Showing posts with label 广宁县. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 广宁县. Show all posts

Thursday, August 15, 2024

China Guangning County Investment Promotion Team Leads Team to Foshan and Zhongshan for Investment Promotion

China Guangning County Investment Promotion Team Leads Team to Foshan and Zhongshan for Investment Promotion

Investment in Zhaoqing 2024-08-06 21:07 Guangdong

On August 2, 2024, Chen Chaochang, Secretary of the Guangning County Party Committee of China, visited Foshan and Zhongshan respectively to inspect the demonstration project of ecological civilization construction integrating the quality and efficiency of ecosystem resources and the comprehensive utilization of biomass.

During the inspection, the project party introduced the development and technical level of Foshan Nanhai Jingzhi Plastic Co., Ltd., Foshan Yuesheng Plastic Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd., and Zhongshan Jie Lian Adhesive Products Co., Ltd., and gave a detailed explanation of the project. The project party hopes to use the industrial land currently held in Guangning to effectively integrate Guangning County's bamboo resources and renewable resources, and build a demonstration project of bamboo-plastic combined ecological chain industry chain from raw material storage and supply to hard carbon negative electrode materials and degradable material products.

The Guangning County Investment Promotion Group pointed out that the Ecological System Resource Quality and Efficiency and Biomass Comprehensive Utilization Integrated Ecological Civilization Construction Demonstration Project is a bamboo-plastic industry consortium project. It is an important attempt to effectively integrate the two major resource advantages of Guangning County. It is conducive to the parallel interaction of the two major industrial clusters in Guangning County, creating greater industrial output value and highlighting the advantages of Guangning County's bamboo-plastic industry. It is hoped that enterprises will actively respond to the call of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, combine Guangning's location advantages, and plan to promote the dual integration of Guangning County's renewable resource industry and bamboo-plastic industry.

The Guangning Investment Promotion Group also hopes that the sub-projects in the industrial consortium project will be promoted at the same time, and detailed and feasible plans will be prepared. Relevant departments such as environmental protection, industry and information technology, and investment promotion should actively provide services to enterprises and strive for the early implementation of the project.

Guangning County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: No. 6, Daxin Road, Chebeidong, Nanjie Town, Guangning County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-8639338

Fax:  0086-758-8669831


Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Guangning County, China, and China Inspection Guangdong Co., Ltd. signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement

Guangning County, China, and China Inspection Guangdong Co., Ltd. signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-06-19 21:39 Guangdong, China

On June 17, 2024, the People's Government of Guangning County and China Inspection and Certification Group Guangdong Co., Ltd. held a signing ceremony for a strategic cooperation framework agreement to empower the new quality productivity of the entire industrial chain of Guangning County, promote industrial transformation and upgrading, and develop in the direction of standardization, branding, greening, and integration through inspection, testing and certification. Guangning County Mayor He Jiancai and Deputy Mayor Yang Hongzhang attended the signing ceremony.

广宁,广宁县,肇庆,zhaoqing,guangning,guangdong,china,China Inspection Guangdong Co., Ltd,China Inspection and Certification Group,

At the signing ceremony, representatives of both parties made representative speeches.

He Jiancai said

Guangning is a nationally famous "Hometown of Guang Green Jade", "Hometown of Bamboo", "Hometown of Martial Arts", and "Hometown of Chefs". In recent years, Guangning has deeply promoted the "High-quality Development Project of Hundreds of Counties, Thousands of Towns and Tens of Thousands of Villages" and created multiple regional public brands of agricultural products. The signing of the framework cooperation agreement with China Inspection Guangdong Company will be conducive to giving full play to Guangning County's resource advantages, working hand in hand with the China Inspection brand, and jointly promoting the development of inspection and testing in the fields of Guangning bamboo industry, characteristic agricultural and sideline products, modern agricultural deep processing, vegetable basket project, pre-prepared dishes, green energy, ecological environment governance, etc., and jointly carrying out the rural revitalization industry quality improvement action and establishing a quality improvement service model. By creating more corporate brands and regional public brands, we will continue to empower the value enhancement and dissemination of Guangning's characteristic and advantageous products, and continuously improve the added value and comprehensive competitiveness of Guangning's brand.

China Inspection Guangdong Company said

Next, we will uphold the service concept of "scientific, fair, accurate and efficient", organize a professional technical service team, fully support the project cooperation, give full play to our own advantages to make this cooperation a benchmark for the central-local cooperation of the group, and actively empower Guangning County's high-quality development.

Yang Hongzhang and He Chenguang, deputy general manager of China Inspection Guangdong Company, signed a framework agreement on the spot; Tanbu Town People's Government, County Supply and Marketing Cooperative, Guangdong Fuying Agricultural Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. and other cooperative pilot units signed cooperation agreements with China Inspection Guangdong Company.

