Showing posts with label Industry trends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Industry trends. Show all posts

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Industry Trends丨Interpretation-New Quality Productivity

Industry Trends丨Interpretation-New Quality Productivity

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-03-03 16:56 Guangdong

Industry trends, latest hot spots, hot news

[Hot Spot 1] The definition of new productivity

[Hot Spot 2] Emerging industries and future industries


The definition of new productivity

In September 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping first proposed "new quality productivity" when he inspected Heilongjiang and chaired a symposium on promoting the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China in the new era, pointing out that "integrate scientific and technological innovation resources, lead the development of strategic emerging industries and future industries, and accelerate the formation of New productivity; actively cultivate new energy, new materials, advanced manufacturing, electronic information and other strategic emerging industries, actively cultivate future industries, accelerate the formation of new productivity, and enhance new momentum for development." In December 2023, the Central Economic Work Conference once again It is proposed that "it is necessary to promote industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation; develop new productivity; implement high-quality development actions for key manufacturing industry chains; and improve the resilience and safety level of industrial and supply chains." Based on the speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the statement in "Accelerating the Formation of New Productivity" published by the People's Daily in November 2023 (reprinted by the Party School of the Central Committee):

From a definition point of view, new quality productivity is a new type of productivity that represents new technologies, creates new value, adapts to new industries, and reshapes new kinetic energy. The development of new quality productivity is an important measure to consolidate the material and technological foundation for comprehensively building a modern socialist country.

From a composition point of view, forming new productive forces requires strengthening strategic emerging industries and actively developing future industries. Among them: strategic emerging industries are knowledge and technology intensive, consume less material resources, have great growth potential, and have good comprehensive benefits. They are industries with a major leading role. The 14th Five-Year Plan pointed out that "focusing on the new generation of information technology, biotechnology, New energy, new materials, high-end equipment, new energy vehicles, green environmental protection, aerospace, marine equipment and other strategic emerging industries, accelerate the innovative application of key core technologies, enhance the ability to guarantee factors, and cultivate and expand new momentum for industrial development." Future industries are It represents the new direction of future science and technology and industrial development. It is the key to winning opportunities in the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation. It is the most active force in the changes in the global innovation landscape and economic structure. It is an important measure to achieve innovation-led development. hand. The "14th Five-Year Plan" outline proposes "forward-looking planning for future industries" and points out that "in the fields of cutting-edge science and technology and industrial transformation such as brain-like intelligence, quantum information, genetic technology, future networks, deep sea and aerospace development, hydrogen energy and energy storage, Organize and implement future industry incubation and acceleration plans, and plan and layout a number of future industries."


Emerging industries and future industries

01 Emerging industries

The first is the new generation of information technology, which mainly includes fifth-generation mobile communications (5G), electronic information manufacturing, software and emerging digital fields. The new generation of information technology is mainly aimed at key scenarios and industry applications, optimizing and improving 5G standards. Develop electronic information standards such as integrated circuits, basic devices, energy electronics, ultra-high-definition video, and virtual reality. Develop software standards such as basic software, industrial software, and application software. Develop standards for emerging digital fields such as big data, Internet of Things, computing power, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, blockchain, industrial Internet, and satellite Internet.

The second is new energy, which mainly includes new energy power generation, new energy grid connection and new energy key equipment. New energy mainly involves the development of new energy power generation standards such as photovoltaic power generation, solar thermal power generation, and wind power generation, optimization and improvement of new energy grid connection standards, and development of key equipment standards such as photovoltaic power generation systems, photothermal power generation systems, and wind power equipment.

The third is new materials, which mainly include advanced petrochemical and chemical materials, advanced steel materials, advanced non-ferrous and rare earth materials, advanced inorganic non-metallic materials, high-performance fibers and products and high-performance fiber composite materials. New materials mainly include the development of advanced petrochemical and chemical materials, advanced steel materials, advanced non-ferrous metals and rare earth materials, advanced inorganic non-metallic materials, high-performance fibers and products, and high-performance fiber composite material standards. Facing industrial integration development needs and exploration of application scenarios, carry out pre-research on standards for cutting-edge new materials.

The fourth is high-end equipment, which mainly includes industrial robots, high-end CNC machine tools, agricultural machinery equipment, engineering machinery, medical equipment, intelligent testing equipment and additive manufacturing equipment. High-end equipment mainly develops basic commonality, key technologies and industry application standards of industrial robots. Develop key common technologies, complete machines, digital controls and core component standards for high-end CNC machine tools. Develop basic general agricultural machinery equipment, key technologies, and high-end intelligent and green standards. Develop basic general engineering machinery, key materials, core components, electrification and high-end intelligent and green standards. Develop key materials, core components, operational services and integrated application standards for medical equipment. Develop the basics, key technologies and interconnection standards for intelligent testing equipment. Develop core processes and components, key technologies, testing and evaluation standards for additive manufacturing equipment. Develop equipment digitalization and intelligent manufacturing basic commonality, key technologies, typical industry applications and other standards.

The fifth is new energy vehicles, which mainly includes new energy vehicles, key component systems, core components, intelligent network technology and charging and swapping infrastructure. Mainly focusing on the field of new energy vehicles, developing vehicle standards such as power testing, safety specifications, and economic evaluation, system standards for key components such as drive motor systems, power battery systems, and fuel cell systems, and standards for core components such as automotive chips and sensors. , intelligent network technology standards such as autonomous driving systems, functional safety, and information security, as well as standards related to charging and swapping infrastructure such as conductive charging, wireless charging, and hydrogenation.

