Showing posts with label rural revitalization. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rural revitalization. Show all posts

Friday, September 6, 2024

Shigou Town, Sihui City, China: Teaching ancient pottery making skills and continuing the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage

Shigou Town, Sihui City, China: Teaching ancient pottery making skills and continuing the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage

Civilized Sihui September 5, 2024 18:48 Guangdong, China

In order to further promote pottery making and ancient kiln firing skills, recently, the Rural Revitalization Talent Station of Shigou Town, Sihui City, China organized more than ten students who are currently engaged in or intend to engage in traditional pottery making and ancient kiln firing in Sihui City to participate in the pottery making and ancient kiln firing skills promotion training class in Shigou Town [Echun Ancient Kiln--Goose Egg Ancient Kiln], Sihui City. It is hoped that through this training activity, a group of skilled talents will be cultivated to provide talent guarantee for the inheritance of ancient kiln art, promote the development of ancient kiln industry and the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage, and inject talent into the cultural and tourism integration development of Shigou Town.

Holding a training class for the promotion of pottery making and ancient kiln firing skills

▲Holding a training class for the promotion of pottery making and ancient kiln firing skills

This training is carried out in the mode of "classroom + site" and "theory + practice". Industry experts are invited to pass on their many years of experience and the most practical techniques to the trainees, so that the trainees can apply them in production and production, and are committed to strengthening the protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage.

The above two pictures show the inheritor of intangible cultural heritage and the person in charge of Sihui City's Echun Ancient Kiln (Goose Egg Ancient Kiln) teaching the students about the production chain process of the ancient kiln

The above two pictures show the inheritor of intangible cultural heritage and the person in charge of Sihui City's Echun Ancient Kiln (Goose Egg Ancient Kiln) teaching the students about the production chain process of the ancient kiln

▲The above two pictures show the inheritor of intangible cultural heritage and the person in charge of Sihui City's Echun Ancient Kiln (Goose Egg Ancient Kiln) teaching the students about the production chain process of the ancient kiln

The only ancient kiln in Sihui City that is still in use is the [Echun Ancient Kiln--Goose Egg Ancient Kiln]. The person in charge of the ancient kiln is the district-level representative inheritor of the Shiwan Dragon Kiln construction and firing skills. This skill has been selected as an intangible cultural heritage project in Chancheng District, Foshan City. After the hard teaching, careful explanation and personal demonstration of the pottery teacher, the pottery clay sculpture teacher and the person in charge of the Echun Ancient Kiln, all the students successfully completed the training task and achieved the expected goals.

The pottery throwing teacher and pottery clay sculpture teacher imparted skills and experience to the trainees

▲The pottery throwing teacher and pottery clay sculpture teacher imparted skills and experience to the trainees

The trainees said: "This training course has a clear theme, rich content, compact arrangement and strong pertinence. It not only provides basic theoretical guidance, but also improves handicraft skills. From theory to practice, it has strong guidance and effectiveness for us to improve the protection of intangible cultural heritage in the future. At the same time, we must strive to be the defenders and pioneers of intangible cultural heritage inheritance and innovative inheritance. We hope that through our relay inheritance, cultural confidence will be rooted in the soul and intangible cultural heritage will be spread and promoted."

Next, Shigou Town will take this pottery making technology and ancient kiln firing technology promotion training course as an opportunity, relying on the rural revitalization talent station, to promote traditional kiln makers to learn and deepen, further master the manual skills and methods, improve the manual level and skills, promote the development of intangible cultural heritage inheritance, and make good talent reserves for the construction of Shigou Agricultural, Cultural and Tourism Professional Town.

Welcome everyone to visit Shigou Town, Sihui City, China!

Shigou Town Investment Promotion Office

Tel: 0086-758-3438317

Sihui City--China's key cities for attracting foreign investment

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188


Wednesday, February 7, 2024

"Elders' New Year's Banquet" welcomes the New Year and traditional culture empowers rural revitalization

"Elders' New Year's Banquet" welcomes the New Year and traditional culture empowers rural revitalization

Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs 2024-02-07 21:55 Guangdong

As the Spring Festival approaches, Sijia Village, Jiner Community, Jinli Town, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City, is in a jubilant atmosphere. On February 2, 2024, the Sijia Village Party and Mass Service Station (Longshi Martial Arts Training Base) was unveiled and Sijia Park was successfully completed. Nearly 300 elders from Sijia Village gathered together to participate in the "Elderly Year Banquet" jointly organized by Zhaoqing Municipal Foreign Affairs Bureau, Jinli Town People's Government of Gaoyao District, and Zhaoqing Taiwan Compatriots Investment Enterprise Association to welcome the festival and discuss development. This is an important achievement of the rural revitalization of Jiner Community, and it also demonstrates the spirit of Taiwanese businessmen in Zhaoqing to "invest in one place and benefit the other".

