Showing posts with label 垃圾信息. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 垃圾信息. Show all posts

Thursday, January 5, 2023


泡沫经济带给人们的后遗症,幻想通过各种政策刺激捞到好处。讲真,这是不可持续的。老老实实的做好一些产业、做好一批企业,一批可以长期给员工提供高收入、稳定工作、体面生活的工作机会。不要再通过货币政策大起大落的折腾,没有意义的 ​​​

那些抖yin,字节tiao动 只会生产垃圾信息,浪费社会时间,


Moving the factory to Sihui, Zhaoqing --- a conversation between two bosses from Guangdong 搬工廠去肇慶四會----兩個廣東老闆的對話

Moving the factory to Sihui, Zhaoqing --- a conversation between two bosses from Guangdong A: What happened to your factory in Vietnam recen...