Showing posts with label Orchid planting base in China. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Orchid planting base in China. Show all posts

Sunday, January 7, 2024

At the beginning of the new year, Sihui orchids “renew” Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport

At the beginning of the new year, Sihui orchids “renew” Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport

Released by Sihui City 2024-01-07 12:27 Published in Guangdong

Recently, the Guangdong Provincial Prison Bureau's working team in Xiashuai Township, Huaiji County, and the provincial working team in Shigou Town, Sihui City have deepened information communication and working contacts, created an "enclave collaborative assistance" model, and vertically assisted Sihui in the province. With the support of the group organization, we coordinated and facilitated the Sihui Orchid Enterprise and Guangzhou Airport Landscape Construction Co., Ltd. to reach a cooperation intention. Sihui Orchid once again gained market recognition and affirmation! The province's "Hundreds and Thousands Project" multi-party support forces have worked together to promote the "acceleration" of rural revitalization in Sihui.

On January 5, 2024, Guangzhou Airport Landscape Construction Co., Ltd. and Zhaoqing Wanlvxing Flower Planting Co., Ltd. successfully signed a seedling procurement contract (Phalaenopsis) for the 2023-2024 annual greening landscape maintenance project of Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport Terminal 2. Hui Orchid has officially made its debut at Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport. Passengers traveling to and from Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport will encounter pots of beautiful Sihui orchids in Terminal 2. This is a big step for Sihui orchids to go global. Sihui orchids will continue to expand. Orchid brand influence.

Sihui orchids,orchids,Orchid planting base in China,China orchids Industrial,flower planting,flower sales,flowers planting base in China,guangdong,zhaoqing,

In recent years, the Guangdong Provincial Prison Bureau's working team in Xiashuai Township, Huaiji County and the provincial working team in Shigou Town, Sihui City have assisted Sihui City in comprehensively promoting the "100,000,000,000 Project" and continued to promote the Sihui Orchid "12221" market system Construction, vigorously promote the large-scale, industrialized and professional development of the Sihui orchid industry, continue to polish the Sihui orchid brand, further promote the Sihui orchid marketing actions, make Sihui orchids sell well in various places, and promote the high-quality development of the Sihui orchid industry. .

Create Orchid IP and promote brand output

Sihui City has no severe cold in winter and no scorching heat in summer, and the land is fertile. It is a veritable treasure land for orchid cultivation. Sihui has been planting orchids for nearly 20 years. It has the largest orchid planting base in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, with a planting area of 1 With more than 10,000 acres, Shigou Town in Sihui City has been recognized as a "provincial orchid professional town" and a provincial orchid professional town with "one village, one product, one town, one industry".

Sihui orchids,orchids,Orchid planting base in China,China orchids Industrial,flower planting,flower sales,flowers planting base in China,guangdong,zhaoqing,

Since 2022, Sihui City has proposed the concept of "Father's Love is Like an Orchid" based on the characteristics of orchids, and has made every effort to make orchids the flower of Father's Day, giving Sihui orchids more emotional and cultural value, and strongly creating the "exclusive flower for Father's Day" "IP, formed the emotional resonance of "Sending Sihui orchids on Father's Day", took the lead in launching the construction of the Sihui orchid "12221" market system in the province, organized a series of publicity activities of "Father's love is like an orchid", and carried out "Father's Orchid Fu" to move China Activities such as the Father's Love Story Essay Contest, "Father's Love is Like an Orchid's Sound in the Heart" Sing for Father's Love, Guangzhou Tower Liang Blessing, and the immersive "Father's Orchid Language" Guangzhou Metro Train will increase the exposure of orchids in the Four Sessions. Sihui Orchid also appeared in Shanghai Beach, participating in the "South Products Go North, North Products Go South" inter-provincial exchange and cooperation and Guangdong's famous, special and high-quality new agricultural products entering Zhejiang (Hangzhou) promotion series activities, successfully broadening the "South Products Go North" circulation channels, participating in The China-ASEAN Young Entrepreneurs Economic and Trade Cooperation Fair’s Four Sessions Research Point activity was unveiled in front of ASEAN entrepreneurs, constantly polishing the Sihui Orchid brand, leveraging the growth and development of the town’s economy, and injecting high-end resources into the Four Sessions’ “millions of projects” New impetus for quality development.

Expand the consumer market and achieve brand recognition

Sihui City insists on building a modern orchid industry with the concept of industrialization and whole-industry chain thinking, and goes all out to provide service guarantees. The sales of orchids in Sihui continue to hit new highs, and many orchid industry projects such as the Shigou Town Orchid Research Center project have been settled in Sihui. Huishigou, the Orchid Colorful World project in Shigou Town, Sihui City, planned in cooperation with Shenzhen Qiaocheng Kale Agricultural Tourism Technology Co., Ltd., is also progressing steadily, and the awareness and recognition of the Sihui Orchid brand continues to increase.

