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Forward-looking layout | How do national high-tech zones plan and cultivate future industries?

Forward-looking layout | How do national high-tech zones plan and cultivate future industries?

2023-12-14 18:35 Published in Guangdong

Author|Hou Yunxian, Wang Jingshu

Source|Science and Technology Strategy Consulting Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an Innovation and Development Institute

In order to seize the opportunity in development, the national high-tech zones should grasp the cutting-edge of science and technology, aim at self-reliance in science and technology and occupy the commanding heights of future competition, plan from a high starting point, focus on the layout of industries with high technological content and key technologies that are expected to lead future development, and build future industries. A guide and experimental field for development.

Forward-looking layout of future industries is a powerful measure for my country to cultivate new industrial momentum, build new economic growth points, and promote high-quality economic and social development. It is a key force to gain first-mover advantages in future global competition. From the perspective of national mission, the 14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and the Outline of the 2035 Vision Goals propose that “in brain-like intelligence, quantum information, genetic technology, future networks, deep sea and aerospace development, hydrogen energy and energy storage and other cutting-edge science and technology and industrial transformation fields, organize and implement future industry incubation and acceleration plans, and plan the layout of a number of future industries." In the "14th Five-Year Plan" National High-tech Industrial Development Zone Development Plan, it is clear that the national high-tech zones must It is an important task to proactively lay out future industries. From a practical basis, after more than 30 years of development, the National High-tech Zone has become my country's innovation highland, industrial highland, talent highland and open highland, with unique advantages in cultivating future industries.

The author suggests that the national high-tech zones should focus on key areas of future industries, with a planning plan, a set of policy systems, a dedicated work class, a technology roadmap, a group of innovative talents, a group of innovation platforms, a group of pioneer enterprises, and a group of The "Ten Ones" of a batch of application scenarios, an industry fund, and a batch of future industry pilot areas are effective starting points to actively plan forward and seize the commanding heights of future industrial development.

1. Strengthen the top-level design of future industries and introduce future industry development plans

Grasp the characteristics of future industrial development, formulate future industrial development plans from the aspects of innovation environment creation, core technology breakthroughs, cultivation of innovative entities, and support of industrial factors, and do a good job in top-level design of future industry cultivation. The High-tech Zone Management Committee needs to give full play to its role in strategic leadership and resource allocation, and establish a special team for future industrial development. The main person in charge of the Management Committee will serve as the team leader to coordinate and promote various tasks for future industrial development at a high level. Due to the characteristics of future industries such as technological uncertainty and the long-term nature of industrialization, it is necessary to formulate a more inclusive and resilient support policy and establish long-term and stable dedicated financial support for future industries.

2. Based on industrial innovation and development, strengthen original and leading scientific and technological research

Based on the industrial foundation and resource endowment of the park, form a technology roadmap for future industrial development, focus on breakthroughs in a number of common key technologies, increase disruptive technological innovation, and lead future industrial development. For example, the Shenzhen High-tech Zone’s “14th Five-Year Plan” clarifies the development of synthetic biology, blockchain, cells and genes (including biological breeding), aerospace technology, brain science and brain-like intelligence, deep earth and deep sea, visible light communication and optical computing. , quantum information and other eight major future industries, and continue to cultivate new industries and new business formats. High-tech zones should give full play to their role as the main front for innovation, encourage and guide advantageous enterprises to join forces with scientific research institutions and universities to build major innovation platforms such as key laboratories, engineering technology research centers, and industrial technology research institutes in future industries, so as to enhance original innovation and application capabilities.

3. Build future industrial application scenarios and accelerate the industrialization process of cutting-edge technologies

Scenario innovation is guided by the creative application of new technologies and an important link in achieving iterative upgrades of new technologies and rapid industry growth. For example, Hefei High-tech Zone focuses on the application of quantum technology, carries out a number of quantum-related scenario innovations, and actively explores the industrial application of future technologies, thus promoting the rapid rise of a large-scale quantum industry cluster. The high-tech zone should focus on creating future technology application scenarios and promote the integrated application of new technologies with all aspects of production, life, ecology, and governance. Build a number of concept verification centers, small and medium-sized test bases, incubation, acceleration and other platforms to smooth the "first mile" of future technology industrialization. At the same time, the high-tech zone should be based on its own industrial foundation and rely on key industry hosting areas to create a future industrial pilot zone, increase the spatial aggregation of innovation resources, and build an industrial ecology that integrates industry, innovation, talent, services, funds, etc. .

4. Strengthen the status of enterprises as innovation entities and form the agglomeration advantages of future industrial entities.

The high-tech zone should establish a development environment that optimizes trial and error tolerance and supports pioneer enterprises that dare to explore future industrial fields (pioneer enterprises refer to the first or first batch of entrepreneurial enterprises established in a certain industry, that is, the first "crab-eating enterprise" in the industry) ” enterprises), improve the support policy for pioneer enterprises, and support the development of pioneer enterprises in terms of technology, venues, talents, etc. Continuously improve the "foundation building" project for cultivating scientific and technological small and medium-sized enterprises and the "strong foundation" project for cultivating high-tech enterprises, and cultivate small and medium-sized enterprises with strong research and development capabilities, high technical level, intensive scientific and technological talents, and the ability to form core technology products in future industrial fields. , to accumulate strength for future industrial development.

5. Accelerate the introduction and training of high-end talents to provide intellectual support for industrial development

Give full play to the intellectual-intensive advantages of high-tech zones, explore new talent training methods such as "schools + major scientific and technological infrastructure", "schools + large scientific research institutes", "disciplinary settings + leading enterprises", and take the lead in building future industry demonstration bases and future industrial technology colleges. Carry out professional talent training and practical training to form a talent training system that integrates industry and education, science and education. At the same time, we must continue to innovate the talent introduction mechanism, broaden the channels for talent exchange and introduction, and improve talent service levels. For example, the East Lake High-tech Zone has launched the "Optical Valley Digital Talent Card" to provide high-level talents with free "medical, financial, housing, transportation, and business services". and other full services.

6. Innovate the supply of capital factors and improve the industrial support fund service system

The innovation and achievement transformation of future industries require large investment in R&D, long cycles, high difficulty, and high risks. It also requires the participation of patient capital. Focusing on the different growth stages of enterprises, we must create a fund ecosystem that provides continuous support from angels, venture capital, and mergers and acquisitions. The high-tech zone should strengthen the market-oriented operation capabilities and industrial governance capabilities of platform companies, form a financial support pattern with an industrial fund for each key future industry area, and establish and improve venture capital with government guidance funds as the guide and social funds as the main body. Raising mechanism and market-oriented operation model.

High-tech zones should grasp the forefront of science and technology, aim at self-reliance in science and technology and occupy the commanding heights of future competition, plan from a high starting point, focus on the layout of industries with high scientific and technological content and key technologies that are expected to lead future development, and serve as a guide and experimental field for future industrial development.

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