Saturday, February 24, 2024

金融「活水」如何賦能產業科技? |聚焦肇慶高品質發展

金融「活水」如何賦能產業科技? |聚焦肇慶高品質發展

肇慶市科技企業孵化器協會 2024-02-18 19:26 廣東


        如今,銀行機構成為肇慶科技金融的「主力軍」-2023年高新科技企業貸款餘額330.88億元,年增13.44%。 肇慶發放全國首批“中徵雲鏈貸”,並在省內率先推出“科創貼”“雲碳貸”等科創融資模式。


        「飛南資源長期與肇慶當地銀行機構等保持緊密合作,獲得了生產運營、項目建設資金,推進了公司二期濕法項目、一期技改項目建設,為公司拓寬業務渠道提供流動資金保障。 」廣東飛南資源利用股份有限公司董事長孫雁軍說。


        在肯定科技金融角色的同時,與會人員充分體認到,肇慶科技創新領域的高品質發展面臨兩大難題。 「一是缺乏市級的創業孵化種子基金,二是科技成果轉化困難。」肇慶市科技企業孵化器協會秘書長杜耀松說。



        「針對納入工信部專精特新'小巨人'、廣東省級專精特新名單以及數位化平台經濟確定集群方案的企業,視同滿足授信政策直接准入。」興業銀行肇慶分行行長潘峰承諾 。

        肇慶市金融局長李健暉表示,肇慶將發揮資本市場樞紐功能,推動成立以支持新創期科技型企業為重點、以股權投資為主的肇慶市創新創業基金,支持科技型企業利用資本市場做大做 強。


         劉海斌表示,肇慶著力建構銜接配套的金融供給體系,探索創新精準的金融服務體系幫助金融機構以較低的成本獲得科技成果的公允價值,促進科技企業核心「知產」的資本轉化與價值實現 ,把更多金融資源用於促進科技創新,不斷提升金融支持科技型企業質效,推動創新鏈產業鏈資金鏈人才鏈深度融合,促進「科技—產業—金融」良性循環。


How does financial "living water" empower industrial technology? |Focus on high-quality development in Zhaoqing

Zhaoqing Science and Technology Business Incubator Association 2024-02-18 19:26 Guangdong

       In the past year, Zhaoqing has innovated exclusive products and service models for technological finance, achieving positive interaction and coordinated development of finance and technology.

        Today, banking institutions have become the "main force" of Zhaoqing's technology finance - the balance of loans to high-tech enterprises in 2023 will be 33.088 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 13.44%. Zhaoqing issued the first batch of "Zhongzheng Cloud Chain Loan" in the country, and was the first in the province to launch science and technology innovation financing models such as "Science and Technology Band-Aid" and "Cloud Carbon Loan".

        The capital market has also gradually become a "new force" in the development of Zhaoqing's technology and finance - Feinan Resources successfully went public and raised 959 million yuan, Guangdong Hongtu raised 2.2 billion yuan, and Fushi Electronics issued convertible bonds of 570 million yuan.

        "Feinan Resources has maintained close cooperation with local banking institutions in Zhaoqing for a long time, obtained funds for production operations and project construction, promoted the construction of the company's second-phase wet process project and first-phase technical transformation project, and provided liquidity guarantee for the company to expand business channels. " said Sun Yanjun, chairman of Guangdong Feinan Resource Utilization Co., Ltd.

       Xie Bingquan, a second-level researcher at the Zhaoqing Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, said that with financial help, the total number of high-tech enterprises in Zhaoqing will reach 1,520 in 2023, which is 5.3 times the number when the innovation-driven "1133" project started in 2017.

        While affirming the role of science and technology finance, the participants fully realized that the high-quality development of Zhaoqing's science and technology innovation field faces two major problems. "First, there is a lack of municipal seed funds for entrepreneurial incubation, and second, it is difficult to transform scientific and technological achievements." said Du Yaosong, secretary-general of the Zhaoqing Science and Technology Business Incubator Association.

        Zhu Zengyu, chairman of Guangdong Asia Pacific New Materials Technology Co., Ltd., suggested that Zhaoqing should aggregate data resources, create a unified digital information service platform, establish a working system for experts to regularly participate in technology and financial consultation and decision-making, and establish a shared technology project library.

       Cai Junbin, President of Bank of China Zhaoqing Branch, said that the bank will focus on promoting the special product "Enterprise Innovation Points Loan" in Zhaoqing High-tech Zone, explore the implementation of innovative businesses such as intellectual property pledge loans, equity pledges, and patent income right pledges, and broaden corporate financing channels.

        "Enterprises included in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's Special New 'Little Giant' list, the Guangdong Provincial Special New List, and the digital platform economy's confirmed cluster plan will be deemed to meet the credit policy for direct access." Pan Feng, President of Industrial Bank Zhaoqing Branch promised .

        Li Jianhui, director of the Zhaoqing Municipal Financial Bureau, said that Zhaoqing will give full play to its capital market hub function and promote the establishment of the Zhaoqing Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fund, which focuses on supporting early-stage technology companies and focuses on equity investment, and supports technology companies to use the capital market to become bigger and bigger. powerful.

         Huang Guiliang, President of the Zhaoqing Branch of the People's Bank of China, revealed that in the next step, the Zhaoqing Branch of the People's Bank of China will strengthen the "window guidance" role of science and technology credit and promote financial institutions in the jurisdiction to increase credit allocation around the energy level of emerging industry clusters.

         Liu Haibin said that Zhaoqing is focusing on building a connected and supporting financial supply system, exploring innovative and precise financial service systems to help financial institutions obtain the fair value of scientific and technological achievements at a lower cost, and promoting the capital transformation and value realization of the core "intellectual property" of scientific and technological enterprises. , use more financial resources to promote technological innovation, continuously improve the quality and efficiency of financial support for technology-based enterprises, promote the deep integration of the innovation chain, industrial chain, capital chain, and talent chain, and promote a virtuous cycle of "technology-industry-finance".

Zhaoqing City very much welcomes technology companies and technology giants to start their own businesses in Zhaoqing.The creative atmosphere in Zhaoqing City is very good.

If you want to invest in China (Duanzhou, Sihui, Gaoyao, Guangning, Deqing, Dinghu, Fengkai, Huaiji), you can contact me directly. I can help foreign investors reduce investment costs.


Website: blog. misdr. net

WhatsApp: +85267274664

Wechat: 13143984664



肇慶高新發表 2024-02-21 20:53 廣東


2024年是新中國成立75週年,是實現「十四五」規劃目標任務的關鍵一年。 肇慶把今年定為全市經濟工作提質增效年,高新區搶抓機會、直面挑戰,不斷把高品質發展引向深入。 「肇慶高新發布」推出「『一把手』說新年、亮承諾」專欄,園區各單位「一把手」談舉措、講思路、亮承諾,加快建設粵港澳大灣區工業科技新城,為全市實現「兩個 定位」作出大旺擔當和貢獻。



「2023年,本局在區黨工委會、管委會的正確領導下,堅持以習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想為指引,圍繞全區中心工作和年度目標任務,履職盡責、實幹爭先, 為推動全區經濟高品質發展發揮積極作用。」肇慶高新區經濟貿易和科技局黨組書記、局長孫金城介紹。

據了解,肇慶高新區經濟貿易和科技局在過去的一年取得了助推新能源智慧網聯汽車產業集群入選國家中小企業特色產業集群;園區入選2023年度廣東省工業互聯網產業示範基地;連續六 年跨境電商總量維持全市第一;推動打造首個大旺夜經濟夜生活示範區商圈等包含工業、商務、科技板塊在內的多項工作突出亮點。












