Showing posts with label 百千萬工程. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 百千萬工程. Show all posts

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Huang Chuping, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial People's Congress, went to Sihui City, Zhaoqing to conduct a survey on the work of fixed-point contact

Huang Chuping, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial People's Congress, went to Sihui City, Zhaoqing to conduct a survey on the work of fixed-point contact

Sihui Municipal People's Congress 2024-06-26 23:20 Guangdong, China

Huang Chuping went to Sihui, Zhaoqing to conduct a survey on the work of fixed-point contact

Promote the implementation of the "Hundred Million Project" with greater efforts

On June 25, 2024, Huang Chuping, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial People's Congress, led a research team to Sihui City, Zhaoqing, to thoroughly study and implement the important speeches and instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping during his inspection of Guangdong, and to carry out the specific deployment of the "1310" of the Provincial Party Committee and the deployment requirements of the fixed-point contact work of provincial leaders. He conducted in-depth research on the front line and promoted Sihui to speed up the implementation of the "Hundred Million Project".

On June 25, 2024, Huang Chuping, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial People's Congress, went to the city-managed starting area of ​​Zhaoqing's large-scale industrial clusters to inspect the planning and construction.

On June 25, 2024, Huang Chuping, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial People's Congress, went to the city-managed starting area of ​​Zhaoqing's large-scale industrial clusters to inspect the planning and construction. 

In the city-managed starting area of ​​Zhaoqing's large-scale industrial clusters, Huang Chuping inspected the planning and construction on the spot, hoping to strengthen the construction of supporting facilities and create a distinctive ecological industrial new city. When investigating Tongyu New Materials (Guangdong) Co., Ltd., he affirmed that the company continued to innovate independently in the field of mid-to-high-end special resins and quickly grew into a specialized "little giant" enterprise, encouraging it to better drive the aggregation of upstream and downstream of the electronic information industry chain. After learning about the operation of Guangdong Gordon Aluminum Co., Ltd., he praised the company for accelerating transformation and upgrading, diversifying its layout, and leading the innovative development of the aluminum industry, and hoped to take a new path of high-end, intelligent, and green traditional manufacturing. Entering the Zhuangjia No. 7 Cultural and Creative Park, Huang Chuping asked in detail about the research and development, processing, and operation, and encouraged the continuous creation of a new benchmark for the integration of culture and art in the jade industry. After visiting Yuanxin Village, Dasha Town, he praised the local micro-transformation based on existing resources, and hoped to continue to explore the operation model of characteristic villages with multi-subject participation and multi-format creation.

On June 25, 2024, Huang Chuping, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial People's Congress, visited Tongyu New Materials (Guangdong) Co., Ltd. to investigate the company's independent innovation

On June 25, 2024, Huang Chuping, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial People's Congress, visited Tongyu New Materials (Guangdong) Co., Ltd. to investigate the company's independent innovation

On June 25, 2024, Huang Chuping, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial People's Congress, visited Guangdong Gordon Aluminum Co., Ltd. to investigate the transformation and upgrading of the enterprise.

On June 25, 2024, Huang Chuping, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial People's Congress, visited Guangdong Gordon Aluminum Co., Ltd. to investigate the transformation and upgrading of the enterprise. 

Huang Chuping pointed out that Sihui City has implemented the "Hundred Million Project" in a solid and effective manner, and the vertical group assistance work has been steadily advancing. He emphasized that as one of the first batch of pioneering typical counties in the province, Sihui has high requirements and heavy responsibilities for implementing the "Hundred Million Project". We must focus on improving the comprehensive strength of the county economy, work hard on major projects and investment promotion, accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system, build and use industrial development platforms well, make fine and active "local specialties" articles, rely on jade culture and other characteristic resources to develop cultural and tourism industries, and strive to become the vanguard of the county economy in the province. We must promote the construction of new urbanization with county towns as the carrier, strengthen the planning and construction of county towns, optimize the supply of infrastructure and public services such as hospitals and schools, and effectively improve the comprehensive carrying capacity of county towns to achieve the integration of industry, city and people. We must vigorously improve the living environment of towns and villages, speed up the progress of building typical towns and villages, fully promote the construction of beautiful towns, effectively improve the rural landscape, and develop rural tourism in accordance with local conditions and in combination with historical culture and ecological resources. We must do a good job in the vertical group assistance work. The General Office of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress should play a leading and coordinating role, focus on the requirements of the Provincial Party Committee and the needs of Sihui, do our best, strengthen the introduction of provincial resources, and form a joint force for assistance. Zhaoqing Sihui should play a leading role, implement the "No. 1 Project" in every specific work and project, and strive to implement the "Hundreds of Millions of Projects" in depth and continuously achieve solid results.

