Showing posts with label Enterprises. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Enterprises. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Specialized, Specialized and New | "Targeted Measures" for the Transformation and Upgrading of Specialized, Specialized and New Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

 Specialized, Specialized and New | "Targeted Measures" for the Transformation and Upgrading of Specialized, Specialized and New Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

  Published in Guangdong on 2024-01-24 18:22

Source|Dazhong Daily


In recent years, my country's small and medium-sized enterprises have faced greater pressure due to factors such as insufficient demand and external uncertainty. Although specialized and innovative small and medium-sized enterprises have performed well overall, they still face some specific difficulties. The introduction of a policy does not mean its implementation. Governments at all levels must carefully focus on strategic research, policy implementation and cadre use, and carefully build a coordination mechanism for business-friendly policies.

Small and medium-sized enterprises are the new force of social and economic development, and specialized and new enterprises are the "leaders" of small and medium-sized enterprises. The Central Economic Work Conference proposed to promote the specialization and new development of small and medium-sized enterprises. In recent years, my country's small and medium-sized enterprises have faced greater pressure due to factors such as insufficient demand and external uncertainty. Although specialized and innovative small and medium-sized enterprises have performed well overall, they still face some specific difficulties. The author recently conducted a survey on the development status and problems faced by specialized, specialized, and new small and medium-sized enterprises.

What difficulties are faced by the development of specialized, specialized and new small and medium-sized enterprises?

Research shows that in recent years, in the face of economic pressure, the government's intensive introduction of a series of tax cuts and fee reductions and enterprise-friendly policies have exerted a certain buffering effect, and specialized, special and new small and medium-sized enterprises have shown a certain degree of resilience and vitality. However, the foundation for stabilization and recovery is still not solid, which is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

The market is declining and shrinking, and product orders are insufficient. Affected by the global economic downturn and domestic labor, logistics, capital and other factors, many companies are unable to fulfill their export contracts. Some companies reported that due to the impact of the downturn in consumption, corporate profits, revenue, and output value have declined to varying degrees.

There is insufficient motivation for innovation and slow corporate transformation. Some technical labor-based OEM manufacturers actually have no independent brands, core technologies, or independent designs. Affected by market fluctuations, shortages of raw materials, funds, and labor cost pressures, they have insufficient R&D investment and lack innovation. At the same time, technological transformation, transformation and upgrading of enterprises are slow, and there is a significant gap compared with enterprises in advanced cities.

The price of raw materials is increasing, and the cost of enterprises is increasing day by day. While orders have been reduced or "stopped", raw material prices have continued to increase. The impact of imported inflation and excessive currency in Europe and the United States has further raised corporate production costs. Some small and medium-sized enterprises are too weak to absorb costs on their own and have to raise product prices, entering an "infinite cycle" of increasing production costs - high product prices - and reduced production orders.

The "two chains" are unstable and difficult to integrate and develop. The industrial chain and supply chain of some cities or regions are highly dependent on foreign countries, and the phenomenon of "gathering but not integrating" is more prominent. Most small and medium-sized enterprises in the industrial chain "downstream cannot match upstream (raw materials and parts), and it is difficult for upstream to find downstream (application scenarios). )", it is difficult to accurately connect with leading companies and share the dividends of local industry transformation and development.

The turnover of employees is serious and it is difficult to introduce professional talents. Research shows that small and medium-sized enterprises in some cities or regions have the highest labor costs. As labor costs increase, employee turnover becomes increasingly serious. It is also difficult for enterprises in some cities or regions to introduce and recruit emerging professional technologies and high-end skilled talents.

Policies are uncoordinated and implementation is not precise. Some companies have reported that although the preferential policies are good, they are not easy to obtain. The policy is short-lived, highly variable, and the support is insufficient. The impact of economic pressure is long-term, while policy subsidies are relatively tight in time limit and have no continuity. In terms of attracting investment, policies tend to favor new companies, which objectively affects the enthusiasm of local companies. In addition, there are too many parks and they are diverse and scattered, and there are even phenomena such as "poaching" of projects and "involution" of policies between parks. In order to obtain more policy dividends, some companies have long-term listings and repeated arbitrage.

