Showing posts with label 肇庆. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 肇庆. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 27, 2024



投資肇慶 2024年08月27日 22:03 中國廣東

























The Party and Government Delegation of Hezhou, Guangxi came to Zhaoqing to connect the East-West Cooperation: Let the cooperation between Zhaoqing and Hezhou better promote the development of the two places and benefit the people of the two places

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-08-27 22:03 Guangdong, China

From August 25 to 26, 2024, the Party and Government Delegation of Hezhou, Guangxi came to Zhaoqing to conduct inspections and exchanges on in-depth study and implementation of the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, conscientiously implement the important speech and important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on deepening the East-West Cooperation, and deepen the cooperation between Zhaoqing and Hezhou. A joint meeting was held. Zhang Aijun, Secretary of the Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee, Xu Xiaoxiong, Mayor, and Li Jieyun, Secretary of the Hezhou Municipal Party Committee, participated in the relevant activities.

The Hezhou Party and Government Delegation visited Guangdong Zhengli Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd., Guangdong Jintian Copper Co., Ltd., Zhuangjia No. 7 Cultural and Creative Park in Sihui City, Guangdong Xizhen Circuit Technology Co., Ltd. in Zhaoqing New District, Huangbusa Village in Shapu Town, Dinghu District, and other places to gain an in-depth understanding of the progress of the East-West Cooperation. They inspected the development of Zhaoqing's manufacturing industry, deep processing of agricultural products, and the construction of beautiful rural demonstration villages, and affirmed the solid results achieved by Zhaoqing in economic and social development in recent years.

Zhang Aijun said

In recent years, Zhaoqing and Hezhou have conscientiously implemented major strategic decisions on East-West Cooperation, worked together to promote various cooperation tasks and achieved new results. Based on the new era and facing new opportunities, it is hoped that the two places will improve the cooperation mechanism, deepen cooperation and exchanges in accordance with the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and Guangdong and Guangxi provinces and regions, and strive to form more visible, knowable and tangible results.

First, deepen the cooperation in the industrial field, based on the characteristic and advantageous industries of the two places, strengthen cooperation in promoting new industrialization, industrial park construction, and deep processing of agricultural products, actively carry out supply and demand matching activities, and work together to strengthen the industrial strength of the two places.

Second, deepen the cooperation in the field of culture and tourism, give full play to the advantages of the excellent cultural and tourism resources of the two places, jointly plan and launch cross-provincial and joint-city, agricultural, cultural and tourism integrated boutique tourism routes, and work together to create a national leisure tourism destination.

Third, deepen the cooperation in the field of ecological environment, strengthen joint prevention and control of ecological environment protection, improve the joint law enforcement of the upstream and downstream areas of the basin, promote coordinated legislation on water environment protection, and jointly protect the green waters and mountains of the two places.

Fourth, deepen cooperation in other fields, make good use of the resources and strength of all parties, strive to build a "big cooperation" pattern, comprehensively expand exchanges and cooperation in the fields of transportation, medical care, education, etc., better promote the development of the two places and benefit the people of the two places.

At the joint meeting, Li Jieyun, on behalf of the Hezhou Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Government and the 2.49 million people of all ethnic groups in the city, expressed his sincere gratitude to Zhaoqing City for its long-term support and help.

Li Jieyun said

In recent years, Zhaoqing and Hezhou have strengthened mutual visits, closely connected with Guangdong-Guangxi cooperation, and solidly promoted the east-west cooperation between Zhaoqing and Hezhou and achieved good results.

It is hoped that both sides of Zhaoqing and Hezhou will continue to implement the east-west cooperation tasks, deepen the paired assistance work, and speed up the construction progress of annual cooperation projects.

It is hoped that cooperation in the field of transportation will be continuously strengthened, and the planning and construction of the Chongqing-Guangdong Railway (Hezhou to Zhaoqing section) project will be jointly accelerated, and the construction of the Guangning to Cangwu section of the expressway will be started as soon as possible.

It is hoped that cooperation in the industrial field will be continuously deepened to promote the high-quality development of Hezhou's industry, modern characteristic agriculture, cultural tourism and health care industries.

It is hoped that cultural exchanges between the two places will be continuously strengthened, and the mechanism of sending party and government cadres to work and professional and technical personnel will be further deepened, so as to effectively promote exchanges and interactions between the two cities' youth, women and other social groups.

It is hoped that cooperation in the field of ecological environment will be continuously expanded, regional coordinated legislation will be carried out around the protection of the Hejiang River water environment, and Zhaoqing and Hezhou will "a river of clear water flowing eastward".

It is hoped that the joint construction of the "Inter-provincial Good Neighbor Corridor" will be continuously deepened, and a sound mechanism for party building to lead project construction will be established to provide more powerful guarantees for the harmonious, stable, prosperous and development of the border areas of the two cities.

At the joint meeting, the two sides jointly signed the "Zhaoqing City and Hezhou City 2024 Guangdong-Guangxi East-West Cooperation Memorandum".