Guangning County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: No. 6, Daxin Road, Chebeidong, Nanjie Town, Guangning County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-8639338

Fax:  0086-758-8669831


Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Guangning County, China's annual online sales amounted to 828 million yuan.

Guangning County, China's annual online sales amounted to 828 million yuan.

Zhaoqing’s e-commerce is on the rise, and information assets and digital assets have become a new driving force for Zhaoqing’s development.

Released by Guangning 2024-05-22 20:00 Guangdong, China

Sweet potatoes, bamboo shoots, mustard greens

Amomum villosum, dried vegetables, chicken bone grass

These may be the treasures you "snatch" while watching e-commerce live broadcasts

With the in-depth implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, rural consumption is quietly emerging as a new driving force for economic growth.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, all positions of Guangning Haopeng E-commerce have entered working mode and started the day's "charge into battle". This e-commerce team insists on conducting 6-7 live broadcasts every day to bring goods. Professional back-end personnel collect and collect statistics on supply and back-end data to ensure the long-term stable development of e-commerce operations.

Guangdong,guangning,Zhaoqing,china,e-commerce live broadcasts,Guangning County,广宁县,economic,information assets,digital assets,

Guangdong,guangning,Zhaoqing,china,e-commerce live broadcasts,Guangning County,广宁县,economic,information assets,digital assets,

Guangdong,guangning,Zhaoqing,china,e-commerce live broadcasts,Guangning County,广宁县,economic,information assets,digital assets,

In 2023, Haopeng E-commerce will enter the rural e-commerce platform of Guangning County. Since then, this e-commerce company's supply of goods has changed from "freedom to play" to "precision sniping". With the help of the "data bridge" built by the rural e-commerce platform, it can get twice the result with half the effort. Today, the e-commerce team's annual sales have Reaching more than 15 million.

Guangdong,guangning,Zhaoqing,china,e-commerce live broadcasts,Guangning County,广宁县,economic,information assets,digital assets,

Lian Jianhao, head of Guangning Haopeng E-commerce

We used to blindly receive goods. Through rural e-commerce platforms, we know what is available in which season, how much harvest there is in which village, and what its quality is. This provides us with a good information bridge and improves the efficiency of carrying goods.

Guangdong,guangning,Zhaoqing,china,e-commerce live broadcasts,Guangning County,广宁县,economic,information assets,digital assets,

In March this year, taking advantage of the fourth Xingping Bamboo Shoot Festival in Guangning County, Guangning County held a "rural e-commerce" labor skills competition. By grasping the bamboo shoot planting situation and bamboo shoot farmers' information in each village, Guangning County organized major E-commerce companies use competitions to carry out live broadcasts to promote the Guangning bamboo shoots brand and help farmers increase their income.

As an e-commerce enterprise that helps farmers and benefit farmers, Haopeng E-commerce actively participated in the competition and won the first place in the competition with sales of 187,600 bamboo shoots in one week.

In this "rural e-commerce" labor skills competition, Haopeng E-commerce not only gained honors, but also gained live broadcast experience and a sense of accomplishment in helping farmers increase their income.

Guangdong,guangning,Zhaoqing,china,e-commerce live broadcasts,Guangning County,广宁县,economic,information assets,digital assets,

Lian Jianhao, head of Guangning Haopeng E-commerce

This competition has played a role in learning from each other. If you don’t work hard in e-commerce one minute, you will be eliminated by others the next minute. Bamboo shoots are a seasonal product, and during the competition we also helped farmers increase their income.

It is understood that a total of 38 live broadcast rooms were opened in this competition, and a total of 183,900 people watched the live broadcast. The cumulative sales of Guangning's agricultural and sideline products reached 335,600 yuan, and the number of people exposed to the products was 524,500. It broadened the sales channels for Guangning's agricultural and sideline products, and also Let more live broadcast enthusiasts take the initiative to become spokespersons for good products in their hometown and concentrate their "firepower" to promote good products in Guangning.

Guangdong,guangning,Zhaoqing,china,e-commerce live broadcasts,Guangning County,广宁县,economic,information assets,digital assets,

▲Picture source: Guangning County Rural Revitalization E-commerce Live Broadcast Base

Holding the "Rural E-commerce" labor skills competition is an effective measure for Guangning County to promote the implementation of the "National Comprehensive Demonstration Project of E-commerce in Rural Areas" and create a new model of e-commerce to help farmers.

In recent years, Guangning County has actively seized the policy opportunities of the "National Comprehensive Demonstration Project of E-commerce in Rural Areas" and learned from the e-commerce development experience of surrounding counties and cities. Through the layout of service platform construction, the introduction of market entities for operations, the cultivation of professional teams from multiple parties, and the enrichment of live broadcasts to promote goods Formal measures should be taken to actively explore new development models of "e-commerce to promote agriculture", help farmers use new media platforms to crack the sales channels of agricultural specialty products, realize two-way travel between production areas and consumers, and help rural revitalization.

