Sunday, January 29, 2023

"Full of confidence in the future and Zhaoqing!" The representatives of Zhaoqing enterprises talked about high-quality development

"Full of confidence in the future and Zhaoqing!" The representatives of Zhaoqing enterprises talked about high-quality development

Issued by Zhaoqing at 20:03 on January 29, 2023 in Guangdong

People work hard and spring comes early.

The provincial high-quality development conference was held in Guangzhou on January 28. In the afternoon of that day, Zhaoqing set up ten sub-venues to organize the relevant personnel of the Party, government and enterprises to discuss in groups around the ten aspects of promoting high-quality development, and to plan the work ideas and work projects of this year.

During the period, representatives of participating enterprises

Anchor high-quality development goals,

Based on the actual development of Zhaoqing,

Express their opinions and suggestions.

The spring breeze outside the venue still carries the chill,

The delegates in the conference hall were talking heartily,

Promote Zhaoqing to forge ahead

At this moment, all burst out.

Wang Jiansheng, Deputy Project General Manager of Zhongnan High-tech Company in Duanzhou District

Build a first-class industrial park to help manufacturing enterprises develop and take off

Zhongnan Hi-Tech · Zhaoqing Duanzhou Shuanglong Scientific and Technological Innovation Industrial Valley is the first project to be settled in Zhaoqing Shuanglong Modern Industrial Park, and was awarded the title of "Duanzhou District Industrial Demonstration Base". During the first group discussion, Wang Jiansheng introduced that the industrial valley project built by the company is based on the development of emerging industrial parks, relying on the strong electronic information industry in Duanzhou District, and focusing on the development of electronic information, advanced equipment intelligent manufacturing, electrical machinery, new materials and other leading industries. Up to now, the project has introduced 52 enterprises that meet the requirements of industrial regulations into the park, with a total investment of nearly 1 billion yuan. After the project is put into operation, it is estimated that the annual output value will exceed 1 billion yuan and the tax revenue will be 39 million yuan; Among them, 20 non-local enterprises, 21 high-tax enterprises, 9 state-owned enterprises, 3 foreign-funded enterprises, and 2 specialized and special new enterprises have formed an industrial cluster of electronic information, its upstream and downstream, and advanced equipment manufacturing. "This year, it is planned to introduce 30 enterprises to make use of the local investment environment and the influence of the Central South Group to dig deep into high-quality enterprises such as Guangfo and Shenguanhui to invest in the end." He also said that while providing high-quality carriers, the Central South Hi-Tech also built a "2+4+6+N" service system, developed an information platform for service enterprises, and jointly built a Sino-German Manufacturing Research Institute with Wu Xiaobo's team to promote the progress and growth of enterprises in the park.

Data map of Shuanglong Modern Industrial Park. Photographed by Liang Xiaoming, reporter of Xijiang Daily

△ Data map of Shuanglong Modern Industrial Park. Photographed by Liang Xiaoming, reporter of Xijiang Daily

"In 2023, the economy will gradually improve, and we are full of confidence in the future and Zhaoqing!" Xie Fengyun said when the first group participated in the group discussion. The project of Sihui Wanyang Maker City is planned to use 500 mu of land, with a total investment of 1.5 billion yuan. It will start construction after the land is handed over in August 2021, and is expected to be put into production in May this year. It is expected to introduce more than 100 enterprises closely around the "1+1+2" leading industry direction of Zhaoqing. Up to now, there are 43 investment enterprises in Wanyang Maker City, with a total investment area of 220000 square meters. All the settled enterprises come from Guangzhou-Foshan, both of which are spillover enterprises. In 2023, the new construction area of the project will be about 200000 square meters, and the new investment in fixed assets will be about 400 million yuan. At the same time, it is planned to introduce about 30 enterprises in line with the industrial direction this year, centering on the investment promotion goal of upgrading large industrial clusters. In order to meet the production needs of delivery enterprises, the project also focuses on building three service systems, constantly improving the soft and hard environment of the park, and making every effort to open up the industrial chain, introduce service leaders and characteristic enterprises, promote the improvement of quality and efficiency or transformation and upgrading of enterprises, and contribute to the high-quality development of Zhaoqing.

△ Data chart. Released by Sihui City Cartographic Resources Conference

Mao Fang, Director of External Relations Department of Guangdong Ruiqing Times New Energy Technology Co., Ltd

Focus on industry chain investment and accelerate supplier localization

"Last year was the first year that Ruiqing era took root in Zhaoqing. With the close attention and full support of relevant departments, we got a gratifying report card with an annual output value of nearly 9 billion yuan." Mao Fang said in the second group discussion that at present, there are 120 suppliers of productive materials in Ruiqing base, but there are few suppliers in Zhaoqing. Therefore, accelerating the localization of suppliers is one of the priorities of Ruiqing era operation this year. Next, Ruiqing Times will continue to play the role of a bridge, make every effort to contact and communicate with the local departments of the suppliers who intend to settle in Zhaoqing, and promote them to settle in Zhaoqing. In addition, it will actively learn about the local high-quality enterprises related to the new energy industry in Zhaoqing, and promote the establishment of cooperative relations, "We hope to develop more local suppliers in Ruiqing era and speed up the localization of supporting supply based on supply chain security and supply chain investment," said Mao Fang.


△ Data map of Ruiqing era. Photographed by Wang Zhenyu

Ruan Shanshan, General Manager of Pingqian International Company in Zhaoqing New Area

Give full play to the advantages of the platform and provide the largest auxiliary role for the introduction of foreign capital

"We have been rooted in the Yangtze River Delta region for more than ten years, especially in attracting talents and foreign enterprises, which are very abundant. In the future, we can provide Zhaoqing with the largest auxiliary role in attracting investment and foreign enterprises in the region." Ruan Shanshan said at the second group discussion that with the new optimization and adjustment of epidemic prevention and control policies, the international market will be further opened, It is suggested that Zhaoqing further strengthen the research on the target investment objects and policies, and introduce more incentive policies. Pingqian International will also further play its role as a platform and resource advantages, continue to innovate the ways and methods of recruitment, and attract more foreign enterprises to know, choose and invest in Zhaoqing.


△ Pingqian International Information Map. Issued by Zhaoqing New Area, Tuyuan

Yi Zhengfei, Executive Director of Zhaoqing Port Company

Accelerate the construction of ports and terminals by categories

"Investment" is the topic of discussion in the third group of Yi Zhengfei. He said that in 2023, the company will implement the investment and construction of key projects in the fields of port and wharf construction, new ship manufacturing, LNG filling station construction, etc. in accordance with the requirements of "three years of project and two years of work".