Sihui orchids,orchids,Orchid planting base in China,China orchids Industrial,flower planting,flower sales,flowers planting base in China,guangdong,zhaoqing,

The traffic has brought about an increase. Driven by multi-faceted IP creation and publicity, the field shipment price of Sihui orchids has increased from about 20 yuan in the off-season of May and June to nearly 40 yuan. Enterprise procurement and distribution volume has increased significantly. It has initially been achieved that the off-season is not weak and sales are booming. At the same time, we draw on the successful experience of the jade live broadcast industry, actively build a professional live broadcast sales platform for the orchid industry, and cooperate with platforms such as Douyin,, Postal "Express Fresh" and "Cloud Agricultural Expo" to build a new marketing channel for orchids in Sihui, introducing the first nationwide The first Douyin e-commerce live broadcast base for flowers and green plants, the Golden Engine Douyin Flower and Green Plant Live Broadcast Incubation Center, has opened a new era of live broadcast sales of flowers. Sihui orchids are selling well all over the country.

Promote the integrated development of agriculture, culture and tourism, and rely on the orchid base of Zhaoqing Yalanfang Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., a provincial demonstration site for leisure agriculture and rural tourism, to create an orchid sightseeing belt integrating ecological leisure, sightseeing and popular science education, attracting many tourists and students come to visit and experience it. So far, it has received a total of 23,000 people for various study and development activities.

Deeply cultivate R&D and innovation to enhance brand confidence

Sihui City continues to improve the entire orchid industry chain of "technology research and development-seedling tissue culture-cultivation-talent training-product display-sales logistics", promoting the Orchid Association to cooperate with the South China Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhaoqing University, etc. Scientific research units and universities have carried out industry-university-research cooperation, established 3 industry-university-research bases and 1 doctoral workstation, and established 3 off-season orchid seedling cultivation centers such as Yalanfang, Wanlvxing, and Zixin to continuously increase the added value of Sihui orchids. and orchid market competitiveness.

Sihui orchids,orchids,Orchid planting base in China,China orchids Industrial,flower planting,flower sales,flowers planting base in China,guangdong,zhaoqing,

In 2023, 2 "National Key Research and Development Special Technical Achievement Demonstration Bases" were established in Shigou Town, Sihui City, and 8 new orchid varieties including Cymbidium "Red Dragon" were developed and introduced to the market, and were successfully approved The "Guangdong Provincial Orchid Breeding Standardization Pilot" has aroused enthusiastic response from the market and increased the market share of flower varieties with independent intellectual property rights; Phalaenopsis has expanded its production, with an annual production of 300,000 flowers; the cross-strait orchid (Paphiopedilum series) scientific research has been successfully held Academic exchange activities will strengthen cross-strait cooperation and exchanges, seize Paphiopedilum market opportunities, and empower the high-quality development of the orchid industry with technology.

Welcome to Sihui City, Guangdong Province for inspection

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Saturday, March 4, 2023

Sign+start! The thousand-mu night orchid planting project in Binheng Town, Guangning County, Guangdong Province starts with a sprint

Sign+start! The thousand-mu night orchid planting project in Binheng Town, Guangning County, Guangdong Province starts with a sprint

Guangning issued 2023-03-03 20:55

In order to improve the effective utilization rate of abandoned land in Binheng Town, Guangning County, and transform the local resource advantages into economic advantages, the signing and commencement ceremony of the thousand-mu night orchid planting project was held in Binheng Town on the morning of March 2, and the implementation of the project will effectively accelerate the high-quality development of modern agriculture in Binheng Town.

County leaders Tu Xiongwen, Wu Hanqiang and Luo Zengshi participated in the event. The heads of Binheng Town, Guangning County and Guangdong Runhe Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. respectively introduced the advantages and specific plans of the project of planting night orchids in Binheng Town, and signed a cooperation agreement on the spot.

The thousand-mu night orchid planting project in Binheng Town, Guangning County, Guangdong Province starts with a sprint

Binheng Town said that the signing of the night orchid planting project will create employment opportunities for local villagers, improve economic income, and transform and plant the wasteland in the project area, which will not only improve the effective utilization rate of abandoned wasteland, but also beautify the rural environment, make the industry sustainable development, and help to accelerate the high-quality development of modern agriculture in Binheng Town. After signing the contract, both parties came to the project base to plant the first batch of edible night orchid seedlings.

The thousand-mu night orchid planting project in Binheng Town, Guangning County, Guangdong Province starts with a sprint

It is reported that the first phase of the evening orchid planting project in Binheng Town will plant 200 mu in Zhongcun and Kengzikou. Based on the yield of 2000 kg per mu, it is estimated that the annual output of evening orchid will be 400000 kg, and more than 150 villagers around will be employed through planting, processing, management and other links. In the next 2-3 years, the planting scale of night orchids will grow to 1000 mu, and the project industry chain will be extended to build night orchid planting into local tourism, culture and tourism agriculture.

Binheng Town will further improve the quality, popularity and added value of local characteristic agricultural products by building the brand of "two flowers" - perfume lily and night orchid, so as to truly realize the value-added of agricultural products and increase farmers' income.


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