Showing posts with label Guangdong Provincial High-Quality Development Conference (2024). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Guangdong Provincial High-Quality Development Conference (2024). Show all posts

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Transcript of Comrade Huang Kunming’s speech at the Guangdong Provincial High-Quality Development Conference (2024)

Transcript of Comrade Huang Kunming’s speech at the Guangdong Provincial High-Quality Development Conference (2024)

Released by Fengkai 2024-02-18 17:35 Guangdong

February 18 2024 is the first working day of the Lunar New Year. The Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government held a province-wide high-quality development conference. The conference set up a main venue in Shenzhen, and set up branch venues in cities and counties (cities, districts) at and above the local level. And conduct live broadcast for the whole province. The following is the transcript of the speech delivered by Provincial Party Committee Secretary Huang Kunming at the conference——

Comrades and friends:

Spring comes early if people are diligent. On the first day of work after the Spring Festival last year, we held the province's high-quality development conference for the first time, sending a clear signal to the whole society to work hard and move forward together. Today, we once again held the province's high-quality development conference, focusing on innovation in industrial science and technology and seeking the future. This is to continuously consolidate the foundation of the real economy and the manufacturing industry and continue to promote high-quality development.

During the New Year, the land of Lingnan is full of spring and beautiful vegetation. The trains on the Beijing-Guangzhou Line are full of people with dreams, returning to Guangdong; the traffic on the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge arrives at the Zhuhai Port, imagining the Bay Area. Drums are beating to urge people to march, the spirit of dragons and horses is everywhere, and there are scenes of people rushing around and sowing hope. Everyone has a common desire, which is to make life better and make the motherland stronger. This is the daily picture of building a modern and powerful country and the source of strength for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. For the common goals of building a strong country and national rejuvenation, the party and the people are determined and continue to struggle. After 10 years of innovative breakthroughs in theory and practice in the new era, our party has led the people to successfully promote and expand Chinese-style modernization. The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core regards the promotion of Chinese-style modernization as the most important policy in the new era, and adheres to high-quality development as the absolute principle of the new era. It has profoundly pointed out the central task and path to achieve the new journey in the new era, that is, modernization, Support modernization with high-quality development.

Productivity is the ultimate decisive force in the development of all societies. The most important thing to promote modernization is to develop highly developed productivity. In this regard, General Secretary Xi Jinping made in-depth thoughts and profound discussions. The General Secretary creatively proposed a new theory of productivity, emphasizing that the development of new productive forces is an intrinsic requirement and an important focus to promote high-quality development. He profoundly pointed out that new productive forces are spawned by revolutionary breakthroughs in technology, innovative allocation of production factors, and in-depth transformation and upgrading of industries. , characterized by innovation, the key is high quality, and the essence is advanced productivity. This new productivity theory profoundly clarifies the relationship between the development of new productivity and technological innovation and industrial innovation, giving us a clearer direction and starting point for promoting high-quality development. From the "new development stage" to the "new development concept" to the "new development pattern" to "new quality productivity", the General Secretary proposed a series of new ideas, new thoughts and new strategies for economic development, made a series of major decisions and arrangements, and composed In the new chapter of Xi Jinping’s Economic Thought, promoting high-quality development has become the consensus and conscious action of the whole party and society, and has become the main theme of economic development.

As a major economic and manufacturing province, Guangdong has abundant scientific and technological innovation resources and strong scientific and technological innovation strength, and shoulders important missions and responsibilities in high-quality development. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has visited Guangdong five times to give us guidance on promoting high-quality development, making the real economy bigger and stronger, and promoting industrial innovation through scientific and technological innovation. The General Secretary emphasized that Guangdong should be the vanguard of innovation-driven development; the General Secretary requested that Guangdong should “strive to build an industrial science and technology innovation center with global influence.” Under the cordial care of the General Secretary, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area International Science and Technology Innovation Center, a comprehensive national science center, and a high-level talent highland have been comprehensively constructed. "National important equipment" such as Pengcheng Laboratory, Guangzhou Laboratory, and large scientific equipment have been successively established. In terms of layout, the National Technology Innovation Center, Manufacturing Innovation Center, and Industrial Innovation Center have been intensively implemented, and high-level universities, scientific research institutes, and leading scientific and technological enterprises have accumulated momentum. Guangdong has a solid foundation and innovation advantages in industrial science and technology innovation, and its comprehensive regional innovation capabilities have ranked first in the country for seven consecutive years. The whole province has reached a strong consensus: high-quality development is the fundamental way out for Guangdong to achieve modernization, and high-quality development is essentially driven by innovation. develop. We must unswervingly follow the path of high-quality development, seize the "narrow nose" of scientific and technological innovation, bring innovation to enterprises, industries, and development, and strive to build a country that relies on innovation to advance, rely on innovation to be strong, and rely on innovation to win. Modern new Guangdong.

