Showing posts with label tea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tea. Show all posts

Friday, June 21, 2024

Beijing Tianheng Group organized a delegation to Guangning to inspect tea industry and tea culture and tourism projects

Beijing Tianheng Group organized a delegation to Guangning to inspect tea industry and tea culture and tourism projects

Guangning released 2024-06-21 20:37 Guangdong

On June 20, 2024, Beijing Tianheng Group visited Guangning County to inspect tea industry and tea culture and tourism projects, laying a solid foundation for helping Guangning County build a high-quality and high-level tea tourism industrial park.

Beijing Tianheng Group organized a delegation to Guangning to inspect tea industry and tea culture and tourism projects

The delegation of Beijing Tianheng Group visited the urban living room of Jiangtun Town, the construction of Town and the Happy Pu'er Tea Base, listened to the introduction of the main person in charge of Jiangtun Town and the person in charge of the Happy Pu'er Tea Project, and learned about the tea industry and tea culture and tourism projects in Guangning County in detail.

At the investment promotion symposium, Guangning County introduced in detail the results and ideas of the development of tea industry and tea culture and tourism projects in recent years. Tianheng Group and North Tea Center respectively introduced the relevant situation. North Tea Center is a professional trading platform for northern tea industry established by state-owned enterprises. As a trading venue controlled by state-owned assets, it has important benchmark significance and expected benefits for the development of future tea financial transactions. Guangning County hopes to work closely with Tianheng Group and North Tea Center, give full play to the financial advantages of Tianheng Group and the online transactions, sales resources and professional team advantages of North Tea Center, jointly promote the financial chain to serve the tea industry chain, guide tea enterprises to break through the development bottleneck by leveraging "digitalization", do a good job in tea culture, tea industry and tea technology, promote the quality, efficiency and power changes of Guangning County's economic development, empower the new quality productivity of Guangning County's entire industrial chain with technical services, and promote the development of the industry in the direction of standardization, branding, greening and integration.

Guangning County said that it will do a good job in project service guarantee, and support and cooperate with the project with the greatest sincerity and the best environment to achieve results as soon as possible.

County leaders Li Haisheng, Zhang Zhijun, Liang Yuqiang and Chen Wanhai participated in the inspection activities.

Guangning County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: No. 6, Daxin Road, Chebeidong, Nanjie Town, Guangning County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-8639338

Fax:  0086-758-8669831


Chen Chaochang visits Guangzhou Guangning Tea Chamber of Commerce

Chen Chaochang visits Guangzhou Guangning Tea Chamber of Commerce

Guangning release 2024-06-21 20:37 Guangdong, China

On June 21, 2024, Chen Chaochang, secretary of the Guangning County Party Committee, led a team to visit Guangzhou Guangning Tea Chamber of Commerce and Bainian Shangpu Tea Co., Ltd. to further strengthen communication and exchanges with the Chamber of Commerce and jointly write a new chapter of high-quality development.

At the Guangzhou Guangning Tea Chamber of Commerce, Chen Chaochang met with representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and held a symposium with local celebrities. At the meeting, Deng Guo, president of the Guangzhou Guangning Tea Chamber of Commerce, warmly welcomed the visit of the research team, introduced the basic situation of the Tea Chamber of Commerce's founding concept, member companies, and Chamber of Commerce activities, and reported on the measures and achievements of the Tea Chamber of Commerce in recent years in serving member companies, fulfilling social responsibilities, and participating in the "Hundreds of Millions of Projects" in his hometown.

After carefully listening to the work report of Guangzhou Guangning Tea Chamber of Commerce, Chen Chaochang fully affirmed that under the leadership of the new leadership team, the Tea Chamber of Commerce has achieved new results in serving member enterprises, supporting hometown development, and fulfilling social responsibilities, and put forward hopes and suggestions for the next development of the Chamber of Commerce.