On February 2, 2024, the Sijia Village Party and Mass Service Station (Longshi Martial Arts Training Base) was unveiled and Sijia Park was successfully completed
Rural Revitalization in Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Zou Xiaoling, director of Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs Bureau, delivered a speech
Zou Xiaoling, director of Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs Bureau, delivered a speech

Lion dance performance in Sijia Village, Jiner Community, Jinli Town, Gaoyao District

Lion dance performance in Sijia Village, Jiner Community, Jinli Town, Gaoyao District

Zou Xiaoling, director of Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs Bureau, deputy directors Ou Yanbin, Li Yanling, and Li Zhenjie, second-level researcher Qiu Ziliang, Gaoyao District Government Party Committee member Hu Guangxi, vice chairman of Weitai Group and executive vice president of Zhaoqing Taiwan Compatriots Investment Enterprises Association Lin Shijie, Zhaoqing Lin Xiaoping, Director of Weitai Company, Chen Jinhui, President of International Hongsheng Cai Lifu Association, Yang Junsheng, World Wing Chun Championship Champion, Li Zheng, President of Foshan Table Tennis Association, members of the team of Zhaoqing Jinli High-tech Zone and Jinli Town, Gaoyao District Government Office Responsible comrades from the (District Foreign Affairs Bureau), District Civil Affairs Bureau, District Culture, Broadcasting, Tourism and Sports Bureau, District Federation of Literary and Art Circles (Social Science Federation), cadres of the "Two Committees" of Jiner Community, Sijia Village party members, cadres and mass representatives attended the event. Relevant leaders and guests unveiled the Sijia Village Party and Mass Service Station (Longshi Martial Arts Training Base) and the Sijia Park “Tongxin Pavilion” respectively.

The completion ceremony of the rural revitalization project in Sijia Village of Jiner Community and the launch of the "Elderly's Annual Banquet" event

The completion ceremony of the rural revitalization project in Sijia Village of Jiner Community and the launch of the "Elderly's Annual Banquet" event

The leading guests unveiled the Sijia Village Party and Mass Service Station (Longshi Martial Arts Training Base)

The leading guests unveiled the Sijia Village Party and Mass Service Station (Longshi Martial Arts Training Base)

Leading guests unveiled the “Tongxin Pavilion” in Sijia Park

Leading guests unveiled the “Tongxin Pavilion” in Sijia Park

A wonderful traditional Chinese lion dance and martial arts performance and a Spring Festival couplet delivery event were also held on site. Against the backdrop of cheerful gongs and drums and backgrounds such as "Spring Festival Comes to Thousands of Households from Both Sides of the Taiwan Strait" and "Our Chinese Dream", colorful and lifelike lions danced happily; calligraphers improvised with brush strokes to write Spring Festival blessings to the masses, The scene was full of joy and joy. The Zhaoqing Municipal Foreign Affairs Bureau visited the homes of people in need and expressed condolences to the needy. Representatives of Taiwanese businessmen sent New Year blessings and gifts to each elderly person. The elderly people were in good spirits and expressed their gratitude to the party committees and governments at all levels and the units stationed in Jinli Town to help the towns and villages. and the Zhaoqing Taiwan Compatriots Investment Enterprises Association.

The Sijia Village martial arts lion dance team performs

The Sijia Village martial arts lion dance team performs

"Our Chinese Dream—Spring Festival Couplets Enter Thousands of Households" activity

"Our Chinese Dream—Spring Festival Couplets Enter Thousands of Households" activity

Taiwanese business representatives presented New Year gifts to each elderly person

Taiwanese business representatives presented New Year gifts to each elderly person

It is reported that with the joint efforts of the city, district, town and village, Sijia Village has made new progress in implementing the rural revitalization project - investing more than 1.5 million yuan in the construction of Sijia Park covering an area of about 2,500 square meters and the expansion of village roads. 300 meters of wide greening, about 1,500 meters of water supply pipe network renovation, more than 700 meters of rainwater and sewage diversion, as well as renovation of public toilets, party and mass service center (long and lion martial arts training base), etc. At the same time, we carry out regular patriotic health campaigns and visit and express condolences to people in need in the community.

As a bridge and an important position for the party and the government to contact the masses, the party-mass service station plays an important role in serving the masses and uniting people's hearts. As a treasure of Chinese culture, dragon and lion martial arts contain spiritual connotations such as "loyalty, filial piety, righteousness, courage, and respect" and are deeply loved by the masses. Sijia Village of Jiner Community combines the Party and Mass Service Station with the Dragon and Lion Martial Arts Training Base, which is not only an innovation in grassroots governance, but will also further enrich the leisure life of the people in Sijia Village.