Hezhou City leaders Mao Renjian and Li Qianqian, and Zhaoqing City leader Xie Guikun attended the relevant activities.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-3611228 (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-3611188

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-2899202  (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-2282600

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Guangning County, China, and China Inspection Guangdong Co., Ltd. signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement

Guangning County, China, and China Inspection Guangdong Co., Ltd. signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-06-19 21:39 Guangdong, China

On June 17, 2024, the People's Government of Guangning County and China Inspection and Certification Group Guangdong Co., Ltd. held a signing ceremony for a strategic cooperation framework agreement to empower the new quality productivity of the entire industrial chain of Guangning County, promote industrial transformation and upgrading, and develop in the direction of standardization, branding, greening, and integration through inspection, testing and certification. Guangning County Mayor He Jiancai and Deputy Mayor Yang Hongzhang attended the signing ceremony.

广宁,广宁县,肇庆,zhaoqing,guangning,guangdong,china,China Inspection Guangdong Co., Ltd,China Inspection and Certification Group,

At the signing ceremony, representatives of both parties made representative speeches.

He Jiancai said

Guangning is a nationally famous "Hometown of Guang Green Jade", "Hometown of Bamboo", "Hometown of Martial Arts", and "Hometown of Chefs". In recent years, Guangning has deeply promoted the "High-quality Development Project of Hundreds of Counties, Thousands of Towns and Tens of Thousands of Villages" and created multiple regional public brands of agricultural products. The signing of the framework cooperation agreement with China Inspection Guangdong Company will be conducive to giving full play to Guangning County's resource advantages, working hand in hand with the China Inspection brand, and jointly promoting the development of inspection and testing in the fields of Guangning bamboo industry, characteristic agricultural and sideline products, modern agricultural deep processing, vegetable basket project, pre-prepared dishes, green energy, ecological environment governance, etc., and jointly carrying out the rural revitalization industry quality improvement action and establishing a quality improvement service model. By creating more corporate brands and regional public brands, we will continue to empower the value enhancement and dissemination of Guangning's characteristic and advantageous products, and continuously improve the added value and comprehensive competitiveness of Guangning's brand.

China Inspection Guangdong Company said

Next, we will uphold the service concept of "scientific, fair, accurate and efficient", organize a professional technical service team, fully support the project cooperation, give full play to our own advantages to make this cooperation a benchmark for the central-local cooperation of the group, and actively empower Guangning County's high-quality development.

Yang Hongzhang and He Chenguang, deputy general manager of China Inspection Guangdong Company, signed a framework agreement on the spot; Tanbu Town People's Government, County Supply and Marketing Cooperative, Guangdong Fuying Agricultural Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. and other cooperative pilot units signed cooperation agreements with China Inspection Guangdong Company.

Guangning County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: No. 6, Daxin Road, Chebeidong, Nanjie Town, Guangning County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-8639338

Fax:  0086-758-8669831


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Precise efforts! China Deqing County project landing refreshes the "progress bar"

Precise efforts! China Deqing County project landing refreshes the "progress bar" 

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-06-18 21:38 China Guangdong

Since the beginning of this year, China Deqing County has fully implemented the work arrangements of the Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, closely focusing on the goal of building a high-quality development demonstration county, grasping the core tasks of industrial investment landing, strengthening the guarantee of project landing elements, and promoting the investment projects to accelerate landing and take effect.

As of June 11, 2024, Deqing County has 16 new projects started, 3 new projects completed, and 6 new projects put into production. The actual investment in the manufacturing industry is 1.623 billion yuan, exceeding the first half of the year's task (1.25 billion yuan), and the annual task (3 billion yuan) has a completion rate of 54.1%, ranking first in the city.

Deqing County,德庆,肇庆,zhaoqing city,guangdong,china,Investment promotion,

Continue to promote the "general battle" at a high level

Grasp the level and set off a new wave of hard work

Since the "war", Deqing County has focused on the implementation of projects and issued the "Deqing County 2024 Manufacturing Project Construction "General Battle" Work Plan" in a targeted manner, strengthening political responsibility, highlighting problem orientation, and implementing the first person in charge of project promotion. The responsibility, insisting on moving the checkpoints forward and the center of gravity downward, forming a good pattern of grasping one level at a time, promoting one level at a time, linking up and down, coordinating and advancing, and strictly implementing. The county party committee, the county government inspection office and the "general battle" office will do a good job in tracking and asking for results, and compact the work "responsibility chain".

Regularization, carry out new supervision of listening to difficulties and solving problems

Carry out the regular service of "Project Landing Supervision Day" every month, insist on taking problems with you, supervising problems, and chasing problems to solve them, and do a good job in 33 six categories of projects with a total investment of more than 100 million yuan, focusing on the construction of 6 projects with a total investment of more than 1 billion yuan, and strive to solve the difficult and blocked problems that affect project construction at the first time and on the first site.

