Showing posts with label Binheng Town. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Binheng Town. Show all posts

Friday, September 6, 2024

China Guangning County leaders inspected and supervised the pigeon processing and typical town construction

China Guangning County leaders inspected and supervised the pigeon processing and typical town construction

Guangning released September 5, 2024 21:00 Guangdong, China

On September 4, 2024, Chen Chaochang, secretary of the Guangning County Party Committee, visited the Zhaoqing distribution sub-center of "vegetable basket" products and Binheng Town to inspect and supervise the pigeon processing and typical town construction, emphasizing the need to step up efforts, high standards and strict requirements to sprint all construction tasks, and ensure the quality and speed of key projects and typical town construction.

On September 4, 2024, Chen Chaochang, secretary of the Guangning County Party Committee, visited the Zhaoqing distribution sub-center of "vegetable basket" products and Binheng Town to inspect and supervise the pigeon processing and typical town construction

At the Zhaoqing distribution sub-center of "vegetable basket" products, Chen Chaochang had face-to-face exchanges with project and enterprise leaders to learn more about the progress of the pigeon deep processing project and the production and operation of the enterprise.

➤ Chen Chaochang emphasized

Relevant departments and enterprises should further strengthen their awareness of efficiency, ensure the supply of factors, do everything possible to seize time and speed up the progress, and strive to accelerate the construction of projects; they should actively promote the production and operation activities of the entire industrial chain of centralized slaughtering of pigeons, cold chain distribution and listing of fresh meat products (pre-prepared dishes), and realize an industrial agglomeration center with modernized pigeon slaughtering, processing and circulation as the center, integrating pigeon slaughtering and quick freezing, cooked food research and development and processing, warehousing and distribution logistics, etc., and continuously extend the middle and lower reaches of the pigeon breeding industry industrial chain, and improve the modernization level of Guangning pigeon industry. At the same time, we should actively explore product marketing brands, vigorously promote the formation and integration of the pigeon industry chain, create a regional public brand of "Guangning pigeon" that is "producible, well-known, hard-working and popular", and promote the rapid development of the pigeon industry.

In Binheng Town, Chen Chaochang and his party visited the entrance of Meili Town, the Green and Beautiful Ecological Park, the Beautiful Demonstration Main Street, the Beautiful River and other places, conducted on-site research and listened to the report on the construction of the typical town, and inspected the progress of the "seven ones" construction of the beautiful town, such as the improvement of the facades of houses, the "three lines" rectification, and the construction of the living room of the beautiful town, and put forward the requirements for the next step of work. He pointed out that the construction of the typical town of Binheng Town has made some progress, but it still needs to increase strength, speed up the progress, and continuously improve and upgrade. In response to the problem of too many mud trucks and inadequate town management in the town, he required to strengthen street cleaning work and use high-pressure cleaning vehicles to thoroughly clean the streets and sidewalks to improve the town's appearance; the problem of occupied sidewalks on the main street should be solved as soon as possible to achieve "returning the road to the people" so that citizens can enjoy a more spacious and comfortable public space; we must vigorously carry out demolition and crackdown operations, thoroughly rectify the problems of occupying sidewalks, awnings, and illegal construction, accelerate the transformation of store signs and three-line rectification, and further purify the town's environment; we must carefully plan the greening of the town, select suitable tree species and plant more trees, increase the area of ​​green space, and improve the green and beautiful ecological environment. At the same time, in accordance with the "seven ones" construction requirements of the beautiful town, we must simultaneously accelerate the construction of the town's living room and beautiful river, adjust the construction of the farmers' market, reduce the scale of investment, avoid formalism and idleness, and make every effort to build Binheng Town into a typical town suitable for living, working, and traveling.

Guangning County leader Chen Wanhai participated in the investigation.

Guangning County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: No. 6, Daxin Road, Chebeidong, Nanjie Town, Guangning County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-8639338

Fax:  0086-758-8669831


Saturday, August 31, 2024

The first mooncake festival in Binheng Town, Guangning County, China wins in "homemade" and "old brand"--a major town of China's food manufacturing industry

The first mooncake festival in Binheng Town, Guangning County, China wins in "homemade" and "old brand"----Binheng Town, Guangning County, a major town of China's food manufacturing industry

Guangning release August 24, 2024 18:38 Guangdong, China

The autumn breeze blows gently, and the fragrance of osmanthus is everywhere. The annual Mid-Autumn Festival is quietly approaching

On the evening of August 23, 2024, Binheng Town held the [Moonlight on the Nine Provinces, the fragrance of mooncakes in thousands of homes] 2024 Binheng Town Mooncake Festival and Mooncake Promotion Conference in the East Square of Guangning County, further polishing the Binheng Mooncake Signature Picture.