On June 25, 2024, Huang Chuping, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, went to Zhuangjia No. 7 Cultural and Creative Park to investigate the research and development, processing, and operation of enterprises.

On June 25, 2024, Huang Chuping, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, went to Zhuangjia No. 7 Cultural and Creative Park to investigate the research and development, processing, and operation of enterprises. 

On June 25, 2024, Huang Chuping, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial People's Congress, went to Yuanxin Village, Dasha Town, Sihui City to investigate the operation of characteristic villages.

On June 25, 2024, Huang Chuping, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial People's Congress, went to Yuanxin Village, Dasha Town, Sihui City to investigate the operation of characteristic villages. 

Xu Hong, Secretary-General of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial People's Congress, and relevant responsible comrades of Guangdong Radio and Television Network Co., Ltd. and the Pearl River Navigation Administration of the Ministry of Transport participated in the investigation.











四會市人大 2024-06-26 23:20 中國廣東







Sihui City--China's key cities for attracting foreign investment

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188


Sunday, May 19, 2024



投資肇慶 2024-05-19 14:32 廣東

四方鄉賢,玉城來會。 2024年5月18日,「四會星鄉賢‧助力百千萬」高品質發展大會召開,五湖四海歸來的四會鄉賢、紮根四會拼搏的企業家,相聚一堂,共敘鄉情,暢談商機,共 謀發展。

肇慶市委副書記池志雄,肇慶市人大常委會副主任周燕,肇慶市政協副主席冼以良,四會市委書記、市長翁卓輝等有關領導、廣東省四會商會理事會代表、鄉賢代表、社會 各界人士等共300多人參加活動。


近年來,四會成功入選全國綜合實力百強縣市、省首批以縣城為重要載體的新型城鎮化試點縣、省「百千萬工程」典型縣,並在省「百千萬工程」年度 考核中榮獲優秀等次。 這些成績的取得,離不開四會鄉賢、企業家一直以來的關心、支持,希望廣大鄉賢了解家鄉的發展機遇,積極助力家鄉“百千萬工程”,在投資興業時把家鄉作為首選 ,推動資本回流、專案回投、人才回鄉,一如既往支持四會社會事業發展。




返鄉看到家鄉「百千萬工程」及各項事業發展成果顯著,令人欣喜。 未來將持續關注支持家鄉建設、帶頭講好屬於四會的故事。


大會也舉行了「星鄉賢助力百千萬」高品質發展捐款及回贈愛心捐資牌匾儀式。 四會市協助「百千萬工程」公益行動和鄉村振興倡議以來,廣大鄉賢紛紛帶頭踴躍捐款、奉獻愛心,捐資款項超6000萬元。

活動期間,四會市相關領導及市內外重點鄉賢代表、台港澳及海外人士代表還先後來到肇慶高新區四會產業園協鑫項目現場、廣東金田銅業有限公司、大沙鎮元心 村等地進行實地參觀,實地感受家鄉日新月異的發展變化和可喜成績,共話四會發展藍圖。

01  做好鄉賢服務,畫好四會“同心圓”

近年來,四會高度重視鄉賢人才工作,聚焦美好四會共建共享目標,堅持把黨委政府所能、鄉賢人才所想、家鄉發展所需深度結合起來,用心用情做好鄉賢服務 聯絡工作。

掌握鄉賢工作導向,營造見賢思齊社會氛圍。 整理完成完整的鄉賢人才資料庫,積極走訪聯絡鄉賢,打造鄉賢文化宣傳陣地,展現鄉賢風采、弘揚鄉賢文化、延續鄉賢精神、培育家國情懷。

提供全面發展支撐,優化鄉賢回歸發展環境。 成立四會市鄉賢人才聯絡服務工作委員會,依托四會工商聯、廣東省四會商會等,建成鄉賢服務平台10餘個,充分發揮渠道資源優勢,為四會鄉賢回鄉幹事創業、 交流合作、專案資訊互通提供支援。

強化參政議政保障,暢通鄉賢訴求表達管道。 積極吸收運用鄉賢智慧、及時妥善解決鄉賢訴求,對作出重要貢獻的鄉賢優先推選為人大代表或政協委員,提高回歸鄉賢的榮譽感和成就感,實實在在做到鄉賢有呼聲 ,家鄉有回應。

