, completion time limits and other work requirements of the project. For those who have obstacles to entering the site, such as land supply problems, the county leaders will take the lead in deployment, increase the intensity of the attack, and speed up the land acquisition and storage; for those with slow progress, take measures such as issuing promotion letters and interviewing project leaders to promote construction; for projects that cannot be implemented, after comprehensive analysis, they will be cleared according to relevant mechanisms if they cannot continue to perform the contract. Achieve "list-based" management, "tracking-based" promotion, and "cancellation-based" completion to ensure that the project construction is accurate and one by one.

Continuously ensure the implementation of the project "main elements"

Optimize and improve the development pattern of "one city, two parks"

From January to May, Deqing invested more than 100 million yuan to promote the infrastructure and supporting projects of the Deqing Industrial Park quality improvement and expansion project, continuously improve the park's roads, sewage pipes and other infrastructure, accelerate the revitalization and utilization of idle land and idle factories, and improve the level of land conservation and intensive use in the park.

Deqing County,德庆,肇庆,zhaoqing city,guangdong,china,Investment promotion,

Seize the "hundreds of millions" horizontal assistance opportunities

Make good use of the Huadu District collaborative assistance funds to accelerate the construction of the first phase of the industrial park's living supporting area, the quality improvement and expansion of the sewage treatment plant, and the first phase of the Huadu District Deqing County Industrial Transfer Co-construction Park, promote the implementation of high-quality development exhibition centers, commercial complexes, smart parks and other projects, and create a high-standard main platform for the orderly transfer of industries to solidify the "mother body" of the industry.

Deqing County,德庆,肇庆,zhaoqing city,guangdong,china,Investment promotion,

Regular consultations to create a "ballast stone"

The main leaders of the county party and government personally supervised the work, and the leaders of the county departments in charge of parks, investment promotion, construction, resources, etc. met weekly to arrange and deploy the special projects for the construction of park infrastructure and the planning and construction of the Guanxu Town Food and Southern Medicine Industrial Park and the newly developed parks, etc., to provide "ready-to-move-in" conditions for the implementation of the projects, and strive to solve the outstanding problems encountered in the implementation of the projects under construction, and promote the rapid implementation, construction and production of the projects.

Continue to be a good "service officer" for implementation

Build a strong structure and provide excellent services

Fully deepen the implementation of the "County Leaders' Attachment to Industrial Investment Projects Work System" and the "Deqing County Industrial Project Landing Construction "Chief Service Officer" Work Mechanism" and other documents, and improve the "five-one" service structure of "one county leader + one chief service officer + one enterprise service specialist + one responsible unit + a set of customized service plans", and arrange project attachment service follow-up personnel according to the progress of the project, and provide full-process and all-round "mother-like" services for the implementation of the project.

Deqing County,德庆,肇庆,zhaoqing city,guangdong,china,Investment promotion,

Joint special team, high quality and efficiency

We have played a "combination punch" around the implementation of industrial projects, carried out the "warm enterprise" action in depth, deepened the contact between leading cadres and key enterprises and industrial projects, and adhered to the working principles of "enterprise whistleblowing, department reporting", "responding to requests, not disturbing when there is nothing to do", and effectively solved the difficulties of enterprises in land use, employment, financing, etc. From January to May, the county agency team handled registration, land auction, project filing, construction application, water and electricity application and other matters for enterprises more than 25 times; the county approval team signed a two-way commitment letter with 11 enterprises, handled 10 joint acceptances, registered 52 service logs, and solved 8 enterprise problems; the county financial team assisted 14 enterprises in solving financing needs of 66 million yuan; the county employment team carried out 25 recruitment activities of various types, and assisted enterprises in solving employment needs of more than 1,000 people.

Deqing County,德庆,肇庆,zhaoqing city,guangdong,china,Investment promotion,

Strengthen tracking and excellent guarantee

In order to ensure the smooth implementation and efficient operation of industrial projects, Deqing has established a complete "full process dispatch supervision" tracking mechanism to carry out refined management and monitoring of the "full life cycle" of projects. From project initiation, site selection, construction to production and operation, every link has a dedicated person to follow up to ensure that the project can proceed smoothly according to the established schedule and progress requirements.

