Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Deqing County Support Measures for Promoting High-Quality Development of the Real Economy

Deqing County Support Measures for Promoting High-Quality Development of the Real Economy

In order to better implement the spirit of the provincial and municipal high-quality development conferences, further support the development and growth of industrial and trade enterprises in Deqing County, increase support for industrial and trade enterprises, and promote high-quality economic and social development in the county, these support measures are specially formulated.

1. Applicable objects

This support method is applicable to qualified enterprises within the jurisdiction of Deqing County. The registered address of the enterprise must be in Deqing County (except for the scientific and technological service agencies that provide guidance to the enterprise), and there must be no major safety, quality, environmental pollution problems or defects during the reporting period. Credit history.

2. Promote enterprises to upgrade regulations and adopt standards, and cultivate and strengthen market entities

(1) Support methods

1. Support methods for new “regulated” industrial enterprises

(1) For industrial enterprises that have been “upgraded from a small scale to a small scale” and whose industrial added value has maintained a growth of more than 10% in the following year after a “small scale upgrade”, the application process and the amount of incentives and subsidies shall be in accordance with the "Guangdong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Guangdong Provincial Finance The document "Notice on Optimizing and Adjusting the Reward and Subsidy Policies for the Scale-up Development of Small and Micro Industrial Enterprises" (Guangdong Gongxin Financing Letter [2022] No. 41) requires the implementation of rewards and subsidies.

(2) For newly "regulated" industrial enterprises that are newly put into production (that is, when they are put into operation in the same year) (including industrial enterprises that are put into operation in 2021 and 2022 that are on the regulations but fail to enjoy provincial and municipal awards and subsidies), the county finance department shall A bonus of 130,000 yuan will be given.

(3) For newly-built industrial enterprises that are put into production (they are “in compliance with the regulations” when they are put into operation in the same year) and the industrial added value increases by more than 10% (inclusive) in the following year after “entering into regulations” (including 2021 and 2022, which are in compliance with the regulations when they are put into operation in the same year but fail to do so) Industrial enterprises that enjoy provincial and municipal awards and subsidies) will be given a bonus of 100,000 yuan by the county finance department.

2. Support methods for new “regulated” commercial enterprises

For wholesale, retail, accommodation, catering and other commercial enterprises above the quota, including commercial enterprises that develop new cross-border e-commerce formats, if they are included in the database for the first time, the county finance department will give each enterprise a reward of 50,000 yuan.

Note: Wholesale, retail, accommodation and catering enterprises above designated size refer to wholesale industry legal entities with annual main business income of 20 million yuan or more; retail industry legal entities with annual main business income of 5 million yuan or more; annual main business income Legal entities in the accommodation and catering industries with an income of 2 million yuan and above.

3. Support methods for industrial enterprises above designated size

(1) Industrial enterprises whose annual main business income (referring to annual taxable sales income, the same below) exceeds 100 million yuan (inclusive) for the first time and whose tax payment ratio is no less than 3% of the annual main business income will be granted by the county finance department 100,000 yuan bonus.

(2) For industrial enterprises whose annual main business income exceeds 300 million yuan (inclusive) for the first time and whose tax payment ratio is no less than 3% of the annual main business income, the county finance department will grant a reward of 120,000 yuan.

(3) For industrial enterprises whose annual main business income exceeds 500 million yuan (inclusive) for the first time and whose tax payment ratio is no less than 3% of the annual main business income, the county finance department will grant a reward of 150,000 yuan.

(4) For industrial enterprises whose annual main business income exceeds 1 billion yuan (inclusive) for the first time and whose tax payment ratio is no less than 3% of the annual main business income, the county finance department will provide a reward of 200,000 yuan.

Note: For reporting enterprises with export business, the tax payment ratio refers to the total amount of corporate income tax + value-added tax actually paid by the enterprise in the year - the tax exemption, credit and refund amount (excluding the tax exemption, credit and refund amount for export of goods), which shall not be less than the annual main business income 3%; for reporting enterprises without export business, the tax payment ratio refers to the total amount of corporate income tax + value-added tax actually paid by the enterprise in the year.

(5) For industrial enterprises whose annual tax revenue exceeds 10 million yuan (inclusive) for the first time in Deqing County, the county finance department will provide a reward of 100,000 yuan.

(6) For industrial enterprises with an annual tax revenue of 10 million yuan (inclusive) in Deqing County compared with the same period last year, the county finance department will provide a reward of 100,000 yuan.