Sijia Village Party and Mass Service Station (Longshi Martial Arts Training Base)

Sijia Village Party and Mass Service Station (Longshi Martial Arts Training Base)

Zhaoqing Municipal Foreign Affairs Bureau, as one of the member units of the rural revitalization station in Jinli Town, has assigned staff to concurrently serve as the first secretary of Jiner Community. It actively leverages the advantages of foreign affairs resources, focuses on the goals and tasks of the "Hundreds and Thousands of Projects", and carries out solid work The "Five Major Improvements" action for rural revitalization fully supports Jinli's rural revitalization work and has received active participation from the Zhaoqing Taiwan Compatriots Investment Enterprises Association and Zhaoqing Weitai Company. Weitai Company and Jiner Community signed a pairing and co-construction agreement to jointly build a harmonious and beautiful countryside and jointly promote the development of enterprises. After learning about the construction of a park in Sijia Village, Weitai Company immediately donated 50,000 yuan to build a Tongxin Pavilion in the park and carried out public welfare activities for poverty alleviation.

Lin Xiaoping, director of Zhaoqing Weitai Company, said that her father Lin Wenbin came to Jinli from Taiwan in 1992. Four generations of the family have lived and worked in Gaoyao. Jinli is their second hometown. Weitai Company has witnessed the development of Zhaoqing, and Zhaoqing has also The success of Weitai Company. When he learned that Jiner Community was carrying out rural revitalization construction, his father's first reaction was that he was obliged to do so and hoped that the company's small acts of kindness would make his hometown better.

Chen Jinhui, president of the International Hong Sheng Chua Li Fut Association, and Yang Junsheng, the world Wing Chun Championship champion, gave instructions to the villagers of Sijia Village in dragon and lion martial arts. Yang Junsheng performed live the national intangible cultural heritage project - Wing Chun.

World Wing Chun Championship champion Yang Junsheng performs live

World Wing Chun Championship champion Yang Junsheng performs live

In Gaoyao Jinli, the locals have a long history of dragon boat racing, lion dancing, and martial arts practice. It is a "famous Chinese traditional dragon boat town". During the peak period, almost every village has a lion dance team, and there are dozens of large and small martial arts halls in the town. Home. "Secrets of Shaolin Boxing" introduces that Guangdong Southern Boxing was learned by Cai Jiuyi, a high-ranking figure in the Ming Dynasty, from Zen Master Yiguan of the Shaolin Temple in Fujian, and was later spread to Guangdong. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Cai Lifu, one of the most widely spread styles of Nanquan, became the largest school in Guangdong. Sijia Village has established a dragon boat training team, a martial arts lion dance group, and a Cai Li Fo Quan training base many years ago. The dragon and lion culture and martial arts are cleverly combined and are welcomed by the villagers. In the process of rural revitalization, the local dragon and lion martial arts training base is used as a carrier to further unite the forces of all parties, carry forward fine traditions, empower rural revitalization, and promote the exchange and spread of Chinese traditional culture to the outside world.

We hope that business leaders from all over the world will come to Zhaoqing(Gaoyao) and take a look.

We sincerely hope to be friends with the whole world, and we sincerely do business with the whole world.

If there is anything we can't do well, I hope you can give us some suggestions.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Gaoyao District

Address: No.201, Nanxing 1st Road, Nan'an Street, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Tel:   0086-758-8392673

Fax:  0086-758-8200738


Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs Bureau

Address: No. 122, Chengzhong Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:  0086-758-2237010,  0086-758-2231845

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Closely following the integrated development of industry and cities, upgrading the system promotes the simultaneous advancement of "industry and agriculture"

He Zhengli, member of the Standing Committee of the Sihui Municipal Committee of Guangdong and secretary of the Party Committee of Dasha Town: closely following the integrated development of industry and cities, upgrading the system promotes the simultaneous advancement of "industry and agriculture"

2023-10-13 00:10:04 Source: New Express News Guangdong

Currently, Sihui Sugar Orange Technology Co., Ltd. has 7 categories and 15 packages of beverage products, all of which are processed with fresh sugar oranges as the main raw material. The annual output is 200,000 tons. It purchases sugar oranges for the entire Sihui and drives farmers. There are more than 3,000 households.

■Currently, Sihui Sugar Orange Technology Co., Ltd. has 7 categories and 15 packages of beverage products, all of which are processed with fresh sugar oranges as the main raw material. The annual output is 200,000 tons. It purchases sugar oranges for the entire Sihui and drives farmers. There are more than 3,000 households.

He Zhengli (middle), member of the Standing Committee of the Sihui Municipal Committee and Secretary of the Party Committee of Dasha Town, and the working team stationed in Dasha Town visited Zhaoqing Taier Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. for investigation.

He Zhengli (middle), member of the Standing Committee of the Sihui Municipal Committee and Secretary of the Party Committee of Dasha Town, and the working team stationed in Dasha Town visited Zhaoqing Taier Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. for investigation.

