Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Year-end sprint! This industrial park is "full of firepower"!

Year-end sprint! This industrial park is "full of firepower"!

Posted by Gao Yao 2023-11-22 19:00 Published in Guangdong



Various projects and enterprises in Gaoyao District

We are full of energy and full power,

In the state of "all-out sprint"

Rush for construction and production!


▲Photographed by Huang Qiwen

Zhaoqing Oufeng Intelligent Furniture Co., Ltd., located in Tianzi Industrial Park, Nan'an Street, is a newly introduced manufacturing enterprise in Gaoyao District this year. It is mainly engaged in the production, sales and export of intelligent furniture and hardware products. The 30 acres of construction land for this project were redeveloped from the idle land of the original Ras Al Khaimah (Gaoyao) Ceramics Co., Ltd. The project is constructed in three phases. The first phase started construction in March this year, and the second phase also started construction in September this year.


At present, the main body of the factory building and dormitory building in the first phase of the project has been completed, including the removal of the factory grille and exterior wall decoration. Project leader Yang Yonghua said that the factory building and dormitory building are currently undergoing water and electricity installation and other work. Factory Building 2 is expected to enter the final stage at the end of November. Equipment can be arranged to enter the site in January next year and can be officially put into production in February next year. After the project is put into operation, the annual output value is expected to be 50 million yuan.


Projects under construction are in full swing, and completed projects are being put into production as soon as possible. Zhaoqing Oumandik Intelligent Furniture Co., Ltd., also located in Tianzi Industrial Park, Nan'an Street, is also a bustling scene. The 5 main buildings of the first phase of the project have all been completed, of which 2 factories and 1 dormitory building have been put into use.


Walking into the company's production workshop, I saw intelligent machinery and equipment running non-stop, CNC cutting, drilling, polishing, edge sealing... The workers were busy in an orderly manner, with forklifts going back and forth to load the packaged products. Awaiting shipment overseas.

Li Yanhua, director of Zhaoqing Oumandik Intelligent Furniture Co., Ltd., said that the company was put into production at the end of October this year and currently has 13 groups and more than 180 employees working on production. Among them, the monthly production quantity of furniture and dining chairs reaches 1,500 sets and 20,000 pieces, with a monthly output value of 13 to 15 million yuan. It is expected that after all the factories in the first phase are put into operation, the company's output value will reach 150 to 200 million yuan.


▲ The above two pictures were taken by Deng Darong

By vacating the cage and replacing the bird, combined with precise investment promotion, the industrial investment promotion in the Ma'an area of Nan'an Street has achieved remarkable results. Many high-quality projects such as Liyuan, Zentong, Omandik, and Oufeng have been launched one after another, becoming a new driving force for regional economic development.

Li Yanhua also told reporters that the project has received help and support from the Gaoyao District Committee, District Government and relevant departments from investment selection to land purchase to construction. Nan'an Sub-district Office, District Investment Promotion Center, District Administrative Service Center and other relevant departments took the initiative to provide services, arranged staff to follow up throughout the process, promptly coordinated and solved the difficulties encountered during the project advancement, and jointly promoted the project to be put into production and achieve early results. This also greatly enhanced their confidence in taking root and developing in Gaoyao. "We are very confident that we can reach the goal of an output value of 20 million yuan in the last month of this year!" Li Yanhua said.

The horn of endeavor has already sounded,

The decisive battle is in full swing.

Everything revolves around industry,

Everything revolves around the project.

Set your sights on the goal and take advantage of the situation.

Gao Yao will further

Strengthen overall planning and element guarantee,

Get closer to and serve enterprises,

Go all out to promote project construction speed and efficiency!


高要发布 2023-11-22 19:00 发表于广东








▲ 黄绮雯 摄










▲ 以上两图 邓达荣 摄












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