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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Accelerated investment promotion, Zhaoqing achieved a successful start in the first quarter of 2024

Accelerated investment promotion, Zhaoqing achieved a successful start in the first quarter of 2024

Investment Zhaoqing 2024-05-08 21:30 China

On May 7, 2024, good news came from Zhaoqing:

Three plots of land have been auctioned in the Shuanglong Industrial Park area of Duanzhou District, involving projects such as energy storage thermal management, electronic new materials, and high-end intelligent equipment.

Not long ago, two large-scale industrial clusters in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) also started construction, with an expected annual output value of over 5.5 billion yuan after reaching production.

Since the beginning of this year, Zhaoqing has attached great importance to investment promotion, closely following the main line of "accelerating the development of new quality productive forces and solidly promoting high-quality development". With the spirit of "starting is a sprint, and starting is a decisive battle", Zhaoqing has quickly tightened up, moved up, and started running, vigorously promoting "attracting large merchants and attracting large investment", and promoting high-quality economic development of Zhaoqing through high-quality investment promotion.

Good news!

In the first quarter, Zhaoqing introduced 186 new industrial projects with a planned investment of 33.35 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 66%. The actual investment in the implementation and construction of projects in the city was 11.29 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 31.1%. There are 56, 21, and 33 newly started, completed, and put into operation manufacturing investment projects in the city, and a large number of industrial investment projects are rapidly forming physical workload. The city's investment promotion work has achieved a successful start.

Introduction of manufacturing projects increased by 66% year-on-year

The relevant person in charge of the Investment Promotion Bureau of Zhaoqing City analyzed that there were many highlights in the work of the first quarter of 2024.


"Four highlights"


Firstly, the landing indicators of Zhaoqing's investment promotion have shown a rapid growth trend, with planned investment increasing by 66% year-on-year and actual investment increasing by 31% year-on-year, achieving double-digit growth for two consecutive years.


Secondly, the industrial structure is further optimized. The planned investment amount for industries such as new energy vehicles, new energy storage, and electronic information, including "two new and one electric" projects, is 11.44 billion yuan, accounting for 41.2% of the manufacturing project investment in the first quarter, a year-on-year increase of 170%.


Thirdly, the project scale continues to increase. In the first quarter, 134 manufacturing projects were introduced, with a planned investment of 27.746 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 66%. Among them, projects with a budget of over 100 million yuan account for 65% of manufacturing projects (including 7 projects with a budget of over 1 billion yuan), with planned investment accounting for over 94%. The number and investment both increased by over 60% year-on-year. The introduced projects have high technological content, great economic benefits, and good development prospects, demonstrating strong development momentum and sustained development momentum.


Fourthly, Zhaoqing's first quarter investment promotion has achieved a good start, and it is inseparable from the concerted efforts of the whole city to maintain a high sense of responsibility, urgency, and mission.

On February 18, 2024, the first day of work after the Lunar New Year, Guangdong Province and Zhaoqing City successively held high-quality development conferences, mobilizing the whole city to unite and strengthen technology, industry, and economy, and sounded the rallying call, charge, and progress call of "decisive battle at the beginning of the year, sprint at the beginning". 53 investment promotion teams and 243 investment promotion staff from all over the city rushed tirelessly to key regions across the country to carry out the "Phoenix Attraction Action", following up on the accelerated signing of major industrial projects and promoting the accelerated construction of signed projects.

On the afternoon of February 18, 2024, the city's high-quality development conference was held at the Xingyan Hall. Photo by Liu Chunlin, journalist from Zhaoqing Integrated Media Center

It is reported that in the first quarter of 2024, Zhaoqing city went out to attract investment for more than 300 times, visited over 500 enterprises, held 64 business (association) meetings, held 30 investment environment promotion activities, obtained 150 effective investment leads, organized a total of 279 projects that were signed, started, completed, and put into operation, with a planned total investment of 78.4 billion yuan, and sounded the drum for high-quality development in the new year.

Breakthroughs in emerging industries and future industries

In the newly introduced manufacturing projects in Zhaoqing, emerging and future industrial projects are frequent, and the new momentum is strong.

In the first quarter of 2024, Zhaoqing promoted the introduction of a hydrogen blue technology fuel cell production project with an investment of 1 billion yuan to settle in Duanzhou District, and a Jiamu high-end medical device project with an investment of 1 billion yuan to settle in the Zhaoqing Large Industrial Cluster. New breakthroughs will be achieved in the future industrial layout.

On May 6, the youth "hydrogen" pine riding activity in Duanzhou District of Zhaoqing City and the launching ceremony of hydrogen energy sharing bicycle launch were held in memorial archway Square,

The first batch of 5000 hydrogen sharing bicycles will be put into use, marking the official landing of the hydrogen energy industry in Duanzhou.