guangzhou,guangning,guangdong,china,Guangning Tea Chamber of Commerce,Tea,

➤ Chen Chaochang emphasized

With the efforts of the people of the county, today's Guangning has undergone tremendous changes. It has outstanding location advantages, superior ecological environment, and excellent business environment. It is a fertile ground for investment and business. At present, Guangning County has deeply learned from the experience of Zhejiang Province's "Ten Million Project", insisted on taking the "Hundred Million Project" as the "No. 1 Project" to lead all work, and deeply promoted the "421" industrial development layout, continuously expanding industrial clusters and strengthening the county economy. We sincerely invite all enterprises to actively organize home visits and research, and invest in business. We will create an excellent investment environment with the greatest sincerity, the best service, and the best guarantee, help enterprises develop, and continuously create a new situation of mutual benefit and win-win. As the warm home of the majority of Guangning tea people, Guangzhou Guangning Tea Chamber of Commerce must further unite members and continue to work hard to do a solid job in member services. I hope that the majority of Guangning tea people will continue to carry forward the spirit of hard work and perseverance, unite their hearts and minds, do a good job in "local specialties", build a tea industry brand, and let Guangning tea go to the world. I hope that the Guangzhou Guangning Tea Chamber of Commerce will always lead the party building throughout the construction of the chamber of commerce, improve the party's organizational construction, promote the construction of the chamber of commerce with party building, and promote the high-quality development of the chamber of commerce; we must always be concerned about our hometown, be a good propagandist and promoter of the development of our hometown, continue to pay attention to and support the development of our hometown, and actively publicize the development advantages, policy opportunities and development prospects of our hometown; we must actively respond to the call of the county party committee and county government, mobilize more member companies to participate in the "hundreds of millions of projects" and green and beautiful ecological construction in our hometown, and strive to contribute more to the high-quality development of Guangning.

At Bainian Shangpu Tea Co., Ltd., the research team learned in detail about the company's production operations, product characteristics, and future development plans, and communicated with the company's leaders.

County leader Liang Lezhang accompanied the inspection and investigation.

Guangning County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: No. 6, Daxin Road, Chebeidong, Nanjie Town, Guangning County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-8639338

Fax:  0086-758-8669831


Tuesday, June 11, 2024



廣寧發布 2024-06-11 21:53 廣東





廣寧產好茶,盡人皆知,尤其是廣寧生產的竹芯茶,更是以色澤金黃、甘香四溢而聞名。 2023年,肇慶學院學子與外國青年導演曾共同創作了一支名為《竹茗》的獲獎短片,講述的正是勤勞淳樸的廣寧人民製茶致富的故事。



廣寧人胡志偉是基地的負責人,除了管理整個基地的運作之外,有時他也會出現在直播間裡,向天南地北的觀眾介紹、推廣各類茶產品。 「建造這個基地的初衷是想要為在外的廣寧茶商提供一個倉儲基地」。胡志偉說,「我們希望能將茶葉從廣寧輸出給全世界」。


事實上,這一基地所承載的功能不止於茶葉倉儲。這裡也為附近鄉村的茶農、茶商提供免費的行銷培訓,也與廣寧郡的中小學進行合作教育,將茶文化傳承給下一代。 “後續,我們還將要發展本地的清桂茶,紅茶等品種,讓廣寧本地茶能夠被更多人所看見。”








Zhaoqing accelerates the creation of tea industry brands by making good use of "local specialties"

Guangning released 2024-06-11 21:53 Guangdong, China

In 2022, a novel called "Chajiao Past" came into the public eye. In this book, the author Li Mujiang tells the story of a group of tea farmers and tea merchants from mountainous areas who walked out of the mountains in the early days of reform and opening up, selling tea and opening tea shops in Fangcun, Guangzhou, the provincial capital, and making a name for themselves.

Li Mujiang is from Guangning County, Zhaoqing. The story depicted in the realistic novel "Chajiao Past" is based on her hometown Guangning. The process of Guangzhou Fangcun's transformation from "the first flower town in Lingnan" to a nationally famous tea market is precisely the struggle history of several generations of Guangning tea farmers and tea merchants.

Guangning people have a long history of selling tea, and various types of tea merchants have long emerged in various towns in Guangning County. Until decades ago, during the tea picking season every year, there would always be a grand scene of thousands of people carrying tea leaves to sell on the streets, and the streets were crowded.

It is well known that Guangning produces good tea, especially the bamboo core tea produced in Guangning, which is famous for its golden color and sweet fragrance. In 2023, students from Zhaoqing College and foreign young directors co-created an award-winning short film called "Bamboo Tea", which tells the story of the hardworking and simple Guangning people making tea and getting rich.