In terms of the projects that have been started, the construction of Fengkai Changgang, Deqing Jiushi, Deqing Yuecheng and Xinji Bay will be accelerated. The four projects will be started in 2022, with a total investment of 242 million yuan by the end of 2022; The overall investment target is planned to be 1.725 billion yuan in 2023; It is planned to be completed and put into use in December 2024.

In terms of preparation projects, we will gradually promote the construction of Suijiang, Gaoyao Kongwan, Deqing Huilong (signed) and other wharf projects, assist in the construction of Gaoyao Jingang wharf, and simultaneously expand the company's M&A business.

At the same time, around Dapai Mine, Gulishan, Dalingtou, Shirengding and other mining areas and surrounding industrial parks, the company plans to build four temporary sand and gravel channels to provide equipment leasing services to meet temporary loading and unloading needs.


△ Construction site data map of Yuecheng Town Project, Deqing County, Zhaoqing City. Tuyuan Zhaoqing Transportation

Xiao Bin, Vice President of Zhaoqing Xiaopeng New Energy Investment Co., Ltd

Promote more new energy vehicle supporting industries to settle in Zhaoqing

Focusing on the topic of group discussion in the fourth group, "Xingye", Xiao Bin said that this year, while continuing to innovate and maintain growth, Xiaopeng Automobile will fully cooperate with Zhaoqing City and the High-tech Zone in accordance with the requirements of high-quality development at the provincial and municipal levels, focusing on operation based on increment, upgrading based on stock, and technological innovation based on variables, increasing its capacity in intelligent manufacturing, quality control, research and development, and continuing to invest in the production of new models, Actively cooperate to promote Zhaoqing's new energy automobile industry to gather momentum, strengthen, supplement and stabilize the chain by "chain", give full play to the "wild goose effect" of chain owners, promote more new energy automobile supporting industries to settle down and gather in Zhaoqing, increase R&D and innovation work, and continue to build an intelligent green benchmarking factory, contributing to accelerating the construction of Zhaoqing into the western growth pole of the core area of the Pearl River Delta and a modern new city in the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao.


△ Data map of Xiaopeng Automobile. Photographed by Wang Zhenyu

Li Feng, General Manager of Guangdong Jintian Copper Co., Ltd

Continue to promote transformation and upgrading, expand and force manufacturing

When participating in the fourth group discussion, Li Feng said that this year, Jintian Copper will, in accordance with the overall requirements of the national "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan", closely focus on the decision-making and deployment of Zhaoqing City's "strong industry and manufacturing priority", adhere to scientific and technological innovation, continue to promote transformation and upgrading, continue to expand the mandatory manufacturing industry, make full use of the new energy industry in Zhaoqing that has formed scale effect, and continue to promote the investment and expansion of relevant products such as automotive professional electromagnetic wire products, Actively do a good job in supporting new energy industries such as Xiaopeng Automobile, and plan to carry out bulk commodity trade of aluminum raw materials such as aluminum rods and aluminum ingots in areas such as Sihui and Zhaoqing High-tech Zone, so as to further provide services for the raw materials of local new energy industry and aluminum industry, and strive to contribute to the high-quality development of Zhaoqing.


△ The staff in the special electromagnetic wire workshop for new energy vehicles of Guangdong Jintian Copper Co., Ltd. are installing and winding the spool. Photographed by Wu Yinglin, reporter of Xijiang Daily

Wang Guo'an, General Manager of Guangdong Xizhen Circuit Technology Co., Ltd

Put digitalization into every link of management and production

Wang Guoan said in the fourth group discussion that Xizhen Circuit will continue to promote digital transformation in 2023, further optimize production efficiency, make full use of 5G technology, AR technology and other in-depth optimization of production line level application scenarios, build a real-time monitoring network for the entire production line, and generally enter digitalization into every link of management and production. It will give full play to the pulling effect of the two giants, Xiaopeng Automobile and Ruiqing Times, keep up with market demand, continue to make efforts in new products, gradually realize product diversification, and effectively improve the market competitiveness of enterprises. At the same time, the company will comprehensively optimize the talent policy, further refine the curriculum design of Kunpeng University, build an effective talent echelon construction entry and exit criteria, and select high-potential employees who meet the enterprise values and development requirements.


△ Data map of Guangdong Xizhen Circuit Technology Co., Ltd. Issued by Zhaoqing New Area, Tuyuan

Zhou Qingbo, Vice President of Guangdong Fenghua High-tech Co., Ltd

Make the main business bigger and stronger, and deeply integrate into the high-end market in the Bay Area

"Rongwan" is the focus and theme of the fifth group of enterprise representatives. Zhou Qingbo, centering on the theme and based on the actual situation of the enterprise, said that Fenghua Hi-Tech, as the leading enterprise of domestic electronic components, will seize the construction opportunity of the Great Bay Area, closely focus on the theme of scientific and technological innovation, transformation and upgrading, enter the "fast lane" of the construction of the Great Bay Area at full speed, continue to face the high-end market, target the world-class, find the target gap, break through the technical bottleneck, and achieve comprehensive innovative development.

In terms of strengthening and expanding its main business, Fenghua Hi-Tech is speeding up the adjustment of customer structure and product structure, reducing the product range of Red Sea competition, expanding the market share of competitive products and high-quality special products, actively integrating into the market demand of the Bay Area, continuously deepening and expanding the Bay Area market, and achieving high-end transformation. In terms of focusing on scientific and technological research and development, Fenghua Hi-Tech will continue to increase its investment in research and development, and actively layout the high-end route by introducing high-end talents, accelerating the construction of high-end research and development platforms, and implementing the reform of research and development system.


△ Phase I project of high-end capacitor base in Xianghe Industrial Park of Guangdong Fenghua High-tech Co., Ltd. Photographed by Liang Xiaoming, reporter of Xijiang Daily

Liang Xijun, Chairman of Zhaoqing Haotong E-commerce Co., Ltd

Accelerate the development of new forms of foreign trade and help open up a new situation in Zhaoqing

Liang Xijun also put forward suggestions on the theme of the fifth group. He said that Zhaoqing has set up a comprehensive pilot zone for cross-border e-commerce, which has a certain foundation for the development of new economy and new forms of foreign trade. Therefore, Zhaoqing should further deepen its understanding of the new economy and new business forms of foreign trade, encourage innovation and allow breakthroughs, especially encourage relevant functional departments to rely on the comprehensive pilot zone of cross-border e-commerce, increase the exploration and innovation efforts in business form innovation, customs supervision, tax collection and management, foreign exchange management, etc., so as to attract more cross-border e-commerce enterprises to gather and develop in Zhaoqing.

