Showing posts with label Xinghua chicken. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Xinghua chicken. Show all posts

Friday, November 10, 2023

Hello, this is Fengkai! Please accept this new business card to attract investment!--China Industrial Park-Guangdong Industrial Park-Zhaoqing Industrial Park-investment paradise-Entrepreneurship Paradise

Hello, this is Fengkai! Please accept this new business card to attract investment!

Published by Fengkai on 2023-11-10 23:11 in Guangdong

What to invest in Zhaoqing? What high-quality industries are there in Zhaoqing? What is the industrial base...

The special column "Zhaoqing Investment Business Card" is planned to explain to you the "business card" information such as the industrial basic overview, industrial advantages, and attraction directions of Zhaoqing's counties (cities, districts). Domestic and foreign merchants are welcome to come to Zhaoqing for negotiation, investment and business development.

Welcome to Zhaoqing

Stop 7 → Fengkai

Below, we introduce to you Fengkai’s industrial investment business cards.

Where is Fengkai?

Where is Fengkai?Fengkai County is located at the junction of Guangdong and Guangxi. It is the first stop for Xijiang and Hejiang to enter Guangdong and the intersection of the "Greater Bay Area" and Southwest China.

Fengkai County is located at the junction of Guangdong and Guangxi. It is the first stop for Xijiang and Hejiang to enter Guangdong and the intersection of the "Greater Bay Area" and Southwest China.

Fengkai County was called Guangxin in ancient times.

The east of Guangxin is divided into Guangdong and the west is divided into Guangxi.

Guangdong and Guangxi got their names from this.

Fengkai County has a total area of approximately 2,723 square kilometers.

It has a population of about 530,000 and has 16 towns and streets under its jurisdiction.

It is the birthplace of Lingnan culture and the birthplace of Cantonese.

gave birth to Mo Xuanqing, the number one scholar in Lingnan,

Celebrities such as Liu Yan, the founding emperor of the Southern Han Dynasty.

Fengkai County was called Guangxin in ancient times.  The east of Guangxin is divided into Guangdong and the west is divided into Guangxi.  Guangdong and Guangxi got their names from this.  Fengkai County has a total area of approximately 2,723 square kilometers.  It has a population of about 530,000 and has 16 towns and streets under its jurisdiction.  It is the birthplace of Lingnan culture and the birthplace of Cantonese.  gave birth to Mo Xuanqing, the number one scholar in Lingnan,  Celebrities such as Liu Yan, the founding emperor of the Southern Han Dynasty.

What is Fengkai’s industrial base like?

Fengkai County insists on strengthening the county with industry and making projects king.

Develop green building materials, modern agriculture,

Cultural tourism, health care, new energy and other industries,

It has introduced China Resources, China Conch Cement, Energy China,

Yuexiu, Huadian Group and other leading enterprises.

China Resources Cement-Fengkai Production Base

China Resources Cement Fengkai Production Base

What are the industrial advantages of Fengkai?

Fengkai County is rich in minerals, specialty agricultural products, cultural tourism and new energy resources. It has proven granite reserves of about 3 billion cubic meters and limestone reserves of about 30 billion tons. The forest greening rate reaches 98% and the forest coverage rate reaches 76%. It is known as "The oasis on the Tropic of Cancer".

Fengkai County is rich in minerals, specialty agricultural products, cultural tourism and new energy resources. It has proven granite reserves of about 3 billion cubic meters and limestone reserves of about 30 billion tons. The forest greening rate reaches 98% and the forest coverage rate reaches 76%. It is known as "The oasis on the Tropic of Cancer".

Fengkai County is rich in minerals, specialty agricultural products, cultural tourism and new energy resources. It has proven granite reserves of about 3 billion cubic meters and limestone reserves of about 30 billion tons. The forest greening rate reaches 98% and the forest coverage rate reaches 76%. It is known as "The oasis on the Tropic of Cancer".