Deqing County,德庆,肇庆,zhaoqing city,guangdong,china,Investment promotion,

Deqing County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: Headquarters of Deqing Industrial Park, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:    0086-758-7780802

Fax:  0086-758-7780802


Friday, June 7, 2024

Seek cooperation and promote development! Deqing investment promotion team in action

Seek cooperation and promote development! Deqing investment promotion team in action

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-06-07 20:13 Guangdong, China

With the arrival of summer, the pace of investment promotion in Deqing County, China has become more stable and powerful. From June 4 to 6, 2024, Ling Yun, secretary of the Deqing County Party Committee, led a delegation to Fujian Province for a three-day investment promotion activity and cultural tourism industry investigation and research. Chen Sufang, leader of Deqing County, and relevant persons in charge of the United Front Work Department of Deqing County Party Committee, Deqing County Investment Promotion Center, Deqing County Culture, Broadcasting, Tourism and Sports Bureau, Deqing County Yuecheng Town Government and Guangdong Asia Television Performing Arts Vocational and Technical College accompanied the delegation.


On June 4, 2024, the delegation visited the Fujian Guizhentang Pharmaceutical Ecological Base and Fujian Guizhentang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., and gained an in-depth understanding of the company's production process, quality control system and the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine culture.

Ling Yun promoted the rich southern medicinal resources and profound traditional Chinese medicine culture of Deqing County, Guangdong, and sincerely invited the company leaders to visit Deqing for a field visit to seek common development in the planting, processing, and research and development of Chinese medicinal materials.

德庆,Deqing County,zhaoqing city,guangdong,china,investment promotion,fujian,Yuecheng Town,Chinese medicine,Quanzhou,Fujian Abalone Technology Industrial Park,


On the morning of June 5, 2024, the inspection team came to Fujian Moqi Furniture Co., Ltd. for a visit. The company leader introduced the relevant furniture production technology and unique design concepts to the inspection team in detail. Ling Yun introduced Deqing County's investment promotion policies and investment factor advantages in detail, pointing out that Deqing has formed a relatively complete industrial chain supporting facilities in wood processing and furniture manufacturing, and has a good industrial foundation.

Afterwards, the two sides conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges on how to promote the upgrading and development of the furniture industry.

德庆,Deqing County,zhaoqing city,guangdong,china,investment promotion,fujian,Yuecheng Town,Chinese medicine,Quanzhou,Fujian Abalone Technology Industrial Park,

In the afternoon of the same day, at Quanzhou Haoxiang Stone Co., Ltd., the inspection team learned in detail about the mining, processing, and application of stone. Ling Yun introduced the superior location conditions and rich stone resources of Deqing County to the company leader in detail, and suggested that the two sides carry out in-depth cooperation in the upstream and downstream of the stone industry chain to promote the transformation and upgrading of Deqing's stone industry.

德庆,Deqing County,zhaoqing city,guangdong,china,investment promotion,fujian,Yuecheng Town,Chinese medicine,Quanzhou,Fujian Abalone Technology Industrial Park,


On June 6, 2024,

The Guangdong Deqing County delegation came to Fujian Shangyi Ancient Architecture Engineering Co., Ltd. and gained an in-depth understanding of the knowledge and technology of the design, construction and maintenance of ancient architecture projects.

Ling Yun said that Guangdong Deqing County was influenced by Confucianism and Dragon Mother culture, and has two national cultural relics protection units, Dragon Mother Temple and Confucius Temple. It is of great significance to protect and make good use of these resources to promote the development of cultural tourism industry. It is hoped that both sides can strengthen cooperation in the restoration and protection of ancient buildings.

德庆,Deqing County,zhaoqing city,guangdong,china,investment promotion,fujian,Yuecheng Town,Chinese medicine,Quanzhou,Fujian Abalone Technology Industrial Park,

In addition to the enterprise inspection, the Guangdong Deqing County delegation also visited the Fujian Abalone Technology Industrial Park to learn about the development of the entire industry chain such as abalone breeding, processing and sales, and went to the board of directors of the Meizhou Mazu Ancestral Temple in Putian City for exchanges and learning.