At the event site, lanterns were hung high, ribbons were fluttering, and the crowds were surging, creating a strong festive atmosphere

2024 China Guangning County Binheng Town First Mooncake Festival

With a burst of exciting gongs and drums, the lion awakening performance came on stage.

The lion was majestic and his eyes were bright. With the dexterous manipulation of the lion dancers, he jumped up and rolled over, and his movements were vigorous and powerful.

2024 China Guangning County Binheng Town First Mooncake Festival

2024 China Guangning County Binheng Town First Mooncake Festival

2024 China Guangning County Binheng Town First Mooncake Festival

Then, the martial arts performance was even more eye-catching.

The performers were agile. Their movements were vigorous and powerful, and their moves were precise and in place.

Every turn and every kick revealed their deep martial arts skills and love for traditional culture.

2024 China Guangning County Binheng Town First Mooncake Festival - Chinese Martial Arts (Kung Fu) Performance

2024 China Guangning County Binheng Town First Mooncake Festival - Chinese Martial Arts (Kung Fu) Performance

2024 China Guangning County Binheng Town First Mooncake Festival - Chinese Martial Arts (Kung Fu) Performance

In addition to the wonderful lion dance and martial arts performances, Binheng Town carefully invited many well-known mooncake brands and local specialty food merchants in the town to gather together to create a double feast of vision and taste.

In the mooncake exhibition area, there are a variety of mooncakes. There are five-nut, lotus paste, bean paste and other series of mooncakes. Each one carries the deep affection for the Mid-Autumn Festival.

2024 China Guangning County Binheng Town First Mooncake Festival--Purchase Site

2024 China Guangning County Binheng Town First Mooncake Festival--Purchase Site

2024 China Guangning County Binheng Town First Mooncake Festival--Purchase Site

2024 China Guangning County Binheng Town First Mooncake Festival--Purchase Site

On the scene, all kinds of mooncakes, whether classic old flavors or creative new flavors, are memorable. Use the taste buds to awaken people's memories of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

2024 China Guangning County Binheng Town First Mooncake Festival - Free Tasting

2024 China Guangning County Binheng Town First Mooncake Festival - Free Tasting

In the joyful atmosphere of the Mooncake Festival, the handmade area is even more lively.

It attracted many adults and children to experience the fun of making lanterns. Then, lanterns were born in the hands of the skilled. They are in various shapes and colorful.

In the joyful atmosphere of the Mooncake Festival

In the lantern riddle guessing activity area, interesting lantern riddles are hung under the exquisite lanterns.

It attracted many citizens to stop and think, and compete to guess.

It is understood that the mooncakes in Binheng Town have a profound historical and cultural heritage and unique local characteristics, and occupy a place in the market.

The combination of traditional craftsmanship and mechanized production in the production process makes the mooncakes retain the traditional flavor and improve production efficiency.

Currently, there are four mooncake factories in Binheng Town. They are Bingong Mooncake Factory, Binheng Mooncake Factory, Bincheng Mooncake Factory, and Binxing Mooncake Factory.

Bingong Mooncake Factory

Binheng Supply and Marketing Cooperative began to produce mooncakes in 1953, and has a production history of 71 years. Mooncakes are produced every year, and have never stopped for 71 years. The taste has a long history, and the unique taste has accompanied the growth of several generations of Guangning people, becoming the "old brand" and "old taste" that recalls the memories of the old Guangning time.

Bingong Mooncake Factory,宾虹供销社月饼厂,

In recent years, Bingong Mooncake Factory has continuously innovated on the basis of traditional craftsmanship, using modern scientific and technological equipment to improve the production process and actively adapt to the diverse needs of the market. At the same time, with the advantages of the Internet, it adopts a sales model that combines online and offline to allow more consumers to taste Guangning's mooncakes.

Bingong Mooncake Factory,宾虹供销社月饼厂,

Binheng Mooncake Factory

Binheng Mooncake Factory, a place that carries sweet memories in the hearts of many people. Its founder, with tenacity and seriousness, uses innovative inheritance methods and excellent products, and has a constant stream of repeat customers. Even customers from nearby counties and cities come here, especially those of the older generation.