The bamboo forest echoes, and the tea rhyme is long. Now when Guangning is mentioned again, bamboo and tea are topics that cannot be avoided. The fragrance of Guangning tea has traveled through the long river of history, lingering in the corners of this mountainous county, and from here it floats to the entire Pearl River Delta.

When you come to Jiangtun Town in Guangning, on one side of the rural road of Jianghe Village, there is a "museum" of tea culture. This park called "Happy Pu'er Tea Industrial Base" is a project introduced by Guangning County in 2019. Walking into the storage room, the aroma of tea fills the air. The tall shelves are neatly stacked with boxes of Pu'er tea products. In other areas, some e-commerce anchors are shooting promotional videos.

Hu Zhiwei, a Guangning native, is the person in charge of the base. In addition to managing the operation of the entire base, he sometimes appears in the live broadcast room to introduce and promote various tea products to audiences from all over the world. "The original intention of building this base was to provide a storage base for Guangning tea merchants abroad." Hu Zhiwei said, "We hope to export tea from Guangning to the world."

In fact, the function of this base is not limited to tea storage. It also provides free marketing training for tea farmers and tea merchants in nearby villages, and cooperates with primary and secondary schools in Guangning County to pass on tea culture to the next generation. "In the future, we will also develop local varieties such as Qinggui tea and black tea, so that Guangning local tea can be seen by more people."

Because of tea merchants, Guangning County is famous. As one of the main tea production areas in Guangdong Province, Zhaoqing City has many mountains, a good ecological environment, fresh air and sufficient rainfall. Therefore, all kinds of tea produced here are also becoming more and more popular among tea drinkers.

Huaiji has many high mountains, and good tea comes from the clouds and fog. On the market, many Huaiji high mountain teas such as Xingang Green Tea and Xingang Black Tea are hot selling. In the past ten years, many tea companies have built mountains and gardens in Huaiji, invested in setting up factories, and brought Huaiji good tea out of the mountains.

Deqing has been an important tea production area in Lingnan since ancient times. Deqing tea was listed as a tribute in the Ming Dynasty. At present, the tea planting area in the county exceeds 20,000 acres. In recent years, Deqing has continuously improved the brand influence of Chaodingshan Tea, Jinshan Tea, and Gonghuang Tea by promoting the deep integration of "tea industry + cultural tourism + health care".

Xinghua Town, Fengkai County, surrounded by mountains, also has fresh and mellow Baima tea. According to the "Fengchuan County Chronicles" during the Daoguang period of the Qing Dynasty, "Baima Mountain produces tea, which is red in color and fragrant in taste. The tea produced in Wende Xiaojiang is called Wencha". In 1969, the Baima Tea Farm at an altitude of more than 900 meters was built. Since then, the fragrance of Baima tea has drifted from the deep mountains...

There are 62,300 acres of tea gardens of all sizes in Zhaoqing City, and the tea gardens from the mountainous counties of Huaiji, Deqing, Fengkai and Guangning account for nearly 90% of the area.

To make the scattered tea industries in various places form a joint force and let "Zhaoqing Tea" "break through" the fiercely competitive tea market, this is a road that requires long-term efforts and continuous efforts. This year, Zhaoqing will further strengthen the construction of tea industry brands and the "12221" market system, and comprehensively enhance the comprehensive strength of Zhaoqing's tea industry by launching a series of "Chaoyin" processed products, guiding local enterprises to develop together, exploring the connotation of tea culture, playing the card of agricultural, cultural and tourism integration development, and opening up markets within and outside the province as well as export markets.

In addition, Zhaoqing will optimize its industrial structure, expand and strengthen its advantageous brands, and take the creation of "one village, one product, one town, one industry" as an opportunity to support 13 villages in developing the tea industry, basically covering the production areas of Zhaoqing's major tea brands, further promoting the Zhaoqing tea brand, and helping the high-quality development of Zhaoqing's tea industry.

Guangning County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: No. 6, Daxin Road, Chebeidong, Nanjie Town, Guangning County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-8639338

Fax:  0086-758-8669831


Sunday, May 26, 2024

Gain fans with your strength! These "treasures" from Guangning made a wonderful appearance at the 20th China (Shenzhen) Cultural Expo

Gain fans with your strength! These "treasures" from Guangning made a wonderful appearance at the 20th China (Shenzhen) Cultural Expo

Released by Guangning County 2024-05-26 20:44 Guangdong, China

From May 23 to 27, 2024, the 20th China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industry Expo and Trade Fair was held at the Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center. On the 25th, Jiang Haiyan, leader of Guangning County, led a team to the Cultural Expo Exhibition Hall to inspect and learn the development achievements and experiences of advanced cultural industries.

