Showing posts with label Shenzhen Hydrogen Blue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shenzhen Hydrogen Blue. Show all posts

Friday, March 1, 2024

Xu Xiaoxiong went to Shenzhen to carry out investment investigation work, look for opportunities to promote cooperation, and strive to win the initiative and opportunities in the new round of development.

Xu Xiaoxiong went to Shenzhen to carry out investment investigation work, look for opportunities to promote cooperation, and strive to win the initiative and opportunities in the new round of development.

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-03-01 23:49 Guangdong

From February 28 to 29, 2024, Mayor Xu Xiaoxiong went to Shenzhen to carry out investment investigation work, visited the Shenzhen Zhaoqing Chamber of Commerce and inspected relevant enterprises, actively sought cooperation opportunities, jointly promoted more good projects to settle in Zhaoqing, and strived to win in the new round Gain initiative and opportunities in development.

Xu Xiaoxiong extended his sincere greetings and blessings to the Shenzhen Zhaoqing Chamber of Commerce and the vast number of businessmen in Shenzhen and Zhaoqing.

He also briefly introduced the economic and social development of Zhaoqing in recent years.

Xu Xiaoxiong says

Since its establishment, the Shenzhen Zhaoqing Chamber of Commerce has united and contacted the vast number of businessmen and local talents in Shenzhen and Zhaoqing, and has played a major role in deepening economic and trade exchanges and cooperation between Zhaoqing and Shenzhen, promoting the return of projects, funds, and talents, and promoting the economic development of Zhaoqing. It is expected that the Shenzhen Zhaoqing Chamber of Commerce will continue to play a good role as a bridge and link, actively publicize and promote Zhaoqing, connect and contribute to the development of its hometown, and strive to make new contributions in promoting the high-quality development and modernization of Zhaoqing.

Yuan Huohong, President of Shenzhen Zhaoqing Chamber of Commerce, said

The long-term development of the Chamber of Commerce is inseparable from the care and support of the hometown. It will further promote information docking and resource sharing with Zhaoqing, actively drive more projects and resources to settle in Zhaoqing, and contribute to the economic construction of the hometown.

In Shenzhen ByteDance Information Technology Co., Ltd.,

Shenzhen Hydrogen Blue Times Power Technology Co., Ltd.,

Overseas Chinese Town Group Co., Ltd. and other places,

Xu Xiaoxiong conducted an in-depth inspection of the company’s industrial structure,

Operation model, planning layout, etc.

Xu Xiaoxiong says

Currently, Zhaoqing is focusing on key tasks such as implementing the "Hundreds and Thousands of Projects" and taking the lead in the manufacturing industry. It is actively expanding cooperation with the Shenzhen metropolitan area, making new energy vehicles, new energy storage, electronic information and other emerging industrial clusters bigger and stronger, and actively seizing the market share. New tracks for future industries such as new energy iteration, artificial intelligence, and low-altitude economy will continue to promote the prosperity and development of cultural tourism and commerce, and continue to create new advantages for high-quality development. We sincerely invite all entrepreneurs to visit Zhaoqing for investigation and research, and actively carry out comprehensive cooperation in new economic and new business formats such as new energy application scenarios and digital economy, so as to work together to win the initiative and opportunities in the new round of development.

Entrepreneurs say

Zhaoqing has obvious advantages in ecology, location, and resources, as well as huge development potential. We are confident that enterprises will take root in Zhaoqing and develop. We will continue to enhance communication and exchanges with Zhaoqing, closely connect with Zhaoqing's industrial development system, and strive to find more entry points for cooperation to promote win-win development.


許曉雄赴深圳開展招商考察工作 尋機遇促合作 努力在新一輪發展中贏得主動和先機

投資肇慶 2024-03-01 23:49 廣東

2024年2月28日至29日,市長許曉雄赴深圳市開展招商考察工作,拜訪深圳市肇慶商會和考察有關企業,積極謀求合作機遇,共同推動更多好項目落戶肇慶,努力在新一輪 發展中贏得主動和先機。




深圳市肇慶商會自成立以來,團結聯絡廣大在深肇商和鄉賢,在深化肇深經貿交流合作,推動項目回歸、資金回歸、人才回歸,促進肇慶經濟發展等方面發揮了重大作用。 期望深圳市肇慶商會繼續發揮好橋樑紐帶作用,積極宣傳肇慶、推介肇慶,為家鄉發展牽線搭橋、獻計出力,努力在推動肇慶高質量發展和現代化建設中再立新功。









目前,肇慶正聚焦實施「百千萬工程」、落實製造業當家等重點工作,積極拓展與深圳都會圈合作,做大做強新能源汽車、新型儲能、電子資訊等新興產業集群,積極搶佔 新能源迭代、人工智慧、低空經濟等未來產業新賽道,持續推動文旅商貿繁榮發展,並不斷塑造高品質發展新優勢。 誠摯邀請各位企業家多到肇慶考察研究,積極在新能源應用場景、數位經濟等新經濟新業態上開展全面合作,攜手在新一輪發展中贏得主動和先機。



Zhaoqing City very much welcomes technology companies and technology giants to start their own businesses in Zhaoqing.The creative atmosphere in Zhaoqing City is very good.

If you want to invest in China (Dinghu, Sihui, Gaoyao, Guangning, Deqing, Fengkai, Huaiji), you can contact me directly. I can help foreign investors reduce investment costs.



WhatsApp: +852 67274664

Wechat: +86 13143984664

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel: 0086-758-2899202

Fax: 0086-758-2282600



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