Tuesday, April 9, 2024

The Sihui City investment delegation went to Hong Kong to attract investment and attended the "Hundreds and Thousands of Projects" high-quality development promotion conference and spring tea event

The Sihui City investment delegation went to Hong Kong to attract investment and attended the "Hundreds and Thousands of Projects" high-quality development promotion conference and spring tea event

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-04-04 17:24 Guangdong

Recently, Weng Zhuohui, Secretary of the Sihui Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, led a team to Hong Kong to attract investment and attended the "Hundreds and Thousands Project" high-quality development promotion conference and spring tea event to further implement investment promotion and social mobilization work for the "Hundreds and Thousands Project". Strengthen nostalgia ties with Hong Kong and Macao compatriots’ associations. Hong Kong Legislative Council member Chen Xuefeng, Chairman of the Hong Kong Zhaoqing General Association Huang Xinglin, Hong Kong District Council members Cai Mingyang and Hu Shiyun, etc., as well as Chairman of the Fourth Hui CPPCC Su Jinsheng, Member of the Standing Committee of the Fourth Hui Municipal Committee, Minister of the United Front Department, Deputy Secretary of the Party Group of the Fourth Hui CPPCC Cai Xueli and Responsible comrades from the United Front Work Department and the Overseas Chinese Federation participated in the event.

Attracting investment and empowering the Bay

Weng Zhuohui and his party visited Taisheng Metal (Holdings) Co., Ltd. and other Hong Kong enterprises and held discussions with the company leaders to discuss investment cooperation matters. Weng Zhuohui said that the Sihui has now been included in the Guangzhou metropolitan area. It has a solid industrial foundation, complete infrastructure, excellent investment location, policy support and business environment. It is a rare hot spot for business development in the Bay Area. He hopes that local sages and entrepreneurs will firmly develop Confidence, increase investment in the four conferences, and lay out the industrial blueprint for the Bay Area. Entrepreneurs attending the meeting unanimously stated that they will strengthen the connection with the four docking parties in the future and actively plan to promote win-win cooperation between the two parties.

△Weng Zhuohui listened to the introduction by the person in charge of Taisheng Metal (Holdings) Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong).

Gathering the talents of Hong Kong and Macao to work together for the "Hundred Millions Project"

At the promotion meeting, Weng Zhuohui briefed the participants on the construction and development of Sihui City, and gave a speech on the high-quality development of the "Hundreds and Thousands of Projects" supported by Sihui Xingxiangxian, starting from "why it is implemented, what it can bring, Zhaoqing and Sihui He gave an in-depth and systematic explanation of the five dimensions of "how to implement it, what are the favorable policies, and what Hong Kong and Macao compatriots can do", calling on the talents of Hong Kong and Macao to pay attention to support and participate in the "Hundreds and Thousands Project", and give full play to the advantages of connections, resources and bridges to assist the project. Return hometowns, return funds, and return talents to your hometowns to make new contributions to the high-quality development of your hometowns.

△After the "Hundred Millions Project" promotion meeting, the chairman of Hong Kong Hui Ning Association, Tang Huichang, presented a souvenir to Ong Zhuohui.

Visiting fellow villagers, talking about hometown, and seeking development

Weng Zhuohui and his party visited the Hong Kong Huining Association and Sihui City Xingxiang Xian Deng Huichang, Huang Weichang and Chen Xuefeng, and sent them the care of their hometown. On behalf of the Sihui Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, Ong Zhuohui expressed his heartfelt thanks to friends from all walks of life in Hong Kong who care and support the development of the Sihui Association, and fully affirmed that the Hong Kong Huining Association has always been uniting people who love the country and Hong Kong, promoting cooperation and exchanges between Hong Kong and the Sihui, and supporting the economic construction of his hometown. Contributions made in other aspects. It is hoped that the hometown association and all fellow villagers will have a strong sense of family and country, bravely shoulder social responsibilities, and work with the municipal party committee and the municipal government to build a beautiful Sihui home.

Chairman of the Hong Kong Hui Ning Association, Tang Huichang, said that loving the country, loving Hong Kong and loving the hometown is the glorious purpose of the Association for 95 years. In the future, it will continue to unite people who love the country and Hong Kong, and join hands with the vast number of folks in Hong Kong to play a new role in the development of their hometown.

Chen Xuefeng, the representative of Xingxiangxian in Sihui City, said that the high-quality development results of his hometown are remarkable and gratifying. In the future, he will pay more attention to the Sihui, actively tell the stories of the Sihui, and support the construction of the Sihui.

△Weng Zhuohui took a group photo with representatives from Hong Kong and Macao after the discussion.

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