This trip to Fujian not only allowed the Deqing delegation to have an in-depth understanding of Fujian's excellent enterprises and advanced experience, but also provided valuable ideas and opportunities for Deqing's investment promotion and cultural tourism industry development, and further strengthened Deqing County's confidence and determination to develop the cultural tourism industry. I believe that in the near future, Deqing will, with a more open attitude and a more pragmatic style, welcome more knowledgeable people to come and invest and start businesses, and jointly write a new chapter in Deqing’s development!

Deqing County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: Headquarters of Deqing Industrial Park, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:    0086-758-7780802

Fax:  0086-758-7780802


Deqing County, China, strikes! Investment attraction in action

Deqing County, China, strikes! Investment attraction in action

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-06-04 21:42 Guangdong, China

Recently, Deqing County, adhering to the investment attraction mission of "no slack in investment attraction, no idle investment attraction", with full enthusiasm and pragmatic actions, led by the top leaders of the party and government, intensively carried out overseas investment attraction activities, deepened industrial investment cooperation, seized the opportunity, and created a new situation for development.

01 Go to Shandong Province to carry out investment attraction activities

On May 30, 2024, Ling Yun, secretary of the Deqing County Party Committee, led a team to Shandong Province to carry out investment attraction activities and inspect Shandong Meide Group Co., Ltd. and Shandong Huamei Biotechnology Co., Ltd. At the same time, the Deqing inspection team promoted Deqing's eco-tourism and key industries to entrepreneurs, and introduced Deqing County's investment attraction policies, investment factor advantages, industrial supporting guarantees, etc. in detail, answered the investment concerns of enterprises, and sincerely invited enterprise leaders to Deqing for field inspections to seek common development. Chen Sufang, member of the county party committee and director of the United Front Work Department, and relevant persons in charge of the county investment promotion center accompanied the inspection.

china,Deqing County,zhaoqing,guangdong,jiangmen,shandong,Investment attraction,Shandong Shanshui Group,Deqing County Investment Promotion Bureau,

On May 31, 2024, Ling Yun led the delegation to visit Jinan Yili Dairy Co., Ltd. and Shandong Shanshui Group, visited the company's production workshops, and learned about the production and operation of the enterprises in detail. At the same time, Ling Yun gave a detailed introduction to the superior location conditions and rich resource advantages of Deqing County's modern agriculture and food processing industry. Subsequently, the two sides conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges on the cooperation of investing in and building food processing projects.

china,Deqing County,zhaoqing,guangdong,jiangmen,shandong,Investment attraction,Shandong Shanshui Group,Deqing County Investment Promotion Bureau,

02 Go to Dongguan City and Foshan City to carry out investment promotion activities

On May 31, 2024, Wu Jianwei, deputy secretary of the Deqing County Party Committee and county magistrate, led a team to Dongguan City and Foshan City to inspect two food and beverage companies. Wu Jianwei introduced the location advantages, agricultural resources, business environment, project access requirements, industrial park planning and advantages of Deqing County in detail to the heads of the enterprises, listened in detail to the company leaders' introduction of their product production process, sales direction, future planning and other aspects of the company information, and sincerely invited the company leaders to visit Deqing for a field visit to jointly seek development plans. The head of the company said that the company team will be organized to visit Deqing in the near future to investigate the investment environment.

china,Deqing County,zhaoqing,guangdong,jiangmen,shandong,Investment attraction,Shandong Shanshui Group,Deqing County Investment Promotion Bureau,

03 Investigate and receive Jiangmen smart home enterprises

On May 26, 2024, Tong Haisen, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Deqing County People's Congress, led a team to Jiangmen Smart Home Enterprises. Accompanied by the head of the company, he visited the company's production workshop and learned about the company's business scope, business conditions, development direction and project investment intentions. The inspection team introduced the location and transportation of Deqing County's development of home building materials industry, and the advantages of supporting industrial chains, and invited the company to visit Deqing.