Looking at the overall situation, Chinese-style modernization is slowly unfolding, and the responsibility for consolidating the material and technological foundation is as heavy as a mountain. Taking over the baton of history and building a modern new Guangdong, General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Party Central Committee have high hopes, and fellow villagers are full of expectations. Our generation must have the ambition and responsibility to create another miracle and write more glory, so that we can live up to our ancestors. Worthy of future generations. From now to 2035, the time to basically realize modernization is tight and the tasks are heavy. Guangdong must be at the forefront, which is very demanding and difficult. Compared with the "five Chinese characteristics" of Chinese-style modernization, whether it is to modernize the entire province and the people of the province as a whole, promote common prosperity, or promote the coordination of two civilizations and the harmony between man and nature, we need a strong Material and technical foundation as support. Compared with the "two-step" strategic arrangement, especially the overall goal of the first step, we must be the first to reach the level of a moderately developed economy and the first to enter the forefront of innovative economies. There are still large gaps and deficiencies, which also means that there are large challenges. Potential and space. To achieve these goals and tasks and reach new heights of development, the key is to rely on technological innovation and industrial development, continuously liberate and develop productive forces, and continuously create and accumulate social wealth.

Seize the opportunity, the wave of science and technology is rolling in, and we can’t wait to embrace the new “spring of science”. Now, the world's new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation are developing in depth, and they have historically converged with my country's shift to innovation-driven and high-quality development. A new "spring of science" has arrived. This is a magnificent revolution and change, and it is also a competition to seize the strategic commanding heights. If we seize the opportunity, we will be able to change lanes, overtake, and rise as a latecomer; if we miss the opportunity, our gap may be further widened and we will remain in an unfavorable position. This time, we have the opportunity and must stand at the forefront of the technological wave. Throughout the history of the Industrial Revolution, every technological revolution and industrial transformation began with a breakthrough and a local outbreak. Manchester in the UK, the Ruhr in Germany, and Silicon Valley in the United States all played an important role as the source of innovation. In this round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, Guangdong must shoulder its due responsibilities, keep a close eye on disruptive and cutting-edge technologies, seize strategic and leading industries, strive to become a major source of innovation, and win strategic battlegrounds. victory.

Along the way, new productive forces are flourishing, and there are unlimited prospects for mutually reinforcing industry and technology. New productivity lies in new science and technology, new production methods, and new industrial forms. The core essence is to use technological innovation to drive productivity to a new qualitative leap. In recent years, development differentiation and survival of the fittest have become increasingly obvious. Excess productivity, duplicative productivity, and inefficient productivity that lack technical content have been cleared by the market. Digital productivity, smart productivity, and green productivity that represent technological progress have grown rapidly. Guangdong has a good momentum of developing new productive forces. Exploring the air and space, the "Kunlong" AG600 has been successfully developed, DJI drones are selling well all over the world, quantum communications, commercial aerospace, and low-altitude economy are in full swing; advancing to the deep sea, the construction of cold spring ecosystems, ocean drilling ships, and deep-sea scientific research centers has been accelerated. The deep-sea development capability has been greatly improved; it has marched towards the microscopic level, and the spallation neutron source has provided new tools for the development of life sciences and materials science, and microbial research has found new sources of heat and protein; it has expanded into virtual space, with the Internet, big data, and cloud Computing, blockchain, and artificial intelligence are competing to develop, and the digital economy is in the ascendant. On this matter, we need to work faster. The key is to "improve quality through innovation" and use science and technology to transform existing productivity and give birth to new productivity.

Comrades, friends! Promoting industrial technological innovation and developing new productive forces is a strategic move and long-term strategy for Guangdong. It will also be an arduous race, endurance race, and relay race. We must accelerate progress in the direction guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping, climb to the peak of industrial science and technology, accelerate the creation of an industrial science and technology innovation center with global influence, and continuously enhance the "hard power" of high-quality development.

