Showing posts with label Zhaoqing New Area Sports Center. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zhaoqing New Area Sports Center. Show all posts

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Strive to create new momentum and new advantages! Zhaoqing offers real and hard moves

Strive to create new momentum and new advantages! Zhaoqing offers real and hard moves →

Invested in Zhaoqing,  published in Guangdong


Departments in Zhaoqing

We are thoroughly studying and implementing the spirit of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China,

According to the deployment requirements of the second plenary session of the 13th provincial party committee,

They all came up with practical and hard moves,

We will make every effort to create new drivers of high-quality development and new advantages.

△ Photographed by Li Xiancai


Adhere to the principle of strong industry and manufacturing industry

Strengthen the chain and supplement the chain around the main enterprises of the leading chain

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) put forward such major plans as "sticking to the focus of economic development on the real economy, promoting new industrialization, and accelerating the construction of a manufacturing power", "implementing the industrial foundation reconstruction project and the major technical and equipment research project, and promoting the high-end, intelligent, and green development of the manufacturing industry", which provided theoretical guidance and fundamental compliance for promoting high-quality development of the manufacturing industry in the new era.

Industry is the root of Zhaoqing's high-quality development,


Especially new energy vehicle industry

It has become the pioneer of Zhaoqing's industrial revitalization.

At present, Zhaoqing is adhering to the principle of strengthening the city by industry and leading the manufacturing industry, fully implementing the "six major projects" for high-quality development of the provincial manufacturing industry, focusing on the construction of major projects, closely centering on the core combination of "Xiaopeng Automobile+Ningde Era", and vigorously promoting the extension of the industrial chain, the construction of industrial carriers, and the support of industrial policies.

Ningde Times Zhaoqing Project. Photographed by Wang Zhenyu

△ Ningde Times Zhaoqing Project. Photographed by Wang Zhenyu

In this regard,Zhaoqing creatively explored

"Joint investment promotion" mechanism,

Focusing on leading chain owners such as Xiaopeng Automobile and Ningde Times,

Accurately carry out investment attraction of industrial chain,

Strong chain complementation, positive upstream and downstream extension.

By the end of the third quarter of this year, Zhaoqing had introduced 185 projects worth more than 100 million yuan this year, of which manufacturing projects accounted for more than 90%, including new energy vehicle enterprises, three electricity system manufacturing enterprises, automobile parts manufacturing enterprises, etc., further strengthening the bottom line of "manufacturing industry leadership".

In order to continuously strengthen the industrial strength,

Zhaoqing also passed the "online+offline"

Actively broaden the "circle of friends".

On the one hand, Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Delegation rushed to Shenzhen to hold an investment opportunity sharing meeting; on the other hand, it expanded the transnational "circle of friends" through "cloud promotion" and invited global enterprises to invest and start their business by video.

The site of "Opportunity Value Highland in the Bay Area - 2022 Zhaoqing (Shenzhen) Investment Opportunity Sharing Conference".  Investment Zhaoqing

△ The site of "Opportunity Value Highland in the Bay Area - 2022 Zhaoqing (Shenzhen) Investment Opportunity Sharing Conference".  Investment Zhaoqing

In addition,The counties (cities and districts) in Zhaoqing have also made their own unique moves,

Continuously carry out "cloud negotiation" and "cloud signing"

"Cloud service" and other activities,

Let the pace of investment attraction "stay on the line" and "keep going".

Previously, Zhaoqing Hi tech Zone held the activity of "cloud investment promotion and cloud contract signing". Photographed by Lang Pengxiang

△ Previously, Zhaoqing Hi tech Zone held the activity of "cloud investment promotion and cloud contract signing". Photographed by Lang Pengxiang

The situation has been broken.

At present, the cluster area is adhering to the principle of focusing on construction and investment promotion at the same time. With the "intelligent network connected new energy vehicle industry" as the leading role and the "new generation electronic information industry" as the focus, it is actively developing two characteristic industries, "high-end equipment manufacturing" and "advanced materials". It is planned to sign about seven high-quality projects this year.

In Sihui Fuxi area, large excavator is leveling the site. Photographed by Liang Xiaoming, reporter of Xijiang Daily

△ In Sihui Fuxi area, large excavator is leveling the site. Photographed by Liang Xiaoming, reporter of Xijiang Daily

In the report to the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China,

Improve the finance and taxation

Financial, investment, price policy and standard system,

Develop green and low-carbon industries.

At present, Zhaoqing has incorporated carbon peaking and carbon neutralization into the overall layout of economic and social development, actively planned the industrial system around the "double carbon" goal, and comprehensively played the "green energy card". On November 25, the main project of Zhaoqing Langjiang Pumped Storage Power Station, a key national project during the "Fourteenth Five Year Plan" period, was started in Guangning County. As the first pumped storage power station in the city, the completion of Zhaoqing Langjiang Pumped Storage Power Station will support the large-scale development of renewable energy in Guangdong, enhance the new energy consumption capacity of the province and the safe and stable operation capacity of the grid system.