china,Deqing County,zhaoqing,guangdong,jiangmen,shandong,Investment attraction,Shandong Shanshui Group,Deqing County Investment Promotion Bureau,

On May 30, 2024, representatives of Jiangmen Smart Home Enterprises led a team to visit Deqing Industrial New City. Xian Zhongfu, chairman of the Deqing County Science and Technology Association and fourth-level researcher, was responsible for the reception and introduced Deqing's investment environment in detail from the perspectives of Deqing's location advantages, enterprises stationed in the industrial park, supporting facilities, and human resource costs, which won unanimous praise from the company inspection team. The two sides then had in-depth exchanges on the planned investment plan in Deqing.

04 Participate in the "Dongguan-Zhaoqing Green Building Industry High-quality Development Exchange Conference and Zhaoqing Investment Environment Promotion Event"

On May 29, 2024, the Dongguan-Zhaoqing Green Building Industry High-quality Development Exchange Conference and Zhaoqing Investment Environment Promotion Event was held at the Wyndham Hotel in Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province. Feng Tianxian, Vice Chairman of the Deqing County CPPCC, led the team to participate. During the event, members of the investment promotion team were divided into several groups and interspersed at the event venue to make friends with participating companies, get information, actively explore investment clues, and warmly invite companies to Deqing to investigate the investment environment.

china,Deqing County,zhaoqing,guangdong,jiangmen,shandong,Investment attraction,Shandong Shanshui Group,Deqing County Investment Promotion Bureau,

The investment promotion journey is time-consuming, and the promotion and exchange are non-stop.

Deqing will surely become a hot spot for investment and business development, and write a new chapter of mutual benefit and win-win with enterprises.

Deqing County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: Headquarters of Deqing Industrial Park, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:    0086-758-7780802

Fax:  0086-758-7780802


Thursday, June 6, 2024

Good news for investment promotion丨Good news! This billion-yuan home furnishing project in Zhaoqing has officially started

Good news for investment promotion丨Good news! This billion-yuan home furnishing project in Zhaoqing has officially started

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-06-06 22:52 Guangdong, China

Tengwei Home Furnishing Project in Deqing County has officially started

On June 4, 2024, the Tengwei Home Furnishing Project in Deqing County officially started. The project is invested and constructed by Dongguan Tengwei Plastic Products Co., Ltd. and is located in Deqing County Industrial Park. The total planned investment is 150 million yuan, with a land area of ​​about 63 acres. The main construction is to produce 13,000 tons of sponge, 150,000 mattresses, and 800,000 pillows annually. The products are mainly used in home furnishing and sleep product materials. After the project reaches full production, the annual output value will be more than 200 million yuan.

Tengwei Home Furnishing,Deqing County,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,investment promotion,DOWELL,腾崴,China Furniture Association,OPPEIN,Quanyou,Gujia,OEM,

Introduction to the investor

Dongguan Tengwei Plastic Products Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise that processes and produces plastic foam, mattresses, pillows, and bedding. Focusing on the research and development and production of mattress sponge products, with rich experience in OEM processing of sponge beds and pillows, as well as professional production equipment, it has become a strategic partner of well-known domestic brands such as Gujia, Quanyou, and OPPEIN; it is a core manufacturer of sleep product materials and a permanent member of the China Furniture Association. It has won many awards including the China Home Furnishing Brand Goldsmith Award, the Top Ten Green Brands in the Home Furnishing Industry, the Top Ten Material Suppliers in the Home Furnishing Industry, and the Home Furnishing Industry Quality Award.