(2) Application procedures

According to the application process and based on its own actual situation, the applying enterprise selectively fills out the "Deqing County Newly "Regulated" Soil Industry and Commercial Enterprise Rewards and Subsidy Application Form" (Attachment 1), "Deqing County Industrial Enterprises above the Regulations Main Business Income" Scale Award and Subsidy Declaration Form" (Attachment 2), "Deqing County Industrial Enterprise Tax Contribution Award and Subsidy Declaration Form" (Attachment 3), collect relevant supporting materials and report to the County Industry and Information Technology Bureau in a timely manner. After the county industry and information technology bureau, together with relevant departments, submits the application to the county government for approval, the county finance department will allocate reward and subsidy funds to the applying enterprises.

3. Encourage technological transformation and upgrading of enterprises and promote high-quality development of manufacturing industry

(1) Support methods

1. The enterprise's technical transformation project has obtained the technical transformation approval and filing documents from the competent department of industry and information technology, and the fixed asset investment in the project is more than 5 million (inclusive), and shall be included in the technical transformation investment statistics in accordance with regulations. Among them, the total amount of eligible new equipment purchases (excluding tax) for enterprise projects in the Pearl River Delta region is not less than 7 million yuan. Eligible enterprise equipment update projects will be given a subsidy of no more than 20% of the new equipment purchase amount, and the maximum subsidy amount for a single project shall not exceed 50 million yuan. (Note: This project is awarded and subsidized by provincial and municipal special funds. The enterprise applies for provincial and municipal special funds according to the relevant document requirements for the annual provincial and municipal technological transformation projects)

2. If an enterprise's technological transformation project obtains the technical transformation approval and filing documents from the industry and information department, the total project investment is more than 5 million yuan (inclusive), and is included in the technological transformation investment statistics in accordance with regulations and has not obtained provincial or municipal special funds, it will be provided by the county finance department. Each project will receive a subsidy of RMB 50,000.

3. If the enterprise investment project obtains the approval and filing documents from the development and reform department, the nature of the construction is reconstruction, expansion, or relocation, the total investment of the project is more than 30 million yuan (inclusive), and it is included in the technical transformation investment statistics according to regulations, the county finance department will give each Each project will receive a subsidy of RMB 80,000.

(2) Application procedures

The applying enterprise shall fill out the "Deqing County Industrial Enterprise Project Investment Award and Subsidy Application Form" (Attachment 4), collect relevant supporting materials, and report to the County Industry and Information Technology Bureau in a timely manner. After the county Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, together with relevant departments, submits the application to the county government for approval, the county finance department will allocate reward and subsidy funds to the applying enterprises.

4. Stimulate the momentum of enterprises and promote new development of foreign trade and foreign investment

(1) Support methods

1. The county finance department will provide rewards and subsidies to the county's import and export enterprises whose import and export volume has increased by more than 1 million US dollars compared with the previous year, including enterprises that carry out cross-border e-commerce import and export trade. If the increment is within US$10 million, a bonus of RMB 0.01 will be given for every US$1 increment; if the increment exceeds US$10 million to less than US$20 million, a bonus of RMB0.02 will be given for each US$1; if the increment exceeds US$20 million, a bonus of RMB0.02 will be given. For the part above US$ 0.03, a bonus of RMB 0.03 will be given for each US dollar; the total annual bonus and subsidy funds shall not exceed RMB 4 million; if the total bonus and subsidy funds exceed RMB 4 million, the bonus of RMB 4 million will be distributed in proportion to the year-end increase of the enterprise. Replenish funds.

2. Provide financial incentives and subsidies for major import and export trade projects. This includes entrusting the county's foreign trade import and export enterprises to help our county organize the import and export of goods, and adopting a "one project, one discussion" approach to support trade projects that are included in our county's import and export statistics. Support standards are determined based on the project situation and the entrustment agreement price.

3. For new projects and capital increase projects established in the county where the actual amount of foreign capital invested in the year (excluding loans from foreign shareholders, the same below) exceeds 1 million US dollars, the county finance department will provide incentives and subsidies, of which the actual amount of capital invested in the year Those with US$1 million to US$3 million (including US$3 million) will be rewarded at a rate of 2% of the actual capital invested that year; those with US$3 to 5 million (including US$5 million) will be rewarded with a compensation of 3%. Rewards of US$5 to US$10 million (including US$10 million) will be compensated at a rate of 4%. The portion above US$10 million is subsidized at a rate of 4.5%. The maximum reward and subsidy fund for each project shall not exceed RMB 4 million.