密切追蹤服務重大增資擴產項目,持續挖掘傳統企業數位轉型需求,全年力爭開展技改企業數量55家,完成技改投資43.3億元,力爭推動建設總投資500萬元以上增資擴增產項目75 個,新增總投資額3000萬元以上增資擴產項目28個,力爭累計推動190家企業進行數位轉型。






力求全年實現進出口總額81億元,社會消費品零售總額168億元,實際吸收外資1億元的目標,年內建設全市首個國際航空貨運樞紐,聯合肇慶新區申報中國(廣東)自貿試驗區 肇慶聯動發展區。



進一步擴大高新區在跨國電商產業鏈中的影響力,推動跨國電商效能倍增行動;加速跨國企業培育發展,力爭年內掛牌成立馬來西亞-大旺產業園,園區進駐企業超3家;積極 推動麒麟湖酒店計畫創建四星級以上旅遊飯店,大南山森林公園和將軍山體育公園創建國家3A級景區,加速推進北圍糧倉文創改造項目招商,持續推動夜間消費鏈延伸。



新一年,肇慶高新區經濟貿易和科技局將集中精力、堅定信心、理清思路、破解難題,全力以赴完成年度目標任務,以實實在在的工作業績,為推動肇慶高新區高品質發展 作出更大貢獻。


睇下有無合作的機會。 香港澳門過來肇慶好近的,高鐵2個鐘就到了。 港澳到肇庆新区(鼎湖)有高鐵直達車,饮杯咖啡就到了。




Say New Year and make promises | Sun Jincheng, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Economic, Trade and Science and Technology Bureau of Zhaoqing High-tech Zone: Taking multiple measures to promote the high-quality economic development of Zhaoqing High-tech Zone

Zhaoqing High-tech Release 2024-02-21 20:53 Guangdong

Opening language

2024 marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China and is a critical year for achieving the goals and tasks of the "14th Five-Year Plan". Zhaoqing has designated this year as the year to improve the quality and efficiency of the city's economic work. The high-tech zone will seize opportunities, face challenges, and continue to promote high-quality development. "Zhaoqing High-tech Release" launched the column "'Top leaders' talk about the New Year and make promises". The "top leaders" of each unit in the park talked about measures, ideas and made promises to speed up the construction of the new industrial science and technology city in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and achieve "two goals" for the city. Positioning" to make great responsibilities and contributions.

“In 2023, under the correct leadership of the District Party Working Committee and Management Committee, our bureau will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, focus on the district’s central work and annual goals and tasks, perform its duties and strive to be the first, It will play an active role in promoting high-quality economic development in the region." said Sun Jincheng, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Economic, Trade and Science and Technology Bureau of Zhaoqing High-tech Zone.

It is understood that the Economic, Trade and Science and Technology Bureau of Zhaoqing High-tech Zone has achieved success in the past year by promoting the new energy intelligent connected automobile industry cluster to be selected as a national small and medium-sized enterprise characteristic industrial cluster; the park was selected as the 2023 Guangdong Industrial Internet Industry Demonstration Base; for six consecutive years The annual total cross-border e-commerce volume remains the first in the city; the promotion of the creation of the first Dawang Night Economy and Nightlife Demonstration Zone and business district, including industry, commerce, and technology sectors, are highlighted.

Sun Jincheng said that this year the bureau will effectively focus on the implementation of the provincial party committee’s “1310” specific deployment and anchor the strategic goal of “centering the real economy and taking the manufacturing industry as the master”.

go all out

Grasp projects, strengthen industries, educate subjects,

Increase momentum, promote trade, and boost consumption.

In the new year, Zhaoqing High-tech Zone strives to achieve an industrial added value of 21 billion yuan above designated size throughout the year.

Complete industrial investment of 9.5 billion yuan, focusing on planning and applying for a national new industrialization demonstration base;

Carry out the global "lighthouse factory" cultivation operation and the "national brand" reconstruction operation.

Closely track and serve major capital increase and production expansion projects, continue to explore the digital transformation needs of traditional enterprises, strive to carry out technological transformation of 55 enterprises throughout the year, complete technical transformation investment of 4.33 billion yuan, and strive to promote the construction of 75 capital increase and production expansion projects with a total investment of more than 5 million yuan There are 28 new capital increase and production expansion projects with a total investment of 30 million yuan or more, and we strive to promote a total of 190 companies to carry out digital transformation.

We will strive to promote 30 enterprises to apply for national high-tech enterprises throughout the year, promote 40 newly registered industrial enterprises, and strive to include high-quality enterprises in Duanzhou, Sihui, Gaoyao and other industrial parks into the "one district, multiple parks" model of Zhaoqing High-tech Zone.

Continue to strengthen the construction of "technological small and medium-sized enterprises - high-tech enterprises - benchmark high-tech enterprises"

The tiered cultivation mechanism is planned to cultivate "gazelle enterprises" and "Double Five" enterprises; it is carried out to build a high-level innovation platform, improve the application scenarios of the enterprise innovation points system, promote technological and financial empowerment, and help enterprises reduce costs and increase credit.

Strive to achieve the goal of total import and export volume of 8.1 billion yuan, total retail sales of consumer goods of 16.8 billion yuan, and actual absorption of foreign investment of 100 million yuan throughout the year. Within the year, we will build the city's first international air cargo hub and jointly apply for the China (Guangdong) Pilot Free Trade Zone with Zhaoqing New District. Zhaoqing Linkage Development Zone.

Further expand the influence of the high-tech zone in the cross-border e-commerce industry chain, promote the action of doubling the efficiency of cross-border e-commerce; accelerate the cultivation and development of multinational companies, and strive to establish the Malaysia-Dawang Industrial Park within the year, with more than 3 companies settled in the park; actively Promote the Qilin Lake Hotel project to create a four-star or above tourist hotel, create Dananshan Forest Park and Jiangjunshan Sports Park into national 3A-level scenic spots, accelerate investment promotion for the Beiwei Granary Cultural and Creative Renovation Project, and continue to promote the extension of the nighttime consumption chain.

In the new year, the Economic, Trade and Science and Technology Bureau of Zhaoqing High-tech Zone will concentrate its energy, strengthen confidence, clarify ideas, solve problems, go all out to complete the annual goals and tasks, and promote the high-quality development of Zhaoqing High-tech Zone with tangible work performance Make greater contributions.

Zhaoqing City very much welcomes technology companies and technology giants to start their own businesses in Zhaoqing.The creative atmosphere in Zhaoqing City is very good.

If you want to invest in China (Duanzhou, Sihui, Gaoyao, Guangning, Deqing, Dinghu, Fengkai, Huaiji), you can contact me directly. I can help foreign investors reduce investment costs.


Website: blog. misdr. net

WhatsApp: +85267274664

Wechat: 13143984664

Wirtschafts- und Handelsbörsen|Lasst uns Investitionen anlocken! „Invest in Guangzhou-Fieber“ erreicht Frankfurt, Deutschland

Wirtschafts- und Handelsbörsen|Lasst uns Investitionen anlocken! „Invest in Guangzhou-Fieber“ erreicht Frankfurt, Deutschland

Investieren Sie in Guangdong 23.02.2024 12:19 Guangdong

Zu Beginn des neuen Jahres, am Abend der Guangzhou High-Quality Development Conference, reiste die Investitionsdelegation von Guangzhou nach Deutschland, um Investitionsförderung durchzuführen.