Deqing County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: Headquarters of Deqing Industrial Park, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:    0086-758-7780802

Fax:  0086-758-7780802


Friday, April 26, 2024

Move out! A delegation from Deqing County, Guangdong Province went to Hong Kong to attract investment

Move out! A delegation from Deqing County, Guangdong Province went to Hong Kong to attract investment

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-04-26 20:21 Guangdong, China

From April 23 to 25, 2024, Wu Jianwei, deputy secretary of the Deqing County Party Committee and County Magistrate, led a team to visit the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and attended the Hong Kong Deqing Association’s 2024 Spring Festival Gala and Conference on Supporting Deqing County’s High-Quality Development to further strengthen Exchanges and cooperation with all walks of life in Hong Kong, as well as nostalgic contacts with local communities in Hong Kong, have injected new impetus into the high-quality development of Deqing County. Chen Sufang, member of the Standing Committee of the Deqing County Party Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department, Feng Tianxian, Vice Chairman of the Deqing County CPPCC, and relevant responsible comrades from the United Front Work Department, the Overseas Chinese Federation, the Investment Promotion Center, and representatives of related companies settled in Deqing attended the event.

Visit relevant departments and well-known enterprises to deepen investment cooperation

On April 23, 2024, the delegation visited the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency and the Hong Kong Housing Authority to learn more about Hong Kong's home building materials standards and market development, and introduced the development of Deqing's home building materials industry to the relevant heads of the two departments. , build an exchange and cooperation platform between Deqing construction and building materials enterprises and the Hong Kong market, and jointly promote the healthy development of green building materials and housing in the two places.

Deqing County,hk,hongkong,Deqing County Investment Promotion Bureau,guangdong,china,zhaoqing,

On April 24, 2024, the delegation also visited well-known enterprises such as Lixin Group and the Hong Kong headquarters of Xinshunfu Food Co., Ltd., which has settled in Deqing. The two parties reached a consensus on further strengthening communication and deepening cooperation, laying the foundation for Deqing to deeply participate in the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Deqing County,hk,hongkong,Deqing County Investment Promotion Bureau,guangdong,china,zhaoqing,

Attend the 2024 Spring Festival Gala and Conference on Supporting the High-Quality Development of Deqing County

On the evening of April 23, 2024, Wu Jianwei led a delegation to visit the Hong Kong Deqing Association and was invited to attend the 2024 Spring Festival Gala and the Conference to Support the High-Quality Development of Deqing County held by the Hong Kong Deqing Association.

During the event, Wu Jianwei, on behalf of the Deqing County Party Committee and the county government, extended cordial greetings to the folks and friends in Hong Kong, and fully affirmed the Hong Kong Deqing Association’s efforts over the years in promoting Deqing, promoting cooperation between Germany and Hong Kong, and supporting public welfare undertakings. We would like to express our gratitude to our folks and friends for adding impetus and creating opportunities for exchanges and exchanges between the two places.

Deqing County,hk,hongkong,Deqing County Investment Promotion Bureau,guangdong,china,zhaoqing,

Wu Jianwei said that Deqing is now vigorously building a modern industrial system with Deqing characteristics. The three leading industrial clusters of machinery and equipment manufacturing, home building materials, and food and medicine are developing. Emerging industries such as electronic information and new energy are vigorous. The park carrier is being built. It is well built and strong, with prominent resource endowment advantages and increasingly perfect urban functions. It has become a hot spot for investment, fertile ground for entrepreneurship, and a happy place for life. Sincere folks and friends often come back to Deqing to help Deqing attract investment and share each other's strengths. Deqing will continue to release policy dividends, provide considerate services, and fully ensure that friends from all walks of life invest in Deqing and develop their ambitions. I hope that everyone will continue to care and support the development of their hometown. Deqing will make every effort to ensure that friends from all walks of life can settle down and develop in Deqing with confidence.

Chen Dongmei, chief president of the Hong Kong Deqing Association, said in her speech that in the past year, the association has successfully changed its term, which has further enhanced the cohesion and influence of the association. In 2024, the Association will continue to uphold the purpose of patriotism, love of Hong Kong, caring for hometown, and common development, serve the villagers, cultivate friendship, mobilize villagers and friends to actively participate in Deqing's "Hundreds and Thousands of Projects", and build a beautiful hometown together.

At the meeting, the person in charge of the Deqing County Investment Promotion Center made a special presentation on the investment environment of Deqing County to the participating entrepreneurs, introducing Deqing’s investment policies, leading industries, business environment and other advantages.