Guangning County,shenzhen,guangdong,zhaoqing,china,China (Shenzhen) Cultural Expo,Guanglvyu,tea,Guanglu jade,Hometown of Bamboo,CIIE,cultural industry,

At the Zhaoqing Exhibition Hall of the International Cultural Expo, Jiang Haiyan interacted with Guangning exhibitors to learn more about their corporate development, innovative research and development, marketing, etc., and provide new ideas for corporate brand marketing.

Guangning County,shenzhen,guangdong,zhaoqing,china,China (Shenzhen) Cultural Expo,Guanglvyu,tea,Guanglu jade,Hometown of Bamboo,CIIE,cultural industry,

Jiang Haiyan emphasized that the cultural industry is an important pillar of economic development in the new era. It is necessary to give full play to the role of the cultural expo platform, actively display the development results of Guangning's cultural industry, and enhance the visibility of Guangning's cultural and creative brands; continue to leverage the advantages of cultural resources and dig deeper Traditional culture, launch more distinctive cultural and creative products; give full play to the "culture +" integration effect, increase support for the cultural industry, and activate a new engine for the high-quality development of Guangning's cultural and tourism integration.

Guangning County,shenzhen,guangdong,zhaoqing,china,China (Shenzhen) Cultural Expo,Guanglvyu,tea,Guanglu jade,Hometown of Bamboo,CIIE,cultural industry,

The Zhaoqing Exhibition Hall of this CIIE will be unveiled in Hall 13 of the exhibition with the theme of "Chinese Inkstone Capital Seven Stars Zhaoqing". At the entrance of the exhibition hall, the Zhaoqing city landmark Qixingyan Archway is "replicated".

The exhibition hall displays batches of traditional representative exhibits as well as various new national trend cultural and creative products.

Among them, the "treasures" from Guangning have gained fans due to their strength and are favored by merchants.

Guangning County,shenzhen,guangdong,zhaoqing,china,China (Shenzhen) Cultural Expo,Guanglvyu,tea,Guanglu jade,Hometown of Bamboo,CIIE,cultural industry,

"Wow! This tea is so sweet"

“The jade carvings are really good and can be seen through the sun.”

“I didn’t expect that the Guanglu jade carvings would be so beautiful.”

“The first time I drank it, it felt very refreshing.”

“I think I’ll go to Quang Ninh for this cup of tea.”

Such compliments came from time to time at Zhaoqing Exhibition Hall No. 13

Let’s feel it together below

The charm of unique cultural and creative exhibits in Guangning

Guanglvyu made a stunning appearance at the International Cultural Expo

Green jade is a characteristic mineral resource in Guangning, famous for its brilliant colors and exquisite carvings. Once the exhibits were unveiled, they attracted admiration from many audiences. These works not only demonstrated the wisdom and skills of the people of Guangning, but also brought a unique cultural experience to the audience.

Guangning County,shenzhen,guangdong,zhaoqing,china,China (Shenzhen) Cultural Expo,Guanglvyu,tea,Guanglu jade,Hometown of Bamboo,CIIE,cultural industry,

The simplicity of jade is hidden in the stone, and the exquisiteness of jade is revealed in its beauty. Each piece of exquisite green jade work has bright color, delicate texture and exquisite carving. In particular, the jade carving "The Great Wall" is unparalleled with its bright luster, elegant combination, and exquisite carving.

Guangning County,shenzhen,guangdong,zhaoqing,china,China (Shenzhen) Cultural Expo,Guanglvyu,tea,Guanglu jade,Hometown of Bamboo,CIIE,cultural industry,

Guangning County,shenzhen,guangdong,zhaoqing,china,China (Shenzhen) Cultural Expo,Guanglvyu,tea,Guanglu jade,Hometown of Bamboo,CIIE,cultural industry,

Guangning County,shenzhen,guangdong,zhaoqing,china,China (Shenzhen) Cultural Expo,Guanglvyu,tea,Guanglu jade,Hometown of Bamboo,CIIE,cultural industry,

The fragrance of Tonggan tea in Zhuxiang is overflowing

A cup of fragrant Zhuxiang Tonggan tea is clear in color and full of tea leaves. Hometown of Bamboo-Tonggan tea is one of Guangning's specialty agricultural products and is loved by consumers for its unique sweetness and fragrance.