He Zhengli (middle), member of the Standing Committee of the Sihui Municipal Committee of Zhaoqing City and secretary of the Party Committee of Dasha Town, and Lv Jie (right), leader of the working team in Dasha Town, visited the production workshop of Sihui Sugar Orange Technology Co., Ltd. for investigation.

■He Zhengli (middle), member of the Standing Committee of the Sihui Municipal Committee of Zhaoqing City and secretary of the Party Committee of Dasha Town, and Lv Jie (right), leader of the working team stationed in Dasha Town, visited the production workshop of Sihui Sugar Orange Technology Co., Ltd. for investigation.

【Editor's note】

The implementation of the "High-quality Development Project of Hundreds of Counties, Thousands of Towns and Thousands of Villages" is a major measure for our province to accelerate the construction of a new pattern of regional balanced development, and will have a profound impact on promoting county economic development, new urbanization, and rural revitalization. Xinkuaibao reporters will conduct face-to-face interviews with the party committee secretaries of various towns to show the vivid practices and distinctive highlights of the "Hundreds and Thousands of Projects" implemented by towns and villages in our province, and unfold the rural revitalization painted with a hard-working attitude. Struggle picture.

“In industry, we are cooperating with the Zhaoqing Headquarters in the large-scale industrial agglomeration area to increase production and promote the revitalization of inefficient factories, etc., to further rejuvenate the existing development vitality; in agriculture, we are combining the beautiful fishery model to promote the improvement of the Dasha aquatic industry chain Improve the quality of fish ponds to continue to increase the value of fish ponds and help increase farmers' income..." Combined with Dasha Town, Sihui City, Zhaoqing City, "Promote the top 1,000 towns across the country to strive for the leading position, create a 100 billion industry cluster, and strive to become a model town in Guangdong "The main goal and actual resource characteristics of the city," He Zhengli, member of the Standing Committee of the Sihui Municipal Committee and secretary of the Party Committee of Dasha Town, mentioned to the New Express reporter that at present, Dasha Town is closely following the integrated development of industry and cities, comprehensively promoting the upgrading of the industrial and agricultural industry system, and promoting The town's economy has steadily improved, and the construction of public service projects such as education and medical care has been accelerated to upgrade the functional quality of Dasha town.

■Writing: New Express reporter Nong Yanfang ■Photography: New Express reporter Wang Fei

Improve incremental inventory and revitalize stock

Build a new industrialization system

Xinkuaibao reporter learned that Dasha Town is a traditional industrial town in Zhaoqing. Combined with the current promotion of "hundreds and thousands of projects" and new opportunities for rural revitalization and development, Dasha Town insists on highlighting the manufacturing industry and the real economy as its foundation, and is expanding While strengthening and improving traditional industries such as metal products, we will also promote advanced manufacturing clusters such as new energy vehicles and advanced materials.

"At present, the land acquisition work of more than 13,000 acres in the agglomeration area has been completed and the land compensation agreement has been signed. We are recruiting investment according to the positioning." He Zhengli told the New Express reporter that Dasha Town is based on "building, replenishing, and strengthening the chain." As a starting point, in conjunction with the Zhaoqing headquarters of the large-scale industrial agglomeration area to "recruit big companies and attract strong talents", 81 newly introduced industrial projects are planned to invest more than 20 billion yuan, and the industrial investment promotion work continues to make breakthroughs.

In terms of optimizing growth, Dasha Town continues to accelerate the completion and trial production of 11 projects under construction such as Guangdong Huachang New Materials Co., Ltd. (annual output value 5 billion yuan) and Junchi Paper Products, and fully supports Tongyu New Materials ( Tax revenue will exceed 100 million yuan in 2022), Lidao New Materials, Sihui Sugar Jue Technology and other high-quality companies have increased capital and expanded production.

At the same time, He Zhengli also mentioned that Dasha Town is actively seeking the support of state-owned assets to carry out a new round of revitalization and development of inefficient factories and other industrial stocks in Dasha's jurisdiction, so as to rejuvenate the development vitality of the stock and comprehensively promote the improvement of the industrial industrial system. class.

In the production workshop of Sihui Sugar Orange Technology Co., Ltd., jars and bottles of beverages with the fresh fragrance of Sihui Sugar Orange are "born" under the mature and complete assembly line technology. Taking root in Dasha Town for more than ten years, the company has become a safe place for fruit farmers to "go" with their fruits during the sugar orange harvest season every year. Xiao Fuliang, deputy general manager of the company, mentioned that at present, their 15 packages of beverage products in 7 categories are all processed with fresh sugar oranges as the main raw material. “With an annual output of 200,000 tons, we purchase sugar oranges for the entire Sihui, driving the There are more than 3,000 farmers." Last year, the company also established the first rural revitalization workshop in Zhaoqing and Sihui cities under the promotion of the Chancheng District, Foshan City team stationed in Dasha Town to help towns and villages (hereinafter referred to as the "Work Team stationed in Dasha Town").