Visit the Hong Kong Zhaoqing General Association and the Hong Kong Zhaoqing Youth Association to gather the strength of overseas Chinese

While in Hong Kong, Wu Jianwei and his party also visited the Hong Kong Zhaoqing Federation of Associations and the Hong Kong Zhaoqing Youth Federation, held discussions and exchanges with representatives of the local sages in Hong Kong, and listened to the voices and suggestions of the sages.

Deqing County,hk,hongkong,Deqing County Investment Promotion Bureau,guangdong,china,zhaoqing,

Wu Jianwei introduced in detail the current economic and social development, industrial planning and investment environment of Deqing County, hoping to further strengthen cultural exchanges and economic and trade cooperation between the two places. Encourage representatives of social groups and associations in Hong Kong to give full play to their role as bridges and links, call on Hong Kong and Macao township sages to pay attention to support and participate in the construction of Deqing County's "Hundred Thousands of Projects", give full play to the advantages of connections and resources, and build bridges to help projects return to their hometowns, funds return to their hometowns, Talents return to their hometowns to make new contributions to the high-quality development of their hometowns.

Deqing County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: Headquarters of Deqing Industrial Park, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:    0086-758-7780802

Fax:  0086-758-7780802


Tuesday, April 23, 2024

This Zhaoqing company launches the world’s first open AI headset

This Zhaoqing company launches the world’s first open AI headset

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-04-23 23:09 Guangdong

April 22, 2024 is the 55th World Earth Day. Cleer, the smart acoustic brand of Guanxu Electronics, held a grand new product launch conference in Shenzhen International Low Carbon City with the theme of "AI Driven·Zero Carbon Leading" and launched The world's first open AI headset, Cleer ARC3, is of epoch-making significance.

Guanxu Electronics continues to strengthen research and development to ensure technical levels, update electronic products, and actively explore practical paths to develop new productivity. The third generation of open-back headphones of the Cleer brand ARC series have been confirmed by the authoritative certification body as a global open zero-carbon (carbon neutral) ) is the pioneer of headphones with 0 carbon emissions throughout its life cycle.

Guanxu Electronics continues to strengthen research and development to ensure technical levels, update electronic products, and actively explore practical paths to develop new productivity. The third generation of open-back headphones of the Cleer brand ARC series have been confirmed by the authoritative certification body as a global open zero-carbon (carbon neutral) ) is the pioneer of headphones with 0 carbon emissions throughout its life cycle.

Why is this company located in Deqing County, Zhaoqing City so outstanding?

This high-tech product is produced in Deqing County, Zhaoqing. How did it become associated with Deqing?

Read on and let’s reveal the “mystery” together~

01  Why invest in Deqing?

Deqing County has profound historical and cultural heritage, convenient transportation and prominent location advantages.

Deqing Industrial New City is surrounded by complete supporting facilities and enjoys an 8-minute living area. It is a benchmark for industry-city integration with high industrial concentration, complete urban functions and beautiful ecological environment.

Deqing adheres to the work philosophy of "pro-business, ensuring business, supporting business, and benefiting business" and implements the working mechanism of "one county leader + one chief service officer + one enterprise service specialist + a set of customized service plans".

We will vigorously promote "one-stop processing and joint approval", continue to create a first-class business environment, and wholeheartedly provide the highest quality services to enterprises, striving to make entrepreneurs feel confident in their investment, start their business with peace of mind, and develop smoothly.

the Guanxu (Deqing) Digital Fashion Electronics Industrial Park

In July 2021, the Guanxu (Deqing) Digital Fashion Electronics Industrial Park project with a total investment of over 1 billion yuan was signed.

In September 2023, the first phase of the project was put into operation. It achieved an industrial output value of 680 million yuan that year and is expected to create an output value of more than 1 billion yuan this year.

02  What are the good services in Deqing County?

Wu Jianwei, deputy secretary of the Deqing County Party Committee and county magistrate, said in an interview with Xinhua News Agency:

Since the signing of the project in July 2021, Deqing County has tried its best to solve the problems of project land, electricity, water and other issues for Guanxu Electronics, and actively promoted Guanxu (Deqing) Fashion Electronics Industrial Park to create a municipal demonstration of green virtue Qing ecological construction At this point, we provide guidance on the greening layout and selection of greening tree species within the park, and guide enterprises to establish a multi-layered three-dimensional greening system including shrubs, miscellaneous trees, and trees. The park’s vegetation coverage rate reaches more than 65%.