Am Nachmittag des 20. Februar Ortszeit fand die Wirtschafts- und Handelsaustauschkonferenz zwischen Guangzhou und Deutschland mit dem Thema „In Guangzhou investieren und in die Zukunft investieren“ statt. Der Schwerpunkt der Veranstaltung lag auf der Zusammenarbeit in Schlüsselindustrien und gemeinsamen Investitionsmöglichkeiten. Unterschrift Vor Ort wurden Verträge für intelligente Netzwerkanbindung, Biotechnologie, künstliche Intelligenz, Kulturtourismus usw., Finanzen und viele andere Kooperationsverträge unterzeichnet.

Anwesend waren Mitglieder der Investitionsdelegation aus Guangzhou, der chinesische Generalkonsul in Frankfurt Huang Yangyang, der Vorsitzende der Frankfurter Industrie- und Handelskammer Ulrich Caspar sowie Hunderte Gäste aus chinesischen und deutschen Politik- und Wirtschaftskreisen. Darunter das Wirtschaftsministerium des Landes Hessen, die Hessische Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft, die Industrie- und Handelskammer Frankfurt, die Saarländische Unternehmensförderung und Innovationsagentur, der Deutsche Mittelstandsverband, die Kammer Gießen-Friedberg Industrie- und Handelsminister etc. Regierungs- und Behördenchefs sowie Vertreter namhafter Unternehmen wie Merck, Fresenius, Continental, Schaeffler-Gruppe, Flughafen Frankfurt, Messe Frankfurt und Deutsche Financial Leasing.

Die Guangzhou-Delegation richtete Neujahrsgrüße an die Gäste und die Frankfurter Bevölkerung und sagte, dass China und Deutschland seit der Aufnahme diplomatischer Beziehungen seit mehr als 50 Jahren umfassende strategische Partner seien. Mit Deutschland pflege Guangzhou einen besonders engen Austausch und eine enge Zusammenarbeit. Seit 1988 kooperiert es mit Frankfurt, Düsseldorf, Heidelberg und vielen anderen deutschen Städten, hat freundschaftliche Beziehungen aufgebaut und viele Unternehmen beider Seiten haben ineinander investiert. Guangzhou hat vier herausragende Labels: Kulturstadt, Bevölkerungsstadt, Wirtschaftsstadt und ökologische Stadt. Es sind diese kulturellen, Konsum-, Industrie- und Umweltvorteile, die Guangzhous einzigartige Stadtmarke und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit ausmachen. Es besteht die Hoffnung, dass beide Seiten einander als Gelegenheit nutzen, das Potenzial der Zusammenarbeit in traditionellen Bereichen umfassend auszuschöpfen, die Vitalität der Zusammenarbeit in aufstrebenden Bereichen zu aktivieren und die gute Dynamik des Wirtschafts- und Handelsaustauschs weiter auszubauen.

Wirtschafts- und Handelsbörsen|Lasst uns Investitionen anlocken! „Invest in Guangzhou-Fieber“ erreicht Frankfurt, Deutschland

Casper, Vorsitzender der IHK Frankfurt

Die Bedeutung gegenseitiger Investitionen und gegenseitiger Offenheit zwischen China und Deutschland nimmt von Tag zu Tag zu. Deutschland ist Chinas wichtigster Handelspartner in Europa. China ist seit vielen Jahren in Folge Deutschlands größter Handelspartner. Frankfurt ist der beste Einstiegspunkt den deutschen und europäischen Märkten. China Die Ende letzten Jahres in Deutschland versuchsweise eingeführte 15-tägige visumfreie Einreiseregelung ist ein sehr positives Signal. Kasper stellte die vorteilhaften Branchen in Frankfurt und Umgebung vor, begrüßte die weitere Vertiefung der Zusammenarbeit mit chinesischen Unternehmen und freute sich auf den gegenseitigen Nutzen und die Win-Win-Ergebnisse.

Kasper, Vorsitzender der IHK Frankfurt

Kasper, Vorsitzender der IHK Frankfurt

Huang Xianyang, Generalkonsul von China in Frankfurt

Guangzhou und Frankfurt zeichnen sich durch Offenheit, Integration und Zukunftsorientierung aus und werden die umliegenden Regionen sicherlich dazu anregen, zusammenzuarbeiten und Chancen zu schaffen. China und Deutschland teilen einen breiten Konsens und gemeinsame Interessen und haben breite Perspektiven für eine Zusammenarbeit in Spitzenbereichen wie grüner Entwicklung, intelligenter Fertigung und Biomedizin. Die Wirtschafts- und Handelsbeziehungen bieten viele Chancen. Wir hoffen, dass dieser Wirtschafts- und Handelsaustausch dies tun wird Stärken Sie das Vertrauen beider Parteien, stärken Sie das gegenseitige Vertrauen und arbeiten Sie gemeinsam an der Bewältigung von Herausforderungen und sorgen Sie für eine bessere Zukunft für die Welt. Die chinesisch-deutschen Beziehungen haben neue Impulse erhalten.

Huang Xuanyang, Generalkonsul des chinesischen Generalkonsulats in Frankfurt

Huang Xuanyang, Generalkonsul des chinesischen Generalkonsulats in Frankfurt

      Bei dem Austauschtreffen stellte Hong Qian, Direktor des Guangzhou Municipal Commerce Bureau, den anwesenden Gästen das Geschäftsumfeld von Guangzhou vor und lud weitere deutsche Unternehmen herzlich ein, in Guangzhou zu investieren und sich zu entwickeln.

Hong Qian, Direktor des städtischen Handelsbüros von Guangzhou

Guangzhou entwickelt die Automobilindustrie energisch weiter, insbesondere Elektrofahrzeuge, Biopharmazeutika, grüne Energie, CO2-arme Projekte, Infrastruktur, Raffinerie und Chemie. Guangzhou verfügt über drei Entwicklungszonen auf nationaler Ebene, vier Zollfreiparks auf nationaler Ebene und andere Landeplattformen für Investitionsprojekte, und Nansha verfügt über ein erstklassiges internationales Geschäftsumfeld. Deutsche Unternehmen sind herzlich willkommen, in Guangzhou zu investieren und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten zu teilen.

Bei dem Treffen gab der Chefökonom für China der ICBC Standard Bank in London eine strenge makroökonomische Interpretation der Wirtschaftstätigkeit Chinas. Betram Roth, Vizepräsident der International Investment Promotion Association der Region Frank-Rhein-Main in Deutschland, erläuterte die Wirtschaftslage Vorteile der Region Frankreich-Rhein-Main. Der Bezirk Guangzhou Huangpu demonstrierte die Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten der lokalen biopharmazeutischen Industrie. Vertreter der deutschen Merck-Gruppe und der China General Pharmaceutical Group stellten die industriellen Vorteile ihrer Unternehmen vor. Die Guangzhou Nansha New Area (Freihandelszone) und der Bezirk Huadu förderten nacheinander die Entwicklungsaussichten der intelligenten Konnektivität und der neuen Energiefahrzeugindustrie. Vertreter von Continental, GAC, Guangzhou Industrial Control und anderen Unternehmen hielten ebenfalls Reden.

