Showing posts with label Wandong Village. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wandong Village. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Another project signed in Huangtian Town, Sihui City, Guangdong Province​

Another project signed in Huangtian Town, Sihui City, Guangdong Province​

Released by Sihui City 2023-12-13 18:33 Published in Guangdong

Recently, Sinopharm Dezhong (Foshan) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and Huangtian Town, Sihui City signed a strategic cooperation agreement for a southern medicine planting demonstration base.

Sinopharm Dezhong (Foshan) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and Huangtian Town, Sihui City signed a strategic cooperation agreement for a southern medicine planting demonstration base.

Signing ceremony site

The relevant person in charge of Dezhong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. said that the project will give full play to the brand and technological advantages of Traditional Chinese Medicine Holdings, carry out the cultivation of southern medicine, steadily promote the development of traditional Chinese medicine towards industrialization and scale, and at the same time explore the extension of the industrial chain and empower Huangtian industrial transformation and upgrading and rural revitalization.

The relevant person in charge of Huangtian Town said at the meeting that Huangtian Town will firmly seize the development opportunity of Guangdong Province’s “Hundreds and Thousands of Projects”, give full play to the advantages of Foshan and Zhaoqing’s proximity, and promote the rapid transformation of comparative advantages such as resource endowment and location transportation into project development advantages. Combined with the assistance resources of the Foshan Zhuhuangtian Town Assistance and Village Assistance Team, we will make plans to promote the project to accelerate construction, take root, and bear fruit. While increasing the income of villagers, we will also develop and expand the village-level collective economy and help Huangtian industry upgrade. .

It is understood that according to the agreement, Dezhong Pharmaceutical will rent 500 acres of transferred land in Wandong Village, Huangtian Town, and carry out the "Southern Medicine-Rice" rotation planting project. It is expected to provide an average of more than 50 people per day at 80-100 yuan per person/person. With daily employment opportunities, the radiation has driven more than 200 people from 19 villages around the base to work nearby on a daily basis.

Sinopharm Dezhong (Foshan) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and Huangtian Town, Sihui City signed a strategic cooperation agreement for a southern medicine planting demonstration base.

Signing ceremony

Industrial revitalization is the basis for implementing rural revitalization. Since the launch of the work in the town, the Foshan Zhuhuangtian Town Assistance and Village Support Team has been constantly looking for industrial development in Huangtian Town and rural areas in order to better activate land resources and assist the development of Huangtian's agricultural industry. While solving the urgent, difficult and anxious problems of the masses, The “good recipe” for revitalization. After identifying the advantageous industry of southern medicine cultivation, the assistance team in Huangtian Town acted as a "matchmaker" and actively connected with Dezhong Pharmaceutical located in Chancheng District, inviting companies to come to Huangtian for research, and bring the southern medicine industry to Huangtian for research. The medicinal planting base "introduces" Huangtian to support the cultivation of characteristic agricultural industry demonstration bases.

Sihui City Investment Promotion Center

Contact information

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Fax: +86 758 3611228




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