Xinkuaibao reporter learned that at present, the capital increase and production expansion project of Sihui Sugar Orange Technology Co., Ltd. has begun piling work. It plans to invest 220 million yuan to build high-standard cold storage, warehouses and other related supporting facilities. After the project reaches the standard and reaches production, it will drive the acquisition of more than 4,500 tons. For sugar oranges, an additional 3,000 acres of sugar orange planting area have been added. He Zhengli said that Dasha Town is taking a series of measures such as comprehensively implementing the policy of supporting and benefiting enterprises and the service enterprise specialist system to build a "combination box" of enterprise services, fully support deep processing enterprises to become stronger and bigger, and give full play to the strength of linking farmers with farmers. role, relying on the upgrading of the industrial system to further assist the economic development of the town.

Improve the beautiful fishery model and complete the chain to promote development

While Sihui Sugar Oranges Technology Co., Ltd. is accelerating its capital increase and production expansion, Zhaoqing Taier Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Taier"), which has been established in Dasha Town for more than two years, has built a beautiful fishery in Chenchong Village. They are full of energy, and more than 600 acres of fish ponds are full of life. Deng Xuanjin, chairman of Taier, said that at present, they have completed the construction of office, display, training and other areas in Dasha Meili Fishing Ground, and are accelerating the layout of the pre-made vegetable processing base. "Next, they plan to expand the scale and improve the integration of seedlings, breeding, An industrial model that integrates processing.”

Xinkuaibao reporter learned that although Dasha Town is "industrial-oriented", it also adheres to the concept of industrialization and industrial chain thinking to promote the development of modern agriculture. The working team stationed in Dasha Town mentioned to the New Express reporter that aquaculture is an important agricultural industry in Dasha Town, and basically every farmer has a fish pond. Since 2021, Dasha Town and the working team stationed in Dasha Town have taken the lead in promoting the cooperation between Chenchong Village and Taier, exploring and promoting the implementation of the beautiful fishery model, and achieved remarkable results.

"After unified and standardized transformation, the rent of fish ponds for farmers has increased by 1,000 yuan per mu, and enterprises can also achieve large-scale breeding operations, creating a win-win situation for all parties." He Zhengli said. At present, thousands of acres of contiguous fish ponds in the Renma area of Dasha Town have been intensively completed. By introducing state-owned assets to integrate fish pond resources, amplify the role of the beautiful fishery model in linking agriculture with agriculture, and maximize the benefits to Dasha farmers.

In addition, He Zhengli said that they are also constantly promoting the improvement of the aquatic industry chain. "On the front end, we are planning to introduce high-quality fry companies to develop in Dasha and cultivate local high-quality fry; and on the back end, we are also actively assisting the prefabrication of Taier aquatic products." We will continue to complete the industrial chain and extend the added value of the Dasha aquatic products industry chain through the construction of a vegetable deep processing base and the strengthening of the 'Dashayu' souvenir brand." It is worth mentioning that in August this year, the first aquatic product testing company in Sihui City The monitoring station has been officially put into operation in Dasha Town. Through the innovative operation model of "government + scientific research unit + enterprise", it can "accurately check the pulse" of aquaculture and make every effort to solve the "difficult and miscellaneous diseases" encountered by farmers in breeding. Dasha Town is also actively planning for projects such as building an aquatic product market that will extend the Dasha aquatic product industry chain.

Improve the level of public services and improve the quality of urban functions

As a traditional industrial town and geographically restricted, Dasha Town once faced the situation of "having property but no city" and "difficulty retaining people". In this regard, He Zhengli mentioned that they are accelerating the construction of education, medical and other livelihood projects, combined with People need to accelerate the improvement of public service levels and optimize the quality of cities and towns to retain more talents.

He mentioned that Dasha Town is currently planning the construction of the town's first public kindergarten. The Huangtao Central Primary School expansion project and the Dasha Middle School expansion project are also being progressed in an orderly manner. It is expected that next year, the education level of Dasha Town will be achieved. Significant improvement, more students can go to school safely at home. In the past two years, the working team stationed in Dasha Town has actively introduced Foshan resources and continued to carry out educational assistance work such as scholarships and teaching. By mobilizing the resources of rear units and social forces, it has raised one million yuan in funds to help improve the running conditions of primary and secondary schools in Dasha Town. and improve teaching standards.