Layout service platform construction

Relying on the e-commerce entrepreneurship park, Guangning County integrates the forces of industry, information technology, human resources and social security, trade unions, and various townships and other departments, uses financial linkage funds, and combines county characteristic industries to scientifically plan and transform to establish theoretical training, professional live broadcasts, product display and other functions. County-level e-commerce live broadcast bases, and selected natural villages with good e-commerce personnel foundations, rich specialty product resources, and suitable venues in 15 towns (streets) to build village broadcast talent incubation centers that integrate theoretical guidance and practical teaching to meet the needs of county areas Demand for e-commerce talent cultivation and incubation.

Guangdong,guangning,Zhaoqing,china,e-commerce live broadcasts,Guangning County,广宁县,economic,information assets,digital assets,

Enrich live streaming delivery formats

Make good use of resources such as investment promotion and the Greater Bay Area to introduce e-commerce companies such as "Chen Leng Fresh" to settle in, provide full industry chain services in terms of product brand image building, product design planning, e-commerce talent incubation, etc., and guide professional E-commerce operating companies develop collaboratively with local e-commerce companies. At the same time, we will take advantage of resources such as intangible cultural heritage products and agricultural specialty products to cooperate with platforms such as Tmall and Taobao in product sales and live broadcasts to accelerate physical investment through online sales.

Guangdong,guangning,Zhaoqing,china,e-commerce live broadcasts,Guangning County,广宁县,economic,information assets,digital assets,

Cultivate a professional team through various means

Implement rural anchor cultivation actions, cooperate with universities, research institutes, and live broadcast industrial parks inside and outside the province, and regularly organize willing farmers and rural live broadcast talents through the "invite in + go out" method to carry out video shooting, copywriting editing, and charity assistance to farmers After the training, a special professional ability assessment will be conducted on the trainees, professional skill level identification will be carried out, and a webcast talent pool management will be established. At the same time, we adopt the form of "promotion through festivals + sales through competitions" to carry out "rural e-commerce" live broadcast competitions, short video competitions and other events to promote the formation of a talent incubation atmosphere in which competitions promote learning and competitions replace training.

Guangdong,guangning,Zhaoqing,china,e-commerce live broadcasts,Guangning County,广宁县,economic,information assets,digital assets,

Introduce market entities to operate

Establish a couplet mechanism between live broadcast experts and agricultural products, use important local characteristic nodes such as "Quang Ninh Mustard Festival" and "Quang Ninh Bamboo Shoot Festival" to hold product promotion activities, cooperate with product companies and Internet celebrities inside and outside the county to live broadcast, and guide online anchors to deepen Activities such as creating product short videos and live broadcasts to attract traffic are carried out in the fields to drive online and offline sales of high-quality agricultural products and intangible cultural heritage products, helping businesses and people to increase their income and become rich. At the same time, we will deeply explore the characteristics of agricultural products, carry out unified branding, unified packaging, and unified planning to create online high-quality agricultural products and ensure the quality of export products.

Guangdong,guangning,Zhaoqing,china,e-commerce live broadcasts,Guangning County,广宁县,economic,information assets,digital assets,

In 2023, Guangning County’s annual online sales will be 828 million yuan

A year-on-year increase of 12.0%

Online sales of agricultural products were 34.9881 million

A year-on-year increase of 16.0%

Annual e-commerce live broadcast sales reached 266 million yuan

A year-on-year increase of 18.4%

At the moment,

Rural e-commerce is “invading” cities with an unstoppable trend

This dynamic and innovative industry

has changed our lifestyle and shopping habits,

Become a force that cannot be ignored in driving consumption growth

Guangning County, Guangdong Province, China--Investment Guide

Hello, this is Guangning County! Please accept this new business card to attract investment-China Industrial Park-Guangdong Industrial Park-Zhaoqing Industrial Park-investment paradise-Entrepreneurship Paradise

Guangning County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: No. 6, Daxin Road, Chebeidong, Nanjie Town, Guangning County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-8639338

Fax:  0086-758-8669831


Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Guangning County, Guangdong Province, China--Investment Guide

Guangning County, Guangdong Province, China,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County, Guangdong Province, China,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County, Guangdong Province, China,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County, Guangdong Province, China,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County, Guangdong Province, China,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County,Guangdong Province,china,Investment Guide,asia,投资指南,广宁县,广东省,肇庆,

Guangning County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: No. 6, Daxin Road, Chebeidong, Nanjie Town, Guangning County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-8639338

Fax:  0086-758-8669831



Moving the factory to Sihui, Zhaoqing --- a conversation between two bosses from Guangdong 搬工廠去肇慶四會----兩個廣東老闆的對話

Moving the factory to Sihui, Zhaoqing --- a conversation between two bosses from Guangdong A: What happened to your factory in Vietnam recen...