Showing posts with label Wing Chun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wing Chun. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

"Elders' New Year's Banquet" welcomes the New Year and traditional culture empowers rural revitalization

"Elders' New Year's Banquet" welcomes the New Year and traditional culture empowers rural revitalization

Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs 2024-02-07 21:55 Guangdong

As the Spring Festival approaches, Sijia Village, Jiner Community, Jinli Town, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City, is in a jubilant atmosphere. On February 2, 2024, the Sijia Village Party and Mass Service Station (Longshi Martial Arts Training Base) was unveiled and Sijia Park was successfully completed. Nearly 300 elders from Sijia Village gathered together to participate in the "Elderly Year Banquet" jointly organized by Zhaoqing Municipal Foreign Affairs Bureau, Jinli Town People's Government of Gaoyao District, and Zhaoqing Taiwan Compatriots Investment Enterprise Association to welcome the festival and discuss development. This is an important achievement of the rural revitalization of Jiner Community, and it also demonstrates the spirit of Taiwanese businessmen in Zhaoqing to "invest in one place and benefit the other".

On February 2, 2024, the Sijia Village Party and Mass Service Station (Longshi Martial Arts Training Base) was unveiled and Sijia Park was successfully completed
Rural Revitalization in Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Zou Xiaoling, director of Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs Bureau, delivered a speech
Zou Xiaoling, director of Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs Bureau, delivered a speech

Lion dance performance in Sijia Village, Jiner Community, Jinli Town, Gaoyao District

Lion dance performance in Sijia Village, Jiner Community, Jinli Town, Gaoyao District

Zou Xiaoling, director of Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs Bureau, deputy directors Ou Yanbin, Li Yanling, and Li Zhenjie, second-level researcher Qiu Ziliang, Gaoyao District Government Party Committee member Hu Guangxi, vice chairman of Weitai Group and executive vice president of Zhaoqing Taiwan Compatriots Investment Enterprises Association Lin Shijie, Zhaoqing Lin Xiaoping, Director of Weitai Company, Chen Jinhui, President of International Hongsheng Cai Lifu Association, Yang Junsheng, World Wing Chun Championship Champion, Li Zheng, President of Foshan Table Tennis Association, members of the team of Zhaoqing Jinli High-tech Zone and Jinli Town, Gaoyao District Government Office Responsible comrades from the (District Foreign Affairs Bureau), District Civil Affairs Bureau, District Culture, Broadcasting, Tourism and Sports Bureau, District Federation of Literary and Art Circles (Social Science Federation), cadres of the "Two Committees" of Jiner Community, Sijia Village party members, cadres and mass representatives attended the event. Relevant leaders and guests unveiled the Sijia Village Party and Mass Service Station (Longshi Martial Arts Training Base) and the Sijia Park “Tongxin Pavilion” respectively.

The completion ceremony of the rural revitalization project in Sijia Village of Jiner Community and the launch of the "Elderly's Annual Banquet" event

The completion ceremony of the rural revitalization project in Sijia Village of Jiner Community and the launch of the "Elderly's Annual Banquet" event

The leading guests unveiled the Sijia Village Party and Mass Service Station (Longshi Martial Arts Training Base)

The leading guests unveiled the Sijia Village Party and Mass Service Station (Longshi Martial Arts Training Base)

Leading guests unveiled the “Tongxin Pavilion” in Sijia Park

Leading guests unveiled the “Tongxin Pavilion” in Sijia Park

A wonderful traditional Chinese lion dance and martial arts performance and a Spring Festival couplet delivery event were also held on site. Against the backdrop of cheerful gongs and drums and backgrounds such as "Spring Festival Comes to Thousands of Households from Both Sides of the Taiwan Strait" and "Our Chinese Dream", colorful and lifelike lions danced happily; calligraphers improvised with brush strokes to write Spring Festival blessings to the masses, The scene was full of joy and joy. The Zhaoqing Municipal Foreign Affairs Bureau visited the homes of people in need and expressed condolences to the needy. Representatives of Taiwanese businessmen sent New Year blessings and gifts to each elderly person. The elderly people were in good spirits and expressed their gratitude to the party committees and governments at all levels and the units stationed in Jinli Town to help the towns and villages. and the Zhaoqing Taiwan Compatriots Investment Enterprises Association.

