Showing posts with label Guangfo Zhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Guangfo Zhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone. Show all posts

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Deepen assistance and cooperation, work together for win-win development----Huaiji, Guangdong is struggling for development

Deepen assistance and cooperation, work together for win-win development----Huaiji, Guangdong is struggling for development

Huaiji release September 5, 2024 22:08 Guangdong PRC

On September 4, 2024, Liang Qingyan, deputy secretary of the Party Committee, director and general manager of Guangdong Guangwu Holding Group Co., Ltd., went to Huaiji to carry out research on the implementation of the "Hundred Million Project", further deepen pragmatic cooperation, discuss the development plan of counterpart assistance, and promote the "Hundred Million Project" to increase its strength and speed up. County leaders Yu Xiaojun, Feng Yongzhong, Jiang Jianjun and Li Zechu participated in the research.

huaiji,Guangfo Zhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone,Guangdong Guangwu Holding Group,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,asia,

At the symposium, Guangwu Holding introduced the situation of the planned investment projects in Huaiji. The participants exchanged views on promoting project construction, coordinated to solve the current problems, and clarified the next step of assistance work goals.

huaiji,Guangfo Zhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone,Guangdong Guangwu Holding Group,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,asia,

Yu Xiaojun, secretary of the Huaiji County Party Committee, expressed warm welcome and sincere thanks to Liang Qingyan and his party on behalf of the county party committee and county government. He said that in the future, Huaiji will resolutely implement the relevant deployment requirements of the superiors, seize development opportunities, take the initiative to think and plan, give full play to the advantages of location, ecology, humanities, etc., and work with Guangwu Holdings to broaden the scope of assistance and expand the field of communication, especially in the development of people-friendly projects, agricultural, cultural, tourism and sports industries, etc. Deepen cooperation and create highlights. All departments should take the initiative to strengthen contact, communication and cooperation with the assistance units, and strive to accelerate the implementation of assistance projects and bring benefits as soon as possible, help the provincial vertical group assistance work to go deeper and more practical, and promote the "Hundreds of Millions of Projects" to continuously achieve new results.

huaiji,Guangfo Zhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone,Guangdong Guangwu Holding Group,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,asia,

Liang Qingyan said that Guangwu Holdings will resolutely implement the specific deployment of the Provincial Party Committee's "1310", focus on promoting the "Hundreds of Millions of Projects", accurately grasp the actual needs of Huaiji, and continue to work hard in green and beautiful construction, financial support, cultural, tourism and sports integration, etc., and help Huaiji's high-quality development with greater efforts and more practical measures to promote the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas. The provincial vertical assistance work team stationed in Huaiji County should grasp the assistance tasks, give full play to the role of bridges and ties, actively plan assistance projects, highlight characteristics, demonstrate results, and strive to promote the implementation of various tasks.

huaiji,Guangfo Zhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone,Guangdong Guangwu Holding Group,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,asia,

During the event, the research team also visited Area B of the Guangfozhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone, the site selection site of the Green and Beautiful Ecological Park, the Park Management Bureau and other places to inspect the progress of key assistance projects such as the Guangwu Shiji New Material Production Project and the Green and Beautiful Ecological Park, and listened to the introduction of the construction of the Huaiji County Park, industrial development and investment promotion.

Guangdong Guangwu Holding Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as: Guangwu Holding) is a member unit of the provincial group to vertically assist Huaiji County. It has always given full play to the resource advantages of large provincial state-owned enterprises, and has continued to assist Huaiji in industrial investment and consumption assistance, helping Huaiji to enhance its endogenous development momentum and strengthen the county's comprehensive strength.

Huaiji, combined with its own geographical environment and cultural advantages, deepened its cooperation with Guangwu Holding, and achieved tangible results in county industrial development and green and beautiful ecological construction. At present, all key assistance projects are progressing smoothly. Among them, the Guangwu Shiji New Material Production Project plans to invest a total of 30 million yuan, and plans to build 6 Shiji New Material production lines with a plant area of ​​about 7,000 square meters. After the project reaches full production, it is expected to achieve an annual output of 14,700 tons of stone-based new material packaging boxes, an annual revenue of 90 million yuan, which can provide local employment for 60 people and generate annual tax revenue of about 5 million yuan. The project can significantly reduce the loss and cost of various products, provide low-cost, high-quality, green and environmentally friendly packaging services for Huaiji's primary and secondary industry enterprises, help local governments save energy and reduce emissions, and supplement the regional enterprise service industry chain. At present, the site selection for the project's production plant has been preliminarily completed.

