Showing posts with label goose egg ancient kiln. Show all posts
Showing posts with label goose egg ancient kiln. Show all posts

Friday, September 6, 2024

Shigou Town, Sihui City, China: Teaching ancient pottery making skills and continuing the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage

Shigou Town, Sihui City, China: Teaching ancient pottery making skills and continuing the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage

Civilized Sihui September 5, 2024 18:48 Guangdong, China

In order to further promote pottery making and ancient kiln firing skills, recently, the Rural Revitalization Talent Station of Shigou Town, Sihui City, China organized more than ten students who are currently engaged in or intend to engage in traditional pottery making and ancient kiln firing in Sihui City to participate in the pottery making and ancient kiln firing skills promotion training class in Shigou Town [Echun Ancient Kiln--Goose Egg Ancient Kiln], Sihui City. It is hoped that through this training activity, a group of skilled talents will be cultivated to provide talent guarantee for the inheritance of ancient kiln art, promote the development of ancient kiln industry and the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage, and inject talent into the cultural and tourism integration development of Shigou Town.

Holding a training class for the promotion of pottery making and ancient kiln firing skills

▲Holding a training class for the promotion of pottery making and ancient kiln firing skills

This training is carried out in the mode of "classroom + site" and "theory + practice". Industry experts are invited to pass on their many years of experience and the most practical techniques to the trainees, so that the trainees can apply them in production and production, and are committed to strengthening the protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage.

The above two pictures show the inheritor of intangible cultural heritage and the person in charge of Sihui City's Echun Ancient Kiln (Goose Egg Ancient Kiln) teaching the students about the production chain process of the ancient kiln

The above two pictures show the inheritor of intangible cultural heritage and the person in charge of Sihui City's Echun Ancient Kiln (Goose Egg Ancient Kiln) teaching the students about the production chain process of the ancient kiln

▲The above two pictures show the inheritor of intangible cultural heritage and the person in charge of Sihui City's Echun Ancient Kiln (Goose Egg Ancient Kiln) teaching the students about the production chain process of the ancient kiln

The only ancient kiln in Sihui City that is still in use is the [Echun Ancient Kiln--Goose Egg Ancient Kiln]. The person in charge of the ancient kiln is the district-level representative inheritor of the Shiwan Dragon Kiln construction and firing skills. This skill has been selected as an intangible cultural heritage project in Chancheng District, Foshan City. After the hard teaching, careful explanation and personal demonstration of the pottery teacher, the pottery clay sculpture teacher and the person in charge of the Echun Ancient Kiln, all the students successfully completed the training task and achieved the expected goals.

The pottery throwing teacher and pottery clay sculpture teacher imparted skills and experience to the trainees

▲The pottery throwing teacher and pottery clay sculpture teacher imparted skills and experience to the trainees

The trainees said: "This training course has a clear theme, rich content, compact arrangement and strong pertinence. It not only provides basic theoretical guidance, but also improves handicraft skills. From theory to practice, it has strong guidance and effectiveness for us to improve the protection of intangible cultural heritage in the future. At the same time, we must strive to be the defenders and pioneers of intangible cultural heritage inheritance and innovative inheritance. We hope that through our relay inheritance, cultural confidence will be rooted in the soul and intangible cultural heritage will be spread and promoted."

Next, Shigou Town will take this pottery making technology and ancient kiln firing technology promotion training course as an opportunity, relying on the rural revitalization talent station, to promote traditional kiln makers to learn and deepen, further master the manual skills and methods, improve the manual level and skills, promote the development of intangible cultural heritage inheritance, and make good talent reserves for the construction of Shigou Agricultural, Cultural and Tourism Professional Town.

Welcome everyone to visit Shigou Town, Sihui City, China!

Shigou Town Investment Promotion Office

Tel: 0086-758-3438317

Sihui City--China's key cities for attracting foreign investment

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188


Saturday, May 25, 2024

Stunning appearance! Echun ancient kiln in Sihui opens to welcome the New Year

Stunning appearance! Echun ancient kiln in Sihui opens to welcome the New Year

Sihui City Cultural Center 2022-01-03 18:23 Guangdong, China

"This porcelain is so beautiful, and it still has residual warmth."