Fengkai County focuses on the development of apricot chicken, pigs,Kirin plum, oil chestnut, southern medicine agricultural industry,

Apricot blossom chicken and chestnut oil are national geographical indication protected products.

Apricot chicken is "the first of the three famous chickens in Guangdong".

Fengkai Apricot chicken,杏花鸡,Xinghua chicken,

Fengkai Apricot chicken (Xinghua chicken)

It is not only the product business card of Fengkai County,

It is also an important starting point for the development of agricultural characteristic industries in Fengkai.

Fengkai Apricot chicken,杏花鸡,Xinghua chicken,

Apricot chicken has thin skin, smooth meat and fine bones. It is known as "glass skin and bagasse bone". It has high nutritional value, with a crude protein content of 21% (only 12% for ordinary chickens) and 21% amino acids (only 19% for ordinary chickens). ), the crude fat content is less than 1.1% (general chicken breeds are as high as 5%), and it is known as the "Lingnan Golden Phoenix, fragrant at home and abroad". At present, the number of Xinghua chicken breeder chickens in stock has exceeded 300,000 sets, the annual output of chicken chicks has reached 30 million, and the annual output value of the Xinghua Chicken provincial-level modern agricultural industrial park exceeds 2 billion yuan.

Fengkai County, Guangdong Province Apricot chicken Provincial Agricultural Modern Industrial Park
Fengkai County, Guangdong Province Apricot chicken Provincial Agricultural Modern Industrial Park

Fengkai  Chestnut

It is one of the best varieties of chestnut in China.

The pulp contains 4.27% sugar and 31.4% starch.

Contains 3.4% protein and 48.1% water.

are better than ordinary chestnut varieties.

It has the characteristics of "famous, excellent and rare".

The skin is thin and shiny, sweet and crispy, and rich in nutrients.

It has health effects such as nourishing the kidneys, strengthening the spleen, and activating blood circulation.

Fengkai  Chestnut

Fengkai County gathers limestone, sand shale,

Three geological landforms of granite,

The structure has unique boulders, strange peaks, and caves.

It combines beautiful water, forest and other natural scenery into one

national geological park,

1 4A scenic spot, 6 3A scenic spots,

1 national rural culture and tourism key village,

2 cultural and tourism characteristic villages in Guangdong Province,

2 four-star tourist hotels,

2 three-star tourist hotels.

Such as "Guangdong Little Guilin" Longshan Scenic Area

(National 4A tourist attraction)

Guangdong Little Guilin,Fengkai Longshan Scenic Area,

△Fengkai Longshan Scenic Area

Guangdong Fengkai-The best stone in the world" large spotted stone

Guangdong Fengkai-The best stone in the world" large spotted stone

Guangdong Fengkai He River Greenway Gallery Scenic Area

Guangdong Fengkai He River Greenway Gallery Scenic Area

In recent years, Fengkai County has created a "one, two, four, four" regional coordinated development pattern of "one corridor, two centers, four strong towns, and four groups" according to local conditions.

What industrial parks are there in Fengkai?

Green Building Materials Industrial Park

The planned area of the first phase exceeds 15,000 acres.

The built area is about 3,000 acres.

More than 600 acres of “cooked land” are available.

With mineral resources, water transportation channels,

Inland river terminal, land index, location and transportation,

Six major advantages include industrial supporting facilities and business environment.

There are 33 types of minerals and 102 mining areas that have been discovered.

Granite reserves are approximately 3 billion cubic meters.

Limestone reserves are approximately 30 billion tons.

Aerial view of Fengkai County Green Building Materials Industrial Park.

Aerial view of Fengkai County Green Building Materials Industrial Park.