In addition, Zhaoqing can further strengthen the publicity and promotion of the new economy and new business forms, optimize the "soft environment" in combination with the development reality, constantly improve the talent support and preferential policies, and explore more ways and means of talent introduction while focusing on "building nests to attract the phoenix", so as to accelerate the development of the new business forms of foreign trade and help open up a new situation in Zhaoqing.

He Guopei, President of Guangdong Huahong Food Group Co., Ltd

Make the prefabricated food industry bigger and stronger, and accelerate the transformation to the whole industrial chain

"On the first day of the construction, we received the New Year's policy of" benefit is "issued by the municipal party committee and the municipal government. We are very excited." He Guopei said in his speech that the speech of the main leader of the municipal party committee was very exciting and gave the enterprise great confidence in development.

"High-quality development is the driving force for enterprises to become bigger and stronger. This year, Huahong Group will make full use of this policy dividend, expand and strengthen the prefabricated vegetable industry, accelerate the transformation to the whole industrial chain, so as to further improve the company's market competitiveness and contribute to the high-quality development of modern agriculture in Zhaoqing," He Guopei said.


△ Data chart. Tuyuan Huahong Group

Wang Yi, General Manager of Fengkai Yuexiu Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Company

We hope to build the power engineering of Phase II project early

In his speech, Wang Yi said that at present, the Group has integrated "agriculture and animal husbandry" and "the emperor" into a large food sector, and plans to expand and strengthen the deep processing project of pigs, so as to build the above two projects into a model for high-quality development of modern agricultural industry.

"The first phase of the pig breeding project is planned to invest 1.3 billion yuan, and the second phase is planned to invest 1.1 billion yuan. At present, the plant of the first phase of the project has been capped. It is expected to be put into production in September this year, and the annual output of pigs will reach 1.8 million." Wang Yi also suggested in his speech that the relevant departments of Fengkai County should build the electricity project of the second phase ahead of time to ensure the power demand of the enterprise construction, The representatives of Fengkai County responded on the spot that "before the festival, we have received the demands of enterprises and held a special meeting to arrange the deployment and promotion, and we will closely follow up the matter".


△ Effect picture of Yuexiu Farming and Animal Husbandry Fengkai Pig Breeding Integration Project. Map source is sealed and released

Chen Hui, General Manager of Deqing Dongpu Ecological Agriculture Company

To further improve the quality and polish the "Deqing Gonggan" brand

"The signals released by the provincial and municipal party committees at the meeting made the 'new farmers' in the city more confident and energetic." Chen Hui said in her speech that Dongpu has always attached great importance to the high-quality development of modern agriculture, committed to creating "Zhaohao" high-quality agricultural products, promoting the branding strategy of "Deqing Gonggan", and taking the high-quality development path of intensive processing of agricultural products and the whole industrial chain.

"Quality and brand are the only way to develop high-quality agriculture," Chen Hui said. Next, Dongpu will closely follow the construction of the "12221" market system of Deqing Gonggan, fully cooperate with the online operation of "Xiaozhao Serving", launch the deep processing project of "black tea+Deqing Gonggan peel", further improve the quality of Deqing Gonggan, polish the "Deqing Gonggan" brand, and contribute to the high-quality development of modern agriculture in Zhaoqing.


△ Photographed by Liao Wenyi, the planting base of Deqing Dongpu Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd

Qi Xiaohong, General Manager of Guangdong Wenshi Dairy Company

Take root in Zhaoqing

"The company has been developing in Zhaoqing for many years, and has deeply felt the care and support of the party committees and governments at all levels for the enterprise. It is also willing to take root in Zhaoqing and deeply rooted in the local area." Qi Xiaohong said in his speech that the high-quality development of modern agricultural industry can not be separated from the industrialization thinking and the concept of the whole industrial chain. The dairy farm where Wen's dairy industry is currently located needs to be relocated, but has not found a suitable site, and hopes that the government department can help solve it.

At the same time, dairy cattle have a large demand for high precision feed, and the company has a high cost of purchasing imported finished products. Zhaoqing is a large agricultural city with rich agricultural products and many agricultural enterprises. It is best to provide by-products of agricultural products after deep processing, such as bagasse, citrus pomace, sweet potato cane, etc.

Qi Xiaohong's speech aroused the cooperation intention of many enterprise representatives present. The relevant leaders asked the relevant departments to contact the enterprise's land demand as soon as possible and coordinate the enterprise relocation.


△ Wynn dairy production workshop. Tuyuan Zhaoqing Hi-Tech released

Zhan Xuanzi, General Manager of Zhaoqing Dahua Nong Biological Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd

Strive for the lead in high-quality development

"Over the past 20 years since its establishment, Zhaoqing Dahua Nong has grown into a well-known biomedical enterprise in China. It is a national high-tech enterprise and ranks among the leading positions in China's animal health industry." Zhan Xuanzi sighed in his speech that the development and growth of the enterprise cannot be separated from the support and help of the Party committees and governments at all levels and relevant departments.

"Enterprises should take the lead in high-quality development," Zhan Xuanzi said. For example, this year's provincial government work report first mentioned "agricultural microbial industry", which has broad prospects and is a new opportunity for the development of modern agriculture in Zhaoqing. It is suggested that our city build the advantages of agricultural microbiological scientific research and innovation, and promote the construction of "agricultural microbiological characteristic industrial park". At the same time, we should give full play to the characteristics of Lingnan agricultural geography and agricultural structure, develop characteristic industrial clusters such as Zhuang Da Miao rice, Lingnan vegetables and fruits, and southern medicine, as well as new "agricultural+" industrial chains such as prefabricated vegetables and agricultural microbial industry.

Zhan Xuanzi also suggested to give full play to the platform role of Zhaoqing Municipal Party School, Rural Revitalization College, Technician College, etc., to introduce enterprises into schools, schools into enterprises, and jointly build a high-level industry-education integration training base. At the same time, in order to create a better environment for talent development, we should not only pay attention to solving the needs of talents in terms of salary, social security, children's education and housing, but also pay attention to providing sufficient career development space for talents.


