Friday, December 9, 2022

Adhere to the principle of strong industry and priority of manufacturing industry, and the proportion of introduced manufacturing projects exceeds 90%! Zhaoqing Investment Attraction Precise Effort!

 Adhere to the principle of strong industry and priority of manufacturing industry, and the proportion of introduced manufacturing projects exceeds 90%! Zhaoqing Investment Attraction Precise Effort!

Invested in Zhaoqing 2022-11-14, published in Guangdong at 20:45

Adhere to the principle of strong industry and priority of manufacturing industry, and the proportion of introduced manufacturing projects exceeds 90%! Zhaoqing Investment Attraction Precise Effort!

As of the end of October this year,

Zhaoqing has introduced 185 projects worth more than 100 million yuan

The total planned investment exceeds 40 billion yuan,

The proportion of manufacturing projects exceeds 90%,

Moreover, the quality and intensity of the project have been steadily improved.

Adhere to the principle of strong industry and priority of manufacturing industry, and the proportion of introduced manufacturing projects exceeds 90%! Zhaoqing Investment Attraction Precise Effort!

Zhaoqing has achieved good results in attracting investment,

It can not be separated from the city's merchants

Be energetic and go all out!

Since this year,

Our city continues to increase

Efforts to implement industrial investment promotion.

Plan the city's resource strength and improve the quality and efficiency of investment promotion. At the same time, we should be pragmatic and innovative in investment promotion. When it is not convenient to go out, we should actively carry out "cloud investment promotion" and "cloud docking" with customers; Actively use their own "circle of friends" to expand resources, such as further implementing local investment promotion, targeting the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain owners and suppliers to carry out "point-to-point" investment promotion, while further exploring new investment promotion modes such as fund investment promotion, big data investment promotion, constantly expanding investment channels and improving the investment target.

Zhaoqing New Area. Map source issued by Zhaoqing New Area

Investment promotion is important, and landing is even more important.

In order to ensure the implementation of the project as soon as possible, our city has made a number of reforms this year, such as deeply promoting the simplification of administration and decentralization of power, and improving the autonomous power of county level selection. Strengthen the construction services, optimize the "mother service", set up "chief service officers" in many places, and strive to solve the problems of blocking points, difficulties and pain points in all links of the whole process of the project. We will deepen the activities of "projects are the king, enterprises are the first, and services are deepened to stabilize growth", strengthen the tracking service and coordination of key projects, and promote industrial investment projects to form more physical workload.

For example, Huaiji County changed the focus of work to the implementation of the project, coordinated to solve the problems of "three supplies and one leveling" in the promotion of the project, and made every effort to accelerate the progress of the project. The High tech Zone holds weekly project construction coordination meetings to study and solve the problems in the process of promoting industrial projects in the zone, establish a work task supervision account, timely handle enterprise demands, and coordinate with relevant functional departments to solve them. Since this year, 136 appeals put forward by enterprises have been accepted and coordinated.

Zhaoqing High tech Zone. Photographed by Wang Zhenyu

Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster

It is the center of the city's work,

The cluster area is planned and constructed at the same time, and investment attraction is carried out simultaneously.

On the one hand, the investment attraction work in the cluster area has a clear goal, closely focusing on the "1+1+2" industrial planning of the cluster area, and on the other hand, focusing on efficiency. The city level starting areas of the cluster area are concentrated in Dinghu District, Zhaoqing New Area, and Sihui City. The four units form a good communication mechanism for project selection and implementation services, and invite relevant functional departments such as development and reform, industry and information technology, natural resources, and ecological environment to participate in advance, and do a good job in project analysis, research and judgment, By strengthening linkage and collaboration, we will continue to optimize efficiency and promote the rapid implementation of high-quality projects.

The person in charge of the investment promotion of the headquarters said that in order to consciously control the project access and strengthen the project benefits, the cluster area has strengthened the depth and breadth of research and judgment. Combining with the actual situation, the proposed project has been comprehensively studied and judged from the aspects of the investment subject, project land use, construction and production content, input and output, energy consumption, environmental protection, etc. At present, the first draft of the selection and management methods for the manufacturing investment promotion projects in the cluster area has been formulated, and the headquarters The territorial government and the investor are responsible for this.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Dinghu District

Address: in the People's Government compound of Dinghu District, Luoyin Road, Dinghu District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-2626878

Fax:  0086-758-2626908


Investment Promotion Bureau of Gaoyao District

Address: No.201, Nanxing 1st Road, Nan'an Street, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Tel:   0086-758-8392673

Fax:  0086-758-8200738


Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188


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