Showing posts with label SiHui BaiChi Horse Temple Fair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SiHui BaiChi Horse Temple Fair. Show all posts

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Take a quick look at the live scene of the BaiChi Horse Temple Fair in Jianggu Town (Jianglin Village), Sihui City, China

Take a quick look at the live scene of the BaiChi Horse Temple Fair in Jianggu Town (Jianglin Village), Sihui City, China~

UFO Sihui Station 2024-02-19 23:54 Guangdong, China

Wow! Today is truly an auspicious day, and the Sihui City Baichi Horse Temple Fair (Cannon Fair) is making its grand debut!

Thanks to "Sunday", a senior member of the group, who used the magic of his lens to bring the excitement of the temple fair to our eyes!

Take a look, do you feel like you are immersed in the scene and hear the excitement of gongs and drums? Feeling the excitement of grabbing fireworks?

Come, come, let’s experience this local culture together!

jianggu town,sihui,Sihui City China,china,guangdong,zhaoqing,traditional culture,SiHui BaiChi Horse Temple Fair,Cannon Fair,

jianggu town,sihui,Sihui City China,china,guangdong,zhaoqing,traditional culture,SiHui BaiChi Horse Temple Fair,Cannon Fair,

jianggu town,sihui,Sihui City China,china,guangdong,zhaoqing,traditional culture,SiHui BaiChi Horse Temple Fair,Cannon Fair,

jianggu town,sihui,Sihui City China,china,guangdong,zhaoqing,traditional culture,SiHui BaiChi Horse Temple Fair,Cannon Fair,

jianggu town,sihui,Sihui City China,china,guangdong,zhaoqing,traditional culture,SiHui BaiChi Horse Temple Fair,Cannon Fair,

jianggu town,sihui,Sihui City China,china,guangdong,zhaoqing,traditional culture,SiHui BaiChi Horse Temple Fair,Cannon Fair,

jianggu town,sihui,Sihui City China,china,guangdong,zhaoqing,traditional culture,SiHui BaiChi Horse Temple Fair,Cannon Fair,

"SiHui Bai Chi Horse Temple Fair (Pao Hui)" debuted at Zhaoqing Guangfu Cultural Temple Fair Dragon Mother Culture and Intangible Cultural Heritage Dance Exhibition

 "SiHui BaiChi Horse Temple Fair (Pao Hui)" debuted at Zhaoqing Guangfu Cultural Temple Fair Dragon Mother Culture and Intangible Cultural Heritage Dance Exhibition

Original Siwen Museum Sihui City Cultural Center 2023-02-07 15:22 Guangdong China

On February 5, 2023, the "2023 Zhaoqing Guangfu Cultural Temple Fair Dragon Mother Culture and Intangible Cultural Heritage Dance Performance" was co-sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Zhaoqing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, Zhaoqing Municipal Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports Bureau, and Duanzhou District People's Government in Zhaoqing City There was a wonderful performance on Jiangbindi West Road around the district, and the Lantern Festival was played with the clanging gongs and drums, continuing the strong "Chinese New Year flavor".

The activity content has a grand parade lineup, including 11 large square formations and nearly 600 actors taking turns to perform, vividly showing the charm of local dragon mother culture, Lingnan culture and other intangible cultural heritage.

Our city sent the "Sihui White Red Horse Temple Fair (Cannon Fair)" team to participate in the parade. The team was composed of white horses, red horse generals, artillery screen displays, flag guards and other people. Along with the modeling displays along the way, onlookers and children They all showed happy smiles.

SiHui BaiChi Horse Temple Fair,Baichima Temple Fair,Guangdong,china,Zhaoqing,Sihui White Red Horse Temple Fair (Cannon Fair),traditional,Sihui City,

SiHui BaiChi Horse Temple Fair,Baichima Temple Fair,Guangdong,china,Zhaoqing,Sihui White Red Horse Temple Fair (Cannon Fair),traditional,Sihui City,

The scene was packed with people and loud drumming, attracting nearly 80,000 citizens to watch. Everyone took out their mobile phones to take photos, record videos on Douyin, and post on WeChat Moments to record this wonderful and beautiful moment. They expressed excitedly that this parade The event is the most exciting one in recent years.

"Sihui White Red Horse Temple Fair (Cannon Fair)" Parade

△"Sihui White Red Horse Temple Fair (Cannon Fair)" Parade

SiHui BaiChi Horse Temple Fair,Baichima Temple Fair,Guangdong,china,Zhaoqing,Sihui White Red Horse Temple Fair (Cannon Fair),traditional,Sihui City,

△"Sihui White Red Horse Temple Fair (Cannon Fair)" Parade

SiHui BaiChi Horse Temple Fair,Baichima Temple Fair,Guangdong,china,Zhaoqing,Sihui White Red Horse Temple Fair (Cannon Fair),traditional,Sihui City,

△Parade gun screen display

SiHui BaiChi Horse Temple Fair,Baichima Temple Fair,Guangdong,china,Zhaoqing,Sihui White Red Horse Temple Fair (Cannon Fair),traditional,Sihui City,

△ Display of parade flag guard

SiHui BaiChi Horse Temple Fair,Baichima Temple Fair,Guangdong,china,Zhaoqing,Sihui White Red Horse Temple Fair (Cannon Fair),traditional,Sihui City,

△Group photo of the parade team

Sihui BaiChi Horse Temple Fair (Cannon Fair)

Sihui White Red Horse Temple Fair (Cannon Fair)

Firecracker-burning activities have been popular among the people in Sihui for 500 years. The Bai Chi Horse Temple Fair began in the late Ming Dynasty, and the Bai Chi Horse Temple was rebuilt in 2007, and is held every year on the tenth day of the first lunar month on the Lingwang's birthday.

On that day, in order to thank the gods for their favor over the past year and to pray for good weather and abundant harvests in the new year, villagers and guests from all walks of life gathered at the Baima Temple in Dadong Village, Jianglin, to perform lion and dragon dances, and to perform sacrifices and cannon-grabbing ceremonies.

The ceremony includes offering red silver, waking up lions to worship, returning the winning cannon to the temple, firing the cannon at the beginning of the ceremony, worshiping and praying for blessings, holding the cannon and grabbing the cannon, bidding for the winning cannon, etc.

"White Red Horse Spirit King" is a mythical figure spread in Jianglin. He is the incarnation of driving away evil and supporting justice.

It is said that during the Southern Song Dynasty, natural disasters and bandit chaos occurred in the Sihui area, and the people suffered terribly. Two heavenly generals were gifted with God's will. They rode two sacred horses, white and red, and came to earth to relieve the disaster and quell the chaos in the name of deposing evil and upholding justice. After saving the people from the fire and water, the people floated away. To commemorate the generals' merits, the people built a temple and set up an altar in Dadong to offer sacrifices. Since they did not know the names of the two heavenly generals, they named them after their two white and red horses, and they respectfully called them "White Red Horse Spiritual Kings". "The two horses are divine horses in the sky, and they receive incense and worship together. For 500 years, incense has been burning continuously and many people have prayed for blessings.  

  The BaiChi Horse Temple Fair (Pao Hui) retains the traditional folk culture characterized by folk beliefs in Guangdong and is an important basis for studying the worldview and living conditions of the people in Guangdong.

The temple fair retains many original forms of folk art and sports competitions, inherits various traditional performing arts forms, and plays an important role in protecting national folk culture.

It is also an activity for the masses to entertain themselves. It has cohesion, can enhance the unity of the masses, promote clan harmony, create a harmonious, stable, happy and peaceful atmosphere, and has a positive effect on building a harmonious society.


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