Rendering of Zhaoqing Langjiang Pumped Storage Power Station Project. Issued by Guangning

△ Rendering of Zhaoqing Langjiang Pumped Storage Power Station Project. Issued by Guangning


Vigorously promote the improvement of quality and efficiency of modern agriculture

Accelerate the transformation from a large agricultural city to a strong agricultural city

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed that we should comprehensively promote rural revitalization, give priority to the development of agriculture and rural areas, develop new types of agricultural business entities and socialized services, and develop agriculture on an appropriate scale. At present, Zhaoqing is vigorously implementing the "seven major projects" of high-quality development of modern agriculture, building six 10 billion industrial clusters of grain, vegetables, fruits, livestock and poultry, aquatic products and southern medicine, and vigorously promoting the construction of characteristic agricultural demonstration bases.

On November 23  2022 ,

Located in Shapu Town, Dinghu District

Guanxing Agriculture Digital Fishery Breeding Base,

The first batch approved by Guangdong Province

"Provincial modern agriculture

Demonstration base for standardization of the whole industrial chain ".


△ Liang Liang

This is Zhaoqing's effort to promote large-scale agriculture

Industrialized and branded

Important embodiment.

The base is the first to adopt the technology of "container+ecological pond tailwater treatment", use digital means, operate containers through remote control and feed them at the same time, and use mobile phone APP to monitor and prompt real-time water quality. At present, the base has more than 400 green containers, and the layout of "three ponds, four dams and one wetland" has been put into practice, which not only realizes ecological breeding, but also achieves the goal of pollution-free and zero emission of resource recycling.

Dinghu released

△  Dinghu released

In addition to aquaculture,

Zhaoqing has a large number of characteristic agricultural products.

Deqing tribute orange and Sihui sugar orange, as the main characteristic agricultural products of Zhaoqing, enjoy a good reputation at home and abroad. Zhaoqing seizes the development opportunity, relies on the 14 tribute orange export bases in Deqing County to fully layout the overseas market, speeds up the transformation and upgrading of the tribute orange industry, and "millennium tribute" becomes "international fruit", which is sold to the European Union, North America and Southeast Asia.

Deqing tribute orange

△ Deqing tribute orange


And green and healthy "Dinghu fish" Well known overseas

Deqing Gong orange is the same as Sihui Satsuma orange,

Guangning Bamboo Industry, Huaiji Chive Flower

Fengkai chicken, etc,

Driven by leading enterprises,

We will open up large-scale, industrialized and branded development,

Let more and more characteristic "Zhaopin" sell to thousands of households


Accelerate the implementation of tourism revitalization

Rebuilding the "fireworks" of cultural tourism market consumption

The report of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed that we should adhere to the principle of building tourism with culture and highlighting culture with tourism, and promote the in-depth integration and development of culture and tourism. At present, Zhaoqing is seizing new development opportunities, making every effort to promote the development of new cultural and tourism projects, new formats and upgrading of tourism services, actively cultivating a new format of "tourism+", comprehensively promoting the improvement of tourism quality, and accelerating the implementation of tourism revitalization.

At present,

Various scenic spots in Zhaoqing

We have actively optimized our products

Publish tourism routes and plan festivals,

To be a hot cultural tourism market,

Boost the recovery of the tourism market.

For example, the Star Lake Scenic Area seizes the opportunity of tourism economy, continuously holds and introduces activities and measures to stimulate tourism consumption, holds the Star Lake "The Moon shines down" celestial spectacle witness activity, invites experts and scholars to speak for the Star Lake, and sets up self-service ticketing area

△ Photographed by Xie Youjin

night tour

It is an important option for "local people traveling locally",

Colorful fireworks in the world

It lights up the hope of cultural tourism consumption recovery.

Located in the Sports Center of Zhaoqing New Area

The activity of online celebrity night market also restarted recently,

The night market opens on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays,

During the World Cup, there is also a camping area,

It also provides high-definition open-air large screen live broadcast of the World Cup,

Let the citizens immerse themselves in the competition.

Online celebrity night market activities in Zhaoqing New Area Sports Center. Source Zhaoqing New Area Sports Center

△ Online celebrity night market activities in Zhaoqing New Area Sports Center. Source Zhaoqing New Area Sports Center

The optimization of prevention and control measures also allows Zhaoqing outdoor tourism

The surrounding tourism heat continues to rise,

West Causeway of Star Lake in Duanzhou

Dinghu Yanzhou Island Fenge Festival

Gaoyao River Terrace in full bloom with golden chrysanthemums

Become a travel card punching point for citizens and tourists.

Huangjinju Ecological Park in Gaoyao Hetai Town. Photographed by Yang Leqi

△ Huangjinju Ecological Park in Gaoyao Hetai Town. Photographed by Yang Leqi

In order to boost consumer confidence, on December 8, the second batch of Guangdong rural leisure experience quarter coupons were issued, involving rural lodging, rural tourism, rural food and other fields. Many travel agencies actively planned to release tourism routes, and simultaneously studied tourism products in the spring of next year.

△ Photographed by Yang Leqi

A series of measures to promote tourism consumption were formulated and introduced,

It also shows that Zhaoqing vigorously promotes the development of cultural and tourism industry

Enhance the vitality of the city,

The confidence and determination to accelerate the implementation of tourism revitalization.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Dinghu District

Address: in the People's Government compound of Dinghu District, Luoyin Road, Dinghu District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-2626878

Fax:  0086-758-2626908


Investment Promotion Bureau of Gaoyao District

Address: No.201, Nanxing 1st Road, Nan'an Street, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Tel:   0086-758-8392673

Fax:  0086-758-8200738


Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188



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