Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Using exhibitions as a medium, Zhaoqing City uses world-class food exhibitions to carry out special investment promotion

Using exhibitions as a medium, Zhaoqing City uses world-class food exhibitions to carry out special investment promotion

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-09-03 21:58 Guangdong, China

On September 2-3, 2024, the 2024 SIAL International Food and Beverage Exhibition was successfully held in Shenzhen.

2024 SIAL International Food and Beverage Exhibition,zhaoqing,shenzhen,guangdong,china,food exhibitions,

The Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Center planned and deployed in advance, mobilized and organized the city's investment promotion system to set up 8 investment promotion teams, led by the main responsible comrades of the center, and took advantage of the world-class food exhibition platform to actively promote the city's unique advantages and development potential as the most dynamic food industry cluster in the Greater Bay Area, and carry out special investment promotion.

2024 SIAL International Food and Beverage Exhibition,zhaoqing,shenzhen,guangdong,china,food exhibitions,

The investment promotion team took the initiative

During the event, each investment promotion team took the initiative to visit and connect with more than 100 exhibitors according to the target enterprises selected in advance through the food and beverage segmentation "track" industry map, and deeply understood the development history, production capacity layout and investment plan of the enterprises, accurately promoted the advantages of our city's transportation location, factor cost, industrial foundation and other advantages in developing the food and beverage industry, reserved a group of merchant resources, obtained a group of effective investment promotion information, negotiated and connected a group of projects, and sincerely invited enterprises to visit Zhaoqing for field visits and seek cooperative development.

In addition, the Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Center also mobilized more than 10 food companies in the city, including Yadao Biology, Xiangmanyuan Soy Sauce, Huabao Spice, Zhengwang Food, and Zhenghuizhu, to actively participate in the exhibition, helping enterprises to expand the market, grab orders, and carry out industrial chain and supply chain docking, enabling them to become bigger and stronger.

It is reported that the Xiya International Food and Beverage Exhibition is one of the three major food exhibitions in the world, hosted by the French Gaomei Aibo Exhibition Group and Beijing Aibo Xiya Exhibition Co., Ltd., and held in Shanghai and Shenzhen respectively every year.

This exhibition attracted more than 1,500 exhibitors from 43 countries (regions) around the world and more than 67,000 professionals from more than 70 countries (regions) to participate in the exhibition; the exhibition set up 14 major theme areas including snack foods, grains, oils and condiments, convenience foods, processing, packaging and distribution.

2024 SIAL International Food and Beverage Exhibition,zhaoqing,shenzhen,guangdong,china,food exhibitions,

Through this exhibition, not only the unique charm of Zhaoqing's food industry was demonstrated, but also Zhaoqing's firm determination to develop the food and beverage industry was demonstrated.

Looking forward to the future, Zhaoqing will adhere to the concept of openness and cooperation, continuously optimize the investment environment, enhance industrial competitiveness, and attract more attention from domestic and foreign companies.

Looking forward to working together with global partners, and welcome merchants to invest in Zhaoqing!

Welcome to call the investment hotline

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-3611228 (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-3611188

Email: SHQYFW@VIP.163.com (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-2899202  (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-2282600

Email: zqszsj@126.com (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Investment Promotion Bureau of Gaoyao District

Address: No.201, Nanxing 1st Road, Nan'an Street, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Tel:   0086-758-8392673

Fax:  0086-758-8200738

Email: gyzsjwlk@163.com

Appearing at the Shenzhen International Electronics Exhibition! Zhaoqing enterprises show advantages in all categories of electronic components

Appearing at the Shenzhen International Electronics Exhibition! Zhaoqing enterprises show advantages in all categories of electronic components

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-09-03 21:58 Guangdong, China

Recently, Fenghua Hi-Tech brought its full range of electronic components and self-developed electronic materials to the 2024 Shenzhen International Electronics Exhibition, fully displaying high-performance, high-power, and high-reliability technological innovations, and discussing innovative technologies and application scenarios with industry leaders.

shenzhen,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,Shenzhen International Electronics Exhibition,Fenghua Hi-Tech,Vietnam,India,

