Saturday, March 4, 2023

Sign+start! The thousand-mu night orchid planting project in Binheng Town, Guangning County, Guangdong Province starts with a sprint

Sign+start! The thousand-mu night orchid planting project in Binheng Town, Guangning County, Guangdong Province starts with a sprint

Guangning issued 2023-03-03 20:55

In order to improve the effective utilization rate of abandoned land in Binheng Town, Guangning County, and transform the local resource advantages into economic advantages, the signing and commencement ceremony of the thousand-mu night orchid planting project was held in Binheng Town on the morning of March 2, and the implementation of the project will effectively accelerate the high-quality development of modern agriculture in Binheng Town.

County leaders Tu Xiongwen, Wu Hanqiang and Luo Zengshi participated in the event. The heads of Binheng Town, Guangning County and Guangdong Runhe Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. respectively introduced the advantages and specific plans of the project of planting night orchids in Binheng Town, and signed a cooperation agreement on the spot.

The thousand-mu night orchid planting project in Binheng Town, Guangning County, Guangdong Province starts with a sprint

Binheng Town said that the signing of the night orchid planting project will create employment opportunities for local villagers, improve economic income, and transform and plant the wasteland in the project area, which will not only improve the effective utilization rate of abandoned wasteland, but also beautify the rural environment, make the industry sustainable development, and help to accelerate the high-quality development of modern agriculture in Binheng Town. After signing the contract, both parties came to the project base to plant the first batch of edible night orchid seedlings.

The thousand-mu night orchid planting project in Binheng Town, Guangning County, Guangdong Province starts with a sprint

It is reported that the first phase of the evening orchid planting project in Binheng Town will plant 200 mu in Zhongcun and Kengzikou. Based on the yield of 2000 kg per mu, it is estimated that the annual output of evening orchid will be 400000 kg, and more than 150 villagers around will be employed through planting, processing, management and other links. In the next 2-3 years, the planting scale of night orchids will grow to 1000 mu, and the project industry chain will be extended to build night orchid planting into local tourism, culture and tourism agriculture.

Binheng Town will further improve the quality, popularity and added value of local characteristic agricultural products by building the brand of "two flowers" - perfume lily and night orchid, so as to truly realize the value-added of agricultural products and increase farmers' income.

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