Showing posts with label fight for the economy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fight for the economy. Show all posts

Sunday, February 4, 2024

2.418 billion yuan! Twelve key industrial projects in Guangning County, Zhaoqing, Guangdong were completed and put into operation

2.418 billion yuan! Twelve key industrial projects in Guangning County, Zhaoqing, Guangdong were completed and put into operation

Published by Guangning 2024-02-04 20:00 Published in Guangdong

Let’s fight for the economy together! On the afternoon of February 4, 2024, Guangning County held a ceremony for the completion and commissioning of key industrial projects before the Spring Festival. The total planned investment in 12 key industrial projects was 2.418 billion yuan. "Strong industry" will drive "strong county" and strive to promote "hundred-thousand-thousand-strong" projects. Ten Thousand Projects" is working hard to speed up.

Let’s fight for the economy together! On the afternoon of February 4, 2024, Guangning County held a ceremony for the completion and commissioning of key industrial projects before the Spring Festival.

Vice Mayor Xie Guikun, Deputy Director of the Municipal Investment Promotion Center Liu Xiaohui, and county leaders Chen Chaochang and Yang Hongzhang attended the event and jointly launched the centralized completion and commissioning ceremony.

Deputy County Magistrate Yang Hongzhang pointed out in his speech that the completion and commissioning of these projects concentrated on the phased results and project advancement of our county’s industrial investment promotion, bamboo industry innovation and development summit and manufacturing project construction “big battle”. It also fully reflects the strong determination and firm confidence of the county's cadres and masses to unite as one, gather development, and stride forward. It will definitely play a strong role in further expanding the county's industrial economic aggregate and accelerating the high-quality economic and social development of Guang Ninh. effect. It is hoped that all enterprises will strengthen their confidence in development, keep a close eye on industrial development trends and changes in market demand, continue to improve products, expand the market, strengthen brands, give full play to their advantages in talents, technology, management and other aspects, and do a good job in production, operation and management after putting into production. Marketing and other work, seize development opportunities, achieve production and results as soon as possible, and contribute to the high-quality economic development of our county. All towns (streets) and departments must work together and cooperate closely to further enhance their sense of responsibility and responsibility, change their ideological styles, take the initiative to serve, and establish the idea of ​​"doing everything to serve the implementation of industrial projects, and everything to make way for project construction", Go deep into the front line of projects and serve enterprises face-to-face, empower enterprise development with considerate service concepts, help enterprises solve practical difficulties, promote projects to be recruited, accepted, and developed well, and fully promote the sustainable, healthy and coordinated development of Guangning's economy and society, and promote green rise, Build green beauty in Guangning.

It is understood that the 12 industrial projects that have been completed and put into production this time are the Hulukeng Building Materials Industrial Base Project, China Power Construction Mining Company Remote Control Center, Haili Warehousing and Logistics Equipment Research, Production and Sales Base Project, and Kemi Secret Destruction Equipment Production Project. , Jincheng Confidential Renewable Resources Industrialization Project, annual output of 300,000 pieces of bamboo products, furniture, wood products, furniture and other craft products projects, Tongzheng Intelligent Machinery Production Project, Minghan Biotechnology R&D and Production Base Project, Guangdong Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Co., Ltd. Construction Project , Dongguan City Longhao Junhao agricultural machinery equipment production project, Rongda Plastic Printing Plastic Film Project, Guangning County Bamboo Biodegradable Materials Production Project, the total planned investment reaches 2.418 billion yuan.

Later, the leading guests also visited the production status of the project with an annual output of 300,000 pieces of bamboo furniture, wooden furniture and other craft products.

Guangning County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: No. 6, Daxin Road, Chebeidong, Nanjie Town, Guangning County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-8639338

Fax:  0086-758-8669831



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