As an annual event in the electronics industry, the Shenzhen International Electronics Exhibition has many highlights, closely following the theme of "hard-core innovation, intelligent future", displaying the latest technologies and products of the entire industry chain, and covering new applications in multiple cutting-edge fields.

shenzhen,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,Shenzhen International Electronics Exhibition,Fenghua Hi-Tech,Vietnam,India,

The exhibition site brought together more than 400 high-quality exhibitors, displaying AI hardware, electric vehicles and new energy, industrial motor control, and smart medical series of popular technologies and products, attracting nearly 50,000 professional visitors to visit the exhibition.

shenzhen,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,Shenzhen International Electronics Exhibition,Fenghua Hi-Tech,Vietnam,India,

During the exhibition, Fenghua Hi-Tech concentrated on displaying its self-developed and produced electronic materials products, fully demonstrating its full-category advantages in the field of electronic components, and attracted a large number of professional visitors.

Faced with the rapid development of the AI ​​server market, Fenghua Hi-Tech seizes market opportunities, provides a comprehensive product line for leading companies in the AI ​​server industry, and actively launches a variety of passive components with high reliability and stability, covering a full range of resistors, medium-high voltage and high-temperature high-capacitance multilayer ceramic capacitors (MLCC) and high-current inductors, which can optimize the energy efficiency conversion of AI servers and ensure the reliability and stability of their operation.

shenzhen,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,Shenzhen International Electronics Exhibition,Fenghua Hi-Tech,Vietnam,India,

Against the background of the rapid development of the low-altitude economy, Fenghua Hi-Tech accurately matches the lightweight and high-efficiency needs of drones in the low-altitude economy field, and launches independently developed and produced high-end small-size capacitors, 01005 ultra-micro inductors, small integrated molded inductors, and alloy resistors, which are widely used in drone flight control systems, motor systems, power supply systems and other scenarios, providing strong support for drone performance improvement, function expansion and safety assurance.

shenzhen,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,Shenzhen International Electronics Exhibition,Fenghua Hi-Tech,Vietnam,India,

In response to the trend of networking, electrification and intelligence of new energy vehicles, Fenghua Hi-Tech has accelerated the establishment of a dedicated factory and dedicated line for automotive products, and launched a full range of high-reliability automotive products. The entire series of products have passed the AECQ-200 certification and the VDA6.3 audit of a series of leading automotive customers. They have been fully introduced into various production fields of leading customers in the automotive industry, covering application modules such as electronically controlled autonomous driving, intelligent vehicle networking, intelligent cockpit, and on-board power supply, to ensure the high reliability and high safety of automotive electronics.

With the advent of the era of Industry 4.0, the Industrial Internet of Things has become an important force in promoting smart manufacturing.

Fenghua Hi-Tech not only displayed innovative products with miniaturization and stable performance such as industrial capacitors, surface-mount aluminum electrolytic capacitors, high-precision resistors, and supercapacitors, but also launched a series of innovative application solutions for industrial robots and CNC machine tools to ensure the automation of industrial terminal equipment control and the efficient and accurate operation of intelligent equipment.

shenzhen,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,Shenzhen International Electronics Exhibition,Fenghua Hi-Tech,Vietnam,India,

At present, Fenghua Hi-Tech has made comprehensive layout in key materials such as terminal electrode copper paste, internal electrode nickel paste, thermistor/varistor paste, MLCC ceramic formula and BT base powder, and some materials have achieved full independent coverage. The company's electronic paste and electronic ceramic powder products have passed the IATF16949 automotive system certification, and have the ability to provide high-quality products and services to global automobile and new energy manufacturers.