02  發揮鄉賢優勢,按下招商「快轉鍵」

四會堅持把鄉賢招商作為招商引資工作的重要驅動,錨定高品質發展首要任務,圍繞落實“製造業當家”行動發揮鄉賢專業優勢,定向製造業項目招商;圍繞搶抓“雙區” 和橫琴、前海、南沙三大平台建設等重大機會發揮鄉賢人脈、資源優勢,定向重點城市、高新項目招商;圍繞廣州都市圈建設發揮鄉賢地域優勢,開展補鏈招商,著力推動經濟實現 質的有效提升和量的合理增長。

四會注重深入發掘鄉賢龐大人脈優勢,透過索菲亞公司、廣東省四會商會、國耀公司等鄉賢所在單位開展交流走訪、牽線搭橋,有效消除優質專案資訊差,先後開展精準招商活動10餘場 ,目前,四會有在談項目12個,類型包括先進裝備、金屬加工、食品飲料預製菜等,為四會縣域經濟壯大帶來更多可能。

2023年,四會引進製造業項目48個,計畫總投資額103.13億元,預計達產後年產值269.02億元;2024年第一季引進製造業計畫24個,計畫總投資額67.51億元,預計達 產後年產值110.79億元。

03  弘揚鄉賢文化,凝聚鄉賢“向心力”

聚力「百千萬工程」。 立足縣域資源優勢,四會精心規劃實施「百千萬工程」鄉賢項目,動員鄉賢投身「百千萬工程」典型鎮村建設、綠美四會生態建設等。 自2023年以來,種下鄉賢林約3.2萬棵,捐款修建村道30餘條,捐建村小組文化室和籃球場等公共設施40餘處,為實施「百千萬工程」和高品質發展 注入新動能。

聚力基層社會治理。 發掘鄉賢代表德高望重、地緣相親等優勢,發動鄉賢加入鎮調解委員會、村理事會等基層治理隊伍,協助調解糾紛、宣講政策、維護秩序,帶頭開展移風易俗、志願服務等鄉村治理活動,用鄉 賢文化涵育文明鄉風,大幅充實四會基層治理力量。

聚力公益慈善事業。 以鄉土鄉情、鄉愁鄉音為紐帶,廣泛聯絡四會各地鄉賢回鄉考察,動員他們圍繞完善家鄉公共設施、幫助家鄉困難學子、設立慈善基金等公益事業獻計出力,三年來,鄉賢回鄉 捐贈資金物資超5000萬元,開展幫助慰問活動過百場,幫助困難學子和優秀學生800餘人,慰問困難家庭30餘戶,在四會鄉賢共同努力下,基層民生福祉愈發厚實。

Sihui City Investment Promotion Center

Contact information

Tel: +86 758 3611228

Fax: +86 758 3611228



Friday, May 17, 2024



四會發布 2024-05-17 17:36 廣東




目前,四會切實當好肇慶市推進新型工業化主力軍、肇慶市域副中心城市,全力爭先百強榜、建設千億縣,建強省「百千萬工程」創先類典型縣,比任何時候 都需要包括鄉賢人才在內的各界人士攜手奮進。

一直以來,鄉賢都是建立美好四會的參與者、實踐者。 四會將以本次大會為契機,充分發揮鄉賢群英優勢,激發鄉賢回饋家鄉、創業創新熱情,有效整合鄉賢要素,凝聚鄉賢力量,激發鄉賢活力,為高品質發展注入強大動能 。

記者今天拜訪看到,主會場內,工作人員正在進行最後階段的會場佈置工作。 音響人員對會場燈光、音響等設備進行調試、檢查,全方位檢查問題隱患,確保各項設施設備正常運作。 主會場外,鄉賢大會宣傳廣告已在多個顯眼位置上畫。

據了解,首屆「四會星鄉賢‧助力百千萬」高品質發展大會,是四會近年來舉辦的層級、規格最高的大會之一。 為開好本次大會,組委會下設多個工作小組,明確分工、落實職責,對各項工作進行了精心的籌劃和準備,為“四會星鄉賢·助力百千萬”高質量 發展大會順利召開提供堅實保障。 本次大會邀請了市內外重點鄉賢代表、台港澳及海外人士代表,內容包括參觀了解四會產業園區規劃建設及新農村建設情況、介紹四會市鄉賢人才聯絡服務工作情況、鄉賢代表 宣讀《四會鄉賢共助高品質發展倡議書》、舉行「星鄉賢助力百千萬」高品質發展捐款儀式及回贈愛心捐款牌匾、觀看本土文藝表演、玉器拍賣、舉行項目簽約儀式等等, 其中簽約項目共33個,涵蓋製造業、文旅融合、現代化農業、社會民生等多個領域,計畫投資總額100.15億元,讓廣大鄉賢重新認識四會、選擇四會、投資四會。


Walking through Sihui City in China, the weather is very hot and there are many people in the jade and jewelry market.

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