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Showing posts with label Zhengzhou. Show all posts

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Focus | Traditional manufacturing industry firmly grasps the "breaking point" of new industrialization--Sihui City-Investment paradise

Focus | Traditional manufacturing industry firmly grasps the "breaking point" of new industrialization

2024-01-09 18:37 Published in Guangdong

Source|Advanced Manufacturing Development

Recently, "new industrialization" has become a hotly debated word in the field of industrial economics. What is “new” about new industrialization? How can traditional enterprises enhance their independent innovation capabilities? How to improve the resilience and safety level of industrial and supply chains?

In fact, new industrialization is not a new term. The report of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that we should persist in driving industrialization through informatization, promote informatization through industrialization, and find a new industrialization path with high scientific and technological content, good economic benefits, low resource consumption, less environmental pollution, and full use of human resource advantages.

The National New Industrialization Promotion Conference held in September 2023 was the first national conference held with the theme of new industrialization. It made a comprehensive deployment on how to accelerate new industrialization in the new era and new journey. Promoting new industrialization has also become one of the important directions for developing new productive forces.

Xinhua Technology learned from visits and surveys to a number of industrial enterprises that new industrialization has become a "breaking point" for various regions to grasp the economy and promote development. The traditional manufacturing industry has actively increased the integration of the digital economy and the real economy, and has written on the land of the motherland to accelerate the construction of a manufacturing power. Endeavor answer sheet.

New industrialization is reflected in enhancing independent innovation capabilities

The fish fry breeding base in Fuhai County, Altay, Xinjiang, the Hanshou turtle breeding base in Changsha, and a pig breeding base in Tianshui, Gansu... seem to be completely unrelated, but in fact they are all beneficiaries of the air energy heat pump technology industry to promote agriculture.

For the livestock breeding industry, temperature is an important factor that determines the survival and production of livestock and crops. Compared with traditional coal-fired boiler heating, with precise control of heating water temperature and indoor ambient temperature and green energy saving, Haier Jiaoyang air source heat pump has achieved a breakthrough in the livestock breeding industry after converting coal to electricity in the north, and assisted the development of the industry through technological innovation. Farmer.

In order to further strengthen the research on air-energy heat pump technology, a series of heat pump performance laboratories have been specially set up in Zhengzhou Haier Water Heater Interconnection Factory to test and study the performance of air-energy heat pumps, especially to test the operation of the units in extreme environments such as high and low temperatures. reliability.

Focus | Traditional manufacturing industry firmly grasps the "breaking point" of new industrialization--Sihui City-Investment paradise

Thanks to the extensive application of advanced Industry 4.0 technology in the entire industrial chain, in 2022, Zhengzhou Haier Water Heater Interconnected Factory was awarded the title of "Lighthouse Factory". In order to respond to the growing demand for high-end products and services in the global water heater market, the factory actively uses new generation information technology to achieve 100% interconnection of key equipment, enabling traceability and visualization of the entire production process and real-time monitoring of product quality.

The relevant person in charge of Haier said that under the general trend of new industrialization development, in the future, it will continue to carry out in-depth application practice through dimensions such as deep intelligence of connected factory big data, intelligent management of equipment assets, 5G+AI intelligent detection, and 5G edge computing platform capabilities, and The self-developed virtual and real integration test and verification platform promotes the continuous iterative upgrade of the Internet factory and further enhances the company's independent innovation capabilities.

Tian Chuan, Secretary of the Party Committee of China Industrial Internet Research Institute, believes that the Industrial Internet is a strategic infrastructure and important driving force for new industrialization. Accelerating the large-scale application of the industrial Internet, accelerating the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, promoting the "smart transformation" of enterprises, and vigorously promoting the deep integration of digital technology and the real economy have become powerful measures to implement the key task of promoting new industrialization.

New industrialization is reflected in the independent control of industrial and supply chains

The successful mass production of 0.12 mm ultra-thin electronic glass has successfully broken the foreign technology monopoly on glass below 1.1 mm and can reduce the cost of my country's electronic information display industry by approximately 12 billion yuan every year.