We should regard talents as treasures. Talent is the decisive factor in promoting industrial technological innovation. We must sincerely love talents, cultivate talents with all our heart, attract talents with all our heart, and use talents with care. We must work together with Hong Kong and Macao to accelerate the construction of a high-level talent highland in the Greater Bay Area, attract high-level innovative talents from around the world, and use the initiative of talent work to better grasp the initiative of innovation and development initiative. The number of talents required for industrial scientific and technological innovation in our province is huge. We must adhere to both high-standard and precise introduction and high-quality independent training, optimize the implementation of major provincial and municipal talent projects, and promote higher education to "become the first-class, make up for shortcomings, and strengthen characteristics" to make Guangdong The talent pyramid has “a more solid base, a stronger body, and a higher spire.” Regarding talents as treasures, the key is to let them be put to use and let the treasures shine. We must not only create more platforms and opportunities, but also open up channels for realizing the value of talents, so that all types of talents have an adequate stage for research, exploration and innovation, and gain due benefits from the transfer and transformation of results. The province has introduced a plan to give scientific researchers in public institutions greater rights to benefit from the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. There are many experts and leading talents participating in the meeting today. I would like to thank you all for your contributions to Guangdong. I also hope that you will carry forward the spirit of scientists, "sharpen a sword for ten years" and devote yourself to research, write papers on the vast land, and promote industrial scientific and technological innovation. Contribute wisdom, achieve career, and gain happiness.

We must work together with the enterprise. Guangdong enterprises dare to innovate and persevere. Huawei, Midea, BYD, etc. have grown into world-class innovative enterprises in the long-term market baptism. A series of specialized and new enterprises have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. This is a solid foundation for us to promote industrial technological innovation. and strong confidence. It is necessary to fully support enterprises to be the protagonists of innovation, promote the accumulation of innovation resources in high-quality enterprises, and coordinate the efforts of government, industry, academia and research to overcome "stuck neck" technologies, forge "free trump card" technologies, and develop more "root technologies" so that enterprises can strengthen their backbone. stand up. Quality is life, efficiency is life. It is necessary to support enterprises in actively using new technologies, new equipment, new materials, and new processes to improve product quality, increase production efficiency, and remain invincible in market competition. It is necessary to use the overall improvement of enterprise production technology to drive industrial transformation and upgrading, so that traditional industries can grow old trees and new flowers, emerging industries compete to develop, and future industries are nurtured and incubated. The province will launch a number of new major scientific research projects this year, promote technological transformation of 9,000 industrial enterprises, and promote the digital transformation of 9,200 industrial enterprises above designated size. Many companies have come today. Guangdong’s industrial technological innovation mainly depends on you. I hope you will actively participate and resonate with Guangdong’s high-quality development.

We need to use the market to create momentum. The market is the most important incubator, accelerator and amplifier for industrial technological innovation. Having a large-scale market can provide a testing ground for various new technologies and new business formats, and can accommodate the competitive growth of multiple technological routes, allowing technologies and products that truly have development advantages and are in line with the direction of industrial upgrading to stand out. We must deeply grasp the evolutionary logic of industrial scientific and technological innovation, and effectively transform the unique advantage of the ultra-large-scale market into advantages and winning trends in accelerating innovation and development. It is necessary to condense scientific research issues according to market demand, rely on market advantages to attract innovative resources, use market mechanisms to realize the value of innovation, and let market forces inspire more vigorous innovation momentum. We will launch a batch of new application scenarios to allow more new technologies and new products to be first applied and promoted in the Guangdong market, accelerating iterative upgrades. We will also actively develop the market for innovation factors such as science and technology finance, technology, and data, promote the deep integration of the innovation chain, industrial chain, capital chain, and talent chain, and create a better innovation ecosystem.