In addition, the Fifth People's Hospital of Zhaoqing City will also be located in Dasha Town. The planning and design have been initially formed. Once completed and put into use, it will greatly facilitate the people of Dasha Town to seek medical treatment. The working team stationed in Dasha Town has also promoted the pairing of Foshan People's Hospital and local medical institutions in Dasha Town in the past two years, helping to improve the health and medical level of Dasha in terms of soft power such as medical equipment and other hardware and medical talent team building. Xinkuaibao reporter learned that Zhaoqing City’s first town-level art museum, Dasha Art Museum, opened in July this year. The first phase of the Dasha Town Farmers Market Upgrading Project has now achieved 80% of the stalls; currently, Dasha Town is It is planned to integrate land to build Dasha "Neighborhood Center" commercial and residential complex, further improve the town's comprehensive service guarantee level such as catering, shopping, culture and entertainment, and improve the quality of urban functions.

We hope that business leaders from all over the world will come to Sihui and take a look.

We sincerely hope to be friends with the whole world, and we sincerely do business with the whole world.

If there is anything we can't do well, I hope you can give us some suggestions.

Sihui City Investment Promotion Center

Contact information

Tel: +86 758 3611228

Fax: +86 758 3611228



Saturday, January 20, 2024

Click for more pictures! The scene of the 2024 Orchid Tourism and Culture Festival in Guangdong Province (Sihui·Shigou Town)

Click for more pictures! The scene of the 2024 Orchid Tourism and Culture Festival in Guangdong Province (Sihui·Shigou Town)

Released by Sihui City 2024-01-20 18:44 Published in Guangdong

January 20, 2024

It is jointly sponsored by the Guangdong Provincial Orchid Association, the People's Government of Shigou Town, Sihui City, and the Guangdong Provincial Rural Revitalization Task Force in Shigou Town to help towns and villages.

The 2024 Orchid Tourism and Culture Festival in Guangdong Province (Sihui·Shigou Town) opens. This event promotes the orchid brand of Sihui City, deepens the cooperation between the Guangdong Provincial Orchid Association and the orchid industry of Sihui City, and further enriches orchid culture and promotes orchids. Communicate and promote the orchid industry.

It showcases the latest achievements in orchid culture, industrial integration, and technological innovation, as well as Sihui City’s excellent cultural and tourism resources, promotes the resonance of the orchid industry and rural revitalization, and supports Sihui City’s “millions of projects.”

the 2024 Orchid Tourism and Culture Festival in Guangdong Province (Sihui·Shigou Town)

Lin Yonghong, member and vice chairman of the Zhaoqing CPPCC Party Group,

Xiang Zhezi, member of the Party Leadership Group and Leader of the Discipline Inspection Team of the Pearl River Navigation Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Transport,

Zhu Genfa, President of the Orchid Branch of the China Flower Association, President of the Guangdong Provincial Orchid Association, Director of the Flower Guangzhou Experimental Station of the National Bulk Vegetable Industry Technology System, and Director of the Institute of Environmental Horticulture of the Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences,

Zeng Songjun, researcher at the South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and secretary of the Second Party Branch of the Agricultural and Biological Sciences Branch of the South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences,

Tang Ying, executive deputy director of the Agricultural Office of the Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee, deputy secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Municipal Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau, executive deputy director of the Municipal Rural Revitalization Bureau, and first-level researcher,

Wu Jun, deputy secretary of the Sihui Municipal Party Committee,

Su Peng, deputy secretary of the Sihui Municipal Party Committee,

Liu Guobin, member and deputy director of the Party Leadership Group of the Standing Committee of the Sihui City People’s Congress and chairman of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions,

Chen Yusheng, Vice Chairman of the Sihui Municipal People's Political Consultative Conference, and others attended the event and opened the event together.

the 2024 Orchid Tourism and Culture Festival in Guangdong Province (Sihui·Shigou Town)

Lin Yonghong said in his speech that this is a provincial orchid tourism and cultural festival. It is not only a concrete measure to further promote the "Hundreds and Thousands Project" and promote the high-quality development of the orchid industry, but also promote modern agricultural innovation, showcase high-quality agricultural products, It is an important carrier to promote cultural exchanges and can further deepen the cooperation between the Guangdong Orchid Association and the Sihui orchid industry, publicize and promote the Sihui City orchid brand, drive rural cultural tourism consumption, and help comprehensively promote the "Hundreds and Thousands Project".

Guangdong Provincial Rural Revitalization Task Force in Shigou Town to help towns and villages


During the period, the signing ceremony for the Shigou Town Orchid Colorful World and Shigou Town Citrus Industrial Park projects in Sihui City was held. The total investment in the project exceeded 100 million yuan, which will further increase farmers' income, develop the village collective economy, and promote rural revitalization.

the signing ceremony for the Shigou Town Orchid Colorful World and Shigou Town Citrus Industrial Park


The awarding ceremony of the Paphiopedilum improved variety breeding experimental demonstration base was held. The South China Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Sihui Huilin Flower Co., Ltd. worked together to seize market opportunities for Paphiopedilum and empower the high-quality development of the orchid industry with technology.