Im Jahr 1988 wurden Guangzhou und Frankfurt Partnerstädte und die Städtefreundschaft hat eine lange Geschichte. Sui-Germany hat in der Zusammenarbeit in den Bereichen Automobil, Biopharmazeutika, Elektrotechnik, Softwareinformation, Logistik usw. fruchtbare Ergebnisse erzielt und namhafte deutsche multinationale Unternehmen wie ZF, Siemens, Bosch und Konol zur Ansiedlung angezogen Guangzhou. Im Jahr 2023 betrug der gesamte Import- und Exportwert zwischen Guangzhou und Deutschland 42,802 Milliarden Yuan, ein Anstieg von 16,1 % gegenüber dem Vorjahr. Derzeit gibt es in Guangzhou 229 deutsche Unternehmen.

In diesem Jahr plant Guangzhou, 14 Schlüsselgruppen zu organisieren, um in mehr als 20 Ländern und Regionen Werbung zu machen, die Einrichtung von Kontaktstellen für Auslandsinvestitionen zu beschleunigen, jeden Monat mit „Invest Guangzhou Global Partners“ in Kontakt zu treten und die Investitionen in wichtigen Industrieketten zu vertiefen.

Gemäß der allgemeinen Idee „Industrie zuerst, Fertigungsindustrie als Stadt etablieren“ wird sich Guangzhou auf beide Enden der „Lächeln-Kurve“ konzentrieren und Umlenkungen und gezielte Investitionsförderung für vorteilhafte traditionelle Industrien und strategische aufstrebende Industrien durchführen stehen im Einklang mit der industriellen Positionierung von Guangzhou und zerstören die Marke „Investieren Sie in Guangzhou, investieren Sie in die Zukunft“.



Zhaoqing City very much welcomes technology companies and technology giants to start their own businesses in Zhaoqing.The creative atmosphere in Zhaoqing City is very good.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Gaoyao District

Address: No.201, Nanxing 1st Road, Nan'an Street, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Tel:   0086-758-8392673

Fax:  0086-758-8200738




投資廣東 2024-02-23 12:19 廣東



01  外國駐港商會代表座談會

外國駐港商會代表座談會上,德國、日本、義大利、加拿大、奧地利、新加坡、墨西哥等11家外國駐港商會負責人表示看好粵港澳大灣區發展機遇,希望廣東在加強人員往來流動便利、 增加國際航班班次、滿足高技能勞動力需求、設立粵港澳大灣區企業在線資料庫和發放大灣區卡等方面採取有效措施,進一步促進大灣區內各類要素自由流動。 張勁松同志從廣東省的對外合作理念、支持政策、基礎條件和合作途徑等方面給予積極回應。


02  廣東省投資環境宣介會

座談會後,廣東省商務廳與香港總商會聯合舉辦廣東省投資環境宣介會,香港中聯辦經濟部呂峰副部長出席宣介會,香港總商會陳瑞娟常務副主席致辭,十多家外國 駐港商會及阿斯特捷利康、匯豐、武田、雀巢等60多家駐港跨國企業代表與會。


會上張勁松同志做主題推介,向與會嘉賓介紹了剛召開的全省高品質發展大會精神,同時從戰略紅利、市場容量、產業配套、交通條件及生態環境五方面闡述了廣東投資優勢,提出共同 推動製造業投資合作、建構貿易平台等重點合作方向,並對參會企業關注的人工智慧、新能源、數位經濟等風口產業在粵投資政策以及投資合作實務進行一一解讀。


Economic and trade exchanges|The Department of Commerce of Guangdong Province held a symposium for representatives of foreign chambers of commerce in Hong Kong and a briefing on the investment environment of Guangdong Province in Hong Kong

Invest in Guangdong 2024-02-23 12:19 Guangdong

To implement the spirit of the Province's High-Quality Development Conference, construction started at the beginning of the new year. On February 20, Comrade Zhang Jinsong, Director of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Commerce, led a team to Hong Kong to convene a symposium of representatives of foreign chambers of commerce in Hong Kong and hold a Guangdong Province investment environment promotion meeting.

01 Symposium for representatives of foreign chambers of commerce in Hong Kong

At the symposium of representatives of foreign chambers of commerce in Hong Kong, heads of 11 foreign chambers of commerce in Hong Kong, including Germany, Japan, Italy, Canada, Austria, Singapore, and Mexico, expressed their optimism about the development opportunities of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and hoped that Guangdong would strengthen the facilitation of personnel exchanges, Effective measures will be taken to increase the number of international flights, meet the demand for highly skilled labor, establish an online database of enterprises in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and issue Greater Bay Area cards to further promote the free flow of various factors in the Greater Bay Area. Comrade Zhang Jinsong responded positively from the aspects of Guangdong Province’s foreign cooperation concepts, supporting policies, basic conditions and cooperation channels.

02 Guangdong Province Investment Environment Promotion Conference

After the symposium, the Guangdong Provincial Department of Commerce and the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce jointly held a briefing on the investment environment in Guangdong Province. Deputy Minister Lu Feng of the Economic Department of the Liaison Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in Hong Kong attended the briefing. Chen Ruijuan, Executive Vice Chairman of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, delivered a speech. More than a dozen foreign Representatives from the Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong and more than 60 multinational companies based in Hong Kong, including AstraZeneca, HSBC, Takeda and Nestlé, attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Comrade Zhang Jinsong gave a theme promotion and introduced the spirit of the province's high-quality development conference just held to the guests. At the same time, he elaborated on Guangdong's investment advantages from five aspects: strategic dividends, market capacity, industrial supporting facilities, transportation conditions and ecological environment, and proposed common Promote key cooperation directions such as manufacturing investment cooperation and building trade platforms, and interpret investment policies and investment cooperation practices in Guangdong for hot industries such as artificial intelligence, new energy, and digital economy that participating companies are concerned about.


Zhaoqing City very much welcomes technology companies and technology giants to start their own businesses in Zhaoqing.The creative atmosphere in Zhaoqing City is very good.

If you want to invest in China (Duanzhou, Sihui, Gaoyao, Guangning, Deqing, Dinghu, Fengkai, Huaiji), you can contact me directly. I can help foreign investors reduce investment costs.


Website: blog. misdr. net

WhatsApp: +85267274664

Wechat: 13143984664

Friday, February 23, 2024

يتحول أبو بريص الصغير إلى تمساح كبير. ويتحول العشب إلى أشجار شاهقة. يمكن لبيئة الاستثمار في Zhaoqing أن تحول شركتك من شركة صغيرة إلى شركة عالمية متعددة الجنسيات.

 يتحول أبو بريص الصغير إلى تمساح كبير. ويتحول العشب إلى أشجار شاهقة. يمكن لبيئة الاستثمار في Zhaoqing أن تحول شركتك من شركة صغيرة إلى شركة عالمية متعددة الجنسيات.

يبحث رواد الأعمال والمستثمرون حول العالم عن مكان مستقر لبدء أعمالهم.

معظم المستثمرين هم مستثمرون في المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة الحجم. يرغب معظم المستثمرين ورجال الأعمال في توسيع مؤسساتهم الصغيرة والمتوسطة التي تضم ما بين 20 إلى 300 موظف إلى شركات كبيرة متعددة الجنسيات تضم ما بين 5000 إلى 10000 موظف. هذا ما يعتقده معظم رواد الأعمال.

إن فكرة مدينة تشاوتشينغ هي توفير بيئة استثمارية مناسبة للمؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة الحجم في جميع أنحاء العالم.

دع الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة حول العالم تبدأ في النمو في تشاوتشينغ. من شركة صغيرة تضم العشرات من الموظفين، أصبحت شركة متعددة الجنسيات لها أعمال في جميع أنحاء العالم.