△ Zhaoqing Dahuanong Key Laboratory. Photographed by Liang Xiaoming, reporter of Xijiang Daily

Tan Xiuling, Manager of Guangdong Guohua New Material Technology Co., Ltd

Supporting policies strengthen confidence for enterprises

Founded in September 2011, Guohua New Materials is a joint-stock company based on advanced microwave ceramic functional materials, focusing on microwave communication devices and functional ceramic materials.

"In 2020, we enjoyed the preferential policies related to social security reduction and exemption, and in the fourth quarter of 2021, we enjoyed the preferential policy of delaying the payment of 50% of taxes and fees. In addition, we also received 1.96 million yuan of central financial support for the key" Little Giant "award. This series of policies further strengthened the confidence of enterprises to become bigger and stronger." Tan Xiuling said that it is still difficult to recruit workers under the condition of rapid development of the company, and the cost of labor recruitment is also high, At the same time, we hope that the government will continue to increase the incentive and subsidy efforts for the introduction of high-end talents and increase the provision of policy guidance and financial support for enterprise scientific research projects.

Liang Meiyi, Deputy General Manager of Guangdong Audiway Sensor Technology Co., Ltd

Create an innovative model to optimize the environment for enterprises

"The business environment is the soil for the survival and development of enterprises. Zhaoqing should continuously optimize the business environment to create greater development space for enterprises." Liang Meiyi said that the meeting made her fully feel the high care and attention of the municipal party committee and municipal government for the high-quality development of scientific and technological innovative enterprises.

Liang Meiyi believes that Zhaoqing should give full play to its geographical and transportation advantages, implement policies in different categories, build a wild goose formation for enterprise development, take the initiative to undertake high-quality electronic parts enterprises transferred from Shenzhen and Dongguan, and inject new impetus into Zhaoqing's industrial development; We should encourage enterprises to transform into intelligent and digital chemical plants, and give strong supporting policy support to enterprises that introduce "lighthouse factories" to improve the digital development level of Zhaoqing; Deeply explore the new cooperation mode of talent cultivation between enterprises and universities outside the province, encourage high-quality enterprises to jointly organize groups to publicize in domestic well-known universities, and attract more talents to Zhaoqing.


△ Source of data and pictures: Guangdong Audiway Sensor Technology Co., Ltd

Xiao Shengbo, General Manager of Zhaoqing Xinlicheng Electronics Co., Ltd

Plan to introduce equipment for capacity upgrading

Xiao Shengbo said that Xinlicheng Electronics, founded in 2010, is a company specializing in the production and sales of electronic components. "In 2022, the company overcame all kinds of difficulties. On the one hand, it actively responded to the relevant policies of the government, on the other hand, it paid attention to the internal management and development of the company, and focused on quality, efficiency, and group management. The company could expect a good future." Xiao Shengbo said that last year, the party committees and governments at the two levels of Duanzhou District and Huanggang Street visited and condoned the epidemic control and production situation for many times, introduced the preferential policies for enterprises, and cared about the development of enterprises. In 2023, the company plans to invest 3 million yuan to introduce equipment for capacity upgrading. Due to the uncertainty of plant leasing, we hope that the government will provide support so that the company can continue to go more smoothly on the road of high-quality development.

Lei Min, Assistant General Manager of Guangdong Feinan Resources Utilization Co., Ltd

Strengthen cooperation with financial institutions to alleviate the capital demand of enterprises

"We hope that the government can give clear feedback when approving the enterprise rescue policy, so as to promote the further improvement of enterprises." Lei Min suggested that the government provide more flexible and flexible measures to benefit enterprises, appropriately accommodate enterprises when applying for relevant businesses, and continue to expand enterprise financing channels to jointly achieve innovative development.

Founded in 2008, Feinan Resources has successively won the honorary titles of "National High-tech Enterprise", "Guangdong Private Science and Technology Enterprise", "Zhaoqing Big Taxpayer" and so on. Lei Min said that at present, the enterprise has gradually formed a pattern of taking the four conference bases as its headquarters, and multiple projects in Jiangxi, Guangxi and other provinces go hand in hand. The project investment scale is huge, and he hopes to expand more cooperation with financial institutions to alleviate the enterprise's capital needs.


△ Feinan resource information map. Tuyuan Green Zhaoqing

Mo Jinggang, Assistant Chairman of Guangdong Hongjin Metal Aluminum Co., Ltd

Promote high-quality development of private economy in Zhaoqing

"The financial institutions in Zhaoqing are very concerned about private enterprises, and their support is also very strong." Mo Jinggang strongly affirmed the financial services in our city, saying that the incentive policies issued by Zhaoqing not only solved the practical difficulties for enterprises, but also promoted the high-quality development of enterprises.

Mo Jinggang said that enterprises should not wait passively when facing difficulties, but should take the initiative, broaden their thinking and vision, and take multiple measures to solve financing problems. At the same time, he suggested that the relevant functional departments should be advanced in benchmarking and actively follow up, establish a standardized and unified working mechanism, more promote multi-sector linkage, introduce relevant policies to reduce the cost of mortgage guarantee, moderately increase the scale of loans, efficiently address the demands of enterprises, and promote the high-quality development of Zhaoqing's private economy.

Focusing on high-quality development, Dinghu and Zhaoqing New District strive to introduce more than 35 new projects throughout the year with the "three persistence"

Focusing on high-quality development, Dinghu and Zhaoqing New District strive to introduce more than 35 new projects throughout the year with the "three persistence"

Dinghu released at 23:37 on January 29, 2023 in Guangdong

In combination with the provincial high-quality development conference and the Zhaoqing "Phoenix Attraction Action" group discussion, Liu Yuntong, secretary of the Dinghu District Party Committee, deputy secretary of the Zhaoqing New Area Party Working Committee and director of the Zhaoqing New Area Management Committee, said that Dinghu District and Zhaoqing New Area will carry out the "competitive bidding" action with the "three persistence", strive to introduce more than 35 new projects in the two districts, and promote the high-quality development of the two districts.