This is January of this year. The main leaders of the Duanzhou District Committee personally led a team to visit and negotiate with Shenzhen Hydrogen Blue Era Power Technology Co., Ltd. In just one month, the two sides reached a consensus to sign and land the contract, which also marked the "first shot" of Zhaoqing's annual investment promotion work.

Introduction of relevant responsible persons in Duanzhou District

Hydrogen energy is a key direction for strategic emerging industries, and a new growth point for building a green and low-carbon industrial system and promoting industrial transformation and upgrading. Duanzhou District fully implements the strategic deployment of the Municipal Party Committee and Government, regards cultivating and strengthening the hydrogen energy industry as an important means to accelerate the cultivation of new quality productive forces, and actively introduces and cultivates leading enterprises in the hydrogen energy industry.

The Jiamu high-end medical device project settled in the Zhaoqing Large Industrial Cluster, which will also become a representative of the domestic high-end medical device innovation industry, greatly enhancing the industrial strength of Zhaoqing and the cluster in the high-end medical device and optoelectronic industries, and driving more enterprises to cluster into a chain.

Since this year, Zhaoqing has seized the historical opportunity of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, developed new quality productivity according to local conditions, focused on the east bank of the the Pearl River Estuary, the Yangtze River Delta, Beijing Tianjin Hebei, Chengdu Chongqing, Central China, Hong Kong and Macao, focused on Guangdong (Zhaoqing) large-scale industrial cluster, Zhaoqing High tech Zone, Zhaoqing New Area, and other key platforms, focused on new energy vehicles and auto parts, new energy storage, electronic information, and took hydrogen, 6G, robots, artificial intelligence, low altitude economy and other industries as new growth points, and comprehensively attracted a number of leading, symbolic, chain owners with high technology content, good development prospects, and large scale benefits. Type project, which can accumulate energy for high-quality economic development.

The relevant person in charge of Zhaoqing City stated that

Zhaoqing should highlight the development of emerging industries such as new energy vehicles, new energy storage, and electronic information, strengthen the cultivation of future industries, advance the layout of the low altitude economy, introduce the intelligent robot industry, and create a number of demonstration application projects.

Carry out a "grand battle" and accelerate the landing process

Attracting investment is the first step, and project implementation is the ultimate goal.

In the first quarter of 2024, Zhaoqing took full process scheduling and supervision as the starting point to carry out a "big battle" for manufacturing project construction. For key projects that have been signed but not supplied, have not started, have started but not completed, have completed but not put into operation, and have not been put into operation but not up to standard, the city leaders will regularly implement contact and supervision, reverse project construction progress, and accelerate project landing and construction.

"In just 10 days, project negotiations, selection, signing, and land use have been achieved! I am full of confidence in investing in Zhaoqing!" Mr. Deng, the person in charge of the Manfu New Energy Vehicle Battery Parts Production Project (hereinafter referred to as "Manfu"), excitedly said, expressing satisfaction with the business environment and efficient services of the Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industry Cluster.

This project is a newly introduced project in the first quarter of this year.



On March 19th, investment personnel from the Economic Promotion Bureau of the Guangdong Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone discovered during negotiations with the business association that Manfu Enterprise has a relocation demand, and also learned that the production scope of the enterprise is in line with the development direction of the leading industry of new energy vehicles and components in Zhaoqing.


The next day, investment personnel visited the park and introduced the investment environment. In the afternoon, enterprise personnel went to the park for inspection.


Both parties reached an agreement immediately, and the contract will be signed in 3 days, and it will be publicly listed in 10 days.


At present, the factory is under design and is striving to enter the site and start construction in June. It will be capped before December and put into operation next Spring Festival.

On March 20th, the Economic Promotion Bureau of the Guangdong Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing) Management Committee visited Manfu New Energy Vehicle Battery Parts Production Enterprise for inspection and visit.

The project quickly landed, and the evaluation baton played a huge role.

During the "Battle of the Grand Conference", Zhaoqing established a "dragon racing competition" mechanism in the form of "weekly updates, monthly public announcements, and quarterly reports", announced key indicators, consolidated main responsibilities, and created an atmosphere of learning and catching up;

Promote the normalization of major project notifications, focus on completing the list of major projects with a budget of over 1 billion yuan and "half hearted" projects, adhere to the list style task tackling, and reverse the progress of project construction.

In the first quarter, the actual investment in the implementation and construction of projects in the city reached 11.29 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 31.1%, showing an acceleration of project implementation and construction.

Next, Zhaoqing will focus on the development of new quality productivity, increase overall efforts in attracting investment, deeply implement the "top leader" project in attracting investment, and focus on "leading+characteristic" industries such as new energy vehicles and automotive parts, new energy storage, electronic information, and food and beverage prefabricated dishes, promoting the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries

The development of emerging industry chains will promote the layout of future industries, strive to maintain a total investment of over 100 billion yuan in newly introduced projects, and accelerate the construction of a new manufacturing city in the western part of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area.


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