المدن الكبرى لديها تكاليف عالية وهي ببساطة ليست مناسبة للمؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة الحجم للبقاء والتطور. هناك العديد من رواد الأعمال والمستثمرين في المدن الكبرى الذين فقدوا أموالهم وأفلسوا في المدن الكبرى. لكن مدينة تشاوتشينغ في الصين تتمتع بموارد رخيصة وأراضي رخيصة، وهي مناسبة أكثر للشركات الصغيرة للبقاء والتطور هنا.

بدلاً من خسارة المال والإفلاس في المدن الكبرى، من الأفضل إنشاء الشركة في تشاوتشينج، الصين، وهي دولة متخلفة اقتصاديًا نسبيًا، مما يضمن على الأقل التشغيل الطبيعي وربحية الشركة.

لقد فشلت بعض الشركات في المدن الكبرى في أن تصبح أكبر وأقوى لسنوات عديدة. حتى إلى حافة الحياة والموت. إنه لأمر مؤسف حقا. لا ينبغي أن تكون أعمال الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة الحجم موجودة في المدن الكبرى، بل في تشاوتشينغ، الصين، وهي متخلفة اقتصاديًا نسبيًا. فقط مدينة تشاوتشينغ، المتخلفة اقتصاديا نسبيا، لديها موارد كافية لتزويد إنتاج وتطوير المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة الحجم. إذا كانت الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة في جميع أنحاء العالم موجودة في المدن الكبرى في جميع أنحاء العالم، وكانت الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة تواجه صعوبة في دفع الإيجار والعمالة، فكيف يمكنها تنمية أعمالها؟ كيف يمكن أن يصبحوا أكبر وأقوى؟ لذلك، يعد اختيار المكان الذي يناسبك مسألة مهمة في الصين يجب على رواد الأعمال أخذها بعين الاعتبار. وبغض النظر عن التكلفة، فمن غير الاقتصادي (غير فعال) وأيضًا سلوك يحفظ ماء الوجه أن يتم تحديد موقع الشركات في مختلف المدن الكبيرة ذات التكاليف المرتفعة.

يعتبر اقتصاد تشاوتشينغ متخلفًا نسبيًا في الصين. لكن وسائل النقل والموقع ليسا الأسوأ. تقع تشاوتشينغ على حافة دلتا نهر اللؤلؤ. بقايا المواد التابعة لدلتا نهر اللؤلؤ. ولم تجذب انتباه المستثمرين العالميين لفترة طويلة. هذا خطأ. تمتلك تشاوتشينغ أغنى موارد الأراضي وموارد المياه في جنوب الصين. تكاليف المياه وتكاليف الكهرباء وتكاليف الأراضي وتكاليف العمالة هي الأدنى في دلتا نهر اللؤلؤ بأكملها. يمكن للشركات التي أفلست بسبب تكاليف مختلفة في دلتا نهر اللؤلؤ تحقيق أرباح على الفور واستعادة حيويتها طالما أنها تنتقل إلى تشاوتشينغ. العديد من رواد الأعمال في جميع أنحاء العالم لا يعرفون تشاوتشينج، لذلك يفوتون فرص تطوير الأعمال ونموها. إذا قمت بإعداد المقر الرئيسي لشركتك في Zhaoqing، أو قمت بإعداد مشروعك في Zhaoqing. إذا كان سوق مبيعاتك يقع في دلتا نهر اللؤلؤ وفي جميع أنحاء العالم، فيمكنك جني الكثير من المال. هذا هو أبسط نموذج اقتصادي.

يمكن للمستثمرين والشركات في جميع أنحاء العالم معرفة المزيد عن تشاوتشينج، الصين.

يتحول أبو بريص الصغير إلى تمساح كبير. ويتحول العشب إلى أشجار شاهقة. يمكن لبيئة الاستثمار في Zhaoqing أن تحول شركتك من شركة صغيرة إلى شركة عالمية متعددة الجنسيات.

Zhaoqing City very much welcomes technology companies and technology giants to start their own businesses in Zhaoqing.The creative atmosphere in Zhaoqing City is very good.

If you want to invest in China (Duanzhou, Sihui, Gaoyao, Guangning, Deqing, Dinghu, Fengkai, Huaiji), you can contact me directly. I can help foreign investors reduce investment costs.


Website: blog. misdr. net

WhatsApp: +85267274664

Wechat: 13143984664

Der kleine Gecko verwandelt sich in ein großes Krokodil. Das Gras verwandelt sich in hoch aufragende Bäume. Das Investitionsumfeld von Zhaoqing kann Ihr Unternehmen von einem kleinen zu einem globalen multinationalen Unternehmen machen.

 Der kleine Gecko verwandelt sich in ein großes Krokodil. Das Gras verwandelt sich in hoch aufragende Bäume. Das Investitionsumfeld von Zhaoqing kann Ihr Unternehmen von einem kleinen zu einem globalen multinationalen Unternehmen machen.

Unternehmer und Investoren auf der ganzen Welt suchen nach einem stabilen Ort für die Gründung ihres Unternehmens.

Bei den meisten Anlegern handelt es sich um Klein- und Mittelunternehmen. Die meisten Investoren und Unternehmer möchten ihre kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen mit 20–300 Mitarbeitern zu großen multinationalen Unternehmen mit 5.000–10.000 Mitarbeitern ausbauen. Das denken die meisten Unternehmer.

Es ist die Idee der Stadt Zhaoqing, ein geeignetes Investitionsumfeld für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt zu schaffen.

Lassen Sie kleine und mittlere Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt in Zhaoqing wachsen. Von einem kleinen Unternehmen mit Dutzenden von Mitarbeitern hat es sich zu einem multinationalen Unternehmen mit Geschäften auf der ganzen Welt entwickelt.

Großstädte sind mit hohen Kosten verbunden und eignen sich einfach nicht für das Überleben und die Entwicklung kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen. Es gibt viele Unternehmer und Investoren in Großstädten, die sogar Geld verloren haben und in Großstädten bankrott gegangen sind. Aber die Stadt Zhaoqing in China verfügt über günstige Ressourcen und billiges Land, was für kleine Unternehmen am besten geeignet ist, hier zu überleben und sich zu entwickeln.

Anstatt Geld zu verlieren und in Großstädten bankrott zu gehen, ist es besser, das Unternehmen im wirtschaftlich relativ rückständigen Zhaoqing in China zu gründen, was zumindest den normalen Betrieb und die Rentabilität des Unternehmens gewährleistet.

Manchen Unternehmen in Großstädten ist es seit vielen Jahren nicht gelungen, größer und stärker zu werden. Bis an den Rand von Leben und Tod. Es ist wirklich schade. Die Geschäfte kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen sollten nicht in Großstädten angesiedelt sein, sondern im wirtschaftlich relativ rückständigen China Zhaoqing. Nur die wirtschaftlich relativ rückständige Stadt Zhaoqing verfügt über ausreichende Ressourcen, um die Produktion und Entwicklung kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen zu ermöglichen. Wenn kleine und mittlere Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt in großen Städten auf der ganzen Welt ansässig sind und kleine und mittlere Unternehmen Schwierigkeiten haben, Miete und Arbeitskräfte zu bezahlen, wie können sie dann ihr Geschäft ausbauen? Wie können sie größer und stärker werden? Daher ist die Wahl eines Ortes, der zu Ihnen passt, in China ein wichtiges Thema, das Unternehmer berücksichtigen müssen. Unabhängig von den Kosten ist es unwirtschaftlich (ineffizient) und auch ein gesichtswahrendes Verhalten, Unternehmen in verschiedenen Großstädten mit hohen Kosten anzusiedeln.

