Showing posts with label 广东招商引资好地方. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 广东招商引资好地方. Show all posts

Monday, October 24, 2022




1、四会大旺-创新大道  跨北江  对接 三水-三花公路-对接花都

2、四会大旺-工业大道  跨北江  对接 三水-黄南路-礼仪大道

3、高要白土-双金一路   跨西江  对接 三水-汇金路-桂丹西路-对接南海

4、鼎湖 堤坝路   跨北江  对接 三水 西青大道


4、四会大沙-富溪工业园  跨西江  对接  高要-金陶工业园

5、鼎湖-永安工业园   跨西江  对接  鼎湖沙浦

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Zhaoqing attracts investment from all over the world_Investment paradise


Zhaoqing attracts investment from all over the world

Zhaoqing attracts investment from all over the world

In 2022, the world economy will be unstable, and the economy of all countries and cities will be excessively dependent on real estate.

Zhaoqing attracts investment from all over the world

The real estate foam is bound to burst. The world economy will return to the new path of relying on industry, high-tech and information industry to drive the economy.

I found that there is a paradise here, which is close to the Pearl River Delta, and very close to Guangzhou and Hong Kong. The land and labor here are very cheap.

It is a paradise for entrepreneurship.

Zhaoqing attracts investment from all over the world

This is Zhaoqing.

Zhaoqing, located at the edge of the Pearl River Delta, is very little affected by the epidemic, and its industrial base is as backward as Vietnam and India. It is a depression in the Pearl River Delta.

Zhaoqing attracts investment from all over the world

The consciousness of people here is also very backward, which is still an agricultural economy and society. Industrial construction will not start until 2022. It is about 30 years behind the third note.

So industrial land and labor are very cheap. Even cheaper than Vietnam and India.

Zhaoqing attracts investment from all over the world

It is rare in the world. Zhaoqing, like Hong Kong and Guangzhou, speaks both Cantonese and English. Zhaoqing's legal awareness and contract compliance are excellent.

Zhaoqing is located at the edge of the Pearl River Delta. Its industrial level is very backward, like that of Africa, Vietnam and India. However, the traffic in Zhaoqing is very convenient and has not been developed for so many years. Probably in the past few decades, everyone has overlooked. Zhaoqing has a huge amount of land, water resources and human resources, which have not been developed and utilized. Now we warmly hope that businesses from all over the world will come here to start businesses and establish production bases and headquarters. Zhaoqing has 70% forest coverage. The natural environment here is as excellent as Europe, but the industrial construction here is as backward as Africa. I believe that customers in Europe and America will feel that the natural environment here is very good and the air is very fresh.

Zhaoqing attracts investment from all over the world

Zhaoqing has docks, high-speed railways and airports,

It is very convenient for foreign businessmen to set up factories and headquarters to engage in export economy. The terminal can be directly exported to the United States, Europe and Japan.

Zhaoqing attracts investment from all over the world

Here in Zhaoqing, Xijiang River passes by. Xijiang River is the second largest river in China. There are endless water resources here. The price of water is very cheap, and the price of electricity is very cheap. Near zero cost.

Many customers in the United States, Europe and Japan have no problems in Zhaoqing because of high land prices, high electricity prices and high water prices.

Zhaoqing attracts investment from all over the world

In the faltering world economy, Zhaoqing is like Noah's Ark for businesses all over the world. When crises broke out in other places,

Zhaoqing is a paradise where businesses can safely produce and do business. Completely unaffected by the world economy.

Zhaoqing attracts investment from all over the world

Welcome customers from the United States, Japan, Europe and the Middle East to set up factories and headquarters in Zhaoqing.

Here, you can do business globally at a very low cost. The policy is very loose and free.

Zhaoqing attracts investment from all over the world

I believe that the economy here will take off and develop at a high speed. Businessmen and customers in Zhaoqing will gain huge profits.

Enterprise observation and feedback

Dinghu Investment Promotion Bureau: 


Sihui Investment Promotion Bureau: 



Dawang Investment Promotion Bureau:



Gaoyao Investment Promotion Bureau: 



























Moving the factory to Sihui, Zhaoqing --- a conversation between two bosses from Guangdong 搬工廠去肇慶四會----兩個廣東老闆的對話

Moving the factory to Sihui, Zhaoqing --- a conversation between two bosses from Guangdong A: What happened to your factory in Vietnam recen...