Showing posts with label Alsophila spinulosa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alsophila spinulosa. Show all posts

Monday, June 3, 2024

Sihui Twelve Belts--Shi er dai----Nature Reserve

Shi er dai

The Sihui Twelve Belts Municipal Nature Reserve in Zhaoqing City is a nature reserve with subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests, rich animal and plant resources and national key protected species as the main protection objects. The reserve is located in Sihui City, Guangdong Province. It has rich vegetation types and can be divided into 6 vegetation types, including evergreen broad-leaved forests. In particular, the southern subtropical zonal vegetation-monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest has a large preservation area and a complete structure; the valley broad-leaved forest is densely covered with vines, parasitism, epiphytic, buttress roots, and stem flowers, showing typical rainforest characteristics.

During the scientific investigation, the investigation team investigated about 70 sample lines. After two seasons of investigation, it was preliminarily counted that there were more than 1,500 vascular plants in the reserve, including more than 10 national key protected wild plants such as Alsophila spinulosa; more than 200 terrestrial vertebrate wild animals, including more than 10 national key protected wild animals such as pythons; more than 30 scenic resources of various types were recorded. These data provide complete and accurate basic materials and decision-making basis for the effective protection and management of the reserve, and promote more scientific and standardized management of the reserve.

In the later stage, the existing special survey data will be sorted out, and on this basis, the data on plant diversity, animal diversity, social economy and scenic resources in the nature reserve will be improved, and a comprehensive scientific investigation report on the Sihui Twelve Belts Municipal Nature Reserve in Zhaoqing City will be compiled.


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