Friday, April 28, 2023

China (Guangning) Bamboo Industry Innovation and Development Summit Held: Expanding and Strengthening the "One Bamboo" Bamboo Township in Guangning, China

China (Guangning) Bamboo Industry Innovation and Development Summit Held: Expanding and Strengthening the "One Bamboo" Bamboo Township in Guangning, China

Investment Zhaoqing 2023-03-27 18:53 Published in Guangdong

Using bamboo as a medium to make friends.

Yang Chunguang, President of the China Association for the Promotion of International Economic and Technological Cooperation, Su Zuyun, Deputy Director of the Reform and Development Department of the State Forestry and Grassland Administration, Yin Gangqiang, Secretary of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the International Center for Bamboo and Rattan, Yu Wenji, President of the National Bamboo Industry Research Institute and Chief Scientist of the Chinese Academy of Forestry, Fang Wei, Director of the Bamboo Research Institute of Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University and Deputy Director of the Bamboo Branch of the Chinese Society of Forestry, Chen Junguang, Director of the Provincial Forestry Bureau, Zhang Aijun, Secretary of the Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee Mayor Xu Xiaoxiong and other national and provincial authorities, as well as relevant leaders of Zhaoqing City, Guangning County, and industry associations, as well as more than 500 well-known domestic experts, merchants, and guests, participated in the event.

China (Guangning) Bamboo Industry Innovation and Development Summit

△ Photographed by Liu Chunlin, a journalist from Xijiang Daily

Su Zuyun congratulated the grand opening of the summit.

Su Zuyun stated that

Vigorously developing the bamboo industry is conducive to unleashing the benefits of the "four reservoirs" of bamboo forests, and has important significance and unique advantages in promoting regional economic development, rural revitalization, and ecological civilization construction. Guangning is the hometown of bamboo in China and also the county with the largest bamboo area in Guangdong Province. This summit fully showcases the advantages of bamboo resources, policy advantages, and industrial development achievements in Guangning. It has built a good communication platform for the innovative development of the bamboo industry and will effectively promote the bamboo industry to a higher level. The National Forestry and Grassland Administration will continue to support Guangdong Province in vigorously developing the forestry industry, support Guangning County in creating a national bamboo industry demonstration park, and jointly promote the innovative development of the bamboo industry.

Yin Gangqiang expressed that

The bamboo industry integrates economic, ecological, and social benefits. The International Bamboo and Rattan Center will take the opportunity of signing a cooperation framework agreement with Guangning County to fully leverage its talent and technological advantages. In the fields of bamboo resource cultivation, bamboo processing and utilization, bamboo carbon sink development, bamboo ecological station construction, bamboo brand promotion, and bamboo industry technology talent cultivation, it will provide technological support for the development of the entire industry chain of Guangning bamboo industry and help promote the high-quality development of the bamboo industry in Ningning.

Chen Junguang stated that

In recent years, Guangdong has adhered to the goal of ecological beauty, industrial prosperity, and people's prosperity, accelerated the cultivation of bamboo resources, implemented the construction of bamboo brands, and promoted the innovative development of the bamboo industry. Next, the Provincial Forestry Bureau will take the opportunity to further promote the ecological construction of green and beautiful Guangdong, vigorously promote the development of characteristic bamboo industries such as replacing plastic with bamboo, wood with bamboo, and cotton with bamboo, fully support key regions such as Guangning to expand and strengthen the bamboo industry, and contribute Guangdong's strength to the high-quality development of the national bamboo industry.

Xu Xiaoxiong represents the Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee and Government

Welcome to the leaders and guests of the summit.

Xu Xiaoxiong stated that

Zhaoqing always adheres to the concept of "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains", combines the implementation of the provincial "high-quality development project of hundreds of counties, thousands of towns, and thousands of villages" with the ecological construction of green and beautiful Guangdong, adheres to industrial ecology and ecological industrialization, and cooperates to promote high-level protection and high-quality development. Zhaoqing will focus on the high-level construction of Guangning Bamboo Industry Base, actively utilizing new concepts, technologies, and formats to promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional bamboo industry, transforming small bamboo into a large industry, and making bamboo forests a beautiful scenic and economic line.

Chen Chaochang, Secretary of Guangning County Party Committee, stated

I hope to build a bridge through this summit, so that more friends can get to know and support Guangning, and invest and prosper in this charming bamboo land with ten "bamboos". Guangning will take this summit as a new starting point, focusing on expanding and strengthening "one bamboo", developing the bamboo industry according to local conditions, accelerating the construction of "three zones and one base", actively cultivating leading enterprises "using bamboo as a substitute for plastic", developing a strong bamboo industry cluster, striving to achieve "one bamboo for the people", and continuously polishing the brand of "China's hometown of bamboo".

△ Photographed by Liu Chunlin, a journalist from Xijiang Daily

The convening of this summit aims to build a platform for in-depth communication and cooperation between experts, scholars, industry associations, entrepreneur representatives, and local party committees and governments in the national bamboo industry, in order to promote the high-quality development of the bamboo industry in Guangning. At the meeting, the relevant person in charge of Guangning County made a bamboo industry investment promotion to the attending guests. The International Bamboo and Rattan Center and the Guangning County People's Government signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement for high-quality development of the bamboo industry. 23 key bamboo industry projects have been signed on-site, with a total investment of 3.92 billion yuan.

The summit also held activities such as the Bamboo Industry Innovation and Development Forum and the Bamboo Industry Development Academician Expert Symposium. Domestic bamboo industry experts and scholars were invited to give keynote speeches on bamboo fiber, bamboo machinery, carbon sequestration, bamboo shoot planting, and other aspects, to jointly discuss and promote the innovation and development of the bamboo industry.

Investors from all over the world are welcome to visit, inspect and invest in Guangning County.

Investors from all over the world are welcome to travel, inspect and invest in Zhaoqing.

Guangning County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: No. 6, Daxin Road, Chebeidong, Nanjie Town, Guangning County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel: +86 758 8639338

Fax: +86 758 8669831


Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel: +86 758 2899202

Fax: +86 758 2282600


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