4. For key projects that have newly established foreign-funded enterprises in the county and have large investment scales in the county, the Fortune Global 500 companies, global industry leading companies and some strategic emerging industries can provide key support on a "one project, one discussion" basis.

Note: If the support measures in this article are not subdivided, they will be implemented in accordance with the "Deqing County Support Measures to Promote Foreign Trade Import and Export and Foreign Investment Growth (Revised Edition)" (Defuhan [2018] No. 24).

(2) Application procedures

According to the application process and based on its own actual situation, the applying enterprise should fill out the "Deqing County Support Fund Declaration Form for Promoting Import and Export Growth" (Attachment 5) and the "Deqing County Major Import and Export Trade Project Support Fund Declaration Form" (Attachment 6) and provide Relevant supporting materials must be submitted to the County Industry and Information Technology Bureau; enterprises applying for foreign investment project awards and subsidies must provide business licenses, investment certificates, capital verification reports, bank invoices and other information, and report to the County Industry and Information Technology Bureau in a timely manner. After the county Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, together with relevant departments, submits the application to the county government for approval, the county finance department will allocate reward and subsidy funds to the applying enterprises.

5. Support enterprises to carry out scientific and technological innovation and implement innovation-driven development strategies in depth

(1) Supportive policies

1. For national high-tech enterprises that pass the certification for the first time, the county finance department will provide a one-time award of 350,000 yuan; for national high-tech enterprises that pass review or re-identification, the county finance department will provide a one-time award of 200,000 yuan; for overall relocation, If a national high-tech enterprise settled in Deqing within the validity period (if the qualification expires in the same year and needs to be re-identified), and is included in the statistics of industrial enterprises above designated size within two years of formal operation, the county finance will provide a reward of 300,000 yuan; for those who pass the identification for the first time National-level specialized and special new "little giant" enterprises will be awarded a subsidy of 350,000 yuan by the county finance department; for guidance companies that successfully apply to become service agencies of national high-tech enterprises, the county finance department will be awarded a subsidy of 10,000 yuan by the county finance department for each successful company. The annual award and subsidy received by the organization shall not exceed 100,000 yuan.

2. For provincial and municipal new R&D institutions that pass the certification for the first time, the county finance department will grant a one-time certification award of 400,000 yuan and 200,000 yuan respectively. For enterprises recognized for the first time as national, provincial and municipal engineering technology research centers, enterprise technology centers, and laboratories, the county finance department will provide one-time subsidies of 500,000 yuan, 300,000 yuan, and 200,000 yuan respectively.

3. For Star Innovation World that has passed the registration at the national and provincial levels for the first time, the county finance department will provide a one-time reward of 150,000 yuan and 80,000 yuan respectively; Level-level maker spaces will receive one-time subsidies of 200,000 yuan, 80,000 yuan, and 30,000 yuan respectively from the county finance department.

4. For national-level, provincial-level (national-level cultivation units), and municipal-level science and technology business incubators that pass the certification for the first time, the county finance department will grant one-time subsidies of 400,000 yuan, 200,000 yuan, and 100,000 yuan respectively. If the incubated enterprise is recognized as a national high-tech enterprise, the county finance department will provide a reward and subsidy to the incubator based on the standard of 100,000 yuan per enterprise.

(2) Application procedures

According to the application process and based on their own actual situation, the applying enterprise selectively fills out the "Deqing County Enterprise Innovation Subject Construction Award and Subsidy Application Form" (Attachment 7) and the "Deqing County Enterprise Innovation Platform Construction Award and Subsidy Application Form" (Attachment 8). Collect relevant supporting materials and report to the County Industry and Information Technology Bureau in a timely manner. After the county Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, together with relevant departments, submits the application to the county government for approval, the county finance department will allocate reward and subsidy funds to the applying enterprises.

6. Increase support for the implementation of industrial projects

(1) Support methods

Industrial projects introduced between 2023 and 2025 that do not enjoy preferential land price policies will be divided into two stages according to the progress of the industrial projects.