Photographed by Ma Kaiyong, reporter of Rong Media Center in Dinghu District

Photographed by Ma Kaiyong, reporter of Rong Media Center in Dinghu District

Adhere to the integrated development of the two regions and take the lead in achieving a breakthrough in the investment promotion system and mechanism

Establish a leading group for investment promotion in the two districts, implement the "three thirds" working method, set up three industrial investment promotion teams for new energy vehicles and auto parts, electronic information, food and beverage, jointly carry out enterprise visits and project negotiation activities, and realize the transformation of investment promotion teams in the two districts from "physical integration" to "chemical integration". Do a good job of "motherly" service accurately, and help solve the actual difficulties of the project with the "three to" high-quality service of "no call, no call, and do what you say". Accelerate the construction, completion and production of the projects under construction in Virgin, Xiyin and Zhejiang Zhenyu, and effectively solve the obstacles and problems existing in the project implementation. Focus on listed companies, "specialized and innovative" and "small giants", and potential enterprises and industry leaders in the field of industry segmentation to attract investment, and strive to allow projects with larger size and better quality to settle in the two regions.

Issued by Zhaoqing New Area,

Issued by Zhaoqing New Area, 

Adhere to the precise investment attraction of the industrial chain, and take the lead in achieving breakthroughs in investment attraction of major industrial projects

Firmly establish the concept of "heroes are judged by high-quality projects and effective investment ratio", and anchor the leading industry to strengthen the chain and supplement the chain. The two regions will focus on new energy vehicles and auto parts and electronic information leading industry projects, continue to target the main upstream and downstream suppliers of the chain such as Ningde Times and Xiaopeng Automobile, and strive to introduce a number of new energy vehicles and auto parts projects throughout the year; Give full play to the leading role of Xizhen Circuit, Sihai Optoelectronics and other enterprises, introduce a number of optoelectronic display electronic information industry projects, focus on key regions and key enterprises to take the initiative, actively carry out the investment attraction of stationary points, targeted investment attraction, chain owner investment attraction, and business attraction, and introduce more leading, landmark, "chain owner" type high-quality projects.

In combination with the development of key enterprises such as Dinghu Mountain Spring, Yuanqi Forest, and Asian soda, we plan to build a food and beverage industrial park, and introduce and cultivate a number of food and beverage products and well-known enterprises with strong brand influence. Combining the resources endowment of Fenghuang Town to build a leisure agriculture and rural tourism demonstration town, Shapu Town to create a 105.8 square kilometers of China's agricultural park and Dinghu Mountain, optimize and promote the construction of Zhaoqing Wanda National Resort, deepen the construction of the tourism belt around Dinghu Mountain, and promote enterprises to focus on creating more A-level scenic spots, creative blocks, large business districts, and characteristic residential industry clusters, and enrich new tourism formats.

Wanda Business District. Photographed by Zhang Shenming

Wanda Business District. Photographed by Zhang Shenming

Adhere to the "two-wheel drive" of attracting investment, increasing capital and expanding production, and take the lead in achieving breakthroughs in the new driving force of rapid cultivation, growth and development

The two districts will fully carry out the action of "attracting large and excellent businesses", and strive to introduce more than 35 new projects, including 15 new energy vehicles and auto parts projects, 10 new electronic information projects, and 10 new food and beverage projects, and strive to achieve 40 new projects to be started, 32 completed projects, and 30 projects to be put into operation in the two districts, with an annual actual investment of 6 billion yuan.

We will adhere to the "two wheels rotating together" of expanding quantity and optimizing stock, cultivate and expand existing competitive enterprises, and release greater capacity. Focus on promoting the key capital increase and production expansion projects such as Xizhen Circuit, Yuanqi Forest and Haoming Organic Silicon to reach the standard as soon as possible, vigorously promote the construction of a number of high-quality projects such as Dyke Cable and Qiaodong, focus on resources to accelerate the construction of large industrial clusters, accelerate the utilization rate of Pingqian International, Electronic Information Industrial Park and Yong'an General Plant, and fully support Zhaoyang, Erod, Hongshi Electronics A number of new enterprises such as Dexing Microenterprise have developed and expanded, and strive to add more than 8 industrial enterprises above the designated size throughout the year.

Source South+

Liu Yuntong said that after the meeting, we will find the gap in comparison with advanced areas such as Sanshui District, Foshan, and carry out the "competitive bidding" action in a solid manner. We will carefully learn from the good experience and good practices of advanced areas, and work hard to do a good job in the industry investment promotion and landing in the two areas, so that more and more high-quality enterprise projects can settle in the two areas and stay, so as to promote high-quality development with high-quality project construction, Strive to be the bridgehead of Zhaoqing to accelerate the construction of the western growth pole in the core area of the Pearl River Delta and the leader of the modern new city in the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao.

[Looking Back on 2022] Sihui City: Supporting high-quality development with high-quality project construction results--attract investment-Investment Paradise-

[Looking Back on 2022] Sihui City: Supporting high-quality development with high-quality project construction results

Released  on January 29, 2023 at 21:29 in Guangdong

In 2022, Sihui City will adhere to the general tone of "stability and progress", seize the major opportunities of the construction of "two districts" and the development and opening up of Hengqin and Qianhai, focus on the "one hundred million" project of strengthening the city by industry, and focus on the "leading+characteristic" industry, and continue to carry out the "industry investment promotion and landing in the year" action, and the investment attraction work has achieved remarkable results.

Zhaoqing Taihe Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. is located in Sihui Electronic Industry Cluster, Xiamao Town, with a building area of 26680 square meters, mainly engaged in the manufacturing of electronic components and components, and currently has 550 employees. Since the company was officially put into operation in August 2022, its output value has reached 100 million yuan.

Sihui City has been continuously changing its style of work, providing excellent services, creating first-class and practical results, and making every effort to provide high-quality, efficient and convenient services for the development of enterprises. According to the person in charge of the company, the government has provided great convenience for the consultation, project initiation, approval and other links of the project, saving time for the completion and operation of the project.

Sihui Electronic Industry Cluster, Xiamao Town

Pan Yi, General Manager of Zhaoqing Taihe Electronic Technology Co., Ltd

At that time, we visited many places, including Jiangmen, Huizhou, Zhaoqing and other places. Later, we felt that the investment environment of the Sihui was more suitable for our enterprises, and the government's service was also very warm. The project implementation process was relatively smooth, so we finally chose to invest in the Fourth Meeting.

At present, the company's order volume is relatively sufficient. We hope that the output value will reach 300 to 400 million in 2023, and the second phase of the project is expected to start in three years.