The Sijia Village martial arts lion dance team performs

The Sijia Village martial arts lion dance team performs

"Our Chinese Dream—Spring Festival Couplets Enter Thousands of Households" activity

"Our Chinese Dream—Spring Festival Couplets Enter Thousands of Households" activity

Taiwanese business representatives presented New Year gifts to each elderly person

Taiwanese business representatives presented New Year gifts to each elderly person

It is reported that with the joint efforts of the city, district, town and village, Sijia Village has made new progress in implementing the rural revitalization project - investing more than 1.5 million yuan in the construction of Sijia Park covering an area of about 2,500 square meters and the expansion of village roads. 300 meters of wide greening, about 1,500 meters of water supply pipe network renovation, more than 700 meters of rainwater and sewage diversion, as well as renovation of public toilets, party and mass service center (long and lion martial arts training base), etc. At the same time, we carry out regular patriotic health campaigns and visit and express condolences to people in need in the community.

As a bridge and an important position for the party and the government to contact the masses, the party-mass service station plays an important role in serving the masses and uniting people's hearts. As a treasure of Chinese culture, dragon and lion martial arts contain spiritual connotations such as "loyalty, filial piety, righteousness, courage, and respect" and are deeply loved by the masses. Sijia Village of Jiner Community combines the Party and Mass Service Station with the Dragon and Lion Martial Arts Training Base, which is not only an innovation in grassroots governance, but will also further enrich the leisure life of the people in Sijia Village.

Sijia Village Party and Mass Service Station (Longshi Martial Arts Training Base)

Sijia Village Party and Mass Service Station (Longshi Martial Arts Training Base)

Zhaoqing Municipal Foreign Affairs Bureau, as one of the member units of the rural revitalization station in Jinli Town, has assigned staff to concurrently serve as the first secretary of Jiner Community. It actively leverages the advantages of foreign affairs resources, focuses on the goals and tasks of the "Hundreds and Thousands of Projects", and carries out solid work The "Five Major Improvements" action for rural revitalization fully supports Jinli's rural revitalization work and has received active participation from the Zhaoqing Taiwan Compatriots Investment Enterprises Association and Zhaoqing Weitai Company. Weitai Company and Jiner Community signed a pairing and co-construction agreement to jointly build a harmonious and beautiful countryside and jointly promote the development of enterprises. After learning about the construction of a park in Sijia Village, Weitai Company immediately donated 50,000 yuan to build a Tongxin Pavilion in the park and carried out public welfare activities for poverty alleviation.

Lin Xiaoping, director of Zhaoqing Weitai Company, said that her father Lin Wenbin came to Jinli from Taiwan in 1992. Four generations of the family have lived and worked in Gaoyao. Jinli is their second hometown. Weitai Company has witnessed the development of Zhaoqing, and Zhaoqing has also The success of Weitai Company. When he learned that Jiner Community was carrying out rural revitalization construction, his father's first reaction was that he was obliged to do so and hoped that the company's small acts of kindness would make his hometown better.

Chen Jinhui, president of the International Hong Sheng Chua Li Fut Association, and Yang Junsheng, the world Wing Chun Championship champion, gave instructions to the villagers of Sijia Village in dragon and lion martial arts. Yang Junsheng performed live the national intangible cultural heritage project - Wing Chun.

World Wing Chun Championship champion Yang Junsheng performs live

World Wing Chun Championship champion Yang Junsheng performs live

In Gaoyao Jinli, the locals have a long history of dragon boat racing, lion dancing, and martial arts practice. It is a "famous Chinese traditional dragon boat town". During the peak period, almost every village has a lion dance team, and there are dozens of large and small martial arts halls in the town. Home. "Secrets of Shaolin Boxing" introduces that Guangdong Southern Boxing was learned by Cai Jiuyi, a high-ranking figure in the Ming Dynasty, from Zen Master Yiguan of the Shaolin Temple in Fujian, and was later spread to Guangdong. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Cai Lifu, one of the most widely spread styles of Nanquan, became the largest school in Guangdong. Sijia Village has established a dragon boat training team, a martial arts lion dance group, and a Cai Li Fo Quan training base many years ago. The dragon and lion culture and martial arts are cleverly combined and are welcomed by the villagers. In the process of rural revitalization, the local dragon and lion martial arts training base is used as a carrier to further unite the forces of all parties, carry forward fine traditions, empower rural revitalization, and promote the exchange and spread of Chinese traditional culture to the outside world.

We hope that business leaders from all over the world will come to Zhaoqing(Gaoyao) and take a look.

We sincerely hope to be friends with the whole world, and we sincerely do business with the whole world.

If there is anything we can't do well, I hope you can give us some suggestions.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Gaoyao District

Address: No.201, Nanxing 1st Road, Nan'an Street, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Tel:   0086-758-8392673

Fax:  0086-758-8200738


Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs Bureau

Address: No. 122, Chengzhong Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:  0086-758-2237010,  0086-758-2231845


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