Binheng Mooncake Factory,宾亨月饼厂,

Binheng Mooncake Factory,宾亨月饼厂,

As a time-honored brand, Binheng mooncakes are very sophisticated in the selection of ingredients. Good materials are the foundation, and good craftsmanship is the secret. The warm jade-colored crust and the carefully proportioned fillings, the mooncakes are carefully crafted through multiple processes, from dough mixing, filling making to baking, every step strives for perfection, just to restore the purest and most authentic mooncake flavor.

Bincheng Mooncake Factory

Binheng Bincheng Mooncake was founded in 1996 and is one of the traditional craft workshop-style mooncake production factories in Guangning County. Its mooncakes are strictly selected, ingeniously made, and carefully proportioned. The mooncake masters rely on their skilled experience and attentive skills to create delicious mooncakes.

Bincheng Mooncake Factory,宾城月饼厂,

Bincheng Mooncake Factory,宾城月饼厂,

For many years, Bincheng Mooncake has been adhering to the traditional style and Cantonese mooncake production technology. Insist on using high-quality and authentic ingredients, making them carefully, conscientiously, and steadily making mooncakes.

Binxing Mooncake Factory

Binxing mooncakes made by Binheng Singapore Restaurant were founded in 2000 and have been in business since 2024. Binheng Binxing mooncakes are well-known for their thin skin, rich fillings, sweet and soft taste, and are the first choice for gifts.

Binxing Mooncake Factory,宾星月饼厂,

Binxing Mooncake Factory,宾星月饼厂,

The mooncakes made by Binxing are golden and crispy on the outside, soft and sweet on the inside, and diverse in variety, which can meet the needs of different consumers.

In recent years, Binheng Town mooncakes have continuously excavated, inherited, explored and innovated on the basis of traditional production technology, forming diversified local characteristics, and setting up more than 280 distribution points in the Pearl River Delta region and the surrounding counties and districts of Zhaoqing City. At present, the town has cultivated more than 20 types of mooncakes, with an annual output of about 1 million pieces and an annual output value of more than 8 million yuan, providing 400-500 jobs for the local area and an annual increase of more than 2.5 million yuan.

Binheng Town, Guangning County, a major town of China's food manufacturing industry. Food industry companies from all over the world are welcome to set up businesses in Guangning County, China.

Guangning County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: No. 6, Daxin Road, Chebeidong, Nanjie Town, Guangning County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-8639338

Fax:  0086-758-8669831


Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The Guangdong Supply and Marketing (Guangning) Cold Chain Logistics Project with an investment of 15 million yuan has been successfully capped

The Guangdong Supply and Marketing (Guangning) Cold Chain Logistics Project with an investment of 15 million yuan has been successfully capped

Guangning Release July 02, 2024 20:16 Guangdong, China

Recently, the Guangdong Supply and Marketing (Guangning) Cold Chain Logistics Project located in Hengjing Village, Shijian District, Binheng Town, Guangning County has been successfully capped. After completion, the project will have service functions such as refrigeration and preservation, rapid distribution, food processing, and distribution and delivery. It is expected to be officially put into production in December this year to help Guangning County's bamboo industry develop with high quality.

Guangdong Supply and Marketing (Guangning) Cold Chain Logistics Project

▲Project renderings

Walking into the construction site of the Guangdong Supply and Marketing (Guangning) Cold Chain Logistics Project, the workers are working hard to dismantle the internal frame, clean up materials, and lay bricks. The construction site is busy and orderly. According to the person in charge of the project, the main building has been successfully capped recently. The project department will seize the good weather, keep a close eye on the target nodes, and accelerate the construction progress on the premise of ensuring quality and safety to ensure that the project is put into production and use as soon as possible.

Gong Haifei, Quality Inspector of China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Group Co., Ltd.

The stairwell roof was poured on June 24, 2024, and the internal frame of the first floor has been removed. The main construction content now is that the internal frame of the second floor is being removed, and masonry construction is currently being prepared. Masonry and plastering will be completed by the end of July.