Sihui Electronic Industry Cluster, Xiamao Town

In 2022, Sihui will introduce 46 manufacturing projects with an investment of more than 100 million yuan, with a total planned investment of 8.957 billion yuan. Of the 46 industrial projects introduced, 35 belong to the "leading+characteristic" industrial system of Zhaoqing, accounting for 76.09%. 20 new projects to be started, 30 new projects to be completed and 42 new projects to be put into operation; The annual actual paid-in capital is 9.43 billion yuan, including 6.2 billion yuan for manufacturing projects.

Yang Guifeng, Director of Sihui Investment Promotion Center

In 2022, the investment promotion center of Sihui City will adhere to the general tone of "keeping the word at the forefront and seeking progress while maintaining stability", focus on the key work of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, adhere to the concept of "strengthening the city by industry, taking the project as the king, the park as the mother, and the enterprise as the first", adhere to the principle of taking the real economy as the foundation, the manufacturing industry as the leader, focus on the "one hundred million" project of strengthening the city by industry, and focus on the "leading+characteristic" industry, and continue to carry out the "year of industrial investment promotion" action, We will promote the rapid implementation and construction of industrial projects, put them into production and achieve results, and make four commitments and four contributions to Zhaoqing's accelerated construction into the western growth pole of the core area of the Pearl River Delta and the modern new city of the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao.

First, we will continue to focus on the "leading+characteristic" industrial layout of Sihui City, focus on strengthening the chain, extend the chain and supplement the chain, and implement the strategy of attracting large enterprises to attract strong enterprises. It plans to introduce more than 12.5 billion yuan of manufacturing projects with an investment of more than 100 million yuan, including five new energy vehicles and auto parts industry projects with an investment of more than 100 million yuan; More than 2 projects with planned investment of more than 1 billion yuan and 5 billion yuan will be introduced into the single manufacturing industry.

The second is to focus on attracting investment from upstream and downstream enterprises of the new energy automobile industry chain, take the initiative, and focus on the upstream and downstream supporting enterprises of the main chain enterprises such as Xiaopeng Automobile and Ningde Times power battery as the key attracting objects, fully promote the deep integration of upstream and downstream enterprises of the new energy automobile industry chain, and promote the cluster development of the new energy automobile and auto parts industry in Sihui. We should focus on the capital increase and production expansion of the original enterprises, take the capital increase and production expansion as the most effective way to attract investment, promote the construction of the capital increase and production expansion projects such as Feinan Metal Phase III, Jintian Copper Phase II and Phase III, and encourage enterprises to take root in the four meetings and develop. At the same time, we will resolutely implement the work deployment of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, implement the precise scheduling and dynamic supervision and management of the whole process of industrial projects, accelerate the construction process of Huachang Aluminum Project and Oubo Beauty Project, and ensure that Huachang Aluminum Project will be put into trial production before September, and Oubo Beauty Project will be put into full production before June, helping Sihui City to accelerate the realization of high-quality development.

In the new year, Sihui City will fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, serve and integrate into the new development pattern, innovate and promote high-quality development, which is the primary task of the modernization construction, and coordinate the effective improvement of the "quality" and the reasonable growth of the "quantity" of investment, so as to help Sihui City accelerate the realization of high-quality development.

Sihui City fully promotes the construction of Sihui District, a large industrial cluster in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing)

Sihui City fully promotes the construction of Sihui District, a large industrial cluster in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing)

Released  on January 29, 2023 at 21:29 in Guangdong

Since March 2022, the planning and construction headquarters of Sihui City, a large industrial agglomeration area in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing), has conscientiously implemented the decision and deployment of the municipal party committee and the municipal government to fully promote the construction of large industrial agglomeration areas, adhered to the high starting point planning, high standard construction, and efficient management, and fully promoted the construction of Zhaoqing municipal administrative starting areas (Dasha and Fuxi districts), and achieved preliminary results.

Dasha Town Sihui City Guangdong Province

In Fuxi District, Guanqi District, Zhaoqing City, the construction site is a busy scene. Excavators and bulldozers work at the same time for site leveling and residual soil treatment. The 288.26 mu site leveling and earth-rock engineering project on the north side of Fuxi Dongjin Avenue in Sihui City is still under construction in full swing near the Spring Festival, and will be used as a general plant after the completion of the project.

Lu Chengfeng, Executive Manager of the Project Department of Zhaoqing Construction Engineering Co., Ltd

At present, the Fuxi area project is carrying out site leveling work. It is planned to accelerate the land leveling after the Spring Festival to meet the conditions for the delivery and use of the R&D workshop site. At the same time, it is planned to urge the construction unit to speed up the mobilization, and complete the application work for the temporary office space erection, temporary water and temporary electricity before February 5, so as to prepare for the mobilization and construction of the project.

Dasha Town Sihui City Guangdong Province

Since March 2022, Sihui City has made every effort to accelerate the infrastructure construction of the municipal management starting area (Dasha and Fuxi districts) of the large industrial cluster in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing). It has made every effort to play a "combined fist" in the construction and development from the aspects of planning and positioning, traffic network, infrastructure, functional layout, service supporting, industrial development, institutional mechanism, etc., and focused on promoting the industrial cluster to take the lead.

In June 2022, the transformation and upgrading infrastructure project of Gangmei Industrial Park in Sihui City, the starting area of municipal management (Longsha Avenue - Dilu combination), the municipal road construction project of Fuxi Industrial Park (subproject 4), the infrastructure supporting construction project of Dasha Start-up Area (new water supply pipe) and other projects have started construction; The short-term road construction project of the second phase of Zhenxing Avenue in Fuxi Industrial Park and the reconstruction and construction project of county road X433 are expected to start before the end of February 2023; The provincial highway 263 expansion project is expected to start construction before the end of April 2023; The main road upgrading project of Fuxi Industrial Park is planned to be completed in February 2023, and the construction of Zhaoqing Municipal Administrative Starting Area (Dasha and Fuxi District) has achieved preliminary results.

In 2023, Sihui will continue to optimize the allocation of personnel to ensure the basic power of the construction of the starting area; Accelerate the market-oriented operation of state-owned assets companies; Fully carry out land acquisition and demolition work to ensure the construction environment of the infrastructure construction project that has started; We will make every effort to resolve the problems left over by history, and actively carry out the investment promotion work in accordance with the current "1+1+2" investment promotion positioning of Zhaoqing headquarters, and do a good job in supporting services for the enterprises that have been settled, so as to contribute "pioneer" strength to the "take-off" of Zhaoqing's industrial development again and the innovative exploration of industrial and urban integration development.