It only took Guanxu (Deqing) three months from the formal signing of the investment agreement to the official start of construction.

From financing, employment needs, project construction and other links, Deqing has always insisted on providing full-chain services for project construction and enterprise development, and worked hard and diligently to promote the construction and development of enterprises.

Guanxu Fashion Electronics Industrial Park

△Guanxu Fashion Electronics Industrial Park. 

Qiao Yunxiu, General Manager of Deqing Guanxu Fashion Electronics Industrial Park

We felt the efficiency of the Deqing government departments, which greatly enhanced our confidence in developing in Deqing. Government services are in place. Previously, the construction progress of the project was affected by weather. The leaders of Guandian County and the principals of relevant functional departments assisted the project overnight in re-formulating the construction schedule, coordinating the deployment of machinery and equipment, and traveling to and from the construction site multiple times a day to supervise the construction. Consultation to solve the problem promoted the problem to be solved in a short time.

In recent times, Deqing County has stepped up the promotion of the "Enterprise·Mayor Express" service platform to further smoothen the interaction channels between the government and enterprises, lay the foundation for Deqing County to create a first-class business environment, and serve the high-quality development of enterprises.

03  Deqing development prospects

In recent years, Deqing County has adhered to the real economy as its foundation and manufacturing as its mainstay. Relying on the first batch of provincial-level industrial transfer industrial parks, Deqing County has planned and laid out "one city, two parks", building a nest to attract Phoenix, machinery and equipment manufacturing, home building materials, food and southern medicine. The three leading industries are accelerating their agglomeration development. Supported by leading enterprises, the upstream and downstream supporting industries of the leading industries are constantly improving, the advantageous industrial sectors are gradually growing, and the cluster effect is becoming increasingly prominent.

Aerial photo of Deqing County Industrial New City, "one city, two parks", prefabricated building industrial park and Nanyao Health Industrial Park

△Aerial photo of Deqing County Industrial New City, "one city, two parks", prefabricated building industrial park and Nanyao Health Industrial Park.

Chen Sufang, member of the Standing Committee of the Deqing County Party Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department, led a team to attend the above-mentioned new product launch conference and held a Deqing County investment environment promotion meeting before the conference.

Chen Sufang said that Deqing County's "one city, two parks" is beginning to take shape, and the integration of industry and city is at a steady pace. It is a hot spot for enriching people, developing industries and realizing dreams. He sincerely invites more entrepreneurs to visit Deqing, invest and start businesses. Deqing All levels and departments will use the greatest enthusiasm, the best policies, and the best services to protect the implementation of the project and the long-term development of the enterprise in an all-round and full-cycle manner.

The person in charge of the Deqing County Investment Promotion Center made an investment promotion to more than 100 participating entrepreneurs, introducing in detail Deqing’s history and culture, transportation location, resource endowment, industrial foundation and policy environment.

Entrepreneurs participating in the meeting fully affirmed the Deqing County Party Committee and Government's great emphasis on investment promotion and Deqing's superior investment environment. Next, they will organize a delegation to Deqing to inspect the investment environment.

Deqing County,zhaoqing,guangdong,china

Deqing County has unlimited potential and is an open city, an industrial city, a business-friendly city and a livable city.

Deqing is seizing the opportunity, riding on the momentum, accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system with Deqing characteristics, gaining momentum to stimulate steady economic growth, and striving to comprehensively build a modern Deqing.

Deqing welcomes you!

Deqing County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: Headquarters of Deqing Industrial Park, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-7780802

Fax: 0086-758-7780802



China's Zhaoqing may welcome flying cars----Zhaoqing actively attracts investment from enterprises in the low-altitude aircraft industry chain

China's Zhaoqing may welcome flying cars----Zhaoqing actively attracts investment from enterprises in the low-altitude aircraft industry...