We need vitality from reform. Scientific and technological innovation and institutional innovation are like the two wheels of a car and the two wings of a bird. They promote each other and are indispensable. It is necessary to focus on the development of new productive forces, make good "first moves" in reform, promptly promote the reform of local science and technology management institutions, drive the reform of the science and technology system to develop in depth and specific areas, and effectively break through the stuck points that restrict industrial science and technology innovation. In this regard, we would like to express special thanks to the guidance provided by the national ministries and commissions, the strong support from all parties in Hong Kong and Macao, the help provided by overseas Chinese, and the active participation of the provincial democratic parties, the Federation of Industry and Commerce and non-partisan persons. The new national system is a powerful tool to conquer key core technologies. We must actively explore specific paths, promote the close integration of promising governments and effective markets, promote "organized scientific research" and "organized transformation", and better realize the transformation from science and technology to enterprise strength. , strong industry and strong economy. It is necessary to continue to create a policy and institutional environment that is conducive to innovation, implement inclusive and prudent supervision, and strengthen intellectual property protection so that every innovative behavior is respected by the market and every innovative achievement can form market value. "Decoupling and breaking links" and "high walls in small courtyards" are small tricks, while international cooperation in the science and technology industry is a major trend. We must persist in promoting reform and innovation through openness, deploy industrial scientific and technological innovation in a broader space, and enhance scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance through open cooperation.

Comrades, friends! China in the new era and new journey will create a new world. Standing on the land of Lingnan that generations of people have struggled and dedicated to, and heading towards new goals, we should be full of pride and confidence. Confidence comes from 10 years of great practice in the new era. Ten years of hard work have been extraordinary. General Secretary Xi Jinping has led us to work together and forge ahead. Based on the foundation laid by our predecessors, we have historically solved the problem of absolute poverty, achieved the goal of moderate prosperity in all respects, and written a new chapter of the "Two Miracles". China's development has a new look, a new pattern, and a new atmosphere. The historic achievements and changes we have made are rare in the long history of mankind. These tangible progress make every Chinese feel proud, undermine the fallacies and heresies that denigrate China, and allow more and more far-sighted international people to praise us. Confidence comes from a good start to the new journey. In the past year, in the face of a chaotic external environment and difficulties and challenges that exceeded expectations, under the strong leadership of the General Secretary and the Party Central Committee, China’s economy achieved an optimal combination of “stable growth, stable prices, and stable employment”. It is "the scenery here is uniquely good". Guangdong, like the rest of the country, is making steady progress while making steady progress. The economy grew by 4.8%, with the total volume taking the lead to exceed 13 trillion yuan, and the economic structure was further optimized. What is particularly gratifying is that we have made many breakthroughs in key core technologies, new technologies, new industries and new kinetic energy are booming. The transformation and upgrading of the four trillion-yuan cities of Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Foshan and Dongguan has accelerated, and the path of high-quality development is getting closer and closer. broad. Confidence comes from the favorable location and people in Guangdong. Spring is everywhere in Lingnan, making it easy to work all year round. We have a permanent population of 127 million, and about 150 million people live in Guangdong every day. The lively popularity brings vigorous vitality and prosperity. We have more than 18 million business entities and more than 75,000 high-tech enterprises. State-owned enterprises, private enterprises, and foreign enterprises are all willing to take root here. When the spring blossomed last year, the General Secretary once again visited Guangdong in person, giving us the mission of being at the forefront of promoting Chinese-style modernization and giving the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area a new positioning of "one point, two places". The General Secretary also paid a visit to Guangdong at home and abroad. Friends have issued a call to come to China, come to Guangdong, and come to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area! We have implemented the spirit of the important instructions of the General Secretary’s important speech during his inspection of Guangdong, made specific “1310” arrangements, guided by high-quality development, and solidly promoted the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Guangdong. We have communicated with many friends over the past year, and everyone will review every detail of the General Secretary’s inspection. They all said that Guangdong is a place where people can realize their dreams, where they can innovate and create, and where they can achieve careers.

The most important thing is spring. Today, we have arranged for relevant municipal and provincial departments and representatives from the business community and science and technology education circles to give speeches. This is not only to clarify goals and determination, but also to clarify ideas and methods. It will create a strong atmosphere of comparing learning and catching up, striving for excellence, and stimulating the whole province. Enthusiasm to work early, go to the fields more often, and do backbreaking work. Everyone worked hard last year and achieved remarkable results; this year we must continue to work hard and produce better results. I hope everyone will roll up their sleeves and work hard, work hard day and night, and make progress in Guangdong with the hard work of you and me!

Comrades, friends! The most important thing is simplicity, hard work is the key. In the blessed land of Lingnan, the rain is gentle and the wind is gentle. History will not let down innovators and strivers. Let us unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, promote the spirit of self-confidence and self-improvement, demonstrate ever-changing creativity, strive to promote Guangdong to be at the forefront in promoting Chinese-style modernization, and achieve the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China with outstanding results. Anniversary tribute!

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