The Green Beauty Ecological Park Assistance Project is located in the Guangzhou-Foshan-Zhaoqing (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone. It is jointly built by Guangwu Holding Group and Huaiji County. It plans to invest 2 million yuan in construction funds and a planned site area of ​​6.7 acres. After completion, the park will be open to the public, further improving the ecological leisure and greening level of the park, and providing a place for cultural exchanges and social activities for the surrounding people.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiji County

Address: Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiji County, Jinji Park, Xingfu 1st Road, Huaiji County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:  0086-758-5555666

Fax: 0086-758-5553436


Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Investment promotion never stops! Secretary Yu Xiaojun led a team to negotiate projects here

Investment promotion never stops! Secretary Yu Xiaojun led a team to negotiate projects here

Huaiji Release July 6, 2024 18:02 Guangdong, China

On July 5, 2024, Yu Xiaojun, secretary of the Huaiji County Party Committee, led a team to Foshan City to visit and inspect enterprises, actively promote Huaiji's investment environment, promote the accelerated signing and implementation of high-quality projects, and build momentum for Huaiji's high-quality development. Deputy County Mayor, Director of the Management Committee of the Guangfozhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone Li Zechu participated in the event.

Yu Xiaojun and his party successively visited the production workshops and product display areas of Foshan Chengming Printing Co., Ltd. and Foshan Nanhai Xinli Metal Products Co., Ltd., and learned in detail about the company's development history, production operations, foreign trade orders, technology research and development, vision planning, etc., and had in-depth exchanges and negotiations with the company leaders on matters related to project cooperation.

At the symposium, Yu Xiaojun introduced in detail the location advantages, resource endowments, business environment, preferential policies, and factor guarantees of Huaiji. He sincerely invited enterprises to invest in Huaiji, deepen their roots in Huaiji, drive more projects and upstream and downstream enterprises to settle in Huaiji, and help Huaiji build a full industrial chain. He said that he hoped that the two sides would strengthen docking in an all-round way and accelerate the planning and implementation of projects. Huaiji County will continue to create a first-class business environment, with the greatest sincerity, the best policies, and the strongest services to help enterprises take root in Huaiji and develop rapidly, and achieve opportunity sharing and mutual benefit and win-win results.

The heads of enterprises have expressed that they are very optimistic about the investment prospects of Huaiji and are willing to establish a close cooperative relationship with Huaiji. They will accelerate the implementation of project construction, see results, give full play to their own brand advantages, technical advantages, talent advantages, etc., find more points of cooperation between the two sides, and enable Huaiji to achieve high-quality development while realizing enterprise development.

The heads of departments such as the Huaiji County Party Committee Office, Huaiji County Investment Promotion Center, and Huaiji Branch of the Municipal Environmental Bureau participated in the event.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiji County

Address: Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiji County, Jinji Park, Xingfu 1st Road, Huaiji County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:  0086-758-5555666

Fax: 0086-758-5553436


Friday, April 28, 2023

Industrial Strong County! Huaiji County, Zhaoqing City "Nesting and Attracting Phoenix", Cultivating Industry and Building a Platform!

Industrial Strong County! Huaiji County, Zhaoqing City "Nesting and Attracting Phoenix", Cultivating Industry and Building a Platform!

Investment Zhaoqing 2023-04-07 18:36 Published in Guangdong

Huaiji focuses on the goal of high-quality development, closely adheres to the two positioning of building a high-level Zhaoqing (Huaiji) green agricultural and sideline product distribution base in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area and strengthening the sub center of Zhaoqing City. It adheres to the principle of strengthening the county through industry, promoting urban-rural integration development, and making it the key to unlocking the high-quality development of the entire county.

The picture overlooks the city of Huaiji County, with towering and thriving buildings

The picture overlooks the city of Huaiji County, with towering and thriving buildings. Huaiji provides

1、Building nests to attract phoenix and promoting high-quality development of industrial parks

Standing in the Guangfo Zhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone, the sound of machines roaring and steel bars pounding comes from time to time. Large mechanical equipment such as cranes and cranes do not stop running, and transport vehicles full of materials come and go... A batch of ongoing projects are in full swing, rushing to catch up with progress, adding momentum to the high-quality development of the county's economy.

Entering the construction project site of Laimeng (Zhaoqing) Health Industrial Park, the construction workers were full of enthusiasm, and the workshop gradually took shape. The project progress was relatively smooth. The first phase of the Laimeng project has invested over 400 million yuan and has completed 70% of the total project volume. The research building and factory building behind it are expected to be completed in June this year, and the first carrageenan production line will be put into operation in October. The project leader stated that the project has received high attention from the Huaiji County Party Committee and Government from its establishment to its commencement, as well as the attentive service of relevant departments, It demonstrates the determination of Huaiji to be a good 'service officer' of the enterprise, using heart, emotion, and sincerity.