At present, Zhaoqing is gathering the electronic information industry chain to build the largest electronic information production and manufacturing base in South China. Companies in related industries are welcome to visit Zhaoqing for investment. Various production factors are as cheap as Vietnam and India.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-3611228 (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-3611188

Email: SHQYFW@VIP.163.com (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-2899202  (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-2282600

Email: zqszsj@126.com (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Investment Promotion Bureau of Gaoyao District

Address: No.201, Nanxing 1st Road, Nan'an Street, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Tel:   0086-758-8392673

Fax:  0086-758-8200738

Email: gyzsjwlk@163.com



投資肇慶 2024年09月03日 21:58 中國廣東
















深入推進“雙容雙承諾” “一站式代辦服務” 等政務服務改革事項,組建由年輕幹部組成的專職代辦服務隊伍,從企業開辦、項目立項、工程建設許可等全流程提供“母親式”服務。建立領導掛點聯繫服務產業招商專案機制,實施專案全鏈條閉環服務管理,整理專案落腳過程中涉及的供地、立項、環評、施工許可等事項,健全專案全生命週期落地服務機制,及時蒐集項目建設進度和難點堵點問題,並建立工作台賬,對制約項目落地的土地、審批、金融、用工等瓶頸問題,聯同相關職能部門協力精準破解,為項目建設掃清障礙,確保項目招得進、落得下、發展好。


Sihui City--China's key cities for attracting foreign investment


地址Address: 中國廣東省四會市東城區行政服務中心3樓

電話Tel:   0086-758-3611228(粵語、普通話)

傳真Fax:  0086-758-3611188

電郵Email: SHQYFW@VIP.163.com(English、中文)



カラフルな肇慶市 2024年8月31日 20時00分 広東省
















肇慶市北嶺山森林公園 }

肇慶市北嶺山森林公園,中国森林公園,China Forest Park,




☑A線 - 森林文化の特色を重視し、複数の古代硯採掘口を通過し、途中に金椿、紫檀など国家一級、二級保護植物が40本以上植えられており、野生がいっぱいである。興味。

☑B 線 - 健康とウェルネスに焦点を当て、線沿いには竹、ベニバナ油、ティー ツリーが植えられています。その中にいると、竹海の美しさを存分に体験することができます。

☑ライン C - 主にクロスカントリーアドベンチャーを特徴とするこのラインは、急峻な地形があり、優れた体格の登山家が挑戦するのに適しています。

肇慶市北嶺山森林公園,中国森林公園,China Forest Park,

肇慶市北嶺山森林公園,中国森林公園,China Forest Park,

📍場所: 肇慶市端州区肇慶大学裏の北嶺山森林公園

{ 鼎湖山 }

中国森林公園,鼎湖山森林公園,China Forest Park, Dinghushan Forest Park,




中国森林公園,鼎湖山森林公園,China Forest Park, Dinghushan Forest Park,





中国森林公園,鼎湖山森林公園,China Forest Park, Dinghushan Forest Park,

推奨散策ルート:鼎湖山入口 - 登山道 - 栄瑞碑亭 - 飛水潭 - 青雲寺 - 乘車 - 胡蝶谷 - 乘船 - 同心島 - 寳鼎園 - 下山



金象山森林公園,中国森林公園,China Forest Park, Forest Park,






金象山森林公園,中国森林公園,China Forest Park, Forest Park,




金象山森林公園,中国森林公園,China Forest Park, Forest Park,





金象山森林公園,中国森林公園,China Forest Park, Forest Park,


📍場所: 高要区象山森林公園、高要区象山テレビ塔の南西100メートル


四会貞山風景区 - 唐の第 6 代総主教恵能が 15 年間隠れた場所

四会貞山風景区 - 唐の第 6 代総主教恵能が 15 年間隠れた場所















📍場所: 肇慶市四会市貞山観光リゾート (四会市貞山観光リゾート 382 郷路の北 100 メートル)













風が吹いて 雲海が浮かぶ





📍場所: 肇慶市封開県玉老鎮文徳路120号麒麟山











天勝、小鶏、松邵、恵峰など 11 のパビリオンがあります。












肇慶市が 2024年9月2日19時30分に 中国広東省で発表


画像出典四会市-Sihui City

△△画像出典 四会市-Sihui City




△△画像出典四会市-Sihui City




電子情報、銅・アルミ深加工、ファインケミカルなどの「先行+特色」産業と、新エネルギー自動車・自動車部品、新エネルギー貯蔵などの戦略的新興産業を重点に「誘致フェニックス」アクションを強力に実行する。 「大規模投資、大企業誘致」の新たな高揚が、幹部の「気を引き締めて」「忙しくして」「逃げて」を促し、プロジェクト全過程の閉ループを実現する。交渉、契約締結、建設、生産、運営までを一貫して連携し、高品質な開発を推進します。