Die Wirtschaft von Zhaoqing ist in China relativ rückständig. Aber seine Transportmöglichkeiten und seine Lage sind nicht die schlechtesten. Zhaoqing liegt am Rande des Perlflussdeltas. Überbleibsel aus dem Perlflussdelta. Es hat schon lange nicht mehr die Aufmerksamkeit weltweiter Investoren auf sich gezogen. Das ist falsch. Zhaoqing verfügt über die reichsten Landressourcen und Wasserressourcen in Südchina. Wasserkosten, Stromkosten, Landkosten und Arbeitskosten sind die niedrigsten im gesamten Perlflussdelta. Unternehmen, die aufgrund verschiedener Kosten im Perlflussdelta in Konkurs gegangen sind, können sofort Gewinne erzielen und ihre Vitalität wiedererlangen, solange sie nach Zhaoqing umziehen. Viele Unternehmer auf der ganzen Welt kennen Zhaoqing nicht und verpassen daher Chancen für Geschäftsentwicklung und Wachstum. Wenn Sie Ihren Firmensitz in Zhaoqing einrichten oder Ihr Projekt in Zhaoqing einrichten. Wenn Ihr Absatzmarkt im Perlflussdelta und auf der ganzen Welt liegt, können Sie viel Geld verdienen. Dies ist das einfachste Wirtschaftsmodell.

Investoren und Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt können mehr über Zhaoqing, China, erfahren.

Der kleine Gecko verwandelt sich in ein großes Krokodil. Das Gras verwandelt sich in hoch aufragende Bäume. Das Investitionsumfeld von Zhaoqing kann Ihr Unternehmen von einem kleinen zu einem globalen multinationalen Unternehmen machen.

Zhaoqing City very much welcomes technology companies and technology giants to start their own businesses in Zhaoqing.The creative atmosphere in Zhaoqing City is very good.

If you want to invest in China (Duanzhou, Sihui, Gaoyao, Guangning, Deqing, Dinghu, Fengkai, Huaiji), you can contact me directly. I can help foreign investors reduce investment costs.


Website: blog. misdr. net

WhatsApp: +85267274664

Wechat: 13143984664

The little gecko turns into a big crocodile. The grass turns into towering trees. Zhaoqing's investment environment can turn your company from a small to a global multinational.

The little gecko turns into a big crocodile. The grass turns into towering trees. Zhaoqing's investment environment can turn your company from a small to a global multinational.

The little gecko turns into a big crocodile. The grass turns into towering trees. Zhaoqing's investment environment can turn your company from a small to a global multinational.

The little gecko turns into a big crocodile. The grass turns into towering trees. Zhaoqing's investment environment can turn your company from a small to a global multinational.

The little gecko turns into a big crocodile. The grass turns into towering trees. Zhaoqing's investment environment can turn your company from a small to a global multinational.

The little gecko turns into a big crocodile. The grass turns into towering trees. Zhaoqing's investment environment can turn your company from a small to a global multinational.

Entrepreneurs and investors around the world are looking for a stable place to start their business.

Most investors are small and medium-sized enterprise investors. Most investors and entrepreneurs want to expand their small and medium-sized enterprises with 20-300 employees into large multinational companies with 5,000-10,000 employees. This is what most entrepreneurs think.

The little gecko turns into a big crocodile. The grass turns into towering trees. Zhaoqing's investment environment can turn your company from a small to a global multinational.

The little gecko turns into a big crocodile. The grass turns into towering trees. Zhaoqing's investment environment can turn your company from a small to a global multinational.

It is Zhaoqing City's idea to provide a suitable investment environment for small and medium-sized enterprises around the world.

Let small and medium-sized enterprises around the world start growing in Zhaoqing. From a small company with dozens of employees, it has become a multinational enterprise with business all over the world.

The little gecko turns into a big crocodile. The grass turns into towering trees. Zhaoqing's investment environment can turn your company from a small to a global multinational.

The little gecko turns into a big crocodile. The grass turns into towering trees. Zhaoqing's investment environment can turn your company from a small to a global multinational.

Big cities have high costs and are simply not suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises to survive and develop. There are many entrepreneurs and investors in big cities who have even lost money and gone bankrupt in big cities. But Zhaoqing City in China has cheap resources and cheap land, which is most suitable for small businesses to survive and develop here.

Instead of losing money and going bankrupt in big cities, it is better to set up the company in Zhaoqing, China, which is relatively economically backward, which at least ensures the normal operation and profitability of the company.

Some companies in big cities have failed to become bigger and stronger for many years. Even to the edge of life and death. It's really a pity. The business of small and medium-sized enterprises should not be located in big cities, but in Zhaoqing, China, which is relatively economically backward. Only Zhaoqing City, which is relatively economically backward, has sufficient resources to supply the production and development of small and medium-sized enterprises. If small and medium-sized enterprises all over the world are located in big cities around the world, and small and medium-sized enterprises have difficulty paying rent and labor, how can they grow their business? How can they become bigger and stronger? Therefore, choosing a place that suits you is an important issue in China that entrepreneurs need to consider. Regardless of cost, it is uneconomical (inefficient) and also a face-saving behavior to locate companies in various large cities with high costs.

The little gecko turns into a big crocodile. The grass turns into towering trees. Zhaoqing's investment environment can turn your company from a small to a global multinational.

The little gecko turns into a big crocodile. The grass turns into towering trees. Zhaoqing's investment environment can turn your company from a small to a global multinational.

The little gecko turns into a big crocodile. The grass turns into towering trees. Zhaoqing's investment environment can turn your company from a small to a global multinational.

The little gecko turns into a big crocodile. The grass turns into towering trees. Zhaoqing's investment environment can turn your company from a small to a global multinational.

Zhaoqing's economy is relatively backward in China. But its transportation and location are not the worst. Zhaoqing is located on the edge of the Pearl River Delta. Leftover materials belonging to the Pearl River Delta. It has not attracted the attention of world investors for a long time. This is wrong. Zhaoqing has the richest land resources and water resources in South China. Water costs, electricity costs, land costs, and labor costs are the lowest in the entire Pearl River Delta. Enterprises that have gone bankrupt due to various costs in the Pearl River Delta can immediately make profits and regain their vitality as long as they move to Zhaoqing. Many entrepreneurs around the world don't know Zhaoqing, so they miss opportunities for business development and growth. If you set up your corporate headquarters in Zhaoqing, or you set up your project in Zhaoqing. If your sales market is in the Pearl River Delta and around the world, you can make a lot of money. This is the simplest economic model.

Investors and businesses around the world can learn more about Zhaoqing, China.

The little gecko turns into a big crocodile. The grass turns into towering trees. Zhaoqing's investment environment can turn your company from a small to a global multinational.