Guangning County,shenzhen,guangdong,zhaoqing,china,China (Shenzhen) Cultural Expo,Guanglvyu,tea,Guanglu jade,Hometown of Bamboo,CIIE,cultural industry,

Guangning County,shenzhen,guangdong,zhaoqing,china,China (Shenzhen) Cultural Expo,Guanglvyu,tea,Guanglu jade,Hometown of Bamboo,CIIE,cultural industry,

At the cultural expo, Guangning Zhuxiang Tonggan Tea attracted the attention of many tea culture enthusiasts and on-site audiences due to its unique charm, thereby increasing brand awareness.

Guangning County,shenzhen,guangdong,zhaoqing,china,China (Shenzhen) Cultural Expo,Guanglvyu,tea,Guanglu jade,Hometown of Bamboo,CIIE,cultural industry,

It is understood that this CIIE will be held mainly offline and simultaneously online. There are more than 6,000 exhibitors across the country participating online and offline. There are eight exhibition halls in the main venue with an exhibition area of 160,000 square meters, displaying cultural products. More than 120,000 products and more than 4,000 cultural industry investment and financing projects will be displayed and traded on site.

Guangning County,shenzhen,guangdong,zhaoqing,china,China (Shenzhen) Cultural Expo,Guanglvyu,tea,Guanglu jade,Hometown of Bamboo,CIIE,cultural industry,

A total of 6,015 government groups, cultural institutions and enterprises participated in the exhibition online and offline this year, an increase of 2,419 compared with the previous session. The picture shows Hall 9 of the International Cultural Expo.

Guangning County,shenzhen,guangdong,zhaoqing,china,China (Shenzhen) Cultural Expo,Guanglvyu,tea,Guanglu jade,Hometown of Bamboo,CIIE,cultural industry,

Guangning County,shenzhen,guangdong,zhaoqing,china,China (Shenzhen) Cultural Expo,Guanglvyu,tea,Guanglu jade,Hometown of Bamboo,CIIE,cultural industry,

Guangning County,shenzhen,guangdong,zhaoqing,china,China (Shenzhen) Cultural Expo,Guanglvyu,tea,Guanglu jade,Hometown of Bamboo,CIIE,cultural industry,

Guangning County,shenzhen,guangdong,zhaoqing,china,China (Shenzhen) Cultural Expo,Guanglvyu,tea,Guanglu jade,Hometown of Bamboo,CIIE,cultural industry,

Guangning County,shenzhen,guangdong,zhaoqing,china,China (Shenzhen) Cultural Expo,Guanglvyu,tea,Guanglu jade,Hometown of Bamboo,CIIE,cultural industry,

Guangning County,shenzhen,guangdong,zhaoqing,china,China (Shenzhen) Cultural Expo,Guanglvyu,tea,Guanglu jade,Hometown of Bamboo,CIIE,cultural industry,

Since its establishment in 2004, the exhibition scale, number of visitors, degree of internationalization, and transaction results have increased year by year. It has become an important engine leading the development of China's cultural industry, an important platform to promote Chinese culture going global, and an important window to expand cultural opening to the outside world. It is known as "the first exhibition of China's cultural industry".

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Huaiji County organized a delegation to participate in the 20th China (Shenzhen) Cultural Expo. Special cultural and creative products were favored by merchants

Huaiji County organized a delegation to participate in the 20th China (Shenzhen) Cultural Expo. Special cultural and creative products were favored by merchants

Released by Huaiji 2024-05-24 20:55 Guangdong, China

On May 23, 2024, the 20th China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industry Expo and Trade Fair opened at the Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center (Baoan Pavilion).

More than 30 cultural enterprises and institutions in Zhaoqing participated in the exhibition simultaneously online and offline, displaying more than a thousand unique Zhaoqing products.