四会市は、党組織の戦闘要塞の役割と指導幹部の指導的役割を最大限に発揮し、投資促進業務システムと仕組みの革新を推進し、投資促進、都市(街路)、都市づくりを主導する指導幹部を確立する。投資促進に参加する各部門、長江デルタに駐在して投資を促進する作業グループ、および各レベルの投資促進活動において、党組織、大衆組織、村(コミュニティ)が積極的に参加する大規模な投資促進活動パターンが形成されている。 「専任投資推進、全社員投資推進、ユニバーサル投資推進」の雰囲気が強い。




投資環境広報の範囲を拡大し、企業の投資意向に関する手がかりをタイムリーに収集し、投資意向に関する情報を企業代表者に積極的に連絡および訪問し、企業代表者が四会工業団地を訪問して実地調査を行うよう促進するためにあらゆる努力を払う。 -スポット検査。







リーダーがサービス産業投資プロジェクトに連絡し、プロジェクトのフルチェーンクローズドループサービス管理を実施し、土地供給、プロジェクト設立、環境影響評価、建設許可、その他プロジェクト決済プロセスに関わる事項を整理するためのメカニズムを確立する。 、プロジェクトのライフサイクル全体にわたるサービスメカニズムを改善し、タイムリーにプロジェクトを収集します 建設の進捗状況と困難な障害の問題。




今年上半期、四会市では 17 件の新規プロジェクトが開始され、前年比 21.43% 増加しました。11 件の新規プロジェクトが稼働し、前年比 175% 増加しました。製造プロジェクトへの実際の投資額は30億6,200万元で、前年比57.45%増加し、10億元のプロジェクトが着工した。

Sihui City--China's key cities for attracting foreign investment

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188

Email: SHQYFW@VIP.163.com

Monday, September 2, 2024

China's Fengkai County has made a good "three-pronged combination" to fully promote the implementation and construction of projects

China's Fengkai County has made a good "three-pronged combination" to fully promote the implementation and construction of projects

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-09-02 20:47 Guangdong, China

In recent years, Fengkai County has implemented the concept of "industry-driven county, projects as king, parks as mother, and enterprises first", and has made a good combination of "mechanism guarantee, linkage service" to fully promote the implementation and construction of projects.

Since the beginning of this year, Fengkai County has newly started 18 projects, completed 10 projects, and put into production 11 projects, including 7 new manufacturing projects, 5 completed projects, and 5 put into production, effectively releasing the development potential of enterprises and helping the economy and society move forward.

Make a good combination and stimulate new momentum for serving enterprises

Take serving enterprises as an important responsibility, use your heart, feelings and strength to help enterprises alleviate difficulties and help them develop, and truly create a high-quality business environment.

In response to the problems of difficult implementation of cross-departmental "urgent, difficult, anxious and expected" problems and low efficiency in solving problems in the process of project planning, Fengkai County insists on taking the lead in regular grassroots research and guidance, going deep into the front line of the project to actively understand the progress of the project, comprehensively analyzing the problems in the project planning process, and proposing targeted measures to solve them.

Since 2024, the county leaders have led a team to conduct in-depth field supervision, visited 87 projects in total, and helped 17 companies coordinate and solve 24 problems such as land leveling, water-side increments, and road construction, so that companies can invest with confidence, operate comfortably, and develop with peace of mind through practical actions.

Strike a good combination of "mechanism guarantee" to accelerate project construction

Actively implement the direct implementation work mechanism of the "double tolerance and double commitment" project, strengthen the full life cycle service of the project with high quality and efficiency, and do everything possible to promote the quick implementation of signed projects, the quick start of implemented projects, and the quick commissioning of started projects.