Friday, January 27, 2023

Good start! Zhaoqing has collected nearly 4 billion yuan a month!

Good start! Zhaoqing has collected nearly 4 billion yuan a month!

Issued by Zhaoqing at 15:45 on January 27, 2023 and published in Guangdong

Nearly 4 billion yuan in January!Zhaoqing High-tech Zone started its new year

Handed in a copy

Remarkable "transcript" of industrial development!

Five high-quality projects were officially signed

Zhaoqing High-tech Zone collected nearly 4 billion yuan in January

January 26, the fifth day of the Chinese New Year,

Zhaoqing Ming Lida Technology Co., Ltd

After the Spring Festival, the project was officially restarted,

The workshop is in full swing,

Officially ushered in the new year

The bugle of large-scale production and development,

It fully demonstrates the new year again

The "acceleration" of industrial development in Zhaoqing High-tech Zone.

Zhaoqing Minglida is invested and constructed by a listed company, a "specialized and special new" small giant, and a national high-tech enterprise, Shenzhen Minglida Precision Technology Co., Ltd., which is a supporting enterprise of Xiaopeng Automobile and Ningde Times. It will settle in the high-tech zone by the end of 2021 by renting factory buildings.

Over the past year, with the support of excellent supporting facilities and high-quality services in Zhaoqing High-tech Zone, the company's capacity has increased rapidly.

Zhaoqing High-tech Zone. Photographed by Wang Zhenyu

Zhaoqing High-tech Zone. Photographed by Wang Zhenyu

Zhaoqing High-tech Zone always insists on taking projects as the king,

Dedicated service enterprises improve quality and efficiency, become bigger and stronger,

Strive to boost enterprise confidence, accelerate industrial development,

Finally, Shenzhen Minglida Company

Further development in Zhaoqing Hi-tech Zone

Deepen the layout, expand investment,

And last June,

More than 20000 square meters of newly rented plant will expand production.

With the new energy of Zhaoqing Hi-tech Zone

The construction of intelligent automobile industrial city has been promoted,

In January this year, Zhaoqing Minglida took the lead again,

An investment agreement on land acquisition and production expansion was formally signed,

Build smart cars and new energy vehicles

And key parts research and development center,

It is the new energy automobile industry

Major projects of strong chain and complementary chain.

It is reported that,

Zhaoqing High-tech Zone insists on taking the real economy as the foundation,

We should constantly strengthen the sense of ownership in the manufacturing industry,

Insist on attracting investment

As the eternal theme of economic work,

Anchor the new energy automobile industry,

Take the initiative to seize opportunities and take positive actions,

In the 2023 "Phoenix Attraction Action"

Achieved a "good start",

Five high-quality projects were officially signed,

The total planned investment is nearly 4 billion yuan.

In addition to the Zhaoqing Minglida project, it also includes the China-Australia (South China) smart food production project with a planned investment of 2 billion yuan, the Zhongding new energy vehicle key parts project with a planned investment of 330 million yuan, and the Volta new material project jointly developed by five academicians.

Zhaoqing High-tech Zone. Photographed by Wang Zhenyu

Zhaoqing High-tech Zone. Photographed by Wang Zhenyu

Transfer of 7 industrial lands

Zhaoqing Hi-tech Zone accelerates the transformation of investment attraction achievements

The start is a sprint, and the start is a decisive battle.

Since January,

Zhaoqing Hi-tech Zone continues

Accelerate the implementation of industrial projects,

Promote the transformation of investment promotion achievements.

On January 17, the district successfully transferred 7 industrial lands, with a total transaction amount of 119.62 million yuan, enabling the rapid landing and delisting of newly introduced manufacturing projects.

These projects are planned to invest nearly 1.8 billion yuan and will start construction in the first quarter, fully demonstrating confidence in the industrial development of Zhaoqing High-tech Zone.

In addition, since January,

Zhaoqing High-tech Zone has added 6 new projects

5 completed projects, 6 projects put into operation,

The total planned investment of the projects involved is about 2 billion yuan.

Zhaoqing High-tech Zone. Photographed by Wang Zhenyu

Zhaoqing High-tech Zone. Photographed by Wang Zhenyu

Spring is the best plan for a year.

As the main position of Zhaoqing's industrial development,

Zhaoqing High-tech Zone is landing with industrial investment

"Acceleration" presents a gift to the New Year,

For Zhaoqing in the new journey of modernization

Start a good start and lay a solid foundation!























































Why is it called dried rotten vegetables economics? Why is it so named?--NEW Economic theory

Why is it called dried rotten vegetables economics? Why is it so named?

The origin of the name of the economics of dried rotten vegetables is represented by Zhaoqing, a backward region in the Pearl River Delta. It generally refers to Qingyuan, Shaoguan, Heyuan, Meizhou, Yunfu, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Henan, Qinghai, Gansu, Ningxia and other regions.

These areas,

1.Without superior geographical location,

2. No convenient transportation,

3.Three or more mountains are not conducive to development,

4. There is no coastal wharf near the coastline,

5. Lack of state investment and foreign investment,

6, there is no local pillar industry, the industry is primitive and backward, only agriculture and tourism, and no natural resources can be exploited,

7. Population and talent outflow,

8. The population is aging seriously, etc

In short, all the worst situations are superimposed in these areas, and all the worst cards are concentrated in these areas. These areas, I call them: backward areas, rotten vegetables and dry areas.

Because, I found a regional food phenomenon, regional production phenomenon:

Generally, in areas with developed materials, such as Dongguan, Guangdong, Zhongshan, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Jinhua, Zhejiang, they produce dry products, which are all protein dry products: Dongguan sausage, Zhongshan sausage, Inner Mongolia cheese, Inner Mongolia beef jerky, Xinjiang cheese, Xinjiang beef jerky, Zhejiang Jinhua ham. These are all economically developed regions and protein materials developed regions.

Those backward areas, such as Zhaoqing, and dry rotten vegetables, such as Qingyuan, Shaoguan, Heyuan, Meizhou, Yunfu, Sichuan, Henan, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, African coffee beans, dried banana in Southeast Asia, and dried pineapple in Southeast Asia, are mainly vegetables and plants, just like dried rotten vegetables. So I named these areas: rotten vegetable dry area. Areas with underdeveloped protein supplies.

