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Showing posts with label Prepared Vegetable Processing Base. Show all posts

Sunday, January 7, 2024

At the beginning of the new year, Zhaoqing City took advantage of "attracting Phoenix" to hold an investment environment promotion event

At the beginning of the new year, Zhaoqing City took advantage of "attracting Phoenix" to hold an investment environment promotion event

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-01-07 14:21 Published in Guangdong

On the afternoon of January 6, 2024, the 2024 New Year Meeting of the Guangdong Guizhou Chamber of Commerce (Alliance) was held in Zhaoqing.

The Zhaoqing investment delegation seized the opportunity and took advantage of "attracting Phoenix" to hold a special promotion of Zhaoqing's investment environment, sincerely inviting entrepreneurs to invest in Zhaoqing and deepen their cultivation in Zhaoqing, share the dividends of Zhaoqing's high-quality development, and create a win-win future together. Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Chen Xuanqun attended the event. Deputy Secretary-General of the Municipal People's Government Yang Yunhui attended the event and delivered a speech. Relevant heads of the Municipal Investment Promotion Bureau, Municipal Commerce Bureau, Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce and other departments attended the event.

Yang Yunhui delivered a speech at the event

She mentioned: Zhaoqing is an important node city in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. The city is based on the real economy and takes the lead in manufacturing. It insists on strengthening the city with industries, projects as the king, parks as the mother, and enterprises as the first, and promotes "nesting" in an integrated manner. With the "Ten Actions" such as "Introducing Phoenix", "Nurturing Seedlings" and "Securing Business", the industrial development momentum is strong. It is the right time for innovation and entrepreneurship, and the right time for investment and development. I hope that entrepreneurs and friends will seize the opportunity and come to Zhaoqing more often for sightseeing, leisure vacation, investment and business development.

Liu Xiaohui, deputy director of the Municipal Investment Promotion Bureau, gave a special presentation on Zhaoqing’s investment environment

He introduced the advantages of Zhaoqing’s investment environment from multiple dimensions such as Zhaoqing’s location and transportation, history and culture, ecological environment, industrial foundation, space carrier, and business environment, shared Zhaoqing’s investment and development opportunities, and issued a “Zhaoqing invitation” to entrepreneurial friends on the spot. , sincerely invites entrepreneurial friends to join the "circle of friends" of Zhaoqing's industrial development and become "partners" of Zhaoqing's high-quality urban development.

The promotion aroused strong interest in many entrepreneurs present, and they all expressed that they would have in-depth exchanges with Zhaoqing to look for opportunities, and at the same time, they would bring the delegation to Zhaoqing for on-site inspections.

In recent years, Zhaoqing and Guizhou have cooperated extensively in terms of industrial project investment, cultural tourism development, and rural revitalization. More than 10,000 people from Guizhou and other southwest regions have invested, worked, and lived in Zhaoqing, and they have invested in Zhaoqing from the Greater Southwest layout. There are nearly 50 industrial projects with an investment of nearly 10 billion yuan, such as the Tongwei Food Greater Bay Area Aquatic Prepared Vegetable Processing Base Project with an investment of 1.06 billion yuan, and the Bailing (South China) Pharmaceutical Comprehensive Industrial Park project with an investment of 750 million yuan, cultivating For example, there are a number of outstanding enterprises from Guizhou such as Yili Clothing Machinery, Zhiduorang Intelligent Technology, Hongwei Precision, and Gaodeng Aluminum. There are also many enterprises in Zhaoqing that have established their presence in Guizhou and invested in business, achieving two-way development and coordinated development.


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