The approval department visited 9 "double tolerance and double commitment" industrial projects many times, coordinated the housing and construction department to issue 6 interview letters, and made every effort to do a good job in the approval, supervision and coordination services of industrial projects. In order to promote the "build first and then test" of the project and achieve "direct implementation", Fengkai County, based on the actual work, continued to open up the policy consulting service channels for enterprises, deepened the use of the assistance and agency service measures, and provided personalized and precise services to the Fengkai Branch of Guangdong New Supply and Marketing Tianye Cold Chain Technology Co., Ltd., helping enterprises to accurately understand and make good use of the "double tolerance and double commitment" policy, and helping enterprises to move forward steadily.

In addition, Fengkai County strengthened the guarantee of land, electricity, labor and other factors, helped 24 children of enterprises solve the problem of school enrollment, and promoted the Fengkai sub-project of Guangdong Supply and Marketing Tiantou Cold Chain Service Center to sign the "double tolerance and double commitment" direct implementation of the industrial investment project in a timely manner, and strived for precious development time for enterprises to start construction.

Strike a good combination of "linked services" and build a bridge of connection between enterprises and the public

Adhere to the "mother-like" service of "door-to-door service and guidance service", give full play to the role of the enterprise service linkage mechanism of approval departments, service specialists, and special window personnel, and form a closed-loop management service system of agency-coordination-completion linkage, providing "one-stop" services for enterprises with full coverage and full chain.

30 one-time notification lists were sent to enterprises through the enterprise-related platform, and the project notification rate reached 100%. A total of 1,254 service logs were filled in the one-stop service platform for enterprises, and the project coverage rate and follow-up rate reached 100%. On the one hand, keep a close eye on the key links of project construction, strengthen offline visits and guidance, carry out "door-to-door service" and "face-to-face service for enterprises", coordinate on-site to solve problems arising during project construction, and provide solutions for enterprises.

On the other hand, we will strengthen online communication and implement precise services of "one enterprise, one policy". The relevant functional departments of the county will set up work exchange groups according to the actual needs of enterprises, collect problems encountered by enterprises in the process of approval procedures and on-site construction in real time, and provide enterprises with online + offline "one enterprise, one policy" customized menu services to help enterprises solve problems, overcome difficulties, promote production, and ensure the smooth construction of projects.

Economic Promotion Bureau of Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing) and Investment Promotion Bureau of Fengkai County

Address: the fifth floor of the Administrative Center Building, Fuqian Road, Fengkai County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, and the fourth floor of the Administrative Center Building, Fuqian Road, Fengkai County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province;

Tel:  0086-758-6689238,   0086-758 -6667757;

Fax: 0086-758-6689383,   0086-758-6683786;

Email: ygjcj888@126.com 、 fkzsj@126.com

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Fengkai County, China held a meeting on counterpart industry cooperation and investment attraction: Promote high-quality development with good results of investment attraction

Fengkai County, China held a meeting on counterpart industry cooperation and investment attraction: Promote high-quality development with good results of investment attraction

Fengkai Release August 16, 2024 23:42 Guangdong, China

On August 16, 2024, Fengkai County, China held a meeting on counterpart industry cooperation and investment attraction, thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee, conscientiously implemented the specific deployment of the Provincial Party Committee's "1310" and the work requirements of the Municipal Party Committee, summarized the counterpart industry cooperation and investment attraction work in the county since this year, deeply analyzed the existing problems, and studied and deployed the next stage of work. County Party Secretary Li Yaxu attended the meeting and delivered a speech, and County Party Deputy Secretary and County Mayor Qiu Canhui presided over the meeting.

Li Yaxu emphasized that we must anchor the primary task of high-quality development, firmly grasp the major opportunities of the provincial party committee to implement the "100 million projects" and promote counterpart industrial cooperation, deepen the reform of the investment promotion system and mechanism, and vigorously carry out "recruiting big merchants and large investment promotion" with a series of practical, hard and good measures. The good results of attracting investment promotion will promote the overall acceleration and efficiency of investment promotion in the county, continue to stimulate the vitality of investment promotion, and help the high-quality development of the county's economy and society.