1. The first stage: starting from the date when the land use rights are obtained in accordance with the law (the time of signing the "Confirmation Letter of Handover of State-owned Construction Land". If it cannot be transferred as "cooked land" or "standard land" due to special circumstances, it will be transferred from Deqing Park, Zhaoqing High-tech Zone The Administration will take the lead and work with the County Resources Bureau, County Construction Agency, County Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, County Justice Bureau and other departments to verify the actual delivery time of the project land and jointly issue certification materials), and the production will be completed within 1.5 years (commissioning standard: County The completion acceptance certificate issued by the housing and construction department and the first value-added tax invoice for sales products issued by the project), the county finance will provide a reward of 15,000 yuan per mu according to the transferred industrial land area.

2. The second stage: For industrial projects that reach production (reach the output value and tax stipulated in the contract) within 12 months from the date of production, the county finance department will provide a subsidy of 5,000 yuan per mu based on the transferred industrial land area. Those who fail to meet the first-stage support conditions will not enjoy the second-stage rewards and subsidies.

If it falls under one of the following circumstances, each case will be subject to a one-time superimposed bonus and subsidy of 100,000 yuan in the first stage: (1) The investment entity is a national high-tech enterprise with a superimposed bonus of 100,000 yuan; (2) The investment entity is a national-level specialized and special "new" enterprise. "Little Giant" enterprises will receive a superimposed bonus of 100,000 yuan; (3) Industrial projects with a floor area ratio of not less than 2.0 will receive a superimposed bonus of 300,000 yuan.

(2) Application procedures

Applicants must fill out the "Deqing County Industrial Project Infrastructure Construction Support Fund Declaration Form" (Annex 9) within one month of meeting the award and subsidy standards, collect relevant supporting materials, and report to the County Investment Promotion Center in a timely manner. After the county investment promotion center, together with relevant departments, submits the application to the county government for approval, the county finance department will allocate reward and subsidy funds to the applying enterprises.

7. Reduce corporate financing costs and enhance corporate market competitiveness

(1) Emergency on-loan support for enterprises

Establish emergency on-lending funds for small, medium and micro enterprises to provide on-lending working capital to enterprises that meet the conditions for loan renewal after bank review. The application process and reward and subsidy amounts refer to the "Deqing County Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises Emergency On-lending Funds Usage Operational Rules" (Deqing County) Jin Han [2016] No. 8).

(2) Enterprise financing risk compensation support

A risk compensation fund will be established to compensate cooperative banks for risk losses incurred during the financing process of small and micro enterprises. The application process and reward and subsidy amounts shall refer to the "Deqing County Small and Micro Enterprises Risk Compensation Management Measures" (Dejin [2019] No. 2 ).

(3) Accounts receivable financing support for core enterprises

Support core enterprises in the supply chain to help small and medium-sized enterprise suppliers finance accounts receivable and solve the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises. For core enterprises that help small and medium-sized enterprises achieve accounts receivable financing through online confirmation through the accounts receivable financing service platform of the Credit Reference Center of the People's Bank of China, a reward and subsidy of 1% of the financing amount will be given. The application process and the amount of awards and subsidies refer to the "Provincial-level Special Fund for Promoting High-Quality Economic Development (Private Economy and Development of Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises) Accounts Receivable Financing Award and Subsidy Project Storage Guidelines".

(4) Loan interest discount fund support for specialized, special and new small and medium-sized enterprises

Support "little giant" enterprises recognized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and small and medium-sized enterprises recognized by the province as specialized, specialized and innovative, and provide incentives and subsidies for their RMB loan expenditures from commercial banks. The application process and reward and subsidy amounts shall be implemented with reference to the relevant provincial and municipal documents on the entry of loan interest subsidy funds projects for specialized, special and new small and medium-sized enterprises into the database.

8. Others

(1) In principle, the above-mentioned reward and subsidy funds shall be arranged by the county finance department. If it belongs to the central provincial or municipal award and subsidy funds, the applicants shall apply separately according to the corresponding channels. If the superior government promulgates corresponding support policies and requires our county to provide matching reward and subsidy funds, it will be implemented based on the principle of non-duplication. All support funds are pre-tax subsidies and awards, and tax-related expenses are borne by the recipients of subsidies and awards.

(2) If the policies and measures previously issued by our county are inconsistent with these Measures, these Measures shall prevail. These Measures are interpreted by the Deqing County Leading Group Office for Promoting Real Economy Development (County Industry and Information Technology Bureau).

(3) This support measure will be implemented from September 12, 2023, and will be valid until December 31, 2025.

Note: Please consult the County Industry and Information Technology Bureau for the attachments that need to be filled in for the above-mentioned methods.






































































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