The construction project of Laimeng (Zhaoqing) Health Industrial Park is a large domestic pectin enterprise that integrates product research and development, processing, and sales. The total investment of the project is 1 billion yuan, covering an area of 174 acres, with a total construction area of 140000 square meters. The annual output value after reaching the standard is about 1.75 billion yuan, and the annual tax revenue is 70 million yuan, which can drive employment of over 500 people. This project achieved a breakthrough of "zero" in the introduction of a single manufacturing project with an investment amount of over 1 billion yuan in Huaiji County.

The Investment Promotion Center of Huaiji County has always adhered to the mechanism of dedicated personnel to track and coordinate the entire process of project implementation and commencement, ensuring the efficiency of service work, continuously providing good employment and financing services for enterprises, and coordinating to solve the problem of difficult employment and financing for enterprises. The relevant person in charge of the Investment Promotion Center of Huaiji County stated that it will further improve the "Chief Service Officer" mechanism and actively provide "mother like services" for enterprises, Find ways to coordinate and solve the difficulties and problems that exist in the implementation and construction process of the project, ensure the smooth implementation and construction of the enterprise, and accelerate the completion and production.

The implementation of the project cannot be separated from the guarantee of land elements. In order to ensure the supply of land for industrial development, the Huaiji County Park Management Bureau has recently accelerated the promotion of earthwork leveling projects and continuously improved the park's carrying capacity.

The earthwork leveling project is located in Zone B of the industrial park, covering an area of approximately 650 acres. After the completion of this project, 10 projects, including Des Leicester intelligent door and window manufacturing and dry aluminum high-end curtain wall aluminum panels, will be settled. The total planned investment is 1.46 billion yuan, and the expected annual tax revenue is 48.64 million yuan after reaching the standard and reaching the production capacity. It can provide more than 800 job opportunities and contribute to the high-quality development of the park.

At the same time, the Huaiji County Park Management Bureau will accelerate the construction of infrastructure, comprehensively improve basic supporting facilities such as roads, water, and electricity, fully enhance the level of park service guarantee, provide a good platform for project settlement, promote early landing, completion, production, and effectiveness of projects, and use "mother like" services to enable Huaiji enterprises to achieve high-quality development "acceleration".

Build a nest in the garden area and set up a platform to attract phoenix. According to statistics, from January to February, Huaiji County added 3 new construction projects, 3 new completed projects, 10 new under construction projects, and 5 new production projects. The actual annual construction investment was 240 million yuan, of which the actual annual construction investment in the manufacturing industry was 230 million yuan.

Next, Huaiji County will continue to optimize the business environment, strengthen the guarantee of industrial investment landing factors, create a high-quality development platform carrier for projects, and promote project construction to run out of "acceleration".

The image collection comprehensively promotes the construction of a green and beautiful collection, making green the most beautiful background color

The image collection comprehensively promotes the construction of a green and beautiful collection, making green the most beautiful background color. Photographed by Liang Xiaoming, a journalist from Xijiang Daily

2、 centers with multiple nodes, coordinating the high-quality development of distribution bases

On December 28, 2022, the Zhaoqing (Huaiji) Green Agricultural and Sideline Products Distribution Base (hereinafter referred to as the "Distribution Base") in the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, the Trade Expo Center, and the Agricultural Inspection and Testing Center, as well as the Agricultural Big Data Center project of the Distribution Base, were opened and put into operation simultaneously, marking a new achievement and step forward in the construction of the Distribution Base.

Huaiji County is the only county-level city included in the "Outline of the Development Plan for the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area". Over the past three years, Huaiji County has made efforts to build a high-level distribution base with the strength of the entire county, striving to create the "One Platform, One Park, and Five Centers" (agricultural product import and export platform, agricultural and sideline product deep processing industrial park, agricultural and sideline product testing center, agricultural and sideline product trading center, agricultural and sideline product exhibition and sales center, labor cooperation service center, and youth innovation and entrepreneurship incubation center in the western region).

At present, the Zhaoqing (Huaiji) Green Agricultural Products Testing Center in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area is operating well. In 2022, the platform has completed testing of approximately 400 batches. The Southwest (Huaiji) Agricultural Products Import and Export Service Platform has a strong radiating force. In 2022, the cooperative planting area with local areas such as Zhaoqing, Guangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou, etc. exceeded 10000 acres, with 113 farmers and 7 production and sales cooperation enterprises. The order area is 6356.5 acres, and more than 9000 acres are planted throughout the year. About 30 tons of vegetables are transported to cities in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area through this service platform every day, with a peak of over 50 tons, Fully utilized the distribution function of high-quality agricultural products in the distribution base.

How to build a high-level distribution base? Huaiji explores the development model of front-end market, mid-range deep processing, and back-end strategic reserve, and constructs a "one center, multiple nodes" industrial closed-loop.