First, we must unify our thinking and effectively enhance our sense of responsibility, mission and urgency in doing a good job in investment promotion and promoting high-quality development. Strengthen the industrial development orientation of the real economy as the basis and the manufacturing industry as the main body, fully mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of investment promotion, call on the whole county to attract investment, boost the spirit of wanting to do, knowing how to do, and daring to do, do a good job in the construction of the investment promotion team, strengthen precise policy implementation, optimize the business environment, promote the implementation of more high-quality projects, maintain positive performance growth, and continue to strengthen the confidence and stamina of future development.

Second, we must open up channels, create a new platform for collaborative investment promotion, and realize the rapid implementation of projects. We must make every effort to ensure the supply of all factors of the project and promote the accelerated signing, landing and production of the project. Each town (street) should develop characteristic industries according to local conditions, actively plan "good projects", make "first moves", and strive to carry out precise investment promotion. At the same time, it is necessary to further deepen the counterpart industry cooperation with Panyu District, strengthen joint investment promotion and information sharing, actively explore various two-way "enclave economy" new models such as "Panyu R&D + Fengkai Manufacturing", organically combine counterpart industry cooperation with "hundreds of millions of projects" to promote them, deepen exchanges and cooperation in all fields, and promote high-quality development of both sides in achieving mutual benefit and win-win results.

Third, we must actively build park carriers and lay a solid foundation for the development of industrial clusters. Accelerate the improvement of the infrastructure construction of the green building materials industrial park, manage and use the Fengkai Park of the Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing), further expand the development space of the park, optimize the functional layout of the park, enhance the carrying capacity of the park, and strengthen the development level of the park, promote the development of industrial agglomeration and clustering, and improve the quality and efficiency of industrial industries, and effectively transform the location advantages and resource advantages of our county into investment advantages and development advantages, and promote high-quality development with large investment projects.

The meeting also listened to the progress of counterpart industry cooperation and the implementation of industrial investment promotion since this year. Relevant county-level units reported on the counterpart production and investment promotion work in their respective fields and proposed work measures for the next stage.

Economic Promotion Bureau of Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing) and Investment Promotion Bureau of Fengkai County

Address: the fifth floor of the Administrative Center Building, Fuqian Road, Fengkai County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, and the fourth floor of the Administrative Center Building, Fuqian Road, Fengkai County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province;

Tel:  0086-758-6689238,   0086-758 -6667757;

Fax: 0086-758-6689383,   0086-758-6683786;

Email: ygjcj888@126.com 、 fkzsj@126.com

Li Yaxu investigates the construction of the Pingfeng Town Expansion Zone of the Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone

Li Yaxu investigates the construction of the Pingfeng Town Expansion Zone of the Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone

Fengkai Release August 30, 2024 23:30 Guangdong, China

On August 29, 2024, Li Yaxu, Secretary of the Fengkai County Party Committee, led a team to the Pingfeng Expansion Zone of the Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone to investigate the park construction management, investment promotion, enterprise development, etc., emphasizing the need to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on deepening the east-west cooperation, conscientiously implement the relevant work requirements of the provincial and municipal party committees, give full play to advantages, seize opportunities, make good use of policies, and do a good job in park construction management, industrial investment promotion, and enterprise capital increase and expansion in a high-quality and efficient manner, so as to build momentum for Fengkai's high-quality development.

On the same day, the research team conducted a field investigation on the construction of the Pingfeng Expansion Zone of the Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone and the promotion of the key project Huangshanghuang Project, and held a symposium to listen to detailed reports on local investment promotion, the integrated construction of the park and the town, and the overall work of the park.

Li Yaxu pointed out

Industrial park construction is an important means to achieve high-quality development of the local economy. We must firmly establish the working concept of "projects are king and parks are mothers", start from key tasks such as basic supporting facilities, investment promotion, and factor guarantee, gather popularity, resources, and vitality, and fully promote the construction of characteristic industrial parks, leading and driving the intensive, concentrated, and clustered development of characteristic leading industries.

Li Yaxu emphasized

First, we must thoroughly study and implement the important speeches and instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping during his inspection of Guangdong, follow the specific deployment of the Provincial Party Committee's "1310" and the work requirements of the Municipal Party Committee, anchor the primary task of high-quality development, further unify thoughts, build consensus, seize the opportunity of counterpart industry cooperation in Panyu District, Guangzhou, build and use the Pingfeng Expansion Zone of the Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone, attract more high-quality enterprises to settle in, and inject strong momentum into the development of county economy.