The industrial park is close to the Xijiang River and can accommodate 3,000-ton ships all year round and 5,000-ton ships in wet seasons. The total length of the operating area coastline is 4.1 kilometers. 11 2,000-ton berths have been built, and 23 3,000-ton berths are planned to be built, including a public comprehensive wharf. , planning eight 3,000-ton berths with an annual throughput of 40 million tons, which can meet the transportation needs of bulk cargo, containers, etc. Relying on leading enterprises such as China Resources, Conch, and China Energy Construction, it mainly produces cement, aggregates, prefabricated buildings, new materials, etc., and has a solid industrial foundation.

Xijiang “golden waterway”

Xijiang “golden waterway”

The Fengkai Area of the Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Pilot Zone (Zhaoqing) is a platform for advanced manufacturing and the only cross-regional, cross-basin, and cross-provincial cooperation pilot zone in China. The total planned area is 70 square kilometers, more than 6,500 acres have been planned, more than 4,000 acres have been developed, and more than 600 acres of available cultivated land have been delivered for use according to the "seven connections and one leveling". 80 standard factories have been built with a construction area of 550,000 square meters. Mainly electronic information, new materials, hardware and electrical appliances, food processing and other industries.

The Fengkai Area of the Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Pilot Zone (Zhaoqing) is a platform for advanced manufacturing and the only cross-regional, cross-basin, and cross-provincial cooperation pilot zone in China. The total planned area is 70 square kilometers, more than 6,500 acres have been planned, more than 4,000 acres have been developed, and more than 600 acres of available cultivated land have been delivered for use according to the "seven connections and one leveling". 80 standard factories have been built with a construction area of 550,000 square meters. Mainly electronic information, new materials, hardware and electrical appliances, food processing and other industries.

Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing)

Fengkai County location transportation

Fengkai County is known as the "gateway to Guangdong and Guangxi".

It is the bridgehead connecting the "Greater Bay Area" and the Southwest.

It is an important area of the "Xijiang Economic Corridor".

Fengkai County location transportation  Fengkai County is known as the "gateway to Guangdong and Guangxi".  It is the bridgehead connecting the "Greater Bay Area" and the Southwest.  It is an important area of the "Xijiang Economic Corridor".

The Guangzhou-Foshan-Zhaoqing Expressway, Guangzhou-Kunming Expressway, Huaiyang Expressway and Huizhao Expressway are connected vertically and horizontally; the Nan-Guangzhou High-speed Railway, Liu-Guang Railway, Luo-Zhan Railway and Xijiang Airport are all available; the 3,000-ton golden waterway in Xijiang is navigable all year round. A 3,000-ton ship can navigate 5,000-ton ships during wet periods, making it possible to get on the highway in 5 minutes, the high-speed rail in 8 minutes, and the airport in 50 minutes.

The Guangzhou-Foshan-Zhaoqing Expressway, Guangzhou-Kunming Expressway, Huaiyang Expressway and Huizhao Expressway are connected vertically and horizontally; the Nan-Guangzhou High-speed Railway, Liu-Guang Railway, Luo-Zhan Railway and Xijiang Airport are all available; the 3,000-ton golden waterway in Xijiang is navigable all year round. A 3,000-ton ship can navigate 5,000-ton ships during wet periods, making it possible to get on the highway in 5 minutes, the high-speed rail in 8 minutes, and the airport in 50 minutes.

Fengkai focus on:

Green building materials industry, modern agricultural industry

Cultural tourism and health care industry, new energy industry, advanced manufacturing industry

Carry out accurate investment promotion 

See here,

Have you been attracted to Fengkai County?

Welcome all merchants to come to Fengkai to invest and start business!

Economic Promotion Bureau of Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing) and Investment Promotion Bureau of Fengkai County

Address: the fifth floor of the Administrative Center Building, Fuqian Road, Fengkai County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, and the fourth floor of the Administrative Center Building, Fuqian Road, Fengkai County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province;

Tel: 86-758-6689238, 86-758 -6667757;

Fax: 86-758-6689383, 86-758-6683786;

Email: 、

Further expand production scale! This company in Fengkai County, China can increase the production of 5 million apricot chicken breeder chicks


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