Finally, I name this economics: dry rotten vegetables economics. Specially record, discuss and study the worst and most backward regions, their economic profile, economic situation, the worst and most backward individuals, groups, their economic situation, and their optimal development route. The purpose is to explore, study and develop a road and method suitable for the economic development of losers, civilians, backward areas and backward countries.

Nowadays, there are many popular economic theories in the world, such as Marx's Capital, Adam Smith's Research on the Nature and Cause of National Wealth, and Friedrich Liszt's National System of Political Economics. However, these economic theories are all prepared from the standpoint of the ruler. There has never been an economic research book for individuals in economically backward areas, economically backward and poor.

I feel unreasonable and sorry for this phenomenon.

This phenomenon of economic theory research is a phenomenon of hating the poor and loving the rich.

Like the history of both China and the West, they only record the history of the ruling class. The history of the ruling people only records the history of the big people, never records the history of the working people, never records the history of the loser civilians, let alone the history of the economic situation of the loser poor civilians.

In the field of history, they all have blind spots for observation and research, but economics cannot ignore the existence of the poor and the poor.

In the field of economics, there has not been a real study of the economic situation of the poor, the backward areas, and the rotten vegetables and dried areas, and how to give the most backward areas, the poorest people, and how to explore a way to narrow the economic gap and achieve catch-up.

The purpose of establishing this economics is to explore, explore and study. Can these backward areas play a good result if they win the worst card? Can we narrow the gap and achieve transcendence?

This is the origin of the economics of dried rotten vegetables.

The proposition of dried rotten vegetables economics:

1. Rectify the civil service administration system in rotten vegetable dry areas, select excellent talents to serve as civil servants, and improve the efficiency of civil servants. Unqualified personnel shall be removed from the team.

2. Optimize the investment environment, reduce administrative approval, and lower the threshold for establishing enterprises.

3. To lower the land price and rent and reduce taxes, the tax policy must be 30% - 50% lower than that of developed regions. Expand the economic aggregate as soon as possible. Expand the total number of enterprises.

4. Encourage individuals to establish small and micro enterprises, provide credit support, and support the development of small and micro enterprises.

5. The construction of infrastructure, roads, bridges, telecommunications, electricity, water conservancy, hospitals, schools and the introduction of national investment, foreign investment,

6. Encourage talents to enter the rotten vegetable dry area to start businesses and settle down, and provide credit and financial support, land support and tax preferential support.

7. We should try our best to absorb industrial transfer from developed regions and from advanced countries in the world,

8. Develop local distinctive industries, make this industry bigger and stronger, and become world-famous and competitive.

9. Emancipate the mind and open the yellow, spinach and poison industries.

10. There is not much financial industry in the backward areas. Open the financial industry and allow foreign capital to set up financial institutions. Funds can enter and exit freely in the backward areas. Facilitate foreign investment.

11. Freedom of information, freedom of education, freedom of publication and freedom of broadcasting. Because of backward areas, nothing can be rich, and any method that can be used to get rich can be used.

12. Formulate laws that are in line with international practice, and recognize that lawyers of both parties practise each other.

13. Encourage the sale of natural resources, and the money for selling natural resources must be invested in education and the world's industrial chain. Become a shareholder of the world industrial chain. Let the dried rotten vegetables become a link in the developed regions of the world. Encourage people and resources in rotten vegetables and dry areas to go out. Attract the world industrial chain.

In order to develop the rotten vegetable dry economic region, it is necessary to stagger with the developed regions. We should not only absorb industries, talents and funds from developed regions, but also encourage national investment and foreign investment, and also develop some industries. Only those who specialize in developed regions can quickly become rich. We should use traditional pornography, gambling, new technology and new industries to earn money from developed regions, which is the way to reduce the gap. If the rotten vegetables and dried economic areas only become the supporting facilities, satellites and chess pieces of developed areas, the gap will never be reduced, and the gap will only grow. This is the core idea of the economics of dried rotten vegetables, competing for resources. Instead of becoming a vassal and a migrant worker in developed areas.

There are many areas of rotten vegetables in the world. In all areas with rotten vegetables, the economy is declining and the population is decreasing.

Including Detroit, South Africa, Brazil and Argentina in the United States, all belong to the rotten vegetable dry region.

It is not only China that has dried rotten vegetables, but all over the world.

To reduce the gap in rotten vegetable dry areas, it is necessary to attract all the funds, talents, resources, technology from the world.

To realize the development of rotten vegetables and dry areas, it is impossible to use the same set of economic theories in developed areas, because it has become seriously homogenized. We must be more open and free than developed regions to narrow the gap with developed regions.

Individual, poor loser, common people, and the idea of dried rotten vegetables:

Losers, civilians and poor people who grew up in rotten vegetable areas, hurry up. In these places, because there is no state investment or foreign investment, there are no jobs and wages are not high. There is only one way to stay in these places. Business is shrinking. The workers are getting poorer and poorer.

People who grow up in rotten vegetable dry areas should play their subjective initiative and go to developed areas. Even if they work in developed areas, it is better than rotten vegetable dry areas. Give full play to subjective initiative and creativity to create your own business, brand and career.

People who grow up in rotten vegetable dry areas are born to choose the difficult mode. Life is doomed to be bumpy. Escape is the strategy with the lowest cost and the highest income. Like Detroit, many people have fled Detroit.

People in rotten vegetables and dry areas should never have children, or having children will harm children. Let the child lose at the starting line as soon as he is born. Children will suffer from poverty all their lives.

The state and foreign investors will not invest a penny in the rotten vegetable dry area. The only way to change this fate is to rely on the poor loser himself.

To go out for work and business, we should seek win-win cooperation, unite and cooperate, and abide by local laws. Let yourself integrate into other people's society and circle. Let yourself become a developed region. They are a useful part and an indispensable part. We should manage ourselves in developed areas and do what we are good at. Don't participate in gambling, pornography, and violations. Live your life well.

This is a suggestion for people in the rotten vegetable dry area. I hope that people in the rotten vegetable area can escape from the rotten vegetable area and create a better tomorrow outside.

These suggestions seem useless, but they are very practical and reasonable. People in rotten vegetable dry areas should work hard and conscientiously all their lives. Work hard for your present, your future and your child's future.
























































Thursday, January 26, 2023
































都是从黄金工厂购买纯金 原材料的。











意思就是销售价100元,成本 40元。




It's on fire! International professional league players and domestic basketball players gathered in Sihui to present high-level basketball games to the masses

It's on fire! International professional league players and domestic basketball players gathered in Sihui to present high-level basketb...