Second, we must build and strengthen the support of industrial carriers, further deepen the reform and innovation of park management, optimize and strengthen the park management team, clarify the boundaries of responsibilities, clarify the powers of all parties, and promote smoother park management and more efficient operation. Promote the solution of historical problems left over by the park, revitalize idle and inefficient land in the park, free up space for industrial development, and ensure the healthy and stable development of the park. Explore the linkage mechanism between the park and the investment promotion department, make full use of resource advantages and policy dividends, increase precision investment promotion efforts, enhance the attractiveness of investment promotion, actively introduce a number of high-quality projects that are highly consistent with the development positioning of the park and have core competitiveness, and work together to promote the early implementation, early production, and early results of the project.

Third, we must adhere to the city to gather production and production to promote the city, accelerate the integrated development of the park town, optimize resource allocation, and promote the construction of infrastructure, public services, and industrial development in an integrated manner to achieve resource sharing, complementary advantages, and coordinated development, effectively enhance the overall competitiveness of the region, drive the high-quality economic and social development of the surrounding areas, and promote urban-rural integration and rural revitalization.

Fourth, we must strengthen service awareness, establish and improve enterprise service mechanisms, increase efforts to ensure the supply of land, talents, logistics and other factors for enterprises, adhere to the "one enterprise, one policy" to promptly respond to enterprise concerns, solve enterprise difficulties, help enterprises become bigger and stronger, and provide solid support for the high-quality development of the regional economy.

County leaders Yang Junfeng and Li Yanyu participated in the investigation.

Economic Promotion Bureau of Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing) and Investment Promotion Bureau of Fengkai County

Address: the fifth floor of the Administrative Center Building, Fuqian Road, Fengkai County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, and the fourth floor of the Administrative Center Building, Fuqian Road, Fengkai County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province;

Tel:  0086-758-6689238,   0086-758 -6667757;

Fax: 0086-758-6689383,   0086-758-6683786;

Email: ygjcj888@126.com 、 fkzsj@126.com

Deqing County, Guangdong Province, China - The first phase of the Jiuzhou Fresh Air System Industrial Park project is in full swing

Deqing County, Guangdong Province, China - The first phase of the Jiuzhou Fresh Air System Industrial Park project is in full swing

Release by Deqing, Guangdong Province

2024-08-26 19:41 China

Recently, the reporter learned at the construction site of the first phase of the Jiuzhou Fresh Air System Industrial Park that the project has been accelerating since the construction in mid-July and is about to enter the infrastructure construction stage.

Deqing County, Guangdong Province, China - The first phase of the Jiuzhou Fresh Air System Industrial Park project is in full swing

At the project construction site, the pile driver was driving piles and the staff were busy with the entry of large construction equipment.

Jiuzhou Fresh Air System Industrial Park Project Commander Qin Jinjie

Our project is the Jiuzhou Fresh Air System Industrial Park, which is mainly to make a fan for a fresh air system, similar to the development of upstream and downstream enterprises. We officially started construction in mid-July and are now piling. The construction area of ​​our first phase is about 120,000 square meters. In more than ten days, we can basically enter the first phase of infrastructure construction.

It is understood that the Jiuzhou Fresh Air System Industrial Park project is a new industrial model that integrates resources to create a production, learning and research industrial cluster, helping enterprises to improve their corporate image and enhance their development capabilities, with a single-family office building, high-rise office building, standardized factory building, and pilot research and development building as the development targets. The first phase of the project plans to invest a total of 350 million yuan, covering an area of ​​about 100 acres, and will be developed in two phases. The first phase plans to build 6 high-standard multi-storey factory buildings and 1 research and development and office building.

Deqing County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: Headquarters of Deqing Industrial Park, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:    0086-758-7780802

Fax:  0086-758-7780802

Email: 7780802@163.com

Deqing County (Zhaoqing City, China) Investment Guide


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