The awarding ceremony of the Paphiopedilum improved variety breeding experimental demonstration base was held


The Sihui orchids were launched on the "YueGonghui" mini-program, the launch ceremony of the Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport Phalaenopsis maintenance project, the "Shijiuji" brand launch ceremony, the supply and marketing agreement and the signing of the assistance agreement were held, and the sales channels of Sihui orchids were further broadened. , Sihui Orchid officially entered Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, continuing to expand the influence of Sihui Orchid brand.

The Sihui orchids were launched on the "YueGonghui" mini-program

the launch ceremony of the Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport Phalaenopsis maintenance project

Guangdong Sihui orchid brand "Shijiuji"
Guangdong Sihui orchid brand "Shijiuji"
Guangdong Sihui orchid brand "Shijiuji"
Guangdong Sihui orchid brand "Shijiuji"

There are three venues for this event. The main venue is located at Shigou Town Cultural and Sports Plaza, and the branch venues are located at Zhaoqing Yalanfang Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. and Zhaoqing Wanlvxing Flower Planting Co., Ltd. The event lasts for two days.

the 2024 Orchid Tourism and Culture Festival in Guangdong Province (Sihui·Shigou Town)

In addition to the wonderful cultural performances, the main venue also combines orchid elements with Sihui City's characteristic agricultural and cultural tourism elements to set up an orchid exhibition area, a rural comprehensive station agricultural product exhibition area, a Hanfu dressing experience area, a special food area and other special topics The exhibition area is for citizens and friends to check in and play.

the 2024 Orchid Tourism and Culture Festival in Guangdong Province (Sihui·Shigou Town)

the 2024 Orchid Tourism and Culture Festival in Guangdong Province (Sihui·Shigou Town)

the 2024 Orchid Tourism and Culture Festival in Guangdong Province (Sihui·Shigou Town)

the 2024 Orchid Tourism and Culture Festival in Guangdong Province (Sihui·Shigou Town)

the 2024 Orchid Tourism and Culture Festival in Guangdong Province (Sihui·Shigou Town)

the 2024 Orchid Tourism and Culture Festival in Guangdong Province (Sihui·Shigou Town)

It is understood that nearly 5,000 citizens and friends came to check in on the first day.

Citizens and friends who haven’t checked in yet~ hurry up and make an appointment~

Sihui City is relatively backward in China.

I hope that merchants from all over the world will visit Sihui City and take a look.

I hope that business leaders from all over the world will visit Sihui City in China to inspect the investment environment.

Give us some advice.

Sihui City is willing to do business with the world. Our goals are the same.

Sihui City Investment Promotion Center

Contact information

Tel: +86 758 3611228

Fax: +86 758 3611228



Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel: +86 758 2899202

Fax: +86 758 2282600


Wednesday, January 3, 2024

"Getting Rich Flower", he built a key provincial agricultural enterprise in Zhaoqing with an annual output value of over 100 million yuan

"Getting Rich Flower", he built a key provincial agricultural enterprise in Zhaoqing with an annual output value of over 100 million yuan

Released by Zhaoqing 2024-01-03 19:01 Published in Guangdong

Recently, the Guangdong Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs awarded the honorary title of "Guangdong's Top Ten Most Beautiful Rural Area Experts" in 2023.

Ling Junjie, general manager of Zhaoqing Wanlvxing Flower Planting Co., Ltd. in Shigou Town, Sihui City, became the only agricultural practitioner and entrepreneur in Zhaoqing to receive this honor.

"Guangdong's Top Ten Most Beautiful Rural Area Experts" in 2023.

Promote the high-quality development of the orchid industry in Sihui.

Ling Junjie’s Zhaoqing Wanlvxing Flower Planting Co., Ltd. covers an area of about 100 acres.

Mainly planting high-end flowers, Phalaenopsis, Orchid, Dendrobium, etc.

It has two orchid brands: "Shigou Orchid" and "Wanlvxing Flowers".

Sihui orchid

Sihui orchid

The company has established a tissue culture R&D center, seedling area, flower exhibition hall, and product e-commerce live sales center. According to reports, Sihui orchids will be on the market in early January 2024, and workers are busy pruning and packaging the plants, waiting for the market.

It is a diversified modern agricultural high-tech enterprise that integrates orchid scientific research, seedling cultivation, planting demonstration, and product exhibition and sales.

Ling Junjie

Orchids have been growing well in recent years and have reached very high standards in terms of quality, quantity, color and height of flowers. Phalaenopsis is usually the protagonist of the New Year's Eve flowers. I estimate that the market is still very good. Now there are reservations one after another in cities such as the Pearl River Delta, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Zhongshan, and Zhuhai. It is a great honor that Baiyun International Airport has designated our Wanlvxing flowers.

Ling Junjie makes full use of his own skills to actively participate in rural revitalization. With his excellent orchid planting technology and more than 20 years of planting experience, he provides technical guidance to local orchid entrepreneurs, effectively solving the problem of lack of technology and inexperience among the masses.

