Showing posts with label Guangdong Trade Global. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Guangdong Trade Global. Show all posts

Friday, March 1, 2024

[Interpretation of the Government Work Report] Actively “enter the circle”! Sihui City creates a new situation of high-quality "integration into the bay" development

[Interpretation of the Government Work Report] Actively “enter the circle”! Sihui City creates a new situation of high-quality "integration into the bay" development

Released by Sihui City 2024-03-01 18:42 Guangdong

On February 27, the fourth session of the 17th People's Congress of Sihui City opened. At the meeting, Deng Hong'an, member of the Standing Committee of the Sihui Municipal Committee and deputy mayor of the municipal government, made a work report to the conference on behalf of the Municipal People's Government. The report reviewed the work situation in 2023 in a realistic manner and scientifically planned a grand blueprint for 2024.

Starting from February 29, the "Sihui City Release" WeChat public account will provide a comprehensive interpretation of the government work report at the fourth session of the 17th People's Congress of Sihui City, so stay tuned!

In 2023, the development of "Rongwan" in Sihui City will be solid, and the opening pattern will continue to expand.

In 2024, Sihui City will focus on the new positioning of "one point, two places" in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and continue to deepen the development of the integration circle of the Bay Area Initiative.

01 Enrich software and hardware connectivity paths

Taking the opportunity of fully integrating into the Guangzhou metropolitan area, we will further identify the entry point and breakthrough point for in-depth participation in the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, proactively undertake the spillover of high-quality resource elements from Guangzhou, Foshan and Shenzhen and the dispersion of non-core functions, and actively participate in the construction of the Guangzhou-Foshan-Zhaoguang development axis. Accelerate the construction of the Zengcheng-Sihui Industrial Transfer Cooperation Park, proactively promote multi-field and multi-level cross-regional cooperation, accelerate the realization of industrial linkage, spatial connection, and functional connection with Guangfo, and enhance the county's economic and population carrying capacity. Accelerate the construction of the express trunk line connecting the Pearl River Delta hub (Guangzhou New) Airport, and actively cooperate with the construction of Hui-Zhao Expressway and other projects. Accelerate the construction of the Erguang Expressway Longfu Interchange and the reconstruction and expansion projects of Provincial Highways 263, 118, 264, and 260, do a good job in the construction of new projects from Sihuiwei to Qingyuan Qinhuang Class 4 Highway and Shigou Bridge, and accelerate our Ten municipal roads including Weimin Road around Yue Plaza have been completed and opened to traffic, and the construction of expressways around the city has been improved. Accelerate the planning of a transportation network that connects towns directly to each other and shorten the travel distance between towns. Promote the "reformation from single to double" roads in six organized villages including Xinwei Village in Jingkou Town, and promote the renovation of dangerous bridges such as Liaopan Bridge in Shigou Town and Tianfei Temple Shuizha Bridge in Weizheng Town.

02 Deepen two-way open cooperation

Make good use of the "five foreign linkages" combination, increase efforts to attract foreign investment and foreign trade projects, and plan to attract investment from upstream and downstream cross-border e-commerce enterprises. Actively participate in major exhibitions such as the Canton Fair and Hi-Tech Fair and the "Guangdong Trade Global" series of exhibitions, successfully organize a series of business activities such as the Sihui Jade Cultural Festival, expand emerging markets such as RCEP member countries and countries along the "Belt and Road", and promote advantageous and characteristic industrial products , Expand import and export of agricultural products. Focus on the import and export trade of recycled metal products in the Sihui, improve the efficiency of port customs clearance, help enterprises increase efficiency and reduce costs, and promote the steady growth of the total import and export volume of key foreign trade enterprises such as Dazheng Aluminum and Nandu Aluminum. Deepen economic and trade exchanges with Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, the Yangtze River Delta, and Southwest China, implement Zhaohe-Eastern cooperation with heart and soul, promote the accurate docking of factor resources, accelerate the introduction of industries, and optimize the industrial structure. Make good use of "overseas Chinese" resources, deepen non-governmental exchanges with foreign countries, gather talents from the countryside, and promote the development of hometowns.

03 Vigorously optimize the business environment

Implement the "Three-Year Action Plan for Building a World-class Business Environment in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area" and strive to create a market-oriented, legal and international business environment. Adhere to the "two unwavering principles", increase policy support, policy publicity and implementation, and the coordination of enterprise-friendly funds, support enterprises in relieving themselves of difficulties and reducing burdens, and achieve healthy development, fully stimulate the endogenous motivation and innovative vitality of various business entities, and actively cultivate business operations New increment of main body. Focusing on cross-border law enforcement, youth entrepreneurship and employment, education and medical care, food safety and other livelihood areas, we will formulate and implement facilitation measures to support the development of Hong Kong and Macao residents in the four provinces. Deeply participate in the construction of the "Digital Bay Area", fully apply the provincial data resource "One Network Sharing" and "Open Guangdong" platform, continue to promote grassroots "one door, one network", "dual capacity and double commitment" and other government service reform matters, deepen The cross-domain integrated handling of government service matters will effectively improve the satisfaction rate of the 12345 hotline and promote the transformation of government services from "can be done and done" to "can be done immediately" and "easy to do".


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