Among them, high-quality agricultural and sideline products such as Huaiji Xingang Tea, Xiashuai Dancong Tea, Yanling Green Tea, Blue Zhongyue Mountain Tea, Dihao Brand "Sixty Days", and cultural and creative products such as strange stone root carvings made a stunning appearance, and were favored by merchants. .

Li Fangxiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Huaiji County Party Committee and director of the Propaganda Department, led a delegation to participate in the cultural expo.

Huaiji County,guangdong,shenzhen,zhaoqing,china,China (Shenzhen) Cultural Expo,tea,Sixty Days,cultural and creative products,

Huaiji County,guangdong,shenzhen,zhaoqing,china,China (Shenzhen) Cultural Expo,tea,Sixty Days,cultural and creative products,

The Zhaoqing Exhibition Hall of this CIIE will be unveiled in Hall 13 of the exhibition with the theme of "Chinese Inkstone Capital Seven Stars Zhaoqing".

Zhaoqing's urban landmark Qixingyan Arch is "replicated" at the entrance of the Zhaoqing Exhibition Hall. The exhibition hall displays a number of traditional representative exhibits such as Duan Inkstone, Sihui Jade, and charming "Huaiji Tea", as well as Guangfu gold embroidery, Various new national trend cultural and creative products such as jade blind boxes, knot art decorations, Duan inkstone cultural and creative products.

Huaiji County,guangdong,shenzhen,zhaoqing,china,China (Shenzhen) Cultural Expo,tea,Sixty Days,cultural and creative products,

Huaiji County,guangdong,shenzhen,zhaoqing,china,China (Shenzhen) Cultural Expo,tea,Sixty Days,cultural and creative products,

Huaiji County,guangdong,shenzhen,zhaoqing,china,China (Shenzhen) Cultural Expo,tea,Sixty Days,cultural and creative products,

The reporter saw in the exhibition hall that Xingang tea, Xiashuai Dancong tea, Yanling green black tea, blue Zhongyue mountain tea and other charming "Huaiji tea", Dihao brand "Sixty Days", Huisheng yuba, Youqi brand Agricultural and sideline products such as preserved eggs and rock mushrooms, as well as cultural and creative products such as "Auspicious Fortune", "Zen" and "Three Tribes Rejoice" were exquisitely displayed on the booth, attracting many tourists to stop and admire the exhibition.

Huaiji County,guangdong,shenzhen,zhaoqing,china,China (Shenzhen) Cultural Expo,tea,Sixty Days,cultural and creative products,

Huaiji County,guangdong,shenzhen,zhaoqing,china,China (Shenzhen) Cultural Expo,tea,Sixty Days,cultural and creative products,

The reporter learned that Huaiji County took the opportunity of participating in this cultural expo to make full use of its unique resource endowment advantages, vigorously explore historical culture, folk culture, and ecological culture, create an influential and competitive characteristic cultural tourism brand, and cultivate and strengthen In the tourism industry, we strive to build it into a destination city for sightseeing, leisure, conferences, and vacations.

On the same day, the Huaiji delegation also visited Shenzhen Meisu Cultural Tourism Group Co., Ltd. for investigation and research. They visited Akanala Glazed Sea Resort, White House·Shenzhen Nan'ao Beach Seaview Meisu Project, and learned more about the company's professional operations and business philosophy. , market positioning, tourism product supply, development ideas, etc.

at the symposium

Li Fangxiang introduced the development of Huaijiwen's tourism industry, the layout of the homestay industry and the investment environment to the merchants, focusing on promoting high-quality homestay resource spots such as Qiaotou Rongling, Lanzhong Gucheng Village and Shuangxing Village in Huaiji County, and listened to the introduction of the company by the person in charge of the company Development history, corporate culture, core advantages, market layout, future development plans, etc. We sincerely invite merchants to Huaiji to inspect and invest. The two parties conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges on future cooperation directions.

Relevant persons in charge from the Huaiji County Government Office, County Culture, Broadcasting, Tourism and Sports Bureau, County Investment Promotion Center, and County Culture and Tourism Development Leading Group Office attended the event.


Moving the factory to Sihui, Zhaoqing --- a conversation between two bosses from Guangdong 搬工廠去肇慶四會----兩個廣東老闆的對話

Moving the factory to Sihui, Zhaoqing --- a conversation between two bosses from Guangdong A: What happened to your factory in Vietnam recen...