It is understood that the project covers an area of ​​7.1 acres and has an investment of about 15 million yuan. After completion, the project will have functions such as cold storage and preservation, rapid distribution, food processing, distribution and delivery, and provide services for important agricultural products in the links of pre-cooling and preservation at the place of production, cold chain transportation, cold storage in the sales area, and cold chain distribution, which will effectively make up for the shortcomings of local cold chain logistics and open up the "first kilometer" and "last kilometer" of agricultural products entering the city.

Guangdong Supply and Marketing (Guangning) Cold Chain Logistics Project

In addition to the cold chain logistics service function, Guangning County Supply and Marketing Cooperative also anchors the central work of the county party committee and county government to develop the bamboo industry, develop and improve the food processing service function of the project, and build a food processing plant. After completion and production, it will cooperate with bamboo shoot processing enterprises (Zhaoqing Defengyuan Food Technology Co., Ltd., etc.), focusing on cultivating leading bamboo shoot processing backbone enterprises, exploring bamboo shoot processing, innovatively developing special bamboo shoot processing products, and focusing on enriching product types, creating Guangning bamboo shoot specialty brands, and enhancing Guangning bamboo shoot brand value and core competitiveness.

At the same time, relying on the supply and marketing cooperative organization system, by including bamboo shoot processing products in the "Ninggong Optimized" product list, signing the "Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement on Promoting Guangning Bamboo Shoot Agricultural Product Production and Marketing Docking" with the Tianhe District Supply and Marketing Cooperative, and listing on major physical stores and online business platforms, the sales channels of bamboo shoot processing products are unblocked, the high-quality development of the bamboo industry is promoted, and the Guangning bamboo shoot "local specialty" article is written with the supply and marketing organization advantages and brand effects.

Zhu Chengqiang, Director of the Board of Directors of Guangning County Supply and Marketing Cooperative

Next, Guangning County Supply and Marketing Cooperative will continue to strengthen the guidance and supervision of project construction, further strengthen communication and docking with bamboo shoot processing industry partners, and deliver the company's on-site installation facilities and equipment in a timely manner. It is expected that the processing workshop will be renovated in October 2024, the equipment will be debugged and trial-operated in November, and it will be officially put into production in December.

Guangning County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: No. 6, Daxin Road, Chebeidong, Nanjie Town, Guangning County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-8639338

Fax:  0086-758-8669831


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Zhaoqing leaders came to Ning to carry out the "general battle" supervision of manufacturing project construction, helping enterprises to land, put into production and see results quickly

Zhaoqing leaders came to Guangning to carry out the "general battle" supervision of manufacturing project construction, helping enterprises to land, put into production and see results quickly

Guangning Release 2024-06-12 22:56 Guangdong, China

On June 12, 2024, Zhang Sihui, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Zhaoqing Municipal People's Congress, and He Jianhao, vice chairman of the Zhaoqing CPPCC, led a team to Guangning County to carry out the "general battle" supervision of manufacturing project construction, emphasizing the need to seize the progress and help enterprises to land, put into production and see results quickly.

The Zhaoqing Municipal Supervision Group visited the Jincheng Confidential Rare and Precious Metal Recycling Resource Industrialization Project of the South China Recycling Resource Industrial Park in Wuhe Town, the Hulukeng Building Materials Industrial Base Project in Binheng Town, and the Molecular Cold Chain (Zhaoqing) Intelligent Equipment Project in the Guangning High-tech Industrial Park (Phase II) in Hengshan Town, and listened to the relevant persons in charge on the operation, construction progress, and factor guarantee of each project, and learned in detail about the difficulties and problems encountered in the process of project promotion.

The Zhaoqing City Supervision Group said that it will make every effort to coordinate and help enterprises and projects solve the difficulties and problems encountered in the process of advancement, and require the local towns and relevant departments to form a joint force, seek truth from facts, coordinate and coordinate, and resolutely fight and win the "general battle" of manufacturing project construction in response to the main contradictions and problems of the project; it is necessary to strengthen the role of the special working group, coordinate and follow up the supervision and inspection around the "stuck points, pain points, and difficulties", comprehensively sort out the key tasks of the special working group, tighten and consolidate the work responsibilities, and ensure that each project is managed, grasped, and managed well; it is necessary to make every effort to promote the progress of project construction and production, escort the development of enterprises, and support the steady growth of the economy with the results of project construction; enterprises and project parties should take the initiative to speed up the pace of construction and production, seize opportunities, continuously increase product research and development and technological innovation, continuously enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises, and achieve high-quality development.

Deputy County Mayor Yang Hongzhang accompanied the supervision.