小さなヤモリが大きなワニに変わります。 草はそびえ立つ木に変わります。 肇慶市の投資環境は、あなたの会社を小規模から世界的な多国籍企業に変えることができます。


投資家の多くは中小企業の投資家です。 ほとんどの投資家や起業家は、従業員 20 ~ 300 人の中小企業を従業員 5,000 ~ 10,000 人の大規模な多国籍企業に拡大したいと考えています。 これはほとんどの起業家が考えていることです。


世界中の中小企業が肇慶で成長を始めましょう。 従業員数十人の小さな会社から、世界中で事業を展開する多国籍企業に成長しました。

大都市はコストが高く、中小企業が生き残って発展するにはまったく適していません。 大都市には損失を出し破産した起業家や投資家もたくさんいます。 しかし、中国の肇慶市には資源も土地も安いため、中小企業が生き残り、発展するのに最適です。


大都市の一部の企業は、長年にわたり規模を拡大し、強くすることができませんでした。 生死の境まで。 本当に残念です。 中小企業のビジネスは大都市ではなく、比較的経済的に遅れている中国の肇慶市にあるべきである。 比較的経済的に遅れている肇慶市だけが、中小企業の生産と発展を供給するのに十分な資源を持っている。 世界中の中小企業が世界中の大都市にあり、中小企業が家賃や人件費を支払うのが難しい場合、どうやってビジネスを成長させることができるでしょうか? どうすれば彼らはより大きく、より強くなれるのでしょうか? したがって、中国では自分に合った場所を選ぶことが起業家にとって考慮すべき重要な問題です。 コストに関係なく、コストの高いさまざまな大都市に企業を立地させるのは不経済(非効率)であり、面子を保つ行動でもあります。

肇慶市の経済は中国の中でも比較的遅れている。 しかし、交通の便と場所は最悪ではありません。 肇慶市は珠江デルタの端に位置しています。 珠江デルタに属する残骸。 長い間、世界の投資家の注目を集めていませんでした。 これは間違っています。 肇慶市は中国南部で最も豊かな土地資源と水資源を持っています。 水道代、電気代、土地代、人件費は珠江デルタ全体の中で最も低い。 珠江デルタでさまざまなコストが発生して倒産した企業も、肇慶に移転すればすぐに利益を上げて活力を取り戻すことができる。 世界中の多くの起業家は肇慶市を知らないため、事業の発展と成長の機会を逃しています。 肇慶市に本社を設立する場合、または肇慶市にプロジェクトを設立する場合。 販売市場が珠江デルタおよび世界中にある場合、多額の利益を得ることができます。 これは最も単純な経済モデルです。


小さなヤモリが大きなワニに変わります。 草はそびえ立つ木に変わります。 肇慶市の投資環境は、あなたの会社を小規模から世界的な多国籍企業に変えることができます。

Zhaoqing City very much welcomes technology companies and technology giants to start their own businesses in Zhaoqing.The creative atmosphere in Zhaoqing City is very good.

If you want to invest in China (Duanzhou, Sihui, Gaoyao, Guangning, Deqing, Dinghu, Fengkai, Huaiji), you can contact me directly. I can help foreign investors reduce investment costs.


Website: blog. misdr. net

WhatsApp: +85267274664

Wechat: 13143984664

Zhaoqing New District investment promotion team quickly implements high-quality development requirements-China investment-Investment paradise

Zhaoqing New District investment promotion team quickly implements high-quality development requirements

Released by Zhaoqing New District 2024-02-23 22:09 Guangdong

After the high-quality development conference of Guangdong Province, Zhaoqing City, and Zhaoqing New District was held, the investment promotion team of Zhaoqing New District responded quickly, conveyed the learning and implementation as soon as possible, took the initiative and visited enterprises as soon as possible, sprinted from the beginning, accelerated from the beginning, and will be high-quality. Quality development requirements are implemented.

After the provincial, municipal and district high-quality development conference was held, the Economic Promotion Bureau immediately held a party branch (enlarged) meeting to convey the spirit of the study conference and study and deploy the implementation opinions. The main responsible comrade of the Zhaoqing New District Economic Promotion Bureau said that next, it will fully implement and thoroughly implement the spirit of the provincial, municipal, and district high-quality development conferences, actively respond to the calls of the municipal party committee, the municipal government, and the New District Party Working Committee and Management Committee, consolidate and deepen The results of the "Industrial Investment Promotion and Implementation Battle" focus on the "2+3" leading and characteristic industry investment promotion, accelerate the development of new productive forces, strengthen new momentum, cultivate new advantages, and strive to contribute more to the high-quality development of the two districts.

Zhaoqing New District investment promotion team quickly implements high-quality development requirements

Meet with interested companies

On February 20, 2024, the leaders in charge of the investment promotion committees of the two districts (Dinghu District and Zhaoqing New District) led the main responsible comrades of the Economic Promotion Bureau, Land Reserve Center and other departments to Guangzhou and Foshan to visit five interested companies, send New Year blessings, and discuss Conduct in-depth exchanges on project cooperation, understand the company's New Year vision and investment plan, put forward investment suggestions, sincerely invite companies to visit the two districts, experience the unique advantages of the new district in terms of business environment, and strive to promote cooperation between the two parties.

Zhaoqing New District investment promotion team quickly implements high-quality development requirements

On February 22, 2024, the two districts (Dinghu District, Zhaoqing New District) joint investment center working group

Went to Foshan to visit three interested companies, had in-depth conversations with the company leaders, understood the production and operation of the companies, discussed cooperation plans in depth, and sincerely invited interested companies to come to Zhaoqing New District and Dinghu District for on-site inspections and have in-depth exchanges on project cooperation.

Zhaoqing New District investment promotion team quickly implements high-quality development requirements

Entrepreneurs said that Zhaoqing New District and Dinghu District have outstanding location advantages and superior business environment. The investment promotion department has warm service, fast action, and courageous officers. Everyone can fully feel the booming enthusiasm of Zhaoqing and are willing to further deepen cooperation with the new district. cooperation and exchange to jointly build a modern new city with high-quality development.

Meet with established companies

On February 21, 2024, the main responsible comrades of the New District Economic Promotion Bureau led a special research team to visit the companies that have been established in the New District, and extended sincere New Year greetings to the companies. On the one hand, they understood the production and operation conditions of the companies and provided support to the best of their ability. On the other hand, it promotes business attraction, actively mobilizes entrepreneurs to provide more investment clues, supports the new district in attracting investment, and invests in the new district with like-minded partners, promotes the development of industrial agglomeration, and jointly builds a beautiful Zhaoqing New District.

Zhaoqing New District investment promotion team quickly implements high-quality development requirements

Entrepreneurs said that the business-related services in Zhaoqing New District and Dinghu District are fast and professional. After the project was launched, they have always cared about supporting the production and operation of enterprises and tried their best to provide various assistance, which strengthened their confidence and determination to develop in the two districts. They will work hard to start a business and make it bigger and stronger. At the same time, they will actively promote the new area and mobilize their "circle of friends" to invest and start businesses in the new area to help the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry in the two areas.

We believe that with the active efforts of the investment promotion teams of the two districts, Zhaoqing New District will surely open up a new chapter in investment promotion, promote mutual reinforcement of science and technology and industry, and deliver a "new answer sheet" for high-quality development.