The sixth is green environmental protection, which mainly includes carbon peak carbon neutrality, green manufacturing, industrial energy conservation, industrial water conservation, industrial environmental protection and comprehensive utilization of industrial resources. Green environmental protection mainly focuses on achieving the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, and developing basic general greenhouse gas, accounting and verification, technology and equipment, monitoring, management and evaluation standards. Optimize and improve standards for green products, green factories, green industrial parks and green supply chains. Develop standards for industrial energy conservation, industrial water conservation, industrial environmental protection, and comprehensive utilization of industrial resources.

Seventh is civil aviation, which mainly includes aircraft, engines, airborne systems and general infrastructure and operational support. Civil aviation mainly focuses on the development of aircraft standards such as commercial aircraft, amphibious aircraft, helicopters, drones, and new power and new configuration aircraft. Develop engine standards for the complete engine, key and important components, airworthiness compliance, customer service, etc. Develop standards for airborne systems such as avionics systems, flight control systems, and electromechanical systems. Develop general aviation basic standards such as basic products, full life cycle data, production and manufacturing, and operational support standards.

Eighth, ships and ocean engineering equipment, mainly including high-tech ships and ocean engineering equipment. Ships and offshore engineering equipment mainly focus on the field of high-tech ships, and develop the overall design of key ship types, final assembly and construction standards, key components and system standards, and green management standards. Focus on the field of marine engineering equipment, develop overall design, final assembly and construction, key system standards, and develop submersible standards.

02 Future Industry

One is the metaverse. Carry out research on the metaverse standardization roadmap. Accelerate the development of basic universal standards for Metaverse terminology, classification, and identification, key technical standards such as Metaverse identity system, digital content generation, cross-domain interoperability, and technology integration, virtual digital people, digital asset circulation, digital content rights confirmation, and data assets. Protection and other service standards, carry out research on application standards such as the industrial metaverse, urban metaverse, commercial metaverse, entertainment metaverse, etc., as well as pre-research on privacy protection, content supervision, data security and other standards.

The second is brain-computer interface. Carry out research on the brain-computer interface standardization roadmap. Accelerate the development of basic common standards such as brain-computer interface terminology and reference architecture. Carry out research on input and output interface standards for brain information reading and writing, data format, transmission, storage, representation and preprocessing standards, and brain information encoding and decoding algorithm standards. Conduct preliminary research on industry applications and safety ethics standards in manufacturing, medical and health, education, entertainment and other industries.

The third is quantum information. Carry out research on the standardization roadmap of quantum information technology. Accelerate the development of basic common standards such as quantum information terminology definitions, functional models, reference architectures, and benchmark evaluations. Focus on the field of quantum computing and develop quantum computing processors, quantum compilers, quantum computer operating systems, quantum cloud platforms, quantum artificial intelligence, quantum optimization, quantum simulation and other standards. Focus on the field of quantum communication and develop standards for quantum communication devices, systems, networks, protocols, operation and maintenance, services, and testing. Focusing on the field of quantum measurement, we develop standards for quantum ultra-high-precision positioning, quantum navigation and timing, quantum high-sensitivity detection and target identification.

The fourth is humanoid robots. Develop basic standards such as humanoid robot terminology, universal ontology, overall machine structure, and social ethics. Carry out preliminary research on basic standards for special structural components, drive components, electromechanical system components, controllers, high-performance computing chips and modules, and energy supply components for humanoid robots. Develop intelligent perception decision-making and control standards for humanoid robot perception systems, positioning and navigation, human-computer interaction, autonomous decision-making, and cluster control. Carry out preliminary research on system evaluation standards such as humanoid robot movement, operation, interaction, and intelligent ability classification and performance evaluation. Conduct preliminary research on security standards for electromechanical systems, human-computer interaction, data privacy, etc. Carry out pre-research on humanoid robot application standards for scenarios such as industry, home services, public services, and special operations.

The fifth is generative artificial intelligence. Focusing on multi-modal and cross-modal data sets, develop basic standards such as annotation requirements, quality evaluation, management capabilities, open source sharing, and transaction circulation for video, image, language, voice and other data sets and corpora. Focusing on the key technical areas of large models, develop general technical requirements, capability evaluation indicators, reference architectures, and technical standards for training, inference, deployment, and interfaces. Focusing on applications and services based on generative artificial intelligence (AIGC), we will develop AIGC model capabilities, service platform technical requirements, application ecological framework, and service capability maturity in key directions such as application platforms, data access, service quality, and application credibility. Application standards such as evaluation and generated content evaluation. Conduct preliminary research on risk management, ethical compliance and other standards for AIGC products and services in key industries such as industry, medical care, finance, and transportation.

Sixth is biological manufacturing. Develop key components such as sensors, production equipment such as bioreactors, and process standards such as production technical specifications. Optimize and improve standards for products, testing and evaluation methods in biomanufactured foods, medicines, fine chemicals and other application fields.

Seventh is the future display. Carry out pre-research on advanced technology standards such as quantum dot display, holographic display, and retinal display. Develop key technical standards such as Micro-LED display, laser display, and printed display, key product standards such as new generation display materials, special equipment, and process devices, as well as application standards for smart cities, smart homes, smart terminals, and other scenarios.

Zhaoqing City very much welcomes technology companies and technology giants to start their own businesses in Zhaoqing.The creative atmosphere in Zhaoqing City is very good.

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