Deqing County,德庆,肇庆,zhaoqing city,guangdong,china,Investment promotion,

Refinement, formulate a new strategy of one enterprise, one account

Actively implement the "project-based work method", classify and formulate project promotion work plan ledgers, problem ledgers and other lists, shorten the project construction cycle, and refine the main work items, responsible persons, completion time limits and other work requirements of the project. For those who have obstacles to entering the site, such as land supply problems, the county leaders will take the lead in deployment, increase the intensity of the attack, and speed up the land acquisition and storage; for those with slow progress, take measures such as issuing promotion letters and interviewing project leaders to promote construction; for projects that cannot be implemented, after comprehensive analysis, they will be cleared according to relevant mechanisms if they cannot continue to perform the contract. Achieve "list-based" management, "tracking-based" promotion, and "cancellation-based" completion to ensure that the project construction is accurate and one by one.

Continuously ensure the implementation of the project "main elements"

Optimize and improve the development pattern of "one city, two parks"

From January to May, Deqing invested more than 100 million yuan to promote the infrastructure and supporting projects of the Deqing Industrial Park quality improvement and expansion project, continuously improve the park's roads, sewage pipes and other infrastructure, accelerate the revitalization and utilization of idle land and idle factories, and improve the level of land conservation and intensive use in the park.

Deqing County,德庆,肇庆,zhaoqing city,guangdong,china,Investment promotion,

Seize the "hundreds of millions" horizontal assistance opportunities

Make good use of the Huadu District collaborative assistance funds to accelerate the construction of the first phase of the industrial park's living supporting area, the quality improvement and expansion of the sewage treatment plant, and the first phase of the Huadu District Deqing County Industrial Transfer Co-construction Park, promote the implementation of high-quality development exhibition centers, commercial complexes, smart parks and other projects, and create a high-standard main platform for the orderly transfer of industries to solidify the "mother body" of the industry.

Deqing County,德庆,肇庆,zhaoqing city,guangdong,china,Investment promotion,

Regular consultations to create a "ballast stone"

The main leaders of the county party and government personally supervised the work, and the leaders of the county departments in charge of parks, investment promotion, construction, resources, etc. met weekly to arrange and deploy the special projects for the construction of park infrastructure and the planning and construction of the Guanxu Town Food and Southern Medicine Industrial Park and the newly developed parks, etc., to provide "ready-to-move-in" conditions for the implementation of the projects, and strive to solve the outstanding problems encountered in the implementation of the projects under construction, and promote the rapid implementation, construction and production of the projects.

Continue to be a good "service officer" for implementation

Build a strong structure and provide excellent services

Fully deepen the implementation of the "County Leaders' Attachment to Industrial Investment Projects Work System" and the "Deqing County Industrial Project Landing Construction "Chief Service Officer" Work Mechanism" and other documents, and improve the "five-one" service structure of "one county leader + one chief service officer + one enterprise service specialist + one responsible unit + a set of customized service plans", and arrange project attachment service follow-up personnel according to the progress of the project, and provide full-process and all-round "mother-like" services for the implementation of the project.

Deqing County,德庆,肇庆,zhaoqing city,guangdong,china,Investment promotion,

Joint special team, high quality and efficiency

We have played a "combination punch" around the implementation of industrial projects, carried out the "warm enterprise" action in depth, deepened the contact between leading cadres and key enterprises and industrial projects, and adhered to the working principles of "enterprise whistleblowing, department reporting", "responding to requests, not disturbing when there is nothing to do", and effectively solved the difficulties of enterprises in land use, employment, financing, etc. From January to May, the county agency team handled registration, land auction, project filing, construction application, water and electricity application and other matters for enterprises more than 25 times; the county approval team signed a two-way commitment letter with 11 enterprises, handled 10 joint acceptances, registered 52 service logs, and solved 8 enterprise problems; the county financial team assisted 14 enterprises in solving financing needs of 66 million yuan; the county employment team carried out 25 recruitment activities of various types, and assisted enterprises in solving employment needs of more than 1,000 people.

Deqing County,德庆,肇庆,zhaoqing city,guangdong,china,Investment promotion,

Strengthen tracking and excellent guarantee

In order to ensure the smooth implementation and efficient operation of industrial projects, Deqing has established a complete "full process dispatch supervision" tracking mechanism to carry out refined management and monitoring of the "full life cycle" of projects. From project initiation, site selection, construction to production and operation, every link has a dedicated person to follow up to ensure that the project can proceed smoothly according to the established schedule and progress requirements.

Deqing County,德庆,肇庆,zhaoqing city,guangdong,china,Investment promotion,

Deqing County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: Headquarters of Deqing Industrial Park, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:    0086-758-7780802

Fax:  0086-758-7780802


Sunday, June 2, 2024












要是你回家 说,你在上海倒粪便,在北京当太监。







Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Guangning County, Guangdong Province, China--Investment Guide

Guangning County, Guangdong Province, China,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County, Guangdong Province, China,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County, Guangdong Province, China,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County, Guangdong Province, China,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County, Guangdong Province, China,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: No. 6, Daxin Road, Chebeidong, Nanjie Town, Guangning County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-8639338

Fax:  0086-758-8669831



Moving the factory to Sihui, Zhaoqing --- a conversation between two bosses from Guangdong 搬工廠去肇慶四會----兩個廣東老闆的對話

Moving the factory to Sihui, Zhaoqing --- a conversation between two bosses from Guangdong A: What happened to your factory in Vietnam recen...