The Trade Expo Center is located in a closed-loop core position and is an important front-end market for distribution bases. As the main body of the trading and exhibition center, Jiafeng Green Expo City has 16 trading areas in its first phase. Currently, it is officially open and has a signing rate of 90%, which can meet the diversified needs of buyers.

After the operation of the trading wholesale center, it not only sells high-quality agricultural and sideline products in Huaiji, but also attracts and concentrates agricultural and sideline products such as seafood, tropical fruits, and imported food that Huaiji does not have, driving the flow of people, logistics, and funds to gather in Huaiji, fully mobilizing the vitality of Huaiji's agricultural and sideline product distribution, "said Zhong Hanping, Chairman of Jiafeng Green Expo City.

Focusing on the front-end market of the Trade Expo Center, Huaiji focuses on developing the three major industries of pigs, vegetables, and rice, and lays out key links in the development of these three industries through multi node layout.

With the promotion of the transformation from "pig mixing" to "meat transportation" in Guangdong Province, the production capacity of live pig slaughter and processing has shifted from sales areas to production areas, and the development of meat deep processing in Huaiji has ushered in positive results. At present, the construction of the poultry and livestock centralized slaughter industrial park in the distribution base is progressing in an orderly manner. The planned area of the park is about 1000 acres, with approximately 990 acres of land acquisition completed and approximately 230 acres of soil leveling completed. The construction of related supporting infrastructure projects has been initiated, and the investment of Zhongshan Xingzhong Group in the construction of a pig slaughtering food deep processing project has been introduced.

After the establishment of the Quanfa Southwest Agricultural Products Import and Export Service Platform, Quanfa Agriculture has reached cooperation agreements with multiple agricultural giants in Hezhou City, Guangxi. Agricultural and sideline products from Southwest China and local areas in Huaiji no longer need to be tested in a third place. They can be directly connected to Hong Kong by issuing inspection reports from the Zhaoqing (Huaiji) Green Agricultural and sideline Product Testing Center in the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao.

Guangfo Zhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone

Guangfo Zhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone. Huaiji provides pictures

3、Building a Green and Beautiful Collection to Enhance the Quality of Development

Green mountains are beautiful, and forests are treasures. Huaiji County, as a typical forestry county, is an important ecological barrier in Zhaoqing and even the Pearl River Delta, and also one of the main production bases for forest products in Guangdong Province.

In recent years, Huaiji County has fully explored and utilized the comprehensive value of forest tourism, health care, science popularization, research and ecology, vigorously developed ecological health care, cultural tourism industry, and forestry economy, and achieved a win-win situation for "green beauty" and "golden output value".

The inspection personnel of Zhaoqing Quanfa Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. conducted testing on vegetables prepared for listing at the Zhaoqing (Huaiji) Green Agricultural Products Distribution Base in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area.

The inspection personnel of Zhaoqing Quanfa Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. conducted testing on vegetables prepared for listing at the Zhaoqing (Huaiji) Green Agricultural Products Distribution Base in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area. Photographed by Liu Haohui, a journalist from Xijiang Daily

Huaiji actively explores the path to realizing the value of ecological products, and vigorously develops the understory economy by promoting the development of advantageous and characteristic industries such as camellia oleifera, bamboo, traditional Chinese medicine, flowers and seedlings, and economic forests and fruits; Integrate and utilize rural fragmentation forest land resources to form a national reserve forest industry chain and build a "green bank"; Focusing on the development base of the Huaiji tea pole bamboo characteristic industry, a national geographical indication protected product, to drive the transformation and upgrading of the traditional bamboo industry in the county, extend the deep processing industry chain of bamboo products, and form a new business form of the bamboo industry with Huaiji characteristics; Focusing on the Guangfo Zhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone, we will integrate advantageous forestry economic industries such as forest chemical industry, wood processing, southern medicine under the forest, and fruit processing. We will use the Zhaoqing (Huaiji) Green Agricultural and Sideline Product Distribution Base in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area to build an online and offline marketing platform for forest products, forming an industrial cluster with complete upstream and downstream supporting service enterprises and a complete forestry industry chain.

In the production workshop of Huaiji Enterprise Jianao Technology, workers are busy with production.

In the production workshop of Huaiji Enterprise Jianao Technology, workers are busy with production. Huaiji provides pictures

When the tide rises, the sea and sky are wide, and the sails are set at the right time.

In the new era and new development pattern,

Huaiji County is stepping on the "drum beats" of the times,

Explore the characteristic path of high-quality development in the county,

The roadmap for the development of modern industries is becoming increasingly clear.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiji County

Address: Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiji County, Jinji Park, Xingfu 1st Road, Huaiji County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-5555666

Fax:  0086-758-5553436



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