The construction of the park is relatively lagging behind, and the innovation environment needs to be improved. Science and technology industrial parks are gathering places for specialized, innovative, small and medium-sized enterprises, and are also the focus of evaluation of enterprise-friendly policies. The enterprise-friendly policies of some cities or regions lag behind those of advanced cities, which is mainly reflected in the innovation environment of parks and the gap between the quantity and quality of enterprises. Some parks have vague strategies, extensive services, low entry barriers, outdated investment attraction routines, and lagging cluster construction. The introduced projects are mostly production and processing, intermediary service, and disguised real estate projects, with fewer high-end and leading projects.

Accelerate the transformation and upgrading of specialized, specialized and new small and medium-sized enterprises with pragmatic, precise and effective policies and measures

Scientifically formulate policies and promote the precise implementation of enterprise-friendly policies. The introduction of a policy does not mean its implementation. Governments at all levels must carefully focus on strategic research, policy implementation and cadre use, and carefully build a coordination mechanism for business-friendly policies. On the one hand, a seven-in-one policy formulation process of "government, industry, academia, research, capital introduction" has been established, and representatives of specialized, specialized, and new small and medium-sized enterprises have been invited to participate in policy formulation and demonstration; an "enterprise policy service through train" has been opened to accept enterprise demands and regularly carry out enterprise Conduct research and policy service “meet-and-greets” to increase the publicity of policies that benefit enterprises, and proactively assist and guide enterprises to solve their problems. On the other hand, based on the current domestic and international situation, we should accelerate the formulation of enterprise-friendly policies to expand market space across domains and encourage small and medium-sized enterprises to actively explore new markets. At the same time, a special team for benefiting enterprises is organized to conduct regular inspections and make timely adjustments when problems are discovered to further implement policies and achieve effective results. To improve the accuracy of policy implementation, we can use digital, networked, and intelligent means to increase the intensity of precise policy identification, precise policy implementation, and precise supervision, so as to achieve a virtuous cycle of policy "release-implementation-supervision" and provide enterprises with accurate Service and element guarantee.

Strengthen industrial supporting facilities and further improve the supply chain. Carry out supply and demand cooperation and docking activities for specialized and special new enterprises to "make up for shortcomings" and "fill in gaps", promote technical cooperation, product matching, and supply and demand docking between small and medium-sized enterprises and large enterprises, help enterprises use the Internet platform to carry more value-added services, and participate in strengthening Chain complement chain construction. Encourage leading enterprises to focus on the outstanding problems existing in the "three chains" and publish supporting product and service procurement plans for small and medium-sized enterprises. Use projects as carriers and adopt "contract scientific research" or service outsourcing forms to publish technological innovation and scientific research supporting needs and share technological achievements. and social resources. With the support of policy funds, we will promote large and medium-sized enterprises to build a professional and mutually beneficial "supply and demand alliance" to share orders, offset risks, and develop together. At the same time, we will vigorously cultivate local suppliers and enhance the parts matching rate and the integrity and flexibility of the supply chain by improving the supporting supply capabilities of local suppliers. Actively "check for deficiencies and fill them up", and attract key parts and components supporting companies to establish "enclaves" in the industrial park based on supporting shortcomings in the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain to increase the sustainability of corporate supply and development resilience.

Accurately connect supply and demand and consolidate talent landing policies. Over the years, although some cities or regions have introduced some preferential policies for talents, compared with advanced cities, service standards are not high, policy commitments are weak, and actual results are insufficient. It is necessary to actively introduce the implementation measures of "green channel + policy service" for enterprise talents, and improve the talent introduction standards and service standards for specialized, special and new enterprises. Professional talents with leading, original, breakthrough technologies and high-end projects, as well as highly skilled and highly intelligent talents that are urgently needed by enterprises, will be given different guidance in accordance with the policy of "applying policies according to individual needs and supporting on demand". Talent (recommended talent) rewards and subsidies and service packages; provide comprehensive policy support to specialized, special and new small and medium-sized enterprises to meet corporate talent needs through flexible cooperation, service outsourcing, technology holding and other methods. At the same time, with specialized and new enterprises as the focus, we will establish a high-growth, strategic and pioneering future industry practice base for key universities and scientific research institutions across the country, introduce relevant enterprise-friendly policies, promote the accurate docking of talent supply and demand, and provide small and medium-sized enterprises with Enterprises solve problems related to talent shortage.