Guangning County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: No. 6, Daxin Road, Chebeidong, Nanjie Town, Guangning County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-8639338

Fax:  0086-758-8669831


Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Zhaoqing City Supervision Team went to Guangning County to carry out the "Project Implementation Centralized Supervision Day" activity

Zhaoqing City Supervision Team went to Guangning County to carry out the "Project Implementation Centralized Supervision Day" activity

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-05-08 21:30 Guangdong, China

On May 6, Zhaoqing city leaders Wu Ding, Zhang Sihui, and He Jianhao led the supervision team to Guangning County to carry out the "Project Implementation Centralized Supervision Day" activity.

The supervision team visited Guangdong Dingfeng Paper Co., Ltd.'s pulping and alkali recovery process optimization and upgrading technology transformation project, the High-tech Industrial Park (Phase II) Zhaoqing Haixie Polymer Materials Project, Tongzheng Intelligent Machinery Production Project, and Guangdong Xizi Elevator Headquarters relocation project, as well as the Huasheng Plastics and Biodegradable Materials Project in Shijian Industrial Park, Binheng Town, and the Huahong Waste Plastic Resources Comprehensive Utilization Project.

The supervision team has a detailed understanding of the project construction progress, production employment, project planning, etc., and coordinates on-site to solve the difficulties and problems encountered during the project advancement.

The steering group emphasized

Departments at all levels must anchor the primary task of high-quality development, adhere to the real economy as the foundation, and the manufacturing industry as the master, firmly establish the concept of "project is king", take proactive actions, implement precise policies, and fully support enterprises to become bigger and stronger.

It is necessary to proactively provide services, strengthen communication and docking with enterprises, implement various enterprise-friendly policies and relief measures, and help enterprises to upgrade their technology and increase production and efficiency.

It is necessary to further provide supporting services and policy support, strengthen examination and approval guidance services, improve examination and approval efficiency, and help enterprises to "accelerate" their development.

It is necessary to always stand, think and work together with the majority of entrepreneurs, encourage entrepreneurs to boost confidence, seize opportunities, forge ahead, and inject strong impetus into accelerating county economic development.

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Sign+start! The thousand-mu night orchid planting project in Binheng Town, Guangning County, Guangdong Province starts with a sprint

Sign+start! The thousand-mu night orchid planting project in Binheng Town, Guangning County, Guangdong Province starts with a sprint

Guangning issued 2023-03-03 20:55

In order to improve the effective utilization rate of abandoned land in Binheng Town, Guangning County, and transform the local resource advantages into economic advantages, the signing and commencement ceremony of the thousand-mu night orchid planting project was held in Binheng Town on the morning of March 2, and the implementation of the project will effectively accelerate the high-quality development of modern agriculture in Binheng Town.

County leaders Tu Xiongwen, Wu Hanqiang and Luo Zengshi participated in the event. The heads of Binheng Town, Guangning County and Guangdong Runhe Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. respectively introduced the advantages and specific plans of the project of planting night orchids in Binheng Town, and signed a cooperation agreement on the spot.

The thousand-mu night orchid planting project in Binheng Town, Guangning County, Guangdong Province starts with a sprint

Binheng Town said that the signing of the night orchid planting project will create employment opportunities for local villagers, improve economic income, and transform and plant the wasteland in the project area, which will not only improve the effective utilization rate of abandoned wasteland, but also beautify the rural environment, make the industry sustainable development, and help to accelerate the high-quality development of modern agriculture in Binheng Town. After signing the contract, both parties came to the project base to plant the first batch of edible night orchid seedlings.

The thousand-mu night orchid planting project in Binheng Town, Guangning County, Guangdong Province starts with a sprint

It is reported that the first phase of the evening orchid planting project in Binheng Town will plant 200 mu in Zhongcun and Kengzikou. Based on the yield of 2000 kg per mu, it is estimated that the annual output of evening orchid will be 400000 kg, and more than 150 villagers around will be employed through planting, processing, management and other links. In the next 2-3 years, the planting scale of night orchids will grow to 1000 mu, and the project industry chain will be extended to build night orchid planting into local tourism, culture and tourism agriculture.

Binheng Town will further improve the quality, popularity and added value of local characteristic agricultural products by building the brand of "two flowers" - perfume lily and night orchid, so as to truly realize the value-added of agricultural products and increase farmers' income.


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