As the "source" of original glass new material technology and the "chain leader" of the modern industrial chain, China National Building Materials Glass New Materials Research Institute has successively developed and produced ultra-thin electronic touch glass, TFT-LCD liquid crystal substrate glass, 30 micron flexible foldable glass, etc. Glass, copper indium gallium selenide power generation glass, cadmium telluride power generation glass, neutral borosilicate glass tubes for vaccines and many other new glass material achievements that are "first in China and first in the world".

Peng Shou, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the China National Building Materials Glass and New Materials Research Institute, believes that as a strategic and basic industry of the national economy, new materials have become the focus of the game between great powers and the hot spot of regional competition. They are the key to my country's new industrialization. An important prerequisite and important support for construction.

By building a national dual-span platform - Triumph AGM Industrial Internet Platform, China National Building Materials Glass New Materials Research Institute has laid the foundation for improving the resilience and safety level of China's new glass materials industry chain supply chain, connecting the upstream and downstream industrial chains, and promoting industrial green development. solid foundation.

Focus | Traditional manufacturing industry firmly grasps the "breaking point" of new industrialization--Sihui City-Investment paradise

At present, the Triumph AGM industrial Internet platform has 156 industrial protocols, covering five industries: building materials, machinery, zero-carbon construction, smart agriculture, and engineering services, including the entire process from R&D and design to engineering equipment, from production and manufacturing to operation management and services. , to consolidate the data cloud base for upstream and downstream enterprises in the industry chain, and jointly deepen and strengthen the glass new material industry.

"The future of the materials industry is built on digital. The new materials industry should take high-end, intelligent, and green transformation as its core path to comprehensively improve the quality, efficiency, and level of industry development," Peng Shou said.

New industrialization, reflected in new breakthroughs in key areas

The equipment manufacturing industry is an important tool of the country and an important part of the real economy. For China's equipment manufacturing industry, construction machinery is one of the most internationally competitive industries.

With the support of Hanyun Industrial Internet platform, artificial intelligence, automation and other technologies, XCMG Group's excavation machinery intelligent manufacturing base actively implements "intelligent transformation to digital transformation": through intelligent flexible welding production line, boom dual robot dual wire welding, dynamic Arm robot fully automatic online detection system, boom CNC machining and automatic detection, boom intelligent sequencing and distribution, intelligent dismounting assembly line, automated lean logistics transportation system, flexible intelligent equipment line, automatic roller assembly, automatic walking motor With multiple intelligent production lines and processes such as assembly, automatic track unrolling and assembly, robot automatic gluing, and precise assembly of the entire machine, the excavator realizes intelligent manufacturing. The production process is digitized, each component is equipped with an "identification code", and remote maintenance thousands of miles away is no longer a matter of paper.

Focus | Traditional manufacturing industry firmly grasps the "breaking point" of new industrialization--Sihui City-Investment paradise

As a leading enterprise in the shipbuilding industry, China Merchants Heavy Industries (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. has faced pain points such as the lack of a unified coding mechanism and the existence of information islands; lack of supply chain management and overcapacity; complex supply chain circulation and low efficiency. Empowered by the ASUN industrial Internet platform, the company's organizational structure and core business processes have been reasonably configured and optimized, and end-to-end closed-loop supply chain integrated management and control has been achieved. It has not only established logistics, capital flow, information The integration of flows standardizes various management operations, achieves information sharing and refined management, realizes the integration of corporate supply chain businesses, simplifies the internal organizational management structure, and achieves individual employee productivity strategies and corporate economic benefits. Double promotion.

Qu Xianming, member of the Strategic Advisory Committee for the Construction of a Strong Manufacturing Power, Honorary Director of the National Intelligent Manufacturing Expert Committee, Deputy Director of the National Industrial Basics Expert Committee, and Honorary Director of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, previously stated in an exclusive interview with the Xinhuanet Science and Technology Channel that we will vigorously develop digital intelligence. Equipment is the main battlefield of intelligent manufacturing. The most important result of the deep integration of new generation information technology and manufacturing technology is products, especially the digitalization and intelligence of equipment, which is also the main battlefield of intelligent manufacturing.