Identify the key links and solve the “old difficulty” of financing. The survey shows that most small and medium-sized enterprises report a shortage of funds and high financing pressure. To this end, in addition to implementing policy subsidies, a financing project library involving government departments, financial institutions, etc. should be established. In some key projects of city or regional key R&D plans, separate special budgets are allocated to fund R&D activities of specialized, innovative, small and medium-sized enterprises. In order to meet the "small, frequent and urgent" capital needs of specialized, special and innovative small and medium-sized enterprises, we will accelerate the development of financial products for patent right pledge and trademark exclusive right pledge for specialized, special and innovative small and medium-sized enterprises. For high-quality projects involving future industries, credit loans, the proportion of first-time borrowers, and the proportion of medium- and long-term loans can be continuously increased in installments. Encourage the financial sector to cooperate with venture capital institutions, actively innovate investment and loan linkage service mechanisms, further expand financing channels, continue to increase credit support for specialized and new enterprises, drive the entry of social capital, jointly cultivate key industrial projects, and truly transform enterprises Upgrade high-quality development empowerment.

Implement strategic reorganization and promote the transformation of specialized and new parks. In response to the accumulated problems in the park, strategic reorganization, structural transformation, and professional "transformation" will be implemented. In the face of the shortage of land resources and insufficient high-quality and efficient utilization, we insist on not paving the way, blindly expanding the park, and not developing low-quality projects. We make full use of idle properties in high-tech zones and other parks, improve the efficiency of housing and land use, and use policies to benefit enterprises. Construction of college, university, specialized and new industrial parks and future industrial bases. Guide specialized, specialized and new enterprises to "go upstairs" in industry, expand specialization and differentiated competitive advantages, and accelerate the intensive development of industrial space. Experts from advanced provinces and cities can be introduced to mix and match to form a review team to improve the quality standards of specialized and new enterprises entering the park. In accordance with relevant national requirements, we will strictly evaluate the introduction of companies with technological advancement, uniqueness and maturity, and eliminate fake and shoddy technology companies and "zombie companies". Clarify the leading direction of industrial development in the park and encourage the park to carry out professional docking and high-end project cooperation.

Aim at the "three directs" and improve government service standards. It is necessary to fulfill commitments, implement policies, and achieve service standards of direct access to policies, direct handling of appeals, and direct services. Relevant departments should implement list management of service matters, so as to "do not disturb anything and respond to everything", meet the needs of enterprises, create a comprehensive service platform for enterprises integrating "inquiry, inquiry, handling and evaluation", and standardize the "one-stop service" "Door, one window, one time" service, optimize and upgrade the "enterprise service map". Implement "one-stop service", "city-wide service" and "first-ask-responsibility system, two-question-final system" to solve various difficult and urgent matters around the clock to further reduce the burden on enterprises. At the same time, policies that benefit enterprises must not discriminate between good and bad. The government must provide high-level policies and high-precision services, formulate service standardization, standardization, and facilitation plans, strengthen online and offline third-party supervision and evaluation, and implement a "good and bad review" system for enterprise services. , provide transparent and feasible policy measures in terms of fair competition, labor management, intellectual property rights, product quality, bidding management, bankruptcy protection system, public opinion guidance, etc.

Zhaoqing New Area Economic Promotion Bureau

Address: within the Management Committee of Zhaoqing New Area, No. 1 Jinhua Road, Dinghu District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel: 86-758-2583333

Fax: 86-758-2588213


Investment Promotion Bureau of Gaoyao District

Address: No.201, Nanxing 1st Road, Nan'an Street, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Tel: 86-758-8392673

Fax: 86-758-8200738


Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City

Tel: 86-758-3611228

Fax: 86-758-3611188



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