肇慶新区公開 2024-02-23 22:09 広東省


道、市、地区の質の高い発展会議が開催された後、経済振興局は直ちに党支部(拡大)会議を開催し、研究会議の精神を伝え、実施意見を検討し展開した。 肇慶新区経済促進局の主な責任同志は、次に、省、市、区の高品質発展会議の精神を徹底的に実行し、徹底し、市党委員会の呼びかけに積極的に応え、市政府、新地区党活動委員会、管理委員会は、「産業投資促進・実行闘争」の結果を強化し、「2+3」の主導的かつ特色ある産業投資促進に重点を置き、新たな産業投資促進の発展を加速する。生産力を強化し、新たな勢いを強化し、新たな利点を培い、両地区の質の高い発展にさらに貢献するよう努めます。


2024年2月20日、2つの地区(鼎湖区と肇慶新区)の投資促進委員会の責任者は、経済促進局、土地保護センターおよびその他の部門の主要責任者を率いて広州と仏山を訪問した。関心のある企業5社が新年の祝福を送り、議論する プロジェクト協力に関する綿密な交流を実施し、企業の新年ビジョンと投資計画を理解し、投資提案を提出し、企業を心から2つの地区に訪問するよう招待し、独自の利点を体験するビジネス環境の面で新しい地区を開拓し、両者間の協力の促進に努めます。

2024 年 2 月 22 日、両地区(鼎湖区、肇慶新区)共同投資センター作業部会

佛山市に行き、関心のある企業3社を訪問し、企業のリーダーと綿密な会話を交わし、企業の生産と運営を理解し、協力計画について深く議論し、関心のある企業に肇慶新区と鼎湖区に来てもらうよう心から招待した。 -現地視察を行い、プロジェクト協力について深い意見交換を行う。




起業家らは、肇慶新区と鼎湖区のビジネス関連サービスは迅速かつ専門的であり、プロジェクト開始後も常に企業の生産と運営のサポートに気を配り、さまざまな支援を提供することに全力を尽くし、その結果、企業のサービスが強化されたと述べた。二つの地区で発展する自信と決意。 彼らは、起業して事業を大きく強くするために一生懸命努力すると同時に、新しい分野を積極的に宣伝し、「友人の輪」を動員して新しい分野への投資や起業を行い、高品質なビジネスを支援します。 2つの分野における製造業の発展。



Il team di promozione degli investimenti del nuovo distretto di Zhaoqing implementa rapidamente requisiti di sviluppo di alta qualità

Rilasciato da Zhaoqing New District il 23/02/2024 22:09 Guangdong

Dopo la conferenza sullo sviluppo di alta qualità della provincia di Guangdong, della città di Zhaoqing e del nuovo distretto di Zhaoqing, il team di promozione degli investimenti del nuovo distretto di Zhaoqing ha risposto rapidamente, ha trasmesso l'apprendimento e l'implementazione il prima possibile, ha preso l'iniziativa e ha visitato le imprese il prima possibile il più possibile, sprint dall'inizio, accelerato dall'inizio e sarà di alta qualità. I ​​requisiti di sviluppo della qualità sono implementati.

Dopo la conferenza provinciale, municipale e distrettuale sullo sviluppo di alta qualità, l'Ufficio per la promozione economica ha immediatamente tenuto una riunione (allargata) dei rami del partito per trasmettere lo spirito della conferenza di studio e studiare e diffondere le opinioni sull'attuazione. Il principale compagno responsabile dell'Ufficio per la promozione economica del nuovo distretto di Zhaoqing ha affermato che in seguito attuerà pienamente e attuerà completamente lo spirito delle conferenze sullo sviluppo di alta qualità provinciali, municipali e distrettuali, risponderà attivamente agli appelli del comitato municipale del partito, il governo municipale, il comitato di lavoro e il comitato di gestione del nuovo partito distrettuale, consolidano e approfondiscono i risultati della "battaglia per la promozione e l'implementazione degli investimenti industriali" si concentrano sulla promozione degli investimenti industriali leader e caratteristica "2+3", accelerano lo sviluppo di nuovi forze produttive, rafforzare un nuovo slancio, coltivare nuovi vantaggi e sforzarsi di contribuire maggiormente allo sviluppo di alta qualità dei due distretti.

Incontro con le aziende interessate

Il 20 febbraio 2024, i leader responsabili dei comitati di promozione degli investimenti dei due distretti (distretto di Dinghu e nuovo distretto di Zhaoqing) hanno guidato i principali compagni responsabili dell'Ufficio per la promozione economica, del Centro della riserva fondiaria e di altri dipartimenti a Guangzhou e Foshan in visita cinque aziende interessate, inviare benedizioni per il nuovo anno e discutere Condurre scambi approfonditi sulla cooperazione progettuale, comprendere la visione aziendale per il nuovo anno e il piano di investimenti, avanzare suggerimenti di investimento, invitare sinceramente le aziende a visitare i due distretti, sperimentare i vantaggi unici del nuovo distretto in termini di ambiente imprenditoriale e si sforzano di promuovere la cooperazione tra le due parti.

Il 22 febbraio 2024, il gruppo di lavoro congiunto del centro di investimento dei due distretti (distretto di Dinghu, nuovo distretto di Zhaoqing)

Sono andato a Foshan per visitare tre aziende interessate, ho avuto conversazioni approfondite con i leader dell'azienda, ho compreso la produzione e il funzionamento delle aziende, ho discusso in modo approfondito i piani di cooperazione e ho invitato sinceramente le aziende interessate a venire nel nuovo distretto di Zhaoqing e nel distretto di Dinghu per un - sopralluoghi in loco e scambi approfonditi sulla cooperazione progettuale.

Gli imprenditori hanno affermato che il nuovo distretto di Zhaoqing e il distretto di Dinghu hanno eccezionali vantaggi in termini di posizione e un ambiente imprenditoriale superiore. Il dipartimento di promozione degli investimenti offre un servizio cordiale, un'azione rapida e funzionari coraggiosi. Tutti possono sentire pienamente il crescente entusiasmo di Zhaoqing e sono disposti ad approfondire ulteriormente la cooperazione con il nuovo distretto, cooperazione e scambio per costruire insieme una nuova città moderna con uno sviluppo di alta qualità.

Incontra aziende affermate

Il 21 febbraio 2024, i principali compagni responsabili dell’Ufficio per la promozione economica del Nuovo Distretto hanno guidato uno speciale gruppo di ricerca per visitare le aziende che si sono stabilite nel Nuovo Distretto e hanno rivolto alle aziende sinceri auguri di Capodanno. hanno compreso le condizioni produttive e operative delle aziende e hanno fornito supporto al meglio delle loro capacità, dall'altro promuove l'attrazione delle imprese, mobilita attivamente gli imprenditori per fornire maggiori indizi di investimento, supporta il nuovo distretto nell'attrarre investimenti e investe in il nuovo distretto con partner che la pensano allo stesso modo, promuove lo sviluppo dell'agglomerazione industriale e costruisce insieme un bellissimo nuovo distretto di Zhaoqing.

Gli imprenditori hanno affermato che i servizi legati alle imprese nel nuovo distretto di Zhaoqing e nel distretto di Dinghu sono rapidi e professionali. Dopo il lancio del progetto, si sono sempre preoccupati di sostenere la produzione e il funzionamento delle imprese e hanno fatto del loro meglio per fornire vari tipi di assistenza, il che ha rafforzato la loro fiducia e determinazione per svilupparsi nei due distretti. Lavoreranno duramente per avviare un'impresa e renderla più grande e più forte. Allo stesso tempo, promuoveranno attivamente la nuova area e mobiliteranno la loro "cerchia di amici" per investire e avviare imprese nella nuova area per aiutare le aree di alta qualità. sviluppo dell’industria manifatturiera nelle due aree.

Credo che con gli sforzi attivi dei team di promozione degli investimenti dei due distretti, il Nuovo Distretto di Zhaoqing aprirà sicuramente un nuovo capitolo nella promozione degli investimenti, promuoverà il rafforzamento reciproco della scienza, della tecnologia e dell'industria e fornirà un "nuovo foglio di risposta" per sviluppo di alta qualità.

Zhaoqing City very much welcomes technology companies and technology giants to start their own businesses in Zhaoqing.The creative atmosphere in Zhaoqing City is very good.

If you want to invest in China (Duanzhou, Sihui, Gaoyao, Guangning, Deqing, Dinghu, Fengkai, Huaiji), you can contact me directly. I can help foreign investors reduce investment costs.


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