New industrialization is reflected in the organic integration with industrial informatization

Yunnan's flower industry belt delivers more than 70% of the fresh-cut flowers in the national market. In 2022, the transaction volume of flowers at Dounan Flower Market in Kunming, Yunnan Province exceeded 11 billion flowers, and the transaction value exceeded 12.1 billion yuan. But behind the prosperity, Yunnan's flower industry has always been in the traditional primary agricultural product business model of "plant and sell, plant and sell again". The local flower industry chain is not highly closed-loop and lacks industrial branding and flower innovation. Ability and profit are weak.

The high-quality cashmere product "Hanshan White Cashmere Goat" living in Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is called the "soft gold" of the grassland by the industry. 70% of the world's cashmere raw materials come from China, and 90% of cashmere sweaters and cashmere products are made in China. However, in the past few decades, Chifeng's cashmere industry has only been at the downstream of the international industrial chain, lacking pricing power and standard-setting power. Unable to obtain profits from the development of equipment and technology, "soft gold" can only be sold at a "cabbage price" internationally.

my country's textile industry is a labor-intensive industry. Affected by factors such as rising raw material and labor costs, exchange rate fluctuations, and industrial transfers, the profit structure is fragile. Many high-quality source factories have accumulated solid R&D and manufacturing capabilities under the past OEM model, but they suffer from the lack of brands and sales channels.

To promote new industrialization, traditional industries should actively adapt to and lead the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, and organically combine the construction of a manufacturing power with the development of digital economy and industrial informatization. The service industry and manufacturing industry cannot be separated, nor can traditional industries be simply withdrawn as "low-end industries".

Douyin e-commerce's "Industrial Growth Plan" is an organic combination of the service industry and traditional manufacturing. It targets industrial clusters across the country through digital marketing capability improvement, operational service support, and the creation of exclusive activity systems and incentive policies to systematically and Support industrial belts and small and medium-sized businesses on a large scale so that more good products from the source can directly reach consumers.

Focus | Traditional manufacturing industry firmly grasps the "breaking point" of new industrialization--Sihui City-Investment paradise

Through the interest recommendation mechanism of Douyin e-commerce, consumption starts from the "interest capture" generated by the interaction between the supply side and the consumer side. "Shirt Lao Luo", "Dongli Cashmere" and Yunnan flowers can be displayed to consumers at a lower cost. Product advantages realize the direct connection between production and consumption, that is, consumers know the product advantages of the factory, and the factory understands the needs and pain points of consumers, and can more efficiently produce products that meet consumer needs.

The research group of the Institute of Market Economics of the Development Research Center of the State Council, "Research on the Mechanisms and Policies of New E-commerce Models to Create New Brands and Stimulate New Consumption," believes that the new e-commerce model provides a more direct way for consumers to communicate with brands and enterprises, and at the same time uses digitalization to The supply chain empowers manufacturing companies and introduces a "flexible supply" mechanism to help small and medium-sized enterprises meet the "flexible and quick response" needs of multiple batches and small orders. While providing consumers with cost-effective products, it also helps production-side companies incubate their own brands. .

The "Outlook for my country's New Industrialization Development Situation in 2024" released by CCID Research Institute states that looking forward to 2024, the application of the results of the new round of scientific and technological revolution in R&D, design, production and manufacturing will continue to be generalized and deepened, and all-round and in-depth empowerment will be achieved. It can promote new industrialization and catalyze the emergence of a number of new business forms, new models and new industries.

Enhancing independent innovation capabilities is the core requirement for taking the new industrialization path. Under the general trend of developing new industrialization and accelerating the formation of new productive forces, with intelligent manufacturing as the assisting direction, making up for shortcomings, forging long boards, strengthening the foundation, and accelerating the upgrading and development of the industrial system, China's manufacturing industry is bursting out with industrial high-end, The surging power of digitalization and greening.

Sihui City is relatively backward in China.

I hope that merchants from all over the world will visit Sihui City and take a look.

I hope that business leaders from all over the world will visit Sihui City in China to inspect the investment environment.

Give us some advice.

Sihui City is willing to do business with the world. Our goals are the same.

Sihui City Investment Promotion Center

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Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel: +86 758 2899202

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