In addition, he has also cooperated with a number of colleges and universities to develop new varieties and new seedlings, and established a national Phalaenopsis breeding experimental demonstration base and an orchid research and development center.

At the same time, in order to drive local farmers to increase their industrial income, Ling Junjie implemented the business model of "company + farmer assistance + e-commerce" and cooperated to assist 20 poor households, with a planting area of more than 600 acres, and an annual output value of 40 million yuan. .

Guangdong Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural,Zhaoqing Agriculture,Rural,rural revitalization,orchid industry,sihui,Shigou Town,china,zhaoqing,

Ling Junjie

In 2023, in terms of research and development, we jointly developed some new varieties with the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences and achieved relatively good results. We have boosted the village collective economy by almost 300,000 yuan. In the future, we will also strengthen cooperation with village groups and village collectives. The plan is to let farmers plant other categories first. We will slowly guide them on how to transform, and our company will provide seedlings. , after planting, we help him recycle them at market prices and then sell them to the market.

In recent years, Shigou Town has insisted on building a modern orchid industry based on industrialization concepts and whole-industry chain thinking, and has carried out a series of Sihui orchid "12221" market system construction activities with Shigou Town as the main venue and "Sending Sihui Orchids on Father's Day" promotion activities,

Launch the Sihui Orchid brand.

Shigou Town, Sihui City

Shigou Town, Sihui City


Shigou Town will take the orchid industry as the main line, taking the Shigou Town Shigou Village Party Building + Orchid Culture Demonstration Belt as the starting point, connecting various cultural and tourism resources to form a unique orchid culture characteristic tourist area, and create an "Orchid Professional Town" brand. Comprehensively promote the "Hundreds and Thousands Project" to build a professional orchid town that integrates agriculture, culture and tourism.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Another project signed in Huangtian Town, Sihui City, Guangdong Province​

Another project signed in Huangtian Town, Sihui City, Guangdong Province​

Released by Sihui City 2023-12-13 18:33 Published in Guangdong

Recently, Sinopharm Dezhong (Foshan) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and Huangtian Town, Sihui City signed a strategic cooperation agreement for a southern medicine planting demonstration base.

Sinopharm Dezhong (Foshan) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and Huangtian Town, Sihui City signed a strategic cooperation agreement for a southern medicine planting demonstration base.

Signing ceremony site

The relevant person in charge of Dezhong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. said that the project will give full play to the brand and technological advantages of Traditional Chinese Medicine Holdings, carry out the cultivation of southern medicine, steadily promote the development of traditional Chinese medicine towards industrialization and scale, and at the same time explore the extension of the industrial chain and empower Huangtian industrial transformation and upgrading and rural revitalization.

The relevant person in charge of Huangtian Town said at the meeting that Huangtian Town will firmly seize the development opportunity of Guangdong Province’s “Hundreds and Thousands of Projects”, give full play to the advantages of Foshan and Zhaoqing’s proximity, and promote the rapid transformation of comparative advantages such as resource endowment and location transportation into project development advantages. Combined with the assistance resources of the Foshan Zhuhuangtian Town Assistance and Village Assistance Team, we will make plans to promote the project to accelerate construction, take root, and bear fruit. While increasing the income of villagers, we will also develop and expand the village-level collective economy and help Huangtian industry upgrade. .

It is understood that according to the agreement, Dezhong Pharmaceutical will rent 500 acres of transferred land in Wandong Village, Huangtian Town, and carry out the "Southern Medicine-Rice" rotation planting project. It is expected to provide an average of more than 50 people per day at 80-100 yuan per person/person. With daily employment opportunities, the radiation has driven more than 200 people from 19 villages around the base to work nearby on a daily basis.

Sinopharm Dezhong (Foshan) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and Huangtian Town, Sihui City signed a strategic cooperation agreement for a southern medicine planting demonstration base.

Signing ceremony

Industrial revitalization is the basis for implementing rural revitalization. Since the launch of the work in the town, the Foshan Zhuhuangtian Town Assistance and Village Support Team has been constantly looking for industrial development in Huangtian Town and rural areas in order to better activate land resources and assist the development of Huangtian's agricultural industry. While solving the urgent, difficult and anxious problems of the masses, The “good recipe” for revitalization. After identifying the advantageous industry of southern medicine cultivation, the assistance team in Huangtian Town acted as a "matchmaker" and actively connected with Dezhong Pharmaceutical located in Chancheng District, inviting companies to come to Huangtian for research, and bring the southern medicine industry to Huangtian for research. The medicinal planting base "introduces" Huangtian to support the cultivation of characteristic agricultural industry demonstration bases.

Sihui City Investment Promotion Center

Contact information

Tel: +86 758 3611228

Fax: +86 758 3611228




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