On the morning of December 31, 2021,

The Echun ancient kiln located in Shigou Town, Sihui City, opened.

This is the last kiln in 2021.

It heralds the beginning of the new year.

Echun ancient kiln,Shigouzhen,Shigou Town,Sihui City China,Zhaoqing,foshan,Guangdong,asia,goose egg ancient kiln,Echunjiao,

The opening of the kiln at the end of the year is highly anticipated, and guests from the Pearl River Delta also gather here to witness with their own eyes the magic of muddy porcelain the moment the kiln is opened. After four days of firing and four days of cooling, the Echun ancient kiln welcomed new ceramic works.

Echun ancient kiln,Shigouzhen,Shigou Town,Sihui City China,Zhaoqing,foshan,Guangdong,asia,goose egg ancient kiln,Echunjiao,

As Master Nichun opened the kiln door,

Take the sagger out of the kiln entrance,

Various pots, bowls, plates and bottles

Make a stunning appearance with residual warmth,

Confirms the old saying

The magic of "one color entering the kiln and many colors coming out of the kiln".

The masters hold treasures in their hands,

Carefully, move them away from the kiln entrance one by one.

Echun ancient kiln,Shigouzhen,Shigou Town,Sihui City China,Zhaoqing,foshan,Guangdong,asia,goose egg ancient kiln,Echunjiao,

  "This is the work of Pan Bolin, a master of Chinese arts and crafts."

A well-known glaze expert from Shiwan, the "Pottery Capital of Southern China",

Liang Jincheng, the person in charge of the ancient kiln

Pointing to one of the treasures, he told reporters.

Echun ancient kiln,Shigouzhen,Shigou Town,Sihui City China,Zhaoqing,foshan,Guangdong,asia,goose egg ancient kiln,Echunjiao,

Liang Jincheng introduced that traditional firing makes the glaze colors of ceramic works more varied, making the products of "Echun Ancient Kiln" favored by a large number of artists and collectors. Chinese arts and crafts masters Liu Zemian, Liu Bing, Pan Bolin, and Yang Ruihua , Huang Zhiwei and Chinese ceramic art master Feng Weimin all have their works fired here.

As the masters moved,

The number of porcelains lined up next to them gradually increased,

These porcelains are rich in color and gorgeous,

Exudes a radiant and elegant luster.

Echun ancient kiln,Shigouzhen,Shigou Town,Sihui City China,Zhaoqing,foshan,Guangdong,asia,goose egg ancient kiln,Echunjiao,

Echun ancient kiln,Shigouzhen,Shigou Town,Sihui City China,Zhaoqing,foshan,Guangdong,asia,goose egg ancient kiln,Echunjiao,

Echun ancient kiln,Shigouzhen,Shigou Town,Sihui City China,Zhaoqing,foshan,Guangdong,asia,goose egg ancient kiln,Echunjiao,

Echun ancient kiln,Shigouzhen,Shigou Town,Sihui City China,Zhaoqing,foshan,Guangdong,asia,goose egg ancient kiln,Echunjiao,

Echun ancient kiln,Shigouzhen,Shigou Town,Sihui City China,Zhaoqing,foshan,Guangdong,asia,goose egg ancient kiln,Echunjiao,

At the kiln opening site, Uncle Biao, a private collector from Foshan, told reporters that he would come here basically every time the Echun ancient kiln was opened and collected dozens of works fired by the Echun ancient kiln. Collectors prefer works from Long kilns because they have variety and are not the same as modern kilns.

Echun ancient kiln,Shigouzhen,Shigou Town,Sihui City China,Zhaoqing,foshan,Guangdong,asia,goose egg ancient kiln,Echunjiao,

Liang Jincheng told reporters that the Echun ancient kiln continues the traditional ancient pottery making process. The main craft essence lies in the wood-making of the ancient kiln. The mud, ash and glaze are perfectly combined under the action of firewood. After a long period of high temperature, It melts to form natural gray glazed pottery, which occasionally has the effect of "kiln transformation", and the color charm is ever-changing. The effect cannot be replaced and copied by modern kilns, so there is a saying that "one color enters the kiln, and it comes out of the kiln in various colors".

Little knowledge about Echun ancient kiln

The new Internet celebrity Bidao - Sihui Guyi Bidao Gallery has a total length of 26 kilometers. It mainly connects the northern agricultural tourism area and the southern cultural tourism area via the Shantou-Zhanjiang Expressway, "catching all the famous tourist attractions and historical and cultural monuments in Sihui in one place. The Echun Ancient Kiln is one of the attractions of Bidao Gallery in Sihui Ancient Town.

Echun ancient kiln,Shigouzhen,Shigou Town,Sihui City China,Zhaoqing,foshan,Guangdong,asia,goose egg ancient kiln,Echunjiao,

Sihui City has a history of pottery making as early as the Ming Dynasty.

Echun Ancient Kiln is an ancient kiln with a history of hundreds of years.

It continues the traditional kiln making and firing techniques.

The pottery produced is of high quality.

Echun Ancient Kiln is built on the mountain and is 38 meters long.

It is 12 meters wide and looks like an ancient dragon entrenched, so it is called "Dragon Kiln".

Echun ancient kiln,Shigouzhen,Shigou Town,Sihui City China,Zhaoqing,foshan,Guangdong,asia,goose egg ancient kiln,Echunjiao,

Echun ancient kiln,Shigouzhen,Shigou Town,Sihui City China,Zhaoqing,foshan,Guangdong,asia,goose egg ancient kiln,Echunjiao,

Echun ancient kiln,Shigouzhen,Shigou Town,Sihui City China,Zhaoqing,foshan,Guangdong,asia,goose egg ancient kiln,Echunjiao,

Echun ancient kiln,Shigouzhen,Shigou Town,Sihui City China,Zhaoqing,foshan,Guangdong,asia,goose egg ancient kiln,Echunjiao,

Currently, Echun Ancient Kiln is planning new development and revitalizing it with new vitality.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Goose Egg Ancient Kiln in Sihui City, China--中国四会市石狗镇鹅春窑-Echunjiao

My friends, have you ever watched "Ghost", which won the Best Picture Award at the 63rd Academy Awards? The movie "Ghost" was released in the United States on July 13, 1990.

the Best Picture Award at the 63rd Academy Awards? The movie "Ghost" was released in the United States on July 13, 1990.

the Best Picture Award at the 63rd Academy Awards? The movie "Ghost" was released in the United States on July 13, 1990.

the Best Picture Award at the 63rd Academy Awards? The movie "Ghost" was released in the United States on July 13, 1990.

At that time, this movie was very popular. Many couples fell in love after watching this movie. Including Stephen Chow's movie "A Happy Event in the Family" has paid tribute to this movie.

At that time, this movie was very popular. Many couples fell in love after watching this movie. Including Stephen Chow's movie "A Happy Event in the Family" has paid tribute to this movie.

In reality, there is such a place in Sihui City, China, where you can experience the joy and romance of making ceramics.

Let me take you to learn about this place - Echun Ancient Kiln

Echun Kiln is located in Aukeng Village, Shigou Town, Sihui City, China. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers, close to the provincial highway 263 with constant traffic, about 19 kilometers away from Sihui city, and about 5 minutes' drive from the Huangtian exit of Erguang Expressway.

According to legend, Echun Kiln was built during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty and has a history of more than 300 years.

中国四会市石狗镇乡村振兴鹅春古窑实训基地-Echun Ancient Kiln Training Base for Rural Revitalization in Shigou Town, Sihui City, China

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

鹅春窑,goose egg ancient kiln,Echun ancient kiln,鹅春古窑,sihui,Shigou Town,zhaoqing,china,guangdong,Ghost,Academy Awards,Stephen Chow,人鬼情未了,周星驰,奥斯卡电影,

This place is suitable for filming movies. Suitable for dating.


Moving the factory to Sihui, Zhaoqing --- a conversation between two bosses from Guangdong 搬工廠去肇慶四會----兩個廣東老闆的對話

Moving the factory to Sihui, Zhaoqing --- a conversation between two bosses from Guangdong A: What happened to your factory in Vietnam recen...