Sunday, March 10, 2024

The Sihui City research team went to Guangning County to assist the development of Guanglu jade industry

The Sihui City research team went to Guangning County to assist the development of Guanglu jade industry

Released by Guangning 2024-03-09 20:02 Guangdong

On March 7, 2024, a delegation from the Sihui City Jewelry and Jade Industry Development Management Center came to Ning to carry out docking and assistance for the development of the green jade industry. County leader Jiang Haiyan and heads of departments such as the County Culture, Tourism and Sports Bureau, the County Natural Resources Bureau, the County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and the County Green Jade Association accompanied the investigation.

The research team came to Jade Street in Guangning County and visited three jade shops: Hongtian, Yuzhiyuan and Lubaozhai. They communicated with merchants on site and learned more about the raw material supply, jade carving process and jade carving process of Guangning Guanglu Jade. Product types and styles, jade market business environment, jade sales model, jade carving talent pool, etc.

At the symposium, the two parties introduced the current development status and operation of the jade industry based on regional resource conditions, and focused on the Guangning Guanglu Jade industry development plan, market positioning, brand building, talent introduction, industrial chain upgrade, intangible cultural inheritance, etc. They conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions and put forward opinions and suggestions suitable for the development of the green jade industry in Guangning.

Chang Jiang Haiyan, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Organization Department, pointed out that the jade industry of the Sihui has perfect planning and strong development momentum. Guangning should learn from its experience and practices. At the same time, he hopes that the Sihui can base on its market advantages and develop from talent industry, e-commerce, market, In terms of culture and publicity, we will implement the work to support the development of Guangning Guanglu Jade, and take this docking assistance as an opportunity to further strengthen communication, exchange knowledge, and learn from each other, so as to promote the sharing and win-win of the jade industry in both places. Guangning has a long history of green jade culture and exquisite carving craftsmanship. Guangning should combine its own jade industry endowment advantages, summarize, refine and carefully absorb the valuable opinions put forward by the research team, from the aspects of overall planning, product positioning, talent training, online live sales, etc. Starting from this, we will continue to promote the extension, strengthening and replenishment of the chain of Guangning jade cultural industry, establish the characteristic brand of Guanglu Jade, and help the high-quality development of Guangning Guanglu Jade cultural industry.


广宁发布 2024-03-09 20:02 广东





Guangning County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: No. 6, Daxin Road, Chebeidong, Nanjie Town, Guangning County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel: 